The warnUnused MLBasis annotation can be used to report unused identifiers. This can be useful for catching bugs and for code maintenance (e.g., eliminating dead code). However, the warnUnused annotation can sometimes behave in counter-intuitive ways. This page gives some of the anomalies that have been reported.

  • Functions whose only uses are recursive uses within their bodies are not warned as unused:

    fun foo () = foo () : unit
    val bar = let fun baz () = baz () : unit in baz end
    Warning: z.sml 3.5.
      Unused variable: bar.
  • Components of actual functor argument that are necessary to match the functor argument signature but are unused in the body of the functor are warned as unused:

    functor Warning (type t val x : t) = struct
       val y = x
    structure X = Warning (type t = int val x = 1)
    Warning: z.sml 4.29.
      Unused type: t.
  • No component of a functor result is warned as unused. In the following, the only uses of f2 are to match the functor argument signatures of functor G and functor H and there are no uses of z:

    functor F(structure X : sig type t end) = struct
       type t = X.t
       fun f1 (_ : X.t) = ()
       fun f2 (_ : X.t) = ()
       val z = ()
    functor G(structure Y : sig
                               type t
                               val f1 : t -> unit
                               val f2 : t -> unit
                               val z : unit
                            end) = struct
       fun g (x : Y.t) = Y.f1 x
    functor H(structure Y : sig
                               type t
                               val f1 : t -> unit
                               val f2 : t -> unit
                               val z : unit
                            end) = struct
       fun h (x : Y.t) = Y.f1 x
    functor Z() = struct
       structure S = F(structure X = struct type t = unit end)
       structure SG = G(structure Y = S)
       structure SH = H(structure Y = S)
    structure U = Z()
    val _ = U.SG.g ()
    val _ = U.SH.h ()