[MLton-commit] r4397

Matthew Fluet MLton@mlton.org
Tue, 18 Apr 2006 18:19:37 -0700

Merge trunk revisions r4363:4396 into x86_64 branch

U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/Makefile
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/array.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/array2.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/mono-array.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/mono-vector.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/sequence.fun
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/sequence.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/vector.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/vector.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/integer/int.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/libs/basis-extra/basis-extra.mlb
A   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/misc/one.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/array.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/cont.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/pointer.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/vector.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/pack-real.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/real.fun
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/real.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/doc/license/README
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/cml/core-cml/event.sml
A   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlrisc-lib/
A   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/inet-sock.sml
A   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/socket.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/sources.cm
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/sources.mlb
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/string.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/string.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/vector.fun
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/vector.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/word.sml
A   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/word16.sml
A   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/word8-array-slice.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/pervasive/pervasive.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/sources.cm
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/sources.mlb
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/array.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/bin-io.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/mlton.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/pointer.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/proc-env.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/sources.cm
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/text-io.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/vector.sig
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/array.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/open-int32.sml
A   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/socket.sml
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/sources.cm
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/mlton/atoms/prim.fun
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/mlton/ssa/redundant-tests.fun
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/util/cm2mlb/cm2mlb-map
U   mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/util/cm2mlb/cm2mlb.sml


Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/Makefile
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/Makefile	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/Makefile	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -168,17 +168,19 @@
         # do not change "make" to "$(MAKE)" in the following line
 	cd $(BSDSRC)/package/freebsd && MAINTAINER_MODE=yes make build-package  
-LIBRARIES = ckit-lib cml mlnlffi-lib mlyacc-lib smlnj-lib
+LIBRARIES = ckit-lib cml mlnlffi-lib mlrisc-lib mlyacc-lib smlnj-lib
 .PHONY: libraries-no-check
 	mkdir -p $(LIB)/sml
 	cd $(LIB)/sml && rm -rf $(LIBRARIES)
 	$(MAKE) -C $(SRC)/lib/ckit-lib
+	$(MAKE) -C $(SRC)/lib/mlrisc-lib
 	$(MAKE) -C $(SRC)/lib/smlnj-lib
 	$(CP) $(SRC)/lib/cml/. $(LIB)/sml/cml
 	$(CP) $(SRC)/lib/ckit-lib/ckit/. $(LIB)/sml/ckit-lib
 	$(CP) $(SRC)/lib/mlnlffi/. $(LIB)/sml/mlnlffi-lib
+	$(CP) $(SRC)/lib/mlrisc-lib/MLRISC/. $(LIB)/sml/mlrisc-lib
 	$(CP) $(SRC)/lib/mlyacc/. $(LIB)/sml/mlyacc-lib
 	$(CP) $(SRC)/lib/smlnj-lib/smlnj-lib/. $(LIB)/sml/smlnj-lib
 	find $(LIB)/sml -type d -name .svn | xargs rm -rf

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/array.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/array.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/array.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -40,17 +40,11 @@
       structure ArraySlice: ARRAY_SLICE_EXTRA 
-      val rawArray: int -> 'a array
-      val unsafeSub: 'a array * int -> 'a
-      val unsafeUpdate: 'a array * int * 'a -> unit
       val concat: 'a array list -> 'a array
       val duplicate: 'a array -> 'a array
+      val rawArray: int -> 'a array
       val toList: 'a array -> 'a list
-      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'b array
-      (* Deprecated *)
-      val checkSlice: 'a array * int * int option -> int
-      (* Deprecated *)
-      val checkSliceMax: int * int option * int -> int
+      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a array * 'b
+      val unsafeSub: 'a array * int -> 'a
+      val unsafeUpdate: 'a array * int * 'a -> unit

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/array2.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/array2.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/array2.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -28,10 +28,28 @@
                         nrows: int option,
                         ncols: int option}
+      fun checkSliceMax (start: int, num: int option, max: int): int =
+         case num of
+            NONE =>
+               if Primitive.safe andalso (start < 0 orelse start > max) then
+                  raise Subscript
+               else
+                  max
+          | SOME num =>
+               if Primitive.safe
+                  andalso (start < 0
+                           orelse num < 0
+                           orelse start > max -? num) then
+                  raise Subscript
+               else
+                  start +? num
       fun checkRegion {base, row, col, nrows, ncols} =
-         let val (rows, cols) = dimensions base
-         in {stopRow = Array.checkSliceMax (row, nrows, rows),
-             stopCol = Array.checkSliceMax (col, ncols, cols)}
+         let
+            val (rows, cols) = dimensions base
+         in
+            {stopRow = checkSliceMax (row, nrows, rows),
+             stopCol = checkSliceMax (col, ncols, cols)}
       fun wholeRegion (a: 'a array): 'a region =
@@ -142,72 +160,12 @@
       fun modify trv f a = modifyi trv (f o #3) (wholeRegion a)
       fun tabulate trv (rows, cols, f) =
-         if !Primitive.usesCallcc
-            then
-               (* All this mess is careful to construct a list representing
-                * the array and then convert the list to the array after all
-                * the calls to f have been made, in case f uses callcc.
-                *)
-               let
-                  val size =
-                     if Primitive.safe andalso (rows < 0 orelse cols < 0)
-                        then raise Size
-                     else rows * cols handle Overflow => raise Size
-                  val (rows', cols', f) =
-                     case trv of
-                        RowMajor => (rows, cols, f)
-                      | ColMajor => (cols, rows, fn (c, r) => f (r, c))
-                  fun loopr (r, l) =
-                     if r >= rows'
-                        then l
-                     else
-                        let
-                           fun loopc (c, l) =
-                              if c >= cols'
-                                 then l
-                              else loopc (c + 1, f (r, c) :: l)
-                        in loopr (r + 1, loopc (0, l))
-                        end
-                  val l = loopr (0, [])
-                  val a = Primitive.Array.array size
-               in case trv of
-                  RowMajor =>
-                     (* The list holds the elements in row major order,
-                      * but reversed.
-                      *)
-                     let
-                        val _ =
-                           List.foldl (fn (x, i) =>
-                                       (Primitive.Array.update (a, i, x)
-                                        ; i -? 1))
-                           (size -? 1) l
-                     in
-                        ()
-                     end
-                | ColMajor =>
-                     (* The list holds the elements in column major order,
-                      * but reversed.
-                      *)
-                     let
-                        val _ =
-                           List.foldl (fn (x, (spot, r)) =>
-                                       (Primitive.Array.update (a, spot, x)
-                                        ; if r = 0
-                                             then (spot -? 1 +? size -? cols,
-                                                   rows -? 1)
-                                          else (spot -? cols, r -? 1)))
-                           (size -? 1, rows -? 1)
-                           l
-                     in
-                        ()
-                     end
-                  ; {rows = rows, cols = cols, array = a}
-               end
-         else
-            let val a = arrayUninit (rows, cols)
-            in modifyi trv (fn (r, c, _) => f (r, c)) (wholeRegion a)
-               ; a
-            end
+         let
+            val a = arrayUninit (rows, cols)
+            val () = modifyi trv (fn (r, c, _) => f (r, c)) (wholeRegion a)
+         in
+            a
+         end
       fun copy {src = src as {base, row, col, ...}: 'a region,
                 dst, dst_row, dst_col} =

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/mono-array.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/mono-array.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/mono-array.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
       val rawArray: int -> array
       val toList: array -> elem list
       val toPoly: array -> elem Array.array
-      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> elem * 'a) -> array
+      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> elem * 'a) -> array * 'a
       val unsafeSub: array * int -> elem
       val unsafeUpdate: array * int * elem -> unit

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/mono-vector.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/mono-vector.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/mono-vector.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
       val toList: vector -> elem list
       val tokens: (elem -> bool) -> vector -> vector list
       val translate: (elem -> vector) -> vector -> vector
-      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> elem * 'a) -> vector
+      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> elem * 'a) -> vector * 'a
       val unsafeSub: vector * int -> elem
       val vector: int * elem -> vector

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/sequence.fun
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/sequence.fun	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/sequence.fun	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -32,55 +32,28 @@
       fun seq0 () = fromArray (array 0)
+      (* unfoldi depends on the fact that the runtime system fills in the array
+       * with reasonable bogus values.
+       *)
       fun unfoldi (n, b, f) =
             val a = array n
             fun loop (i, b)  =
-               if i >= n
-                  then ()
+               if i >= n then
+                  b
                      val (x, b') = f (i, b)
-                     val _ = Array.update (a, i, x)
+                     val () = Array.update (a, i, x)
                      loop (i +? 1, b')
-            val _ = loop (0, b)
+            val b = loop (0, b)
-            fromArray a
+            (fromArray a, b)
-      (* Tabulate depends on the fact that the runtime system fills in the array
-       * with reasonable bogus values.
-       *)
-      fun tabulate (n, f) =
-         if !Primitive.usesCallcc
-            then
-               (* This code is careful to use a list to accumulate the 
-                * components of the array in case f uses callcc.
-                *)
-               let
-                  fun loop (i, l) =
-                     if i >= n
-                        then l
-                     else loop (i + 1, f i :: l)
-                  val l = loop (0, [])
-                  val a = array n
-                  fun loop (l, i) =
-                     case l of
-                        [] => ()
-                      | x :: l =>
-                           let val i = i -? 1
-                           in Array.update (a, i, x)
-                              ; loop (l, i)
-                           end
-               in loop (l, n)
-                  ; fromArray a
-               end
-         else
-            unfoldi (n, (), fn (i, ()) => (f i, ()))
+      fun tabulate (n, f) = #1 (unfoldi (n, (), fn (i, ()) => (f i, ())))
       fun new (n, x) = tabulate (n, fn _ => x)
@@ -218,25 +191,26 @@
                in loop (min1, min2)
             fun sequence (sl as T {seq, start, len}): 'a sequence =
-               if isMutable orelse (start <> 0 orelse len <> S.length seq)
-                  then map (fn x => x) sl
-               else seq
+               if isMutable orelse (start <> 0 orelse len <> S.length seq) then
+                  map (fn x => x) sl
+               else
+                  seq
             fun append (sl1: 'a slice, sl2: 'a slice): 'a sequence =
-               if length sl1 = 0
-                  then sequence sl2
-               else if length sl2 = 0
-                  then sequence sl1
+               if length sl1 = 0 then
+                  sequence sl2
+               else if length sl2 = 0 then
+                  sequence sl1
                      val l1 = length sl1
                      val l2 = length sl2
                      val n = l1 + l2 handle Overflow => raise Size
-                     unfoldi (n, (0, sl1),
-                              fn (_, (i, sl)) =>
-                                  if i < length sl
-                                     then (unsafeSub (sl, i), (i +? 1, sl))
-                                  else (unsafeSub (sl2, 0), (1, sl2)))
+                     #1 (unfoldi (n, (0, sl1),
+                                  fn (_, (i, sl)) =>
+                                  if i < length sl then
+                                     (unsafeSub (sl, i), (i +? 1, sl))
+                                  else (unsafeSub (sl2, 0), (1, sl2))))
             fun concat (sls: 'a slice list): 'a sequence =
                case sls of
@@ -247,17 +221,19 @@
                         val n = List.foldl (fn (sl, s) => s + length sl) 0 sls'
                                 handle Overflow => raise Size
-                        unfoldi (n, (0, sl, sls),
-                                 fn (_, ac) =>
-                                 let
-                                    fun loop (i, sl, sls) =
-                                       if i < length sl
-                                          then (unsafeSub (sl, i), (i +? 1, sl, sls))
-                                       else case sls of
-                                               [] => raise Fail "concat bug"
-                                             | sl :: sls => loop (0, sl, sls)
-                                 in loop ac
-                                 end)
+                        #1 (unfoldi (n, (0, sl, sls),
+                                     fn (_, ac) =>
+                                     let
+                                        fun loop (i, sl, sls) =
+                                           if i < length sl then
+                                              (unsafeSub (sl, i),
+                                               (i +? 1, sl, sls))
+                                           else case sls of
+                                              [] => raise Fail "concat bug"
+                                            | sl :: sls => loop (0, sl, sls)
+                                     in
+                                        loop ac
+                                     end))
             fun concatWith (sep: 'a sequence) (sls: 'a slice list): 'a sequence =
                let val sep = full sep
@@ -480,18 +456,4 @@
         fun duplicate seq = make Slice.sequence seq
         fun toList seq = make Slice.toList seq
-      (* Deprecated *)
-      fun checkSliceMax (start: int, num: int option, max: int): int =
-         case num of
-            NONE => if Primitive.safe andalso (start < 0 orelse start > max)
-                       then raise Subscript
-                    else max
-          | SOME num =>
-               if Primitive.safe
-                  andalso (start < 0 orelse num < 0 orelse start > max -? num)
-                  then raise Subscript
-               else start +? num
-      (* Deprecated *)
-      fun checkSlice (s, i, opt) = checkSliceMax (i, opt, length s)

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/sequence.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/sequence.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/sequence.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -62,10 +62,5 @@
       val duplicate: 'a sequence -> 'a sequence
       val new: int * 'a elt -> 'a sequence
       val toList: 'a sequence -> 'a elt list
-      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> 'b elt * 'a) -> 'b sequence
-      (* Deprecated *)
-      val checkSlice: 'a sequence * int * int option -> int
-      (* Deprecated *)
-      val checkSliceMax: int * int option * int -> int
+      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> 'b elt * 'a) -> 'b sequence * 'a

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/vector.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/vector.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/vector.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -34,24 +34,24 @@
       include VECTOR
       structure VectorSlice: VECTOR_SLICE_EXTRA 
-      val unsafeSub: 'a vector * int -> 'a
-      (* Used to implement Substring/String functions *)
+      val append: 'a vector * 'a vector -> 'a vector
+      (* concatWith is used to implement Substring/String functions *)
       val concatWith: 'a vector -> 'a vector list -> 'a vector
+      val create:
+         int
+         * ({sub: int -> 'a, update: int * 'a -> unit}
+            -> (int -> 'a) * (unit -> unit))
+         -> 'a vector
+      val duplicate: 'a vector -> 'a vector
+      val fields: ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a vector list
+      val fromArray: 'a array -> 'a vector
       val isPrefix: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a vector -> bool
       val isSubvector: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a vector -> bool
       val isSuffix: ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a vector -> bool
+      val toList: 'a vector -> 'a list
+      val tokens: ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a vector list
       val translate: ('a -> 'a vector) -> 'a vector -> 'a vector
-      val tokens: ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a vector list
-      val fields: ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a vector list
-      val append: 'a vector * 'a vector -> 'a vector
-      val duplicate: 'a vector -> 'a vector
-      val fromArray: 'a array -> 'a vector
-      val toList: 'a vector -> 'a list
-      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'b vector
+      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a vector * 'b
+      val unsafeSub: 'a vector * int -> 'a
       val vector: int * 'a -> 'a vector
-      (* Deprecated *)
-      val checkSlice: 'a vector * int * int option -> int

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/vector.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/vector.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/arrays-and-vectors/vector.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -42,9 +42,37 @@
       val fromArray = Primitive.Vector.fromArray
       val vector = new
+      fun create (n, f) =
+         let
+            val a = Primitive.Array.array n
+            val subLim = ref 0
+            fun sub i =
+               if Primitive.safe andalso Primitive.Int.geu (i, !subLim) then
+                  raise Subscript
+               else
+                  Primitive.Array.sub (a, i)
+            val updateLim = ref 0
+            fun update (i, x) =
+               if Primitive.safe andalso Primitive.Int.geu (i, !updateLim) then
+                  raise Subscript
+               else
+                  Primitive.Array.update (a, i, x)
+            val (tab, finish) = f {sub = sub, update = update}
+            val () =
+               Util.naturalForeach
+               (n, fn i =>
+                (Primitive.Array.update (a, i, tab i);
+                 subLim := i + 1;
+                 updateLim := i + 1))
+            val () = finish ()
+            val () = updateLim := 0
+         in
+            fromArray a
+         end
 structure VectorSlice: VECTOR_SLICE_EXTRA = Vector.VectorSlice
 structure VectorGlobal: VECTOR_GLOBAL = Vector
 open VectorGlobal
 val vector = Vector.fromList

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/integer/int.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/integer/int.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/integer/int.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -119,40 +119,42 @@
     * The most that will be required is for minInt in binary.
    val maxNumDigits = PI.+ (precision', 1)
-   val buf = CharArray.array (maxNumDigits, #"\000")
+   val one = One.make (fn () => CharArray.array (maxNumDigits, #"\000"))
    fun fmt radix (n: int): string =
-      let
-         val radix = fromInt (StringCvt.radixToInt radix)
-         fun loop (q, i: Int.int) =
-            let
-               val _ =
-                  CharArray.update
-                  (buf, i, StringCvt.digitToChar (toInt (~? (rem (q, radix)))))
-               val q = quot (q, radix)
-            in
-               if q = zero
-                  then
-                     let
-                        val start =
-                           if n < zero
-                              then
-                                 let
-                                    val i = PI.- (i, 1)
-                                    val () = CharArray.update (buf, i, #"~")
-                                 in
-                                    i
-                                 end
-                           else i
-                     in
-                        CharArraySlice.vector
-                        (CharArraySlice.slice (buf, start, NONE))
-                     end
-               else loop (q, PI.- (i, 1))
-            end
-      in
-         loop (if n < zero then n else ~? n, PI.- (maxNumDigits, 1))
-      end
+      One.use
+      (one, fn buf =>
+       let
+          val radix = fromInt (StringCvt.radixToInt radix)
+          fun loop (q, i: Int.int) =
+             let
+                val _ =
+                   CharArray.update
+                   (buf, i, StringCvt.digitToChar (toInt (~? (rem (q, radix)))))
+                val q = quot (q, radix)
+             in
+                if q = zero
+                   then
+                      let
+                         val start =
+                            if n < zero
+                               then
+                                  let
+                                     val i = PI.- (i, 1)
+                                     val () = CharArray.update (buf, i, #"~")
+                                  in
+                                     i
+                                  end
+                            else i
+                      in
+                         CharArraySlice.vector
+                         (CharArraySlice.slice (buf, start, NONE))
+                      end
+                else loop (q, PI.- (i, 1))
+             end
+       in
+          loop (if n < zero then n else ~? n, PI.- (maxNumDigits, 1))
+       end)
 val toString = fmt StringCvt.DEC

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/libs/basis-extra/basis-extra.mlb
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/libs/basis-extra/basis-extra.mlb	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/libs/basis-extra/basis-extra.mlb	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+      ../../misc/one.sml

Copied: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/misc/one.sml (from rev 4396, mlton/trunk/basis-library/misc/one.sml)

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/array.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/array.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/array.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -10,5 +10,5 @@
 signature MLTON_ARRAY =
-      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a array
+      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a array * 'b

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/cont.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/cont.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/cont.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -12,54 +12,44 @@
 structure Thread = Primitive.Thread
 val gcState = Primitive.GCState.gcState
-(* This mess with dummy is so that if callcc is ever used anywhere in the
- * program, then Primitive.usesCallcc is set to true during basis library
- * evaluation.  This relies on the dead code elimination algorithm
- * (core-ml/dead-code.fun), which will keep dummy around only if callcc is used.
- *)
-val dummy =
-   (Primitive.usesCallcc := true
-    ; fn () => ())
 type 'a t = (unit -> 'a) -> unit
 fun callcc (f: 'a t -> 'a): 'a =
-   (dummy ()
-    ; if MLtonThread.amInSignalHandler ()
-         then die "callcc can not be used in a signal handler\n"
-      else 
-         let
-            datatype 'a state =
-               Original of 'a t -> 'a
-             | Copy of unit -> 'a
-             | Clear
-            val r: 'a state ref = ref (Original f)
-            val _ = Thread.atomicBegin () (* Match 1 *)
-            val _ = Thread.copyCurrent ()
-         in
-            case (!r before r := Clear) of
-               Clear => raise Fail "callcc saw Clear"
-             | Copy v => (Thread.atomicEnd () (* Match 2 *)
-                          ; v ())
-             | Original f =>
-                  let
-                     val t = Thread.savedPre gcState
-                  in
-                     Thread.atomicEnd () (* Match 1 *)
-                     ; f (fn v =>
-                          let
-                             val _ = Thread.atomicBegin () (* Match 2 *)
-                             val _ = r := Copy v
-                             val new = Thread.copy t
-                             (* The following Thread.atomicBegin () 
-                              * is matched by Thread.switchTo.
-                              *)
-                             val _ = Thread.atomicBegin ()
-                          in
-                             Thread.switchTo new
-                          end)
-                  end
-         end)
+   if MLtonThread.amInSignalHandler () then
+      die "callcc can not be used in a signal handler\n"
+   else 
+      let
+         datatype 'a state =
+            Original of 'a t -> 'a
+          | Copy of unit -> 'a
+          | Clear
+         val r: 'a state ref = ref (Original f)
+         val _ = Thread.atomicBegin () (* Match 1 *)
+         val _ = Thread.copyCurrent ()
+      in
+         case (!r before r := Clear) of
+            Clear => raise Fail "callcc saw Clear"
+          | Copy v => (Thread.atomicEnd () (* Match 2 *)
+                       ; v ())
+          | Original f =>
+               let
+                  val t = Thread.savedPre gcState
+               in
+                  Thread.atomicEnd () (* Match 1 *)
+                  ; f (fn v =>
+                       let
+                          val _ = Thread.atomicBegin () (* Match 2 *)
+                          val _ = r := Copy v
+                          val new = Thread.copy t
+                          (* The following Thread.atomicBegin () 
+                           * is matched by Thread.switchTo.
+                           *)
+                          val _ = Thread.atomicBegin ()
+                       in
+                          Thread.switchTo new
+                       end)
+               end
+      end
 fun ('a, 'b) throw' (k: 'a t, v: unit -> 'a): 'b =
    (k v; raise Fail "throw bug")

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/pointer.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/pointer.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/pointer.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
  * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
+type int = Int.int
+type word = Word.word
 signature MLTON_POINTER =
       eqtype t

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/vector.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/vector.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/mlton/vector.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
 signature MLTON_VECTOR =
-      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a vector
+      val create:
+         int * ({sub: int -> 'a, update: int * 'a -> unit}
+                -> (int -> 'a) * (unit -> unit))
+         -> 'a vector
+      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a vector * 'b

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/pack-real.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/pack-real.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/pack-real.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -24,10 +24,16 @@
       then (subVec, update)
    else (subVecRev, updateRev)
+fun check (size, i) =
+   if Int.< (i, 0) orelse Int.> (i, size -? bytesPerElem) then
+      raise Subscript
+   else
+      ()
 fun update (a, i, r) =
+      val () = check (Word8Array.length a, i)
       val a = Word8Array.toPoly a
-      val _ = Array.checkSlice (a, i, SOME bytesPerElem)
       up (a, i, r)
@@ -42,8 +48,8 @@
 fun subVec (v, i) =
+      val () = check (Word8Vector.length v, i)
       val v = Word8Vector.toPoly v
-      val _ = Vector.checkSlice (v, i, SOME bytesPerElem)
       sub (v, i)

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/real.fun
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/real.fun	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/real.fun	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -63,10 +63,11 @@
       val nan = posInf + negInf
+      structure Class = Primitive.Real64.Class
          val classes =
-               open Primitive.Real64.Class
+               open Class
                (* order here is chosen based on putting the more commonly used
                 * classes at the front.
@@ -103,21 +104,15 @@
             INF => false
           | NAN => false
           | _ => true
-      fun isNan r = class r = NAN
-      fun isNormal r = class r = NORMAL
+      val op == = Prim.==
-      val op == =
-         fn (x, y) =>
-         case (class x, class y) of
-            (NAN, _) => false
-          | (_, NAN) => false
-          | (ZERO, ZERO) => true
-          | _ => Prim.== (x, y)
       val op != = not o op ==
+      fun isNan r = r != r
+      fun isNormal r = class r = NORMAL
       val op ?= =
          if MLton.Codegen.isNative
             then Prim.?=

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/real.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/real.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/basis-library/real/real.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
       val ?= : real * real -> bool
       val ~ : real -> real
       val abs: real -> real
-      val class: real -> int
+      val class: real -> Primitive.Real64.Class.t
       val frexp: real * int ref -> real
       val gdtoa: real * int * int * int ref -> Primitive.CString.t
       val fromInt: int -> real

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/doc/license/README
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/doc/license/README	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/doc/license/README	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
                                                 Concurrent ML Library
                                                 CKit Library
                                                 mlnlffigen and MLNLFFI Library
+                                                MLRISC Library

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/cml/core-cml/event.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/cml/core-cml/event.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/cml/core-cml/event.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
       (* walk the event group tree, collecting the base events (with associated
        * ack flags), and a list of flag sets.  A flag set is a (cvar * ack flag list)
-       * pairs, where the flags are those associated with the events covered by the
+       * pair, where the flags are those associated with the events covered by the
        * nack cvar.
       type ack_flg = bool ref
@@ -590,10 +590,7 @@
                                   extRdy (backs, {prio = prio, doitFn = (doitFn, ackFlg)}::doitFns)
                              | _ => extRdy (backs, doitFns))
-            val x =
-               case backs of
-                  [(bevt, _)] => syncOnBEvt bevt
-                | _ => (S.atomicBegin (); ext (backs, []))
+            val x = (S.atomicBegin (); ext (backs, []))
             val () = debug' "syncOnGrp(4)" (* NonAtomic *)
             val () = Assert.assertNonAtomic' "Event.syncOnGrp(4)"

Copied: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlrisc-lib (from rev 4396, mlton/trunk/lib/mlrisc-lib)

Property changes on: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlrisc-lib
Name: svn:ignore

Copied: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/inet-sock.sml (from rev 4396, mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/inet-sock.sml)

Copied: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/socket.sml (from rev 4396, mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/socket.sml)

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/sources.cm
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/sources.cm	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/sources.cm	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 signature SUM
 signature T
 signature UNIQUE_ID
+signature VECTOR
 structure AppendList
 structure Array
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
 structure BinarySearch
 structure Bool
 structure Buffer
+structure Byte
 structure Char
 structure CharArray
 structure CharBuffer
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
 structure Int32
 structure IntInf
 structure InsertionSort
+structure INetSock
 structure Iterate
 structure Itimer
 structure Justify
@@ -117,6 +120,7 @@
 structure SMLofNJ
 structure Sexp
 structure Signal
+structure Socket
 structure Stream
 structure String
 structure StringCvt
@@ -124,18 +128,22 @@
 structure SysWord
 structure Thread
 structure Time
+structure Timer
 structure Trace
 structure Tree
 structure TwoListQueue
 structure Unimplemented
 structure Unit
 structure Unsafe
+structure Url
 structure Vector
 structure Word
 structure Word32
 structure Word8
 structure Word8Array
+structure Word8ArraySlice
 structure Word8Vector
+structure Word16
 functor AlphaBeta
 functor Control
@@ -326,6 +334,10 @@
 # if ( defined(SMLNJ_VERSION) )

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/sources.mlb
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/sources.mlb	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/sources.mlb	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@
       signature STRING
       signature T
       signature UNIQUE_ID
+      signature VECTOR
       structure AppendList
       structure Array

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/string.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/string.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/string.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
       val baseName: t * t -> t
       val compare: t * t -> Relation.t
       val concat: t list -> t
+      val concatV: t vector -> t
       val concatWith: t list * t -> t
       val contains: t * char -> bool
       val deleteSurroundingWhitespace: t -> t
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
       val escapeC: t -> t
       val escapeSML: t -> t
       val existsi: t * (int * char -> bool) -> bool
+      val exists: t * (char -> bool) -> bool
       val explode: t -> char list
       (* extract (s, i, SOME j)
        * returns the substring of s of length j starting at i.
@@ -103,6 +105,7 @@
       val toUpper: t -> t
       val tokens: t * (char -> bool) -> t list 
       val translate: t * (char -> t) -> t
+      val unfold: int * 'a * ('a -> char * 'a) -> t

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/string.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/string.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/string.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -11,8 +11,42 @@
       open String1
+      fun unfold (n, a, f) =
+         let
+            val r = ref a
+         in
+            tabulate (n, fn _ =>
+                      let
+                         val (b, a) = f (!r)
+                         val () = r := a
+                      in
+                         b
+                      end)
+         end
+      fun concatV ss = 
+         case Vector.length ss of
+            0 => ""
+          | 1 => Vector.sub (ss, 0)
+          | _ =>
+               let
+                  val n =
+                     Vector.fold (ss, 0, fn (s, n) => n + size s)
+                  val a = Array.new (n, #"a")
+                  val _ =
+                     Vector.fold
+                     (ss, 0, fn (s, i) =>
+                      fold (s, i, fn (c, i) =>
+                            (Array.update (a, i, c);
+                             i + 1)))
+               in
+                  tabulate (n, fn i => Array.sub (a, i))
+               end
       fun existsi (s, f) = Int.exists (0, size s, fn i => f (i, sub (s, i)))
+      fun exists (s, f) = existsi (s, f o #2)
       fun keepAll (s: t, f: char -> bool): t =
          implode (List.rev
                   (fold (s, [], fn (c, ac) => if f c then c :: ac else ac)))

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/vector.fun
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/vector.fun	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/vector.fun	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -13,9 +13,11 @@
 open S
+val size = length
 fun unfold (n, a, f) = unfoldi (n, a, f o #2)
-fun tabulate (n, f) = unfoldi (n, (), fn (i, ()) => (f i, ()))
+fun tabulate (n, f) = #1 (unfoldi (n, (), fn (i, ()) => (f i, ())))
 fun fromArray a =
    tabulate (Pervasive.Array.length a, fn i => Pervasive.Array.sub (a, i))
@@ -455,36 +457,37 @@
             val n = List.fold (vs, 0, fn (v, s) => s + length v)
-            unfold (n, (0, v, vs'),
-                    let
-                       fun loop (i, v, vs) =
-                          if i < length v
-                             then (sub (v, i), (i + 1, v, vs))
-                          else
-                             case vs of
-                                [] => Error.bug "Vector.concat"
-                              | v :: vs => loop (0, v, vs)
-                    in loop
-                    end)
+            #1 (unfold (n, (0, v, vs'),
+                        let
+                           fun loop (i, v, vs) =
+                              if i < length v
+                                 then (sub (v, i), (i + 1, v, vs))
+                              else
+                                 case vs of
+                                    [] => Error.bug "Vector.concat"
+                                  | v :: vs => loop (0, v, vs)
+                        in loop
+                        end))
 fun concatV vs =
-   if 0 = length vs
-      then new0 ()
+   if 0 = length vs then
+      new0 ()
          val n = fold (vs, 0, fn (v, s) => s + length v)
          fun state i = (i, sub (vs, i), 0)
-         unfold (n, state 0,
-                 let
-                    fun loop (i, v, j) =
-                       if j < length v
-                          then (sub (v, j), (i, v, j + 1))
-                       else loop (state (i + 1))
-                 in loop
-                 end)
-   end
+         #1 (unfold (n, state 0,
+                     let
+                        fun loop (i, v, j) =
+                           if j < length v then
+                              (sub (v, j), (i, v, j + 1))
+                           else
+                              loop (state (i + 1))
+                     in loop
+                     end))
+      end
 fun splitLast v =

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/vector.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/vector.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/vector.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
       val length: 'a t -> int
       val sub: 'a t * int -> 'a
-      val unfoldi: int * 'a * (int * 'a -> 'b * 'a) -> 'b t
+      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a t * 'b
 signature VECTOR =
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
       val removeDuplicates: 'a t * ('a * 'a -> bool) -> 'a t
       val removeFirst: 'a t * ('a -> bool) -> 'a t
       val rev: 'a t -> 'a t
+      val size: 'a t -> int
       val splitLast: 'a t -> 'a t * 'a
       val tabulate: int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a t
       val tabulator: int * (('a -> unit) -> unit) -> 'a t

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/word.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/word.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/word.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -23,15 +23,7 @@
                  orb (w (2, 0w16), w (3, 0w24)))
-      local
-         val wordSize = fromInt wordSize
-      in
-         fun rotateLeft (w: t, n: t) =
-            let val l = n mod wordSize
-               val r = wordSize - l
-            in orb (<< (w, l), >> (w, r))
-            end
-      end
+      val rotateLeft = MLton.Word.rol
       val fromWord = fn x => x
       val toWord = fn x => x

Copied: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/word16.sml (from rev 4396, mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/word16.sml)

Copied: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/basic/word8-array-slice.sml (from rev 4396, mlton/trunk/lib/mlton/basic/word8-array-slice.sml)

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/pervasive/pervasive.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/pervasive/pervasive.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/pervasive/pervasive.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
       structure Real = Real
       structure Real32 = Real32
       structure Real64 = Real64
+      structure Socket = Socket
       structure String = String
       structure StringCvt = StringCvt
       structure Substring = Substring
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@
       structure Word = Word
       structure Word32 = Word32
       structure Word8 = Word8
+      structure Word16 = Word16
       structure Word8Array = Word8Array
       type unit = General.unit

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/sources.cm
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/sources.cm	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/sources.cm	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 signature SUM
 signature T
 signature UNIQUE_ID
+signature VECTOR
 structure AppendList
 structure Array
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@
 structure BinarySearch
 structure Bool
 structure Buffer
+structure Byte
 structure Char
 structure CharArray
 structure CharBuffer
@@ -90,6 +92,7 @@
 structure Int32
 structure IntInf
 structure InsertionSort
+structure INetSock
 structure Iterate
 structure Itimer
 structure Justify
@@ -138,6 +141,7 @@
 structure Sexp
 structure Signal
 structure SMLofNJ
+structure Socket
 structure Stream
 structure String
 structure StringCvt
@@ -145,17 +149,21 @@
 structure SysWord
 structure Thread
 structure Time
+structure Timer
 structure Trace
 structure Tree
 structure TwoListQueue
 structure Unimplemented
 structure Unit
 structure Unsafe
+structure Url
 structure Vector
 structure Word
 structure Word8
 structure Word8Array
+structure Word8ArraySlice
 structure Word8Vector
+structure Word16
 structure Word32
 functor AlphaBeta

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/sources.mlb
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/sources.mlb	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton/sources.mlb	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
       signature STRING
       signature T
       signature UNIQUE_ID
+      signature VECTOR
       structure AppendList
       structure Array

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/array.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/array.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/array.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-(* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
+(* Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
  *    Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
  * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
  * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
@@ -9,5 +10,5 @@
 signature MLTON_ARRAY =
-      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a array
+      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a array * 'b

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/bin-io.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/bin-io.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/bin-io.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -5,7 +5,5 @@
  * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
-signature MLTON_BIN_IO =
-   where type instream = BinIO.instream
-   where type outstream = BinIO.outstream
+signature MLTON_BIN_IO = MLTON_IO

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/mlton.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/mlton.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/mlton.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -59,14 +59,16 @@
             fun unfoldi (n, a, f) =
                   val r = ref a
+                  val a =
+                     tabulate (n, fn i =>
+                               let
+                                  val (b, a') = f (i, !r)
+                                  val _ = r := a'
+                               in
+                                  b
+                               end)
-                  tabulate (n, fn i =>
-                            let
-                               val (b, a') = f (i, !r)
-                               val _ = r := a'
-                            in
-                               b
-                            end)
+                  (a, !r)
@@ -277,6 +279,8 @@
       structure ProcEnv =
+            type gid = Posix.ProcEnv.gid
             fun setenv _ = raise Fail "setenv"
             fun setgroups _ = raise Fail "setgroups"
@@ -568,17 +572,55 @@
             open Vector
+            fun create (n, f) =
+               let
+                  val r = ref (Array.fromList [])
+                  val lim = ref 0
+                  fun check i =
+                     if 0 <= i andalso i < !lim then () else raise Subscript
+                  val sub = fn i => (check i; Array.sub (!r, i))
+                  val update = fn (i, x) => (check i; Array.update (!r, i, x))
+                  val (tab, finish) = f {sub = sub, update = update}
+               in
+                  if 0 = n then
+                     (finish (); Vector.fromList [])
+                  else
+                     let
+                        val init = tab 0
+                        val a = Array.array (n, init)
+                        val () = r := a
+                        val () =
+                           Array.modifyi (fn (i, _) =>
+                                          let
+                                             val res =
+                                                if i = 0 then
+                                                   init
+                                                else
+                                                   tab i
+                                             val () = lim := i + 1
+                                          in
+                                             res
+                                          end)
+                           a
+                        val () = finish ()
+                     in
+                        Array.vector a
+                     end
+               end
             fun unfoldi (n, a, f) =
                   val r = ref a
+                  val v =
+                     tabulate (n, fn i =>
+                               let
+                                  val (b, a') = f (i, !r)
+                                  val _ = r := a'
+                               in
+                                  b
+                               end)
-                  tabulate (n, fn i =>
-                            let
-                               val (b, a') = f (i, !r)
-                               val _ = r := a'
-                            in
-                               b
-                            end)
+                  (v, !r)

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/pointer.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/pointer.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/pointer.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
  * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
+type int = Int.int
+type word = Word.word
 signature MLTON_POINTER =
       eqtype t
@@ -12,7 +15,7 @@
       val add: t * word -> t
       val compare: t * t -> order
       val diff: t * t -> word
-      val free: t -> unit
+(*      val free: t -> unit *)
       val getInt8: t * int -> Int8.int
       val getInt16: t * int -> Int16.int
       val getInt32: t * int -> Int32.int

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/proc-env.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/proc-env.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/proc-env.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-(* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
+(* Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
  *    Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
  * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
  * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
@@ -7,5 +8,8 @@
 signature MLTON_PROC_ENV =
+      type gid
       val setenv: {name: string, value: string} -> unit
+      val setgroups: gid list -> unit

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/sources.cm
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/sources.cm	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/sources.cm	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 structure Int32
 structure Int64
 structure IntInf
+structure INetSock
 structure IO
 structure LargeInt
 structure LargeReal
@@ -49,19 +50,23 @@
 structure RealVector
 structure SML90
 structure SMLofNJ
+structure Socket
 structure String
 structure StringCvt
 structure Substring
 structure SysWord
 structure TextIO
 structure Time
+structure Timer
 structure Unix
 structure Unsafe
 structure Vector
 structure Word
 structure Word8
 structure Word8Array
+structure Word8ArraySlice
 structure Word8Vector
+structure Word16
 structure Word32
 structure Word64

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/text-io.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/text-io.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/text-io.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-(* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
+(* Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
  *    Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
  * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
  * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
-signature MLTON_TEXT_IO =
-   where type instream = TextIO.instream
-   where type outstream = TextIO.outstream

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/vector.sig
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/vector.sig	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs/vector.sig	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-(* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
+(* Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Henry Cejtin, Matthew Fluet, Suresh
  *    Jagannathan, and Stephen Weeks.
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 NEC Research Institute.
  * MLton is released under a BSD-style license.
  * See the file MLton-LICENSE for details.
@@ -9,6 +10,10 @@
 signature MLTON_VECTOR =
-      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a vector
+      val create:
+         int * ({sub: int -> 'a, update: int * 'a -> unit}
+                -> (int -> 'a) * (unit -> unit))
+         -> 'a vector
+      val unfoldi: int * 'b * (int * 'b -> 'a * 'b) -> 'a vector * 'b

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/array.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/array.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/array.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -100,3 +100,77 @@
 structure RealArray = MonoArray (RealArray)
 structure Real64Array = RealArray
 structure Word8Array = MonoArray (Word8Array)
+functor MonoArraySlice (S: MONO_ARRAY_SLICE) =
+   let
+      open OpenInt32
+   in
+      struct
+         type array = S.array
+         type elem = S.elem
+         type slice = S.slice
+         type vector = S.vector
+         type vector_slice = S.vector_slice
+         val all = S.all
+         val app = S.app
+         fun appi f = S.appi (fn (i, e) => f (fromInt i, e))
+         fun base s =
+            let
+               val (a, i, j) = S.base s
+            in
+               (a, fromInt i, fromInt j)
+            end
+         val collate = S.collate
+         fun copy {di, dst, src} = S.copy {di = toInt di, dst = dst, src = src}
+         fun copyVec {di, dst, src} =
+            S.copyVec {di = toInt di, dst = dst, src = src}
+         val exists = S.exists
+         val find = S.find
+         fun findi f s =
+            case S.findi (fn (i, e) => f (fromInt i, e)) s of
+               NONE => NONE
+             | SOME (i, e) => SOME (fromInt i, e)
+         val foldl = S.foldl
+         fun foldli f = S.foldli (fn (i, e, b) => f (fromInt i, e, b))
+         val foldr = S.foldr
+         fun foldri f = S.foldri (fn (i, e, b) => f (fromInt i, e, b))
+         val full = S.full
+         val getItem = S.getItem
+         val isEmpty = S.isEmpty
+         val length = fromInt o S.length
+         val modify = S.modify
+         fun modifyi f = S.modifyi (fn (i, e) => f (fromInt i, e))
+         fun slice (a, i, j) = S.slice (a, toInt i, toIntOpt j)
+         fun sub (s, i) = S.sub (s, toInt i)
+         fun subslice (s, i, j) = S.subslice (s, toInt i, toIntOpt j)
+         fun update (s, i, e) = S.update (s, toInt i, e)
+         val vector = S.vector
+      end
+   end
+structure Word8ArraySlice = MonoArraySlice (Word8ArraySlice)

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/open-int32.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/open-int32.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/open-int32.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
       val toInt = Pervasive.Int32.toInt
       val fromInt = Pervasive.Int32.fromInt
+      val fromIntOpt =
+         fn NONE => NONE
+          | SOME i => SOME (fromInt i)
       val toIntOpt =
          fn NONE => NONE
           | SOME i => SOME (toInt i)

Copied: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/socket.sml (from rev 4396, mlton/trunk/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/socket.sml)

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/sources.cm
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/sources.cm	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/lib/mlton-stubs-in-smlnj/sources.cm	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 structure Int32
 structure Int64
 structure IntInf
+structure INetSock
 structure IO
 structure LargeInt
 structure LargeReal
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@
 structure SysWord
 structure TextIO
 structure Time
+structure Timer
 structure Unix
 structure Unsafe
 structure Vector
@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@
 structure Word32
 structure Word64
 structure Word8Array
+structure Word8ArraySlice
 structure Word8Vector
@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/mlton/atoms/prim.fun
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/mlton/atoms/prim.fun	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/mlton/atoms/prim.fun	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -1507,7 +1507,6 @@
                               | MLton_equal => t
                               | Real_lt _ => f
                               | Real_le _ => t
-                              | Real_equal _ => t
                               | Real_qequal _ => t
                               | Word_andb _ => Var x
                               | Word_equal _ => t

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/mlton/ssa/redundant-tests.fun
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/mlton/ssa/redundant-tests.fun	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/mlton/ssa/redundant-tests.fun	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -192,11 +192,12 @@
                                                          facts = ref [],
                                                          inDeg = ref 0}))
              (* Set up inDeg. *)
+             fun inc l = Int.inc (#inDeg (labelInfo l))
+             val () = inc start
              val _ =
                 (blocks, fn Block.T {transfer, ...} =>
-                 Transfer.foreachLabel
-                 (transfer, Int.inc o #inDeg o labelInfo))
+                 Transfer.foreachLabel (transfer, inc))
              (* Perform analysis, set up facts, and set up ancestor. *)
              fun loop (Tree.T (Block.T {label, statements, transfer, ...},

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/util/cm2mlb/cm2mlb-map
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/util/cm2mlb/cm2mlb-map	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/util/cm2mlb/cm2mlb-map	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+$SMLNJ-BASIS           $(SML_LIB)/basis
 $basis.cm              $(SML_LIB)/basis
 $basis.cm/basis.cm     $(SML_LIB)/basis/basis.mlb
-$ml-yacc-lib.cm                    $(SML_LIB)/mlyacc-lib
-$ml-yacc-lib.cm/ml-yacc-lib.cm     $(SML_LIB)/mlyacc-lib/mlyacc-lib.mlb
+$SMLNJ-ML-YACC-LIB                    $(SML_LIB)/mlyacc-lib
+$SMLNJ-ML-YACC-LIB/ml-yacc-lib.cm     $(SML_LIB)/mlyacc-lib/mlyacc-lib.mlb
+$ml-yacc-lib.cm                       $(SML_LIB)/mlyacc-lib
+$ml-yacc-lib.cm/ml-yacc-lib.cm        $(SML_LIB)/mlyacc-lib/mlyacc-lib.mlb
 $cml            $(SML_LIB)/cml
 $cml/cml.cm     $(SML_LIB)/cml/cml.mlb
@@ -10,6 +13,7 @@
 $c          $(SML_LIB)/mlnlffi-lib
 $c/c.cm     $(SML_LIB)/mlnlffi-lib/mlnlffi-lib.mlb
+$SMLNJ-LIB            $(SML_LIB)/smlnj-lib
 $smlnj-lib.cm         $(SML_LIB)/smlnj-lib/Util
 $controls-lib.cm      $(SML_LIB)/smlnj-lib/Controls
 $hash-cons-lib.cm     $(SML_LIB)/smlnj-lib/HashCons
@@ -22,3 +26,5 @@
 $ckit-lib.cm                 $(SML_LIB)/ckit-lib
 $ckit-lib.cm/ckit-lib.cm     $(SML_LIB)/ckit-lib/ckit-lib.mlb
+$SMLNJ-MLRISC     $(SML_LIB)/mlrisc-lib/mlb

Modified: mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/util/cm2mlb/cm2mlb.sml
--- mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/util/cm2mlb/cm2mlb.sml	2006-04-19 00:53:39 UTC (rev 4396)
+++ mlton/branches/on-20050822-x86_64-branch/util/cm2mlb/cm2mlb.sml	2006-04-19 01:19:31 UTC (rev 4397)
@@ -175,6 +175,16 @@
                                then case String.fields (fn #"/" => true | _ => false) cmLibDescr of
                                        "$" :: (arcs as (arc0 :: _)) => 
                                           doitAnchoredPath (("$" ^ arc0) :: arcs)
+                                     | arc0 :: arcs =>
+                                          let
+                                             val arc0 =
+                                                case CharVector.findi (fn (_, #"(") => true | _ => false) arc0 of
+                                                   SOME (i, _) => 
+                                                      String.extract (arc0, i + 2, SOME (String.size arc0 - i - 3))
+                                                 | NONE => arc0
+                                          in 
+                                             doitAnchoredPath (arc0 :: arcs)
+                                          end
                                      | arcs => doitAnchoredPath arcs
                                else concat ["(* ", cmLibOSString, " ===> *) ", mlbLibDef ()]