[MLton-commit] r4819

Stephen Weeks sweeks at mlton.org
Mon Nov 13 13:08:49 PST 2006

Improved error reporting.  In particular use the file name as it
occurred in the user's input (e.g. in an MLB) rather than after we
regularize it.  This fixes a bug on Cygwin where a user could have


in an MLB file and, if that file didn't exist would get an error
message involving



U   mlton/trunk/mlton/cm/cm.sml
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control.sig
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control.sml
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/front-end/mlb-front-end.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/main/main.fun


Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/cm/cm.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/cm/cm.sml	2006-11-13 17:26:06 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/cm/cm.sml	2006-11-13 21:08:43 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -73,17 +73,20 @@
                                         List.push (files, finalize m')
-                                     (m, fail, fn () =>
-                                      case File.suffix m of
-                                         SOME "cm" =>
-                                            loop (m, 0, relativize)
-                                       | SOME "sml" => sml ()
-                                       | SOME "sig" => sml ()
-                                       | SOME "fun" => sml ()
-                                       | SOME "ML" => sml ()
-                                       | _ =>
-                                            fail (concat ["MLton can't process ",
-                                                          m]))
+                                     (m,
+                                      {fail = fail,
+                                       name = m,
+                                       ok = fn () =>
+                                       case File.suffix m of
+                                          SOME "cm" =>
+                                             loop (m, 0, relativize)
+                                        | SOME "sml" => sml ()
+                                        | SOME "sig" => sml ()
+                                        | SOME "fun" => sml ()
+                                        | SOME "ML" => sml ()
+                                        | _ =>
+                                             fail (concat ["MLton can't process ",
+                                                           m])})

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control.sig
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control.sig	2006-11-13 17:26:06 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control.sig	2006-11-13 21:08:43 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
       (*          Error Reporting           *)
-      val checkFile: File.t * (string -> 'a) * (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+      val checkFile: File.t * {fail: string -> 'a,
+                               name: string,
+                               ok: unit -> 'a} -> 'a
       val checkForErrors: string -> unit
       val error: Region.t * Layout.t * Layout.t -> unit
       val errorStr: Region.t * string -> unit

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control.sml	2006-11-13 17:26:06 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/control/control.sml	2006-11-13 21:08:43 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -235,15 +235,15 @@
       then die (concat ["compilation aborted: ", name, " reported errors"])
    else ()
-fun checkFile (f: File.t, error: string -> 'a, k: unit -> 'a): 'a =
-   let
-      fun check (test, msg, k) =
-         if not (test f)
-            then error (concat ["File ", f, " ", msg])
-         else k ()
+fun checkFile (f: File.t, {fail: string -> 'a, name, ok: unit -> 'a}): 'a = let
+   fun check (test, msg, k) =
+      if test f then
+         k ()
+      else
+         fail (concat ["File ", name, " ", msg])
       check (File.doesExist, "does not exist", fn () =>
-             check (File.canRead, "cannot be read", k))
+             check (File.canRead, "cannot be read", ok))

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/front-end/mlb-front-end.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/front-end/mlb-front-end.fun	2006-11-13 17:26:06 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/front-end/mlb-front-end.fun	2006-11-13 21:08:43 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -201,63 +201,67 @@
                        ("fileUse", File.layout fileUse),
                        ("relativize", Option.layout Dir.layout relativize)])
-      fun lexAndParseProg {fileAbs: File.t, fileUse: File.t, 
+      fun lexAndParseProg {fileAbs: File.t, fileOrig: File.t, fileUse: File.t, 
                            fail: String.t -> Ast.Program.t} =
          ({fileAbs = fileAbs, fileUse = fileUse},
           (fn () =>
-           (fileUse, fail, fn () => FrontEnd.lexAndParseFile fileUse)))
+           (fileUse, {fail = fail,
+                      name = fileOrig,
+                      ok = fn () => FrontEnd.lexAndParseFile fileUse})))
       and lexAndParseMLB {relativize: Dir.t option,
                           seen: (File.t * File.t * Region.t) list,
-                          fileAbs: File.t, fileUse: File.t,
+                          fileAbs: File.t, fileOrig: File.t, fileUse: File.t,
                           fail: String.t -> Ast.Basdec.t, reg: Region.t} =
          ({fileAbs = fileAbs, fileUse = fileUse},
           (fn () =>
-           (fileUse, fail, fn () =>
-            let
-               val seen' = (fileAbs, fileUse, reg) :: seen
-            in
-               if List.exists (seen, fn (fileAbs', _, _) => 
-                               String.equals (fileAbs, fileAbs'))
-                  then (let open Layout
-                        in 
-                           Control.error 
-                           (reg, seq [str "Basis forms a cycle with ", 
-                                      File.layout fileUse],
-                            align (List.map (seen', fn (_, f, r) => 
-                                             seq [Region.layout r, 
-                                                  str ": ", 
-                                                  File.layout f])))
-                           ; Ast.Basdec.empty
-                        end)
-               else 
-                  let
-                     val (_, basdec) =
-                        HashSet.lookupOrInsert
-                        (psi, String.hash fileAbs, fn (fileAbs', _) =>
-                         String.equals (fileAbs, fileAbs'), fn () =>
-                         let
-                            val cwd = OS.Path.dir fileAbs
-                            val basdec =
-                               Promise.delay
-                               (fn () =>
-                                wrapLexAndParse
-                                ({cwd = cwd,
-                                  relativize = relativize,
-                                  seen = seen'},
-                                 lexAndParseFile, fileUse))
-                         in
-                            (fileAbs, basdec)
-                         end)
-                  in
-                     Promise.force basdec
-                  end
-            end)))
+           (fileUse,
+            {fail = fail,
+             name = fileOrig,
+             ok = fn () => let
+                val seen' = (fileAbs, fileUse, reg) :: seen
+             in
+                if List.exists (seen, fn (fileAbs', _, _) => 
+                                String.equals (fileAbs, fileAbs'))
+                   then (let open Layout
+                   in 
+                            Control.error 
+                            (reg, seq [str "Basis forms a cycle with ", 
+                                       File.layout fileUse],
+                             align (List.map (seen', fn (_, f, r) => 
+                                              seq [Region.layout r, 
+                                                   str ": ", 
+                                                   File.layout f])))
+                            ; Ast.Basdec.empty
+                   end)
+                else 
+                   let
+                      val (_, basdec) =
+                         HashSet.lookupOrInsert
+                         (psi, String.hash fileAbs, fn (fileAbs', _) =>
+                          String.equals (fileAbs, fileAbs'), fn () =>
+                          let
+                             val cwd = OS.Path.dir fileAbs
+                             val basdec =
+                                Promise.delay
+                                (fn () =>
+                                 wrapLexAndParse
+                                 ({cwd = cwd,
+                                   relativize = relativize,
+                                   seen = seen'},
+                                  lexAndParseFile, fileUse))
+                          in
+                             (fileAbs, basdec)
+                          end)
+                   in
+                      Promise.force basdec
+                   end
+             end})))
       and lexAndParseProgOrMLB {cwd, relativize, seen}
                                (fileOrig: File.t, reg: Region.t) =
@@ -274,23 +278,28 @@
             val mlbExts = ["mlb"]
             val progExts = ["ML","fun","sig","sml"]
-            fun err () = fail (Ast.Basdec.Seq []) "has an unknown extension"
+            fun err () =
+               fail (Ast.Basdec.Seq [])
+               (concat ["File ", fileOrig, " has an unknown extension"])
             case File.extension fileUse of
                NONE => err ()
              | SOME s =>
-                  if List.contains (mlbExts, s, String.equals)
-                     then lexAndParseMLB {relativize = relativize,
-                                          seen = seen,
-                                          fileAbs = fileAbs,
-                                          fileUse = fileUse,
-                                          fail = fail Ast.Basdec.empty,
-                                          reg = reg}
-                  else if List.contains (progExts, s, String.equals)
-                     then lexAndParseProg {fileAbs = fileAbs,
-                                           fileUse = fileUse,
-                                           fail = fail Ast.Program.empty}
-                  else err ()
+                  if List.contains (mlbExts, s, String.equals) then
+                     lexAndParseMLB {relativize = relativize,
+                                     seen = seen,
+                                     fileAbs = fileAbs,
+                                     fileOrig = fileOrig,
+                                     fileUse = fileUse,
+                                     fail = fail Ast.Basdec.empty,
+                                     reg = reg}
+                  else if List.contains (progExts, s, String.equals) then
+                     lexAndParseProg {fileAbs = fileAbs,
+                                      fileOrig = fileOrig,
+                                      fileUse = fileUse,
+                                      fail = fail Ast.Program.empty}
+                  else
+                     err ()
       and wrapLexAndParse (state, lexAndParse, arg) =

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/main/main.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/main/main.fun	2006-11-13 17:26:06 UTC (rev 4818)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/main/main.fun	2006-11-13 21:08:43 UTC (rev 4819)
@@ -1041,8 +1041,10 @@
                         Place.CM => compileCM input
                       | Place.SML =>
-                           (input, fn s => raise Fail s,
-                            fn () => compileSml [input])
+                           (input,
+                            {fail = fn s => raise Fail s,
+                             name = input,
+                             ok = fn () => compileSml [input]})
                       | Place.MLB => compileMLB input
                       | Place.Generated => compileCSO (input :: csoFiles)
                       | Place.O => compileCSO (input :: csoFiles)

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