[MLton-commit] r5971

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Tue Aug 28 03:59:03 PDT 2007

More precise (but asymptotically slower) hashing of exceptions.  Some
minor tweaks.  Fixed to properly decrease maxDepth only at (datatype and
exception) constructors and only when maxDepth > 0.

BTW, it would be possible to perform exception lookup asymptotically
faster (roughly O(1) vs O(n), where n is the number of registered
exception constructors) via General.exnName, but it is going to have to
wait.  The assumption is that use of generics to process exceptions is
very rare and there are more important issues to fix.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/hash.sml


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/hash.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/hash.sml	2007-08-28 10:07:00 UTC (rev 5970)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/hash.sml	2007-08-28 10:59:03 UTC (rev 5971)
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
    infix  0 &
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
-   type 'a t = 'a -> {totWidth : Int.t, maxDepth : Int.t} -> Word.t
+   type p = {totWidth : Int.t, maxDepth : Int.t}
+   type 'a t = 'a -> p -> Word.t
    fun prim f : 'a t = const o f
@@ -19,18 +20,38 @@
    fun iso' bH (a2b, _) = bH o a2b
+   fun sequ length sub hashElem s {totWidth, maxDepth} = let
+      val n = length s
+      val h = Word.fromInt n
+   in
+      case Int.min (Int.quot (totWidth+3, 4), Int.quot (n+1, 2))
+       of 0          => h
+        | numSamples => let
+             val p = {totWidth = Int.quot (totWidth, numSamples),
+                      maxDepth = maxDepth}
+             fun lp h 0 = h
+               | lp h n = lp (h * 0w19 + hashElem (sub (s, n-1)) p) (n-1)
+          in
+             lp h (Int.max (numSamples, Int.min (10, n)))
+          end
+   end
+   val exns : (Exn.t * p -> Word.t Option.t) Buffer.t = Buffer.new ()
    structure Hash = LayerRep
      (structure Outer = Arg.Rep
       structure Closed = MkClosedRep (type 'a t = 'a t))
    open Hash.This
+   val defaultHashParam = {totWidth = 200, maxDepth = 10}
    fun hashParam t p =
        if #totWidth p < 0 orelse #maxDepth p < 0
        then raise Domain
        else fn v => Word.xorb (Word32.toWord (Arg.typeHash t), getT t v p)
-   fun hash t = hashParam t {totWidth = 200, maxDepth = 10}
+   fun hash t = hashParam t defaultHashParam
    structure Layered = LayerDepCases
      (structure Outer = Arg and Result = Hash
@@ -50,20 +71,20 @@
       val T   = getT
       fun R _ = getT
-      fun tuple aP a p = if #totWidth p = 0 then 0w0 else getP aP a p
+      fun tuple aP a p = if #totWidth p = 0 then 0wx65B2531B else getP aP a p
       val record = tuple
       fun op +` ? = let
          fun withConst c f v p = Word.xorb (f v p, c)
-         Sum.sum o Pair.map (withConst 0wx96BA232 o getS,
-                             withConst 0wxCF24651 o getS)
+         Sum.sum o Pair.map (withConst 0wx04D55ADB o getS,
+                             withConst 0wx05B6D5A3 o getS)
       end ?
-      val unit = prim (Thunk.mk 0wx2F785)
+      val unit = prim (Thunk.mk 0wx062DAD9B)
       fun C0 _ = unit
       fun C1 _ = getT
       fun data aS a {maxDepth, totWidth} =
-          if maxDepth = 0 then 0w0
+          if maxDepth = 0 then 0wx9AA5562B
           else getS aS a {maxDepth = maxDepth - 1,
                           totWidth = totWidth}
@@ -81,10 +102,10 @@
            | len n (_::xs) = if m <= n then n else len (n+1) xs
          case len 0 xs
-          of 0 => 0wx2A4C7A
+          of 0 => 0wx2A4C5ADB
            | n => let
                 val p = {totWidth = Int.quot (totWidth, n),
-                         maxDepth = maxDepth - 1}
+                         maxDepth = maxDepth}
                 fun lp h _ []      = h
                   | lp h n (x::xs) =
                     if n = 0 then h else lp (h * 0w17 + getT xT x p) (n-1) xs
@@ -93,33 +114,32 @@
-      fun hashSeq length sub hashElem s {totWidth, maxDepth} = let
-         val n = length s
-         val h = Word.fromInt n
-      in
-         case Int.min (Int.quot (totWidth+3, 4), Int.quot (n+1, 2))
-          of 0          => h
-           | numSamples => let
-                val p = {totWidth = Int.quot (totWidth, numSamples),
-                         maxDepth = maxDepth - 1}
-                fun lp h 0 = h
-                  | lp h n = lp (h * 0w19 + hashElem (sub (s, n-1)) p) (n-1)
-             in
-                lp h (Int.max (numSamples, Int.min (10, n)))
-             end
-      end
+      fun array  aT = sequ Array.length  Array.sub  (getT aT)
+      fun vector aT = sequ Vector.length Vector.sub (getT aT)
-      fun array  aT = hashSeq Array.length  Array.sub  (getT aT)
-      fun vector aT = hashSeq Vector.length Vector.sub (getT aT)
       val char = prim (Word.fromInt o ord)
-      val string = hashSeq String.length String.sub char
+      val string = sequ String.length String.sub char
-      val exn = string o Exn.message (* XXX Imprecise *)
-      fun regExn0 _ _ = ()
-      fun regExn1 _ _ _ = ()
+      fun exn e {maxDepth, totWidth} =
+          if maxDepth = 0 then 0wxD26156CB
+          else case Buffer.findSome (pass (e, {maxDepth = maxDepth - 1,
+                                               totWidth = totWidth})) exns
+                of NONE   => GenericsUtil.failExn e
+                 | SOME h => h
+      fun regExn0 c (e, e2t) =
+          case Word.xorb (string (Generics.Con.toString c) defaultHashParam,
+                          string (Exn.name e) defaultHashParam)
+           of c => (Buffer.push exns)
+                      (fn (e, _) => if isSome (e2t e) then SOME c else NONE)
+      fun regExn1 c t (_, e2t) =
+          case string (Generics.Con.toString c) defaultHashParam & getT t
+           of c & t => (Buffer.push exns)
+                          (fn (e, p) =>
+                              case e2t e
+                               of NONE   => NONE
+                                | SOME v => SOME (Word.xorb (c, t v p)))
-      val bool = prim (fn true => 0wx2DA745 | false => 0wx3C24A62)
+      val bool = prim (fn true => 0wx096DB16D | false => 0wx01B56B6D)
       val real =
           let open CastReal in viaWord (#1 isoBits) op mod Bits.isoWord end
       val word = const

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