[MLton-commit] r4983

Wesley Terpstra wesley at mlton.org
Mon Dec 18 18:56:07 PST 2006

my collection of SML libs, only half finished mostly

A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/README
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.fun
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.mlb
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.sig
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/btree.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.dot
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.mlb
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/todot.mlb
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/todot.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/ztree.sml


Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/README
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/README	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/README	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+This is just a quick implementation of finite automata.
+It includes:
+	a binary tree implementation
+	a "z-tree" which stores intervals instead of point values
+	a regular expression parser
+	methods for converting regular expressions to NFAs to DFAs
+It's fairly self-documenting in the file automata.sig.
+Included examples are:
+1. a program which compiles a regular expression to a minimal DFA
+   represented as a file suitable for consumption by dot.
+2. a program comparing two regular expressions to each other.
+   it provides example strings matched by one and/or not the other.
+Compile with:
+	mlton compare.mlb
+	mlton todot.mlb

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.fun
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.fun	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.fun	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+signature ALPHABET =
+  sig
+    eqtype char
+    eqtype string
+    val ord: char -> int
+    val chr: int -> char
+    val < : (char * char) -> bool
+    val foldl: (char * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a
+  end
+structure Alphabet =
+  struct
+    type char = char
+    type string = string
+    val ord = Char.ord
+    val chr = Char.chr
+    val (op <) = Char.<
+    fun foldl f a s = Substring.foldl f a (Substring.full s)
+  end  
+functor Automata(Alphabet : ALPHABET) : AUTOMATA 
+  where type char   = Alphabet.char
+  and   type ZTree.key = Alphabet.char
+  and   type string = Alphabet.string =
+  struct
+    structure AlphaOrder = 
+      struct 
+        type t = Alphabet.char 
+        val (op <) = Alphabet.<
+      end
+    structure StateOrder =
+      struct
+        type t = int
+        val (op <) = Int.<
+      end
+    structure ZTree = ZTree(AlphaOrder)
+    structure BTree = BTree(StateOrder)
+    open Alphabet
+    fun printSML (f, i, ZTree.Leaf v, tail) = f v :: tail
+      | printSML (f, i, ZTree.Node (l, k, r), tail) =
+          "\n" :: i :: "if c < chr " :: Int.toString (ord k) :: " then " ::
+          printSML (f, i ^ "  ", l, 
+            "\n" :: i :: "else " ::
+            printSML (f, i ^ "  ", r, tail))
+    fun toString c = "state" ^ Int.toString c
+    fun printC (i, ZTree.Leaf v, tail) = "goto " :: toString v :: ";" :: tail
+      | printC (i, ZTree.Node (l, k, r), tail) =
+          "\n" :: i :: 
+          "if (*s < " :: (Int.toString o ord) k :: ") " ::
+          printC (i ^ "\t", l, 
+            "\n" :: i :: "else " ::
+            printC (i ^ "\t", r, tail))
+    fun dotNode (i, (b, _), tail) = 
+          "\t" :: Int.toString i :: " [label=\"\"" ::
+          (if i = 0 then ",shape=diamond" else "") ::
+          (if b then ",fillcolor=green" else "") :: 
+          "]\n" :: tail
+    structure Deterministic =
+      struct
+        type state = int
+        type t = (bool * state ZTree.t) vector
+        fun size a = Vector.length a
+        fun start _ = 0
+        fun accepts a x = case Vector.sub (a, x) of (b, _) => b
+        fun step a (c, x) = ZTree.lookup (#2 (Vector.sub (a, x))) c
+        fun multistep a (s, x) = foldl (step a) x s
+        fun test a s = accepts a (multistep a (s, start a))
+        val empty = Vector.fromList [ 
+          (true, ZTree.uniform 1),
+          (false, ZTree.uniform 1) ]
+        val any = Vector.fromList [ 
+          (false,  ZTree.uniform 1),
+          (true, ZTree.uniform 2),
+          (false, ZTree.uniform 2) ]
+        fun char t = Vector.fromList [
+          (false, ZTree.map (fn true => 1 | false => 2) t),
+          (true, ZTree.uniform 2),
+          (false, ZTree.uniform 2) ]
+        fun mapPair f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
+        (* f maps old state to new, n is the number of cells to keep *)
+        fun mapStates (f, n) a =
+          let
+            open ZTree
+            val v = Array.tabulate (Vector.length a, fn _ => (true, uniform 0))
+            val fixtree = fromFront o uniq (op =) o imap f o front
+            fun map (i, (b, t)) = Array.update (v, f i, (b, fixtree t))
+            val () = Vector.appi map a
+          in
+            Vector.tabulate (n, fn i => Array.sub (v, i))
+          end
+        (* eliminate unreachable states -- and put states in canonical order *)
+        fun unreachable a =
+          let
+            val l = Vector.length a
+            val v = Array.tabulate (l, fn _ => false)
+            val m = Array.tabulate (l, fn _ => l - 1)
+            val e = ref 0
+            fun dfs i = 
+              if Array.sub (v, i) then () else (
+                Array.update (v, i, true);
+                Array.update (m, i, !e);
+                e := (!e + 1);
+                ZTree.app dfs (#2 (Vector.sub (a, i)))
+              )
+            val () = dfs 0
+          in
+            mapStates (fn i => Array.sub (m, i), !e) a
+          end
+        (* detect and merge duplicate states *)
+        fun finddups a = 
+          let
+            val len = size a
+            fun toPair i = (i mod len, i div len)
+            fun ofPair (r, c) = len * c + r
+            fun agree (r, c) = accepts a r = accepts a c
+            val v = Array.tabulate (len*len, agree o toPair)
+            open ZTree
+            fun tree i = #2 (Vector.sub (a, i))
+            fun fold a (Iter (b, NONE, _)) = b andalso a
+              | fold a (Iter (b, SOME _, iter)) = fold (b andalso a) (iter ())
+            fun match (r, c) = Array.sub (v, ofPair (r, c))
+            fun distinct (i, b) = b andalso 
+              (fold true o merge match o mapPair (front o tree) o toPair) i
+            val changed = ref true
+            fun update (i, b) = let val n = distinct (i, b) in
+              (changed := (!changed orelse (n <> b)); n) end
+            fun pass () = Array.modifyi update v
+            val () = while (!changed) do (changed := false; pass ())
+            (* m stores new state name *)
+            val m = Array.tabulate (len, fn _ => 0)
+            val e = ref 0
+            fun whoAmI (i, j) = 
+              if Array.sub (v, ofPair (i, j)) then j else whoAmI (i, j+1)
+            fun setState (i, _) = 
+              let val j = whoAmI (i, 0) in
+                if i = j then (!e before e := (!e + 1)) 
+                else Array.sub (m, j)
+              end
+            val () = Array.modifyi setState m
+          in
+            mapStates (fn i => Array.sub (m, i), !e) a
+          end
+        (* the second unreachable step puts the DFA in canonical order *)
+        val optimize = unreachable o finddups o unreachable
+        (* more interesting would be to output an example difference *)
+        fun equal (v1, v2) = Vector.foldli 
+          (fn (i, (b1, t1), a) => 
+            case Vector.sub (v2, i) of (b2, t2) =>
+              a andalso b1 = b2 andalso ZTree.equal (op =) (t1, t2)) 
+          true v1
+        fun crossproduct (a, b, f) =
+          let
+            open ZTree
+            val (rows, cols) = (Vector.length a, Vector.length b)
+            fun toPair i = (i mod rows, i div rows)
+            fun ofPair (r, c) = rows * c + r
+            fun getState (r, c) = (Vector.sub (a, r), Vector.sub (b, c))
+            val tree = fromFront o uniq (op =) o merge ofPair o mapPair front
+            fun cross ((b1, t1), (b2, t2)) = (f (b1, b2), tree (t1, t2))
+          in
+            Vector.tabulate (rows*cols, cross o getState o toPair)
+          end
+        fun complement a = Vector.map (fn (b, t) => (not b, t)) a
+        fun union (a, b) = crossproduct (a, b, fn (a, b) => a orelse b)
+        fun intersect (a, b) = crossproduct (a, b, fn (a, b) => a andalso b)
+        (* Find the lowest weight string which matches the expression *)
+        fun shortestMatch edgeweight a = 
+          let
+            val n = Vector.length a
+            val parent  = Array.tabulate (n, fn _ => (0, chr 0))
+            val weight  = Array.tabulate (n, fn _ => 1999999999)
+            val visited = Array.tabulate (n, fn _ => false)
+            val () = Array.update(weight, 0, 0) (* start at empty string *)
+            val nextNode = Array.foldli 
+              (fn (i, w, (bi, bw)) => 
+                if not (Array.sub (visited, i)) andalso Int.< (w, bw)
+                then (i, w) else (bi, bw)) 
+              (~1, 1999999999)
+            fun relaxEdges (i, vw) = ZTree.fold
+              (fn (l, j, r, ()) => case edgeweight (l, r) of (ew, c) =>
+                if vw + ew >= Array.sub (weight, j) then () else (
+                  Array.update (weight, j, vw + ew);
+                  Array.update (parent, j, (i, c))))
+              ()
+              (case Vector.sub (a, i) of (_, t) => t)
+            val working = ref true
+            val () = while (!working) do
+              let
+                val (i, w) = nextNode weight
+              in
+                if i = ~1 then working := false else (
+                  Array.update (visited, i, true);
+                  relaxEdges (i, w))
+              end
+            val shortestAccept = Array.foldli
+              (fn (i, w, (bi, bw)) =>
+                if #1 (Vector.sub (a, i)) andalso Int.< (w, bw)
+                then (i, w) else (bi, bw))
+              (~1, 1999999999) weight
+            fun followTrail (0, tail) = tail
+              | followTrail (i, tail) = 
+                  case Array.sub (parent, i) of (p, c) => 
+                    followTrail (p, c :: tail)
+          in
+            if  #1 shortestAccept = ~1 then NONE else
+            SOME (followTrail (#1 shortestAccept, []))
+          end
+        fun dotEdge (i, (_, t), tail) = 
+          let
+            val toString = String.toCString o Char.toString o Char.chr o ord
+            fun pred NONE = NONE | pred (SOME x) = SOME (chr (ord x - 1))
+            fun fmt NONE = "" | fmt (SOME x) = toString x
+            fun fmtp (SOME x, SOME y) =
+                  if x = y then toString x else toString x ^ "-" ^ toString y
+              |	fmtp (x, y) = fmt x ^ "-" ^ fmt y
+            fun append (l, v, r, tree) = 
+              case BTree.get tree v of
+                  NONE => BTree.insert tree (v, [fmtp (l, pred r)])
+                | SOME x => BTree.insert tree (v, fmtp (l, pred r) :: x)
+            val edges = BTree.map (String.concatWith ",")
+              (ZTree.foldr append BTree.empty t)
+            fun print (j, l, tail) = 
+              "\t" ::Int.toString i :: "->" :: Int.toString j  ::
+              " [label=\"" :: l :: "\"]\n" :: tail
+          in
+            BTree.foldr print tail edges
+          end
+        fun toDot (n, a) = String.concat (
+          "strict digraph " :: n :: " {\n" ::
+          "\tnode [style=filled,fillcolor=grey,shape=circle]\n" ::
+          Vector.foldri dotNode 
+            (Vector.foldri dotEdge ["}\n"] a) a)
+        fun toSML (n, a) = String.concat (
+          "fun step s =\n" ::
+          "  let\n" ::
+          "    datatype x = F of (char -> x)\n" ::
+          "    fun eval s = foldl (fn (c, F f) => f c) (F step0) s" ::
+          Vector.foldri 
+            (fn (i, (b, t), tail) => 
+              "\n    and step" :: Int.toString i :: " c = " ::
+              printSML (fn i => ("F step" ^ Int.toString i), "      ", t, tail))
+            ("\n" ::
+             "  in\n" ::
+             "    case eval s of F f => f\n" ::
+             "  end\n" :: 
+             nil) 
+            a)
+        fun bodyC (i, (b, t), tail) =
+          "\n" :: toString i :: ":\n" ::
+          "\tif (++s == e) return " ::
+          (if b then "1" else "0") :: ";\n\t" ::
+           printC ("\t", t, tail)
+        fun caseC (i, (b, ZTree.Leaf v), tail) =
+              if i = v then 
+                "\n" :: toString i :: ": return " ::
+                (if b then "1" else "0") :: ";\n" :: tail
+              else bodyC (i, (b, ZTree.Leaf v), tail)
+          | caseC (i, (b, t), tail) = bodyC (i, (b, t), tail)
+        fun toC (n, a) = String.concat (
+          "int " :: n :: "(const unsigned char* s, const unsigned char* e) {\n" ::
+          "\t--s;" ::
+          Vector.foldri caseC
+            ["\n}\n"]
+            a)
+      end
+    structure NonDeterministic =
+      struct
+        type state = Deterministic.state
+        type t = state list vector * Deterministic.t
+        (* note: the output is sorted b/c it was in a btree *)
+        fun dfs e q =
+          let
+            open BTree
+            fun touch (t, []) = t
+              | touch (t, a :: r) = 
+                if isSome (get t a) then touch (t, r) else
+                touch (insert t (a, ()), Vector.sub (e, a) @ r)
+          in
+            fold (fn (k, _, l) => k :: l) [] (touch (empty, q))
+          end
+        fun size (_, a) = Vector.length a
+        fun start _ = 0
+        fun accepts (_, a) x = Deterministic.accepts a x
+        fun step (e, a) (c, l) = dfs e
+          (List.map (fn x => Deterministic.step a (c, x)) l)
+        fun multistep a (s, x) = foldl (step a) x s
+        fun test a s = List.exists (accepts a) (multistep a (s, [start a]))
+        (* set all accept states to have epsilon transitions to s *)
+        fun mapAccept s (e, a) = 
+          let
+            fun mapEpsilon (i, l) = if accepts (e, a) i then s :: l else l
+            fun noAccept a = Vector.map (fn (_, x) => (false, x)) a
+          in
+            (Vector.mapi mapEpsilon e, noAccept a)
+          end
+        fun mapRenumber x (e, a) =
+          let
+            val e = Vector.map (List.map (fn i => i + x)) e
+            fun stateRelabel (b, t) = (b, ZTree.map (fn i => i + x) t)
+          in
+            (e, Vector.map stateRelabel a)
+          end
+        (* Scheme: new start state s accepts and -> all old starts, accepts -> s*)
+        fun power (e, a) = 
+          let
+            val (e, a) = (mapAccept 0 o mapRenumber 2) (e, a)
+            val e0 = Vector.fromList [[2], []]
+            val a0 = Vector.fromList [(true,  ZTree.uniform 1), 
+                                      (false, ZTree.uniform 1)]
+          in
+            (Vector.concat [e0, e], Vector.concat [a0, a])
+          end
+        (* Scheme: s1 = start states, v1 accept states -> s2 start states *)
+        fun concat ((e1, a1), (e2, a2)) =
+          let
+            val l1 = Vector.length a1
+            val (e1, a1) = mapAccept   l1 (e1, a1)
+            val (e2, a2) = mapRenumber l1 (e2, a2)
+          in
+            (Vector.concat [e1, e2], Vector.concat [a1, a2])
+          end
+        fun fromDFA a = (Vector.tabulate (Vector.length a, fn _ => []), a)
+        (* The general NFA->DFA conversion algorithm works as follows:
+         *   - we start by calling getName (dfs e [0])
+         *   - getName checks for an existing integer mapping for the list
+         *     if one exists, the integer is returned
+         *     otherwise:
+         *       - the next available integer is allocated to this list
+         *       - we merge all trees for the named states in the list
+         *         via a hierachical combination of ZTree.merge
+         *       - the new int list ZTree.iterator is imap'd with dfs
+         *       - then we uniq the operation, and imap mapName it
+         *         (this recursively explores other reachable subset states)
+         *       - the new iterator is fromFront'd to create the tree.
+         *       - if any of the states in the list accept, this accepts too
+         *)
+        structure Names = 
+          struct
+            type t = int vector
+            fun < (l, r) = Vector.collate Int.compare (l, r) = LESS
+          end
+        structure NTree = BTree(Names)
+        fun toDFA (e, a) =
+          let
+            val names = ref NTree.empty
+            val number = ref 0
+            fun buildTree v =
+              let
+                open ZTree
+                datatype tree = Leaf of int | Node of tree * tree
+                fun flatten tail (Leaf i) = i :: tail
+                  | flatten tail (Node (l, r)) = flatten (flatten tail r) l
+                fun getIter i = front (#2 (Vector.sub (a, Vector.sub (v, i))))
+                fun grow (l, r) =
+                  if l + 1 = r then imap Leaf (getIter l) else
+                  let val m = (l+r) div 2 in
+                    merge Node (grow (l, m), grow (m, r))
+                  end
+              in
+                (fromFront o uniq (op =) o imap (mapName o dfs e o flatten []) o grow)
+                (0, Vector.length v)
+              end
+            and mapName l =
+              let
+                val v = Vector.fromList l
+              in
+                case NTree.get (!names) v of
+                    SOME (i, _, _) => i
+                  | NONE =>
+                      let 
+                        val me = !number before (number := !number + 1)
+                        val () = names := NTree.insert (!names)
+                          (v, (me, false, ZTree.uniform 0)) (* store name *)
+                        val value = 
+                          (me, List.exists (accepts (e, a)) l, buildTree v)
+                        val () = names := NTree.insert (!names) (v, value)
+                      in
+                        me
+                      end
+              end
+            val _ = mapName (dfs e [0])
+            val d = Array.tabulate (!number, fn _ => (false, ZTree.uniform 0))
+            val () = NTree.app 
+              (fn (i, b, t) => Array.update (d, i, (b, t))) (!names)
+            fun fmt NONE = ()
+              | fmt (SOME c) = (print o Char.toString o Char.chr o ord) c
+            fun treedump (l, v, r, ()) = (
+              fmt l; print "-"; fmt r; print ":"; 
+              print (Int.toString v ^ " "))
+            fun debug (v, (i, b, t)) = (
+              print "States ";
+              Vector.map (print o Int.toString) v;
+              print (": (" ^ Int.toString i ^ ", " ^ Bool.toString b ^ ", ");
+              ZTree.fold treedump () t;
+              print ")\n")
+            val () = NTree.appk debug (!names)
+          in
+            Array.vector d
+          end
+        fun dotEpsilon (i, [], tail) = tail
+          | dotEpsilon (i, h :: r, tail) = 
+              "\t" :: Int.toString i :: "->" :: Int.toString h :: "\n" :: tail
+        fun toDot (n, (e, a)) = String.concat (
+          "digraph " :: n :: " {\n" ::
+          "\tnode [style=filled,fillcolor=grey,shape=circle]\n" ::
+          Vector.foldri dotNode
+            (Vector.foldri Deterministic.dotEdge 
+              ("\tedge [style=dashed]\n" ::
+               Vector.foldri dotEpsilon ["}\n"] e) a) a)
+      end
+    structure Expression =
+      struct
+        datatype t = 
+          Empty | Any | Char of bool ZTree.t | Not of t | Star of t |
+          Concat of t * t | Union of t * t | Intersect of t * t
+        structure DFA = Deterministic
+        structure NFA = NonDeterministic
+        fun toDFA Empty = DFA.empty
+          | toDFA Any = DFA.any
+          | toDFA (Char t) = DFA.char t
+          | toDFA (Not e) = DFA.complement (toDFA e)
+          | toDFA (Star e) = 
+              (DFA.optimize o NFA.toDFA o NFA.power o NFA.fromDFA o toDFA) e
+          | toDFA (Concat (e1, e2)) =
+              (DFA.optimize o NFA.toDFA o NFA.concat)
+              (NFA.fromDFA (toDFA e1), NFA.fromDFA (toDFA e2))
+          | toDFA (Union (e1, e2)) =
+              (DFA.optimize o DFA.union) (toDFA e1, toDFA e2)
+          | toDFA (Intersect (e1, e2)) =
+              (DFA.optimize o DFA.intersect) (toDFA e1, toDFA e2)
+        fun toString Empty = ""
+          | toString Any = "."
+          | toString (Char c) = Char.toString (Char.chr (ord c))
+          | toString (Not e) = "^(" ^ toString e ^ ")"
+          | toString (Star e) = "(" ^ toString e ^ ")*"
+          | toString (Concat (e1, e2)) = toString e1 ^ toString e2
+          | toString (Union (e1, e2)) = "(" ^ toString e1 ^ ")+(" ^ toString e2 ^ ")"
+          | toString (Intersect (e1, e2)) = "(" ^ toString e1 ^ ")-(" ^ toString e2 ^ ")"
+      end
+    structure RegularExpression =
+      struct
+        structure E = Expression
+        type char = Char.char
+        (* BNF:
+           exp = branch 
+                 branch '|' exp
+           branch = empty
+                    piece
+                    piece branch
+           piece = atom ('*' | '+' | '?' | bound)?
+           bound = '{' int (',' int?)? '}'
+           atom = '(' exp ')'
+                  bracket
+                  '^'
+                  '$'
+                  '\' char
+                  char
+                  '{' (* if not followed by integer... *)
+           bracket = '[' '^'? (']')? (col | equiv | class | range | char)* ']'
+           col = '[.' chars '.]'
+           equiv = '[=' chars '=]'
+           class = '[:' chars ':]'
+           range = char '-' char
+         *)
+        datatype bracket =
+          Elt of char | End | Not of bracket | Range of char * char |
+          Alt of bracket * bracket
+        datatype t = 
+          Union of t * t | Star of t | Plus of t | Option of t | Paran of t |
+          Concat of t * t | Char of char | Any | Empty | 
+          Bound of t * int * int option | Bracket of bracket
+        fun cvtBound (e, 0, NONE) = E.Star e
+          | cvtBound (e, i, NONE) = E.Concat (e, cvtBound (e, i-1, NONE))
+          | cvtBound (e, 0, SOME 0) = E.Empty
+          | cvtBound (e, 0, SOME j) = E.Union (E.Empty, cvtBound (e, 1, SOME j))
+          | cvtBound (e, i, SOME j) =  E.Concat (e, cvtBound (e, i-1, SOME (j-1)))
+        fun cvtBracket (Elt c) = cvtBracket (Range (c, c))
+          | cvtBracket (Not b) = ZTree.map not (cvtBracket b)
+          | cvtBracket End = ZTree.uniform false
+          | cvtBracket (Range (l, h)) = 
+              ZTree.range (false, chr (Char.ord l), chr (Char.ord h + 1), true)
+          | cvtBracket (Alt (b1, b2)) = 
+              (ZTree.fromFront o ZTree.uniq (op =) o 
+               ZTree.merge (fn (x,y) => x orelse y))
+              (ZTree.front (cvtBracket b1), ZTree.front (cvtBracket b2))
+        fun exp (Union (e1, e2)) = E.Union (exp e1, exp e2)
+          | exp (Concat (e1, e2)) = E.Concat (exp e1, exp e2)
+          | exp (Star e) = E.Star (exp e)
+          | exp (Plus e) = let val e = exp e in E.Concat (e, E.Star e) end
+          | exp (Option e) = E.Union (E.Empty, exp e)
+          | exp (Paran e) = exp e
+          | exp (Char c) = E.Char (cvtBracket (Elt c))
+          | exp (Bound (e, l, r)) = cvtBound (exp e, l, r)
+          | exp (Bracket b) = E.Char (cvtBracket b)
+          | exp Any = E.Any
+          | exp Empty = E.Empty
+        val toExpression = exp
+        fun fromString s = 
+          case parse_exp (String.explode s) of 
+              (e, []) => e
+            | (e, l) => (
+              print ("Failed to parse: " ^ String.implode l ^ "\n"); 
+              e)
+        and parse_exp ts =
+          case parse_branch ts of
+              (branch, #"|" :: ts') => 
+                let val (exp, ts'') = parse_exp ts' 
+                in (Union (branch, exp), ts'') end
+            | (branch, ts'') => (branch, ts'')
+        and parse_branch ts =
+          case parse_piece ts of
+              (SOME p, ts') => 
+                let val (r, ts'') = parse_branch ts' 
+                in (Concat (p, r), ts'') end
+            | (NONE, _) => (Empty, ts)
+        and parse_piece ts =
+          case parse_atom ts of
+              (SOME a, #"*" :: ts') => (SOME (Star a), ts')
+            | (SOME a, #"+" :: ts') => (SOME (Plus a), ts')
+            | (SOME a, #"?" :: ts') => (SOME (Option a), ts')
+            | (SOME a, #"{" :: ts') => 
+                (case parse_bound a ts' of
+                     (SOME b, ts'') => (SOME b, ts'')
+                   | (NONE, _) => (SOME a, #"{" :: ts'))
+            | (SOME a, ts') => (SOME a, ts')
+            | (NONE, _) => (NONE, ts)
+        and parse_bound a ts =
+          case parse_int ts of
+              (SOME i, _, #"," :: #"}" :: ts') => 
+                (SOME (Bound (a, i, NONE)), ts')
+            | (SOME i, _, #"," :: ts') =>
+                (case parse_int ts' of
+                    (SOME j, _, #"}"::ts'') => 
+                      if i <= j then
+                           (SOME (Bound (a, i, SOME j)), ts'')
+                      else (NONE, ts)
+                  | (SOME j, _, _) => (NONE, ts)
+                  | (NONE, _, _) => (NONE, ts))
+            | (SOME i, _, #"}" :: ts') => (SOME (Bound (a, i, SOME i)), ts')
+            | (SOME i, _, _) => (NONE, ts)
+            | (NONE, _, _) => (NONE, ts)
+        and parse_int ts =
+          case parse_digit ts of
+              (SOME i, ts') =>
+                (case parse_int ts' of
+                    (SOME j, p, ts'') => (SOME (i*p+j), p*10, ts'')
+                  | (NONE, _, _) => (SOME i, 10, ts'))
+            | (NONE, _) => (NONE, 1, ts)
+        and parse_digit ts =
+          case ts of
+              (#"0" :: ts') => (SOME 0, ts')
+            | (#"1" :: ts') => (SOME 1, ts')
+            | (#"2" :: ts') => (SOME 2, ts')
+            | (#"3" :: ts') => (SOME 3, ts')
+            | (#"4" :: ts') => (SOME 4, ts')
+            | (#"5" :: ts') => (SOME 5, ts')
+            | (#"6" :: ts') => (SOME 6, ts')
+            | (#"7" :: ts') => (SOME 7, ts')
+            | (#"8" :: ts') => (SOME 8, ts')
+            | (#"9" :: ts') => (SOME 9, ts')
+            | _ => (NONE, ts)
+        and parse_atom ts =
+          case ts of
+              (#"(" :: ts') => 
+                (case parse_exp ts' of
+                     (exp, #")" :: ts'') => (SOME (Paran exp), ts'')
+                   | (exp, _) => (NONE, #"(" :: ts')) (* warn!!! *)
+            | (#"\\" :: x :: ts'') => (SOME (Char x), ts'')
+            | (#"." :: ts'') => (SOME Any, ts'')
+            | (#"[" :: ts') =>
+                (case parse_bnot ts' of
+                    (bracket, #"]" :: ts'') => (SOME (Bracket bracket), ts'')
+                  | (_, _) => (NONE, #"[" :: ts')) (* warn!!! *)
+            | (#")" :: ts') => (NONE, #")" :: ts')
+            | (#"|" :: ts') => (NONE, #"|" :: ts')
+            | (x :: ts') => (SOME (Char x), ts')
+            | [] => (NONE, ts)
+        and parse_bnot ts = 
+          case ts of
+              (#"^" :: ts') => 
+                let val (r, ts'') = parse_bclose ts'
+                in (Not r, ts'') end
+            | _ => parse_bclose ts
+        and parse_bclose ts =
+          case ts of
+              (#"]" :: ts') => 
+                let val (r, ts'') = parse_blist ts'
+                in (Alt (Elt #"]", r), ts'') end
+            | _ => parse_blist ts
+        and parse_blist ts =
+          case parse_batom ts of
+              (SOME a, ts') =>
+                let val (r, ts'') = parse_blist ts'
+                in (Alt (a, r), ts'') end
+            | (NONE, _) => (End, ts)
+        and parse_batom ts =
+          case ts of
+              (c :: #"-" :: #"]" :: ts') => (SOME (Elt c), tl ts)
+            | (#"]" :: ts') => (NONE, ts)
+            | (c :: #"-" :: d :: ts') => (SOME (Range (c, d)), ts')
+            | (c :: ts') => (SOME (Elt c), ts')
+            | _ => (NONE, ts) (* warn!!! *)
+      end
+  end

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.mlb	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.mlb	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  $(SML_LIB)/basis/basis.mlb
+  ztree.sml
+  btree.sml
+  automata.sig
+  automata.fun

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.sig	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/automata.sig	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+signature AUTOMATA =
+  sig
+    eqtype char
+    eqtype string
+    structure ZTree : ZTREE
+    structure Deterministic :
+      sig
+        eqtype state
+        type t
+        val size: t -> int
+        val start: t -> state
+        val accepts: t -> state -> bool
+        val step: t -> (char * state) -> state
+        val multistep: t -> (string * state) -> state
+        val test: t -> string -> bool
+        val any: t
+        val empty: t
+        val char: bool ZTree.t -> t
+        (* minimizes states and puts in canonical order *)
+        val optimize: t -> t
+        (* compares two minimal, canonical DFAs for equality *)
+        val equal: (t * t) -> bool
+        val complement: t -> t
+        val union: (t * t) -> t
+        val intersect: (t * t) -> t
+        (* The passed function is the 'cost' of a character in length *)
+        val shortestMatch: (char option * char option -> int * char) -> t 
+            -> char list option
+        val toDot: (String.string * t) -> String.string
+        val toSML: (String.string * t) -> String.string
+        val toC:   (String.string * t) -> String.string
+      end
+    structure NonDeterministic :
+      sig
+        eqtype state
+        type t
+        val size: t -> int
+        val start: t -> state
+        val accepts: t -> state -> bool
+        val step: t -> (char * state list) -> state list
+        val multistep: t -> (string * state list) -> state list
+        val test: t -> string -> bool
+        val power: t -> t
+        val concat: (t * t) -> t
+        val toDFA: t -> Deterministic.t
+        val fromDFA: Deterministic.t -> t
+        val toDot: (String.string * t) -> String.string
+      end
+    structure Expression :
+      sig
+        datatype t = 
+          Empty | Any | Char of bool ZTree.t | Not of t | Star of t | 
+          Concat of t * t | Union of t * t | Intersect of t * t
+        (* val toString: t -> String.string *)
+        val toDFA: t -> Deterministic.t
+      end
+    structure RegularExpression :
+      sig
+        type t
+        val fromString: String.string -> t
+        val toExpression: t -> Expression.t
+      end
+  end

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/btree.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/btree.sml	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/btree.sml	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+signature BTREE =
+  sig
+    type key
+    type 'val t
+    val empty: 'val t
+    val app: ('val -> unit) -> 'val t -> unit
+    val appk: ((key * 'val) -> unit) -> 'val t -> unit
+    val map: ('val -> 'new) -> 'val t -> 'new t
+    val mapk: ((key * 'val) -> 'new) -> 'val t -> 'new t
+    val fold: (key * 'val * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'val t -> 'a
+    val foldr: (key * 'val * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'val t -> 'a
+    val get: 'val t -> key -> 'val option
+    val insert: 'val t -> (key * 'val) -> 'val t
+    datatype 'val iterator = 
+      Iter of key * 'val * (unit -> 'val iterator) option
+    val front: 'val t -> (unit -> 'val iterator) option
+  end
+functor BTree(Order : ORDER) : BTREE =
+  struct
+    open Order
+    type key = Order.t
+    datatype colour = Red | Black 
+    datatype 'val t = Node of colour * 'val t * (key * 'val) * 'val t | Leaf
+    val empty = Leaf 
+    fun app f Leaf = ()
+      | app f (Node (c, l, (y, v), r)) = 
+          (app f l; f v; app f r)
+    fun appk f Leaf = ()
+      | appk f (Node (c, l, (y, v), r)) = 
+          (appk f l; f (y, v); appk f r)
+    fun map f Leaf = Leaf
+      | map f (Node (c, l, (y, v), r)) = 
+          Node (c, map f l, (y, f v), map f r)
+    fun mapk f Leaf = Leaf
+      | mapk f (Node (c, l, (y, v), r)) = 
+          Node (c, mapk f l, (y, f (y, v)), mapk f r)
+    fun fold f a Leaf = a
+      | fold f a (Node (c, l, (y, v), r)) =
+          fold f (f (y, v, fold f a l)) r
+    fun foldr f a Leaf = a
+      | foldr f a (Node (c, l, (y, v), r)) =
+          foldr f (f (y, v, foldr f a r)) l
+    fun get Leaf x = NONE
+      | get (Node (_, l, (y, v), r)) x =
+          if      x < y then get l x
+          else if y < x then get r x
+          else SOME v
+    fun balance x = case x of
+	  (Black, Node (Red, Node (Red, a, x, b), y, c), z, d) =>
+		Node (Red, Node (Black, a, x, b), y, Node (Black, c, z, d))
+	| (Black, Node (Red, a, x, Node (Red, b, y, c)), z, d) =>
+		Node (Red, Node (Black, a, x, b), y, Node (Black, c, z, d))
+	| (Black, a, x, Node (Red, Node (Red, b, y, c), z, d)) =>
+		Node (Red, Node (Black, a, x, b), y, Node (Black, c, z, d))
+	| (Black, a, x, Node (Red, b, y, Node (Red, c, z, d))) =>
+		Node (Red, Node (Black, a, x, b), y, Node (Black, c, z, d))
+	| (a, b, c, d) =>
+		Node (a, b, c, d)
+    fun insert t (x, v) =
+      let
+        fun ins Leaf = Node (Red, Leaf, (x, v), Leaf)
+          | ins (Node (c, a, (y, v'), b)) =
+              if      x < y then balance (c, ins a, (y, v'), b)
+              else if y < x then balance (c, a, (y, v'), ins b)
+              else balance (c, a, (x, v), b)
+      in
+        case ins t of
+            Node (_, a, y, b) => Node (Black, a, y, b)
+	  | Leaf => Leaf
+      end
+    datatype 'val iterator = 
+      Iter of key * 'val * (unit -> 'val iterator) option
+    fun front t =
+      let
+        datatype 'val stack = Parent of key * 'val * 'val t
+        fun goleft (Leaf, []) = NONE
+          | goleft (Leaf, stack) = SOME (spit stack)
+          | goleft (Node (_, l, (k, v), r), stack) = 
+              goleft (l, Parent (k, v, r) :: stack)
+        and spit [] () = raise Overflow (* unreachable *)
+          | spit (Parent (k, v, r) :: stack) () = 
+              Iter (k, v, goleft (r, stack))
+      in
+        goleft (t, [])
+      end
+  end

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.dot
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.dot	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.dot	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+digraph "compare call-stack graph" {
+label = "compare call-stack graph"
+n0 [shape = "box", label = "examine.max\n", color = "Black"]
+n1 [shape = "box", label = "examine.length\n", color = "Black"]
+n2 [shape = "box", label = "examine.biggest\n", color = "Black"]
+n2 -> n1 []
+n2 -> n0 []
+n3 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.fromString\n", color = "Black"]
+n3 -> n4 []
+n3 -> n5 []
+n3 -> n6 []
+n3 -> n7 []
+n3 -> n8 []
+n3 -> n9 []
+n10 [shape = "box", label = "examine\n", color = "Black"]
+n10 -> n3 []
+n10 -> n11 []
+n10 -> n2 []
+n10 -> n0 []
+n10 -> n12 []
+n10 -> n13 []
+n10 -> n4 []
+n10 -> n14 []
+n10 -> n15 []
+n10 -> n16 []
+n10 -> n5 []
+n10 -> n6 []
+n10 -> n7 []
+n10 -> n8 []
+n10 -> n17 []
+n10 -> n18 []
+n10 -> n19 []
+n10 -> n20 []
+n10 -> n21 []
+n10 -> n22 []
+n10 -> n23 []
+n10 -> n24 []
+n10 -> n25 []
+n10 -> n26 []
+n12 [shape = "box", label = "examine.format\n", color = "Black"]
+n12 -> n4 []
+n12 -> n27 []
+n12 -> n24 []
+n26 [shape = "box", label = "examine.entry\n", color = "Black"]
+n26 -> n4 []
+n25 [shape = "box", label = "examine.dashes\n", color = "Black"]
+n25 -> n25 []
+n25 -> n4 []
+n24 [shape = "box", label = "examine.whitespace\n", color = "Black"]
+n24 -> n24 []
+n24 -> n4 []
+n28 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.shortestMatch.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n29 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.shortestMatch.anon.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n30 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.shortestMatch.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n30 -> n29 []
+n23 [shape = "box", label = "Option.map.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n31 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.shortestMatch.followTrail\n", color = "Black"]
+n32 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.fold\n", color = "Black"]
+n32 -> n33 []
+n34 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.shortestMatch.relaxEdges\n", color = "Black"]
+n34 -> n32 []
+n35 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.shortestMatch\n", color = "Black"]
+n35 -> n34 []
+n35 -> n31 []
+n35 -> n30 []
+n35 -> n28 []
+n36 [shape = "box", label = "pick\n", color = "Black"]
+n37 [shape = "box", label = "overlap\n", color = "Black"]
+n38 [shape = "box", label = "edgeLength.match\n", color = "Black"]
+n38 -> n37 []
+n39 [shape = "box", label = "edgeLength\n", color = "Black"]
+n39 -> n38 []
+n39 -> n36 []
+n40 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.shortestMatch.relaxEdges.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n40 -> n39 []
+n33 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.fold.deep\n", color = "Black"]
+n33 -> n40 []
+n33 -> n33 []
+n41 [shape = "box", label = "C.toArrayOfLength.loop\n", color = "Black"]
+n42 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_bclose\n", color = "Black"]
+n42 -> n43 []
+n44 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_bnot\n", color = "Black"]
+n44 -> n42 []
+n44 -> n43 []
+n45 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_bound\n", color = "Black"]
+n45 -> n46 []
+n47 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_atom\n", color = "Black"]
+n47 -> n44 []
+n47 -> n9 []
+n48 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_piece\n", color = "Black"]
+n48 -> n47 []
+n48 -> n45 []
+n49 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_branch\n", color = "Black"]
+n49 -> n48 []
+n49 -> n49 []
+n9 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_exp\n", color = "Black"]
+n9 -> n9 []
+n9 -> n49 []
+n50 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_digit\n", color = "Black"]
+n46 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_int\n", color = "Black"]
+n46 -> n50 []
+n46 -> n46 []
+n51 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_batom\n", color = "Black"]
+n43 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.parse_blist\n", color = "Black"]
+n43 -> n51 []
+n43 -> n43 []
+n21 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.exp\n", color = "Black"]
+n21 -> n52 []
+n21 -> n53 []
+n21 -> n54 []
+n21 -> n21 []
+n21 -> n22 []
+n55 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.range\n", color = "Black"]
+n52 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.cvtBracket\n", color = "Black"]
+n52 -> n55 []
+n52 -> n56 []
+n52 -> n57 []
+n52 -> n58 []
+n52 -> n59 []
+n52 -> n52 []
+n52 -> n53 []
+n52 -> n54 []
+n60 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.cvtBracket.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n22 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.RegularExpression.cvtBound\n", color = "Black"]
+n22 -> n22 []
+n19 [shape = "box", label = "Sequence.fromList\n", color = "Black"]
+n61 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.char\n", color = "Black"]
+n61 -> n53 []
+n62 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.power\n", color = "Black"]
+n62 -> n63 []
+n62 -> n64 []
+n62 -> n13 []
+n65 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.mapAccept.mapEpsilon\n", color = "Black"]
+n65 -> n66 []
+n67 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.mapRenumber.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n68 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.toDFA\n", color = "Black"]
+n68 -> n69 []
+n68 -> n70 []
+n68 -> n71 []
+n68 -> n72 []
+n63 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.mapRenumber\n", color = "Black"]
+n63 -> n67 []
+n63 -> n13 []
+n73 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.mapAccept.noAccept\n", color = "Black"]
+n73 -> n13 []
+n64 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.mapAccept\n", color = "Black"]
+n64 -> n73 []
+n64 -> n65 []
+n74 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.concat\n", color = "Black"]
+n74 -> n64 []
+n74 -> n63 []
+n74 -> n13 []
+n75 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.fromDFA\n", color = "Black"]
+n11 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.crossproduct\n", color = "Black"]
+n76 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.union\n", color = "Black"]
+n76 -> n11 []
+n76 -> n13 []
+n20 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Expression.toDFA\n", color = "Black"]
+n20 -> n76 []
+n20 -> n75 []
+n20 -> n74 []
+n20 -> n68 []
+n20 -> n62 []
+n20 -> n61 []
+n20 -> n13 []
+n20 -> n19 []
+n20 -> n20 []
+n20 -> n17 []
+n20 -> n18 []
+n77 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.toDFA.buildTree\n", color = "Black"]
+n77 -> n78 []
+n77 -> n57 []
+n77 -> n58 []
+n77 -> n54 []
+n77 -> n79 []
+n77 -> n80 []
+n77 -> n81 []
+n82 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.insert\n", color = "Black"]
+n82 -> n83 []
+n82 -> n84 []
+n85 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.get\n", color = "Black"]
+n85 -> n86 []
+n72 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.toDFA.mapName\n0.1% (0.01s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n72 -> n85 []
+n72 -> n82 []
+n72 -> n66 []
+n72 -> n77 []
+n87 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.insert\n", color = "Black"]
+n87 -> n88 []
+n87 -> n89 []
+n90 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.get\n", color = "Black"]
+n91 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.dfs.pass\n", color = "Black"]
+n91 -> n90 []
+n91 -> n87 []
+n69 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.dfs\n", color = "Black"]
+n69 -> n91 []
+n92 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.toDFA.buildTree.getIter.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n93 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.toDFA.buildTree.getIter\n", color = "Black"]
+n93 -> n92 []
+n93 -> n59 []
+n79 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.toDFA.buildTree.grow\n", color = "Black"]
+n79 -> n93 []
+n79 -> n27 []
+n79 -> n79 []
+n79 -> n80 []
+n79 -> n81 []
+n94 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.toDFA.buildTree.flatten\n", color = "Black"]
+n94 -> n94 []
+n83 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.balance\n", color = "Black"]
+n86 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.Names.<\n0.2% (0.02s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n84 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.insert.ins\n", color = "Black"]
+n84 -> n86 []
+n84 -> n83 []
+n84 -> n84 []
+n95 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.toDFA.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n71 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.app\n", color = "Black"]
+n71 -> n95 []
+n71 -> n71 []
+n88 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.balance\n", color = "Black"]
+n89 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.insert.ins\n", color = "Black"]
+n89 -> n88 []
+n89 -> n89 []
+n96 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.crossproduct.ofPair\n0.1% (0.01s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n66 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.accepts\n0.1% (0.01s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n97 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.agree\n1.3% (0.11s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n97 -> n66 []
+n98 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.fold\n7.7% (0.63s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n98 -> n99 []
+n98 -> n59 []
+n98 -> n81 []
+n98 -> n100 []
+n101 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.tree.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n102 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.tree\n2.1% (0.17s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n102 -> n101 []
+n103 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.toPair\n5.1% (0.42s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n103 -> n27 []
+n104 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.distinct\n0.4% (0.03s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n104 -> n103 []
+n104 -> n105 []
+n104 -> n56 []
+n104 -> n98 []
+n106 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.update\n1.2% (0.10s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n106 -> n104 []
+n107 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.whoAmI\n0.1% (0.01s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n107 -> n108 []
+n109 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.setState\n", color = "Black"]
+n109 -> n107 []
+n110 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.pass\n3.4% (0.28s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n110 -> n106 []
+n111 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups\n", color = "Black"]
+n111 -> n110 []
+n111 -> n112 []
+n111 -> n109 []
+n111 -> n103 []
+n111 -> n97 []
+n108 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.ofPair\n0.6% (0.05s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n113 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.finddups.match\n0.1% (0.01s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n113 -> n108 []
+n81 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.merge.wrap\n30.6% (2.50s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n81 -> n60 []
+n81 -> n96 []
+n81 -> n113 []
+n81 -> n99 []
+n81 -> n59 []
+n81 -> n80 []
+n81 -> n100 []
+n81 -> n81 []
+n114 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.unreachable.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n78 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.imap\n", color = "Black"]
+n78 -> n80 []
+n115 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.mapStates.map\n0.1% (0.01s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n115 -> n78 []
+n115 -> n57 []
+n115 -> n59 []
+n115 -> n58 []
+n115 -> n54 []
+n112 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.mapStates\n", color = "Black"]
+n112 -> n13 []
+n112 -> n115 []
+n18 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.unreachable\n", color = "Black"]
+n18 -> n116 []
+n18 -> n112 []
+n18 -> n114 []
+n18 -> n117 []
+n100 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.uniq.wrap\n0.2% (0.02s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n100 -> n99 []
+n100 -> n59 []
+n100 -> n80 []
+n100 -> n100 []
+n100 -> n81 []
+n80 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.imap.wrap\n0.2% (0.02s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n80 -> n17 []
+n80 -> n72 []
+n80 -> n99 []
+n80 -> n59 []
+n80 -> n80 []
+n80 -> n100 []
+n80 -> n81 []
+n118 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.dfs.anon\n0.1% (0.01s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n70 [shape = "box", label = "BTree.fold\n", color = "Black"]
+n70 -> n118 []
+n70 -> n70 []
+n99 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.front.next\n1.1% (0.09s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n119 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.fromFront.suck\n", color = "Black"]
+n119 -> n99 []
+n119 -> n59 []
+n119 -> n80 []
+n119 -> n100 []
+n119 -> n81 []
+n58 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.fromFront\n0.7% (0.06s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n58 -> n119 []
+n54 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.fromFront.grow\n", color = "Black"]
+n54 -> n27 []
+n54 -> n54 []
+n59 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.front.goleft\n19.4% (1.58s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n120 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.char.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n53 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.map\n", color = "Black"]
+n53 -> n120 []
+n53 -> n53 []
+n121 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.unreachable.dfs.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n116 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.unreachable.dfs\n", color = "Black"]
+n116 -> n121 []
+n117 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.app\n", color = "Black"]
+n117 -> n117 []
+n117 -> n116 []
+n5 [shape = "box", label = "StreamIOExtra.flushOut\n", color = "Black"]
+n5 -> n7 []
+n5 -> n8 []
+n6 [shape = "box", label = "TextIO.print\n", color = "Black"]
+n6 -> n122 []
+n6 -> n123 []
+n6 -> n7 []
+n6 -> n8 []
+n7 [shape = "box", label = "StreamIOExtra.flushGen.loop\n", color = "Black"]
+n7 -> n122 []
+n7 -> n123 []
+n8 [shape = "box", label = "StreamIOExtra.flushBuf\n", color = "Black"]
+n124 [shape = "box", label = "Time.make.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n17 [shape = "box", label = "General.o\n", color = "Black"]
+n17 -> n35 []
+n17 -> n69 []
+n17 -> n70 []
+n17 -> n94 []
+n17 -> n111 []
+n17 -> n18 []
+n17 -> n13 []
+n122 [shape = "box", label = "PosixError.SysCall.syscallErr.errUnblocked\n", color = "Black"]
+n123 [shape = "box", label = "PosixError.SysCall.simpleResult'\n", color = "Black"]
+n125 [shape = "box", label = "IntInf.dontInline.recur\n", color = "Black"]
+n125 -> n125 []
+n126 [shape = "box", label = "Sequence.unfoldi.loop\n", color = "Black"]
+n126 -> n127 []
+n126 -> n128 []
+n126 -> n129 []
+n126 -> n14 []
+n126 -> n15 []
+n126 -> n16 []
+n14 [shape = "box", label = "Array.ArraySlice.vector\n", color = "Black"]
+n15 [shape = "box", label = "Integer.fmt.loop\n", color = "Black"]
+n16 [shape = "box", label = "Integer.fmt\n", color = "Black"]
+n27 [shape = "box", label = "Integer.div\n4.3% (0.35s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n127 [shape = "box", label = "Sequence.Slice.sequence\n", color = "Black"]
+n128 [shape = "box", label = "Sequence.Slice.concat\n", color = "Black"]
+n129 [shape = "box", label = "Sequence.concat\n", color = "Black"]
+n4 [shape = "box", label = "Sequence.append\n", color = "Black"]
+n130 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.mapRenumber.stateRelabel\n", color = "Black"]
+n130 -> n53 []
+n131 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.complement.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n132 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.mapStates.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n133 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.intersect.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n57 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.uniq\n", color = "Black"]
+n57 -> n100 []
+n56 [shape = "box", label = "ZTree.merge\n1.6% (0.13s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n56 -> n81 []
+n105 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.mapPair\n3.4% (0.28s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n105 -> n102 []
+n105 -> n59 []
+n134 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.union.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n135 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.crossproduct.cross\n0.2% (0.02s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n135 -> n134 []
+n135 -> n105 []
+n135 -> n56 []
+n135 -> n57 []
+n135 -> n133 []
+n135 -> n58 []
+n135 -> n54 []
+n136 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.crossproduct.getState\n", color = "Black"]
+n137 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.Deterministic.crossproduct.toPair\n", color = "Black"]
+n137 -> n27 []
+n138 [shape = "box", label = "Automata.NonDeterministic.mapAccept.noAccept.anon\n", color = "Black"]
+n13 [shape = "box", label = "Sequence.tabulate\n", color = "Black"]
+n13 -> n138 []
+n13 -> n137 []
+n13 -> n136 []
+n13 -> n135 []
+n13 -> n132 []
+n13 -> n131 []
+n13 -> n130 []
+n139 [shape = "box", label = "General.exnMessage.find\n", color = "Black"]
+n139 -> n139 []
+n139 -> n140 []
+n139 -> n127 []
+n139 -> n128 []
+n139 -> n129 []
+n140 [shape = "box", label = "General.exnMessage\n", color = "Black"]
+n141 [shape = "box", label = "<main>\n", color = "Black"]
+n141 -> n10 []
+n141 -> n139 []
+n141 -> n140 []
+n141 -> n127 []
+n141 -> n128 []
+n141 -> n129 []
+n141 -> n4 []
+n141 -> n126 []
+n141 -> n122 []
+n141 -> n123 []
+n141 -> n124 []
+n141 -> n17 []
+n141 -> n125 []
+n141 -> n7 []
+n141 -> n8 []
+n141 -> n5 []
+n141 -> n6 []
+n141 -> n41 []
+n142 [shape = "box", label = "<gc>\n15.1% (1.23s)\n", color = "Black"]
+n143 [shape = "box", label = "<unknown>\n", color = "Black"]
\ No newline at end of file

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.mlb	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.mlb	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  $(SML_LIB)/basis/basis.mlb
+  automata.mlb
+  compare.sml

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.sml	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/compare.sml	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+fun overlap (NONE, NONE, x, y) = true
+  | overlap (SOME l, NONE, x, y) = l < y
+  | overlap (NONE, SOME r, x, y) = x < r
+  | overlap (SOME l, SOME r, x, y) = x < r andalso l < y
+(* assumes overlap *)
+fun pick (NONE, NONE, x, y) = x
+  | pick (SOME l, NONE, x, y) = y - 1 (* l < y *)
+  | pick (NONE, SOME r, x, y) = x (* x < r *)
+  | pick (SOME l, SOME r, x, y) = if l < x then x else l
+fun edgeLength (l, r) =
+  let
+    val asciiweights = [
+      ( 65,  91,   1), (* uppercase chars are perfect *)
+      ( 97,  123,  1), (* lowercase chars are perfect *)
+      ( 48,  58,   2), (* digits are nice *)
+      ( 32,  33,   3), (* space is better than punctuation *)
+      ( 58,  65,   4), (* :;<=>?@ not pretty, but ok *)
+      ( 91,  97,   4), (* [\]^_` not pretty, but ok *)
+      (123,  127,  4), (* {|}~ not pretty, but ok *)
+      ( 33,  48,   4), (* !"#$%&'()*+-,-./ are not pretty, but acceptable *)
+      (127,  256, 12), (* anything bigger is not nicely printable *)
+      (  1,  32,  25), (* control chars are bad too *)
+      (  0,   1, 200)] (* try really hard to avoid nulls *)
+    val (li, ri) = (Option.map Char.ord l, Option.map Char.ord r)
+    fun match (x, y, _) = overlap (li, ri, x, y)
+  in
+    case valOf (List.find match asciiweights) of (x, y, w) =>
+      (w, Char.chr (pick (li, ri, x, y)))
+  end
+structure A = Automata(Alphabet)
+structure RE = A.RegularExpression
+structure E = A.Expression
+structure DFA = A.Deterministic
+fun examine (a, b) =
+  let
+    val convert = E.toDFA o RE.toExpression o RE.fromString
+    val find = Option.map String.implode o DFA.shortestMatch edgeLength
+    val join = find o DFA.optimize o DFA.intersect
+    val (pa, pb) = (convert a, convert b)
+    val (na, nb) = (DFA.complement pa, DFA.complement pb)
+    val (pas, nas, pbs, nbs) = (find pa, find na, find pb, find nb)
+    val (papbs, panbs, napbs, nanbs) = 
+          (join (pa, pb), join (pa, nb), join (na, pb), join (na, nb))
+    fun length (SOME x) = 4 + String.size x
+      | length NONE = 3
+    fun max (x, y) = if x < y then y else x
+    fun biggest (x, y, z) =  max (length x, max (length y, length z))
+    val col1 = biggest(NONE, pas, nas)
+    val col2 = biggest(pbs, papbs, napbs)
+    val col3 = max(biggest(nbs, panbs, nanbs), 8)
+    fun whitespace 0 = ""
+      | whitespace i = " " ^ whitespace (i-1)
+    fun dashes 0 = ""
+      | dashes i = "-" ^ dashes (i-1)
+    fun format (s, w) = 
+      let val pad = w - String.size s in
+      whitespace (pad div 2) ^ s ^ whitespace ((pad+1) div 2) end
+    fun entry (SOME x, w) = format ("\"" ^ x ^ "\"", w)
+      |	entry (NONE, w) = format ("-", w)
+    val setrelation = case (papbs, panbs, napbs, nanbs) of
+        (_, NONE, NONE, _) => "A is identical to B"
+      | (NONE, _, _, NONE) => "A is the complement of B"
+      | (_, NONE, _, _) => "A is a subset of B"
+      | (_, _, NONE, _) => "A is a superset of B"
+      | (NONE, _, _, _) => "A is disjoint from B"
+      | _ => "A overlaps B"
+  in
+    print ("Expression A (" ^ Int.toString (DFA.size pa) ^ " states) = \"" ^ a ^ "\"\n");
+    print ("Expression B (" ^ Int.toString (DFA.size pb) ^ " states) = \"" ^ b ^ "\"\n");
+    print "\n";
+    print ("       |" ^ whitespace col1  ^ "|" ^ format("B", col2)  ^ "|" ^ format("not(B)", col3) ^ "\n");
+    print ("--------" ^ dashes col1      ^ "-" ^ dashes col2        ^ "-" ^ dashes col3        ^ "\n");
+    print ("       |" ^ whitespace col1  ^ "|" ^ entry(pbs, col2)   ^ "|" ^ entry(nbs, col3)   ^ "\n");
+    print ("A      |" ^ entry(pas, col1) ^ "|" ^ entry(papbs, col2) ^ "|" ^ entry(panbs, col3) ^ "\n");
+    print ("not(A) |" ^ entry(nas, col1) ^ "|" ^ entry(napbs, col2) ^ "|" ^ entry(nanbs, col3) ^ "\n");
+    print "\n";
+    print ("Set relationship: " ^ setrelation ^ ".\n")
+  end
+val ()  = case CommandLine.arguments () of
+    (a :: b :: []) => examine (a, b)
+  | _ => print "Expect two regular expressions for arguments\n"

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/todot.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/todot.mlb	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/todot.mlb	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  $(SML_LIB)/basis/basis.mlb
+  automata.mlb
+  todot.sml

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/todot.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/todot.sml	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/todot.sml	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+structure T = Automata(Alphabet)
+structure DFA = T.Deterministic
+structure NFA = T.NonDeterministic
+structure E = T.Expression
+structure RE = T.RegularExpression
+open E
+val exp = (RE.toExpression o RE.fromString o hd o CommandLine.arguments) ()
+val s = toDFA exp
+val () = print (DFA.toDot ("dotfile", s))

Added: mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/ztree.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/ztree.sml	2006-12-19 02:52:52 UTC (rev 4982)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/ca/terpstra/regexp/ztree.sml	2006-12-19 02:56:05 UTC (rev 4983)
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+signature ORDER =
+  sig
+    type t
+    val < : t * t -> bool
+  end
+signature ZTREE =
+  sig
+    type key
+    datatype 'val t = 
+      Leaf of 'val | 
+      Node of 'val t * key * 'val t
+    val uniform: 'val -> 'val t
+    val range: ('val * key * key * 'val) -> 'val t
+    val size: 'val t -> int
+    (* compare two ZTrees for structural equality (balance must match) *)
+    val equal: ('val * 'val -> bool) -> ('val t * 'val t) -> bool
+    val app: ('val -> unit) -> 'val t -> unit
+    val map: ('val -> 'new) -> 'val t -> 'new t
+    val fold: (key option * 'val * key option * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'val t -> 'a
+    val foldr: (key option * 'val * key option * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'val t -> 'a
+    val lookup: 'val t -> key -> 'val
+    datatype 'val iterator = 
+      Iter of 'val * key option * (unit -> 'val iterator)
+    val front: 'val t -> 'val iterator
+    val back: 'val t -> 'val iterator
+    val fromFront: 'val iterator -> 'val t
+    val imap: ('val -> 'new) -> 'val iterator -> 'new iterator
+    val uniq: ('val * 'val -> bool) -> 'val iterator -> 'val iterator
+    val merge: ('v1 * 'v2 -> 'new) -> ('v1 iterator * 'v2 iterator) -> 'new iterator
+  end
+functor ZTree(Order : ORDER) : ZTREE 
+  where type key = Order.t =
+  struct
+    open Order
+    type key = Order.t
+    datatype 'val t = 
+      Leaf of 'val | 
+      Node of 'val t * key * 'val t
+    fun uniform v = Leaf v
+    fun range (u, l, r, v) = Node (Node (Leaf u, l, Leaf v), r, Leaf u)
+    fun size (Leaf v) = 1
+      | size (Node (l, _, r)) = size l + size r
+    fun equal eq (Leaf v1, Leaf v2) = eq (v1, v2)
+      | equal eq (Node _, Leaf _) = false
+      | equal eq (Leaf _, Node _) = false
+      | equal eq (Node (l1, k1, r1), Node (l2, k2, r2)) =
+          not (k1 < k2) andalso not (k2 < k1) andalso 
+          equal eq (l1, l2) andalso equal eq (r1, r2)
+    fun app f (Leaf v) = f v
+      | app f (Node (l, k, r)) = (app f l; app f r)
+    fun map f (Leaf v) = Leaf (f v)
+      | map f (Node (l, k, r)) = Node (map f l, k, map f r)
+    fun fold f a t =
+      let
+        fun deep (x, y, Leaf v, a) = f (x, v, y, a) 
+          | deep (x, y, Node (l, k, r), a) =
+              deep (SOME k, y, r, deep (x, SOME k, l, a))
+      in
+        deep (NONE, NONE, t, a)
+      end
+    fun foldr f a t =
+      let
+        fun deep (x, y, Leaf v, a) = f (x, v, y, a) 
+          | deep (x, y, Node (l, k, r), a) =
+              deep (x, SOME k, l, deep (SOME k, y, r, a))
+      in
+        deep (NONE, NONE, t, a)
+      end
+    fun lookup (Leaf v) _ = v
+      | lookup (Node (l, k, r)) x = 
+        if x < k then lookup l x else lookup r x
+    datatype 'val iterator = 
+      Iter of 'val * key option * (unit -> 'val iterator)
+    fun front t =
+      let
+        datatype 'val stack = Parent of key option * 'val t
+        fun goleft (Leaf v, c, stack) = Iter (v, c, next stack)
+          | goleft (Node (l, k, r), c, stack) = 
+              goleft (l, SOME k, Parent (c, r) :: stack)
+        and next [] () = raise Subscript
+          | next (Parent (c, r) :: stack) () = 
+              goleft (r, c, stack)
+      in
+        goleft (t, NONE, [])
+      end
+    fun back t =
+      let
+        datatype 'val stack = Parent of key option * 'val t
+        fun goright (Leaf v, c, stack) = Iter (v, c, next stack)
+          | goright (Node (l, k, r), c, stack) = 
+              goright (r, SOME k, Parent (c, l) :: stack)
+        and next [] () = raise Subscript
+          | next (Parent (c, l) :: stack) () = 
+              goright (l, c, stack)
+      in
+        goright (t, NONE, [])
+      end
+    fun fromFront f =
+      let
+        fun suck (Iter (v1, NONE, iter), r) = (v1, NONE) :: r
+          | suck (Iter (v1, k1, iter), r) = suck (iter (), (v1, k1) :: r)
+        val table = Vector.fromList (suck (f, []))
+        fun grow (l, r) =
+          if l + 1 = r then Leaf (#1 (Vector.sub (table, l))) else
+          let val m = (l+r) div 2 in
+            Node (grow (m, r), 
+                  valOf (#2 (Vector.sub (table, m))), 
+                  grow (l, m)) 
+          end
+      in
+        grow (0, Vector.length table)
+      end
+    fun imap f iter =
+      let
+        fun wrap (Iter (v, NONE, n)) () = Iter (f v, NONE, wrap (Iter (v, NONE, n)))
+          | wrap (Iter (v, k, n)) () = Iter (f v, k, wrap (n ()))
+      in
+        wrap iter ()
+      end
+    fun uniq eq iter =
+      let
+        fun wrap (Iter (v, NONE, n)) () = Iter (v, NONE, n)
+          | wrap (Iter (v1, k1, n1)) () =
+              case n1 () of Iter (v2, k2, n2) =>
+                if eq (v1, v2) then wrap (Iter (v2, k2, n2)) () else
+                Iter (v1, k1, wrap (Iter (v2, k2, n2)))
+      in
+        wrap iter ()
+      end
+    fun merge f (iter1, iter2) =
+      let
+        fun wrap (Iter (v1, NONE, n1), Iter (v2, NONE, n2)) () = 
+              Iter (f (v1, v2), NONE, wrap (Iter (v1, NONE, n1), Iter (v2, NONE, n2)))
+          | wrap (Iter (v1, SOME k1, n1), Iter (v2, NONE, n2)) () =
+              Iter (f (v1, v2), SOME k1, wrap (n1 (), Iter (v2, NONE, n2)))
+          | wrap (Iter (v1, NONE, n1), Iter (v2, SOME k2, n2)) () = 
+              Iter (f (v1, v2), SOME k2, wrap (Iter (v1, NONE, n1), n2 ()))
+          | wrap (Iter (v1, SOME k1, n1), Iter (v2, SOME k2, n2)) () =
+              if k1 < k2 then
+                Iter (f (v1, v2), SOME k1, wrap (n1 (), Iter (v2, SOME k2, n2)))
+              else if k2 < k1 then
+                Iter (f (v1, v2), SOME k2, wrap (Iter (v1, SOME k1, n1), n2 ()))
+              else
+                Iter (f (v1, v2), SOME k1, wrap (n1 (), n2 ()))
+      in
+        wrap (iter1, iter2) ()
+      end
+  end

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