[MLton-commit] r5979

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Fri Aug 31 09:01:35 PDT 2007

More careful staging for efficiency.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/hash.sml


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/hash.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/hash.sml	2007-08-31 13:59:16 UTC (rev 5978)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/hash.sml	2007-08-31 16:01:35 UTC (rev 5979)
@@ -7,20 +7,22 @@
 functor WithHash (Arg : WITH_HASH_DOM) : HASH_CASES = struct
    (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
    open TopLevel
+   infix  4 <\
+   infixr 4 />
    infix  0 &
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
    type p = {totWidth : Int.t, maxDepth : Int.t}
-   type 'a t = 'a -> p -> Word.t
+   type 'a t = 'a * p -> Word.t
-   fun prim f : 'a t = const o f
+   fun prim f : 'a t = f o #1
    fun viaWord x2V op mod (v2w, w2v) =
        prim (fn x => v2w (x2V x mod w2v Word.largestPrime))
-   fun iso' bH (a2b, _) = bH o a2b
+   fun iso' bH (a2b, _) = bH o Pair.map (a2b, id)
-   fun sequ length sub hashElem s {totWidth, maxDepth} = let
+   fun sequ length sub hashElem (s, {totWidth, maxDepth}) = let
       val n = length s
       val h = Word.fromInt n
@@ -29,10 +31,10 @@
         | numSamples => let
              val p = {totWidth = Int.quot (totWidth, numSamples),
                       maxDepth = maxDepth}
-             fun lp h 0 = h
-               | lp h n = lp (h * 0w19 + hashElem (sub (s, n-1)) p) (n-1)
+             fun lp (h, 0) = h
+               | lp (h, n) = lp (h * 0w19 + hashElem (sub (s, n-1), p), n-1)
-             lp h (Int.max (numSamples, Int.min (10, n)))
+             lp (h, Int.max (numSamples, Int.min (10, n)))
@@ -46,10 +48,15 @@
    val defaultHashParam = {totWidth = 200, maxDepth = 10}
-   fun hashParam t p =
-       if #totWidth p < 0 orelse #maxDepth p < 0
-       then raise Domain
-       else fn v => Word.xorb (Word32.toWord (Arg.typeHash t), getT t v p)
+   fun hashParam t = let
+      val h = getT t
+      val th = Word32.toWord (Arg.typeHash t)
+   in
+      fn p =>
+         if #totWidth p < 0 orelse #maxDepth p < 0
+         then raise Domain
+         else th <\ Word.xorb o h /> p
+   end
    fun hash t = hashParam t defaultHashParam
@@ -60,58 +67,76 @@
       fun isoProduct ? = iso' (getP ?)
       fun isoSum     ? = iso' (getS ?)
-      fun op *` (aT, bT) (a & b) {totWidth, maxDepth} = let
+      fun op *` (aT, bT) = let
          val aN = Arg.numElems aT
          val bN = Arg.numElems bT
-         val aW = Int.quot (totWidth * aN, aN + bN)
-         val bW = totWidth - aW
+         val aH = getP aT
+         val bH = getP bT
-         getP bT b {totWidth = bW, maxDepth = maxDepth} * 0w13 +
-         getP aT a {totWidth = aW, maxDepth = maxDepth}
+         fn (a & b, {totWidth, maxDepth}) => let
+               val aW = Int.quot (totWidth * aN, aN + bN)
+               val bW = totWidth - aW
+            in
+               bH (b, {totWidth = bW, maxDepth = maxDepth}) * 0w13 +
+               aH (a, {totWidth = aW, maxDepth = maxDepth})
+            end
       val T   = getT
       fun R _ = getT
-      fun tuple aP a p = if #totWidth p = 0 then 0wx65B2531B else getP aP a p
+      fun tuple aP =
+          case getP aP
+           of aH => fn (a, p) =>
+                       if #totWidth p = 0 then 0wx65B2531B else aH (a, p)
       val record = tuple
-      fun op +` ? = let
-         fun withConst c f v p = Word.xorb (f v p, c)
+      fun op +` (aS, bS) = let
+         val aH = getS aS
+         val bH = getS bS
-         Sum.sum o Pair.map (withConst 0wx04D55ADB o getS,
-                             withConst 0wx05B6D5A3 o getS)
-      end ?
+         fn (INL a, p) => Word.xorb (0wx04D55ADB, aH (a, p))
+          | (INR b, p) => Word.xorb (0wx05B6D5A3, bH (b, p))
+      end
       val unit = prim (Thunk.mk 0wx062DAD9B)
       fun C0 _ = unit
       fun C1 _ = getT
-      fun data aS a {maxDepth, totWidth} =
-          if maxDepth = 0 then 0wx36958B65
-          else getS aS a {maxDepth = maxDepth - 1,
-                          totWidth = totWidth}
+      fun data aS = let
+         val aH = getS aS
+      in
+         fn (a, {maxDepth, totWidth}) =>
+            if maxDepth = 0 then 0wx36958B65
+            else aH (a, {maxDepth = maxDepth - 1, totWidth = totWidth})
+      end
       val Y = Tie.function
       fun op --> _ = failing "Hash.--> unsupported"
-      fun refc aT = getT aT o !
+      fun refc aT = getT aT o Pair.map (!, id)
       val int = prim Word.fromInt
-      fun list xT xs {totWidth, maxDepth} = let
-         val m = Int.quot (totWidth, 2)
-         fun len n []      = n
-           | len n (_::xs) = if m <= n then n else len (n+1) xs
+      fun list xT = let
+         val xH = getT xT
-         case len 0 xs
-          of 0 => 0wx2A4C5ADB
-           | n => let
-                val p = {totWidth = Int.quot (totWidth, n),
-                         maxDepth = maxDepth}
-                fun lp h _ []      = h
-                  | lp h n (x::xs) =
-                    if n = 0 then h else lp (h * 0w17 + getT xT x p) (n-1) xs
-             in
-                lp (Word.fromInt n) n xs
-             end
+         fn (xs, {totWidth, maxDepth}) => let
+               val m = Int.quot (totWidth, 2)
+               fun len (n,    []) = n
+                 | len (n, _::xs) = if m <= n then n else len (n+1, xs)
+            in
+               case len (0, xs)
+                of 0 => 0wx2A4C5ADB
+                 | n => let
+                      val p = {totWidth = Int.quot (totWidth, n),
+                               maxDepth = maxDepth}
+                      fun lp (h, _,    []) = h
+                        | lp (h, n, x::xs) =
+                          if n = 0
+                          then h
+                          else lp (h * 0w17 + xH (x, p), n-1, xs)
+                   in
+                      lp (Word.fromInt n, n, xs)
+                   end
+            end
       fun array  aT = sequ Array.length  Array.sub  (getT aT)
@@ -120,29 +145,28 @@
       val char = prim (Word.fromInt o ord)
       val string = sequ String.length String.sub char
-      fun exn e {maxDepth, totWidth} =
+      fun exn (e, {maxDepth, totWidth}) =
           if maxDepth = 0 then 0wx1A35B599
           else case Buffer.findSome (pass (e, {maxDepth = maxDepth - 1,
                                                totWidth = totWidth})) exns
                 of NONE   => GenericsUtil.failExn e
                  | SOME h => h
-      fun regExn0 c (e, e2t) =
-          case Word.xorb (string (Generics.Con.toString c) defaultHashParam,
-                          string (Exn.name e) defaultHashParam)
+      fun regExn0 c (_, e2t) =
+          case string (Generics.Con.toString c, defaultHashParam)
            of c => (Buffer.push exns)
                       (fn (e, _) => if isSome (e2t e) then SOME c else NONE)
       fun regExn1 c t (_, e2t) =
-          case string (Generics.Con.toString c) defaultHashParam & getT t
+          case string (Generics.Con.toString c, defaultHashParam) & getT t
            of c & t => (Buffer.push exns)
                           (fn (e, p) =>
                               case e2t e
                                of NONE   => NONE
-                                | SOME v => SOME (Word.xorb (c, t v p)))
+                                | SOME v => SOME (Word.xorb (c, t (v, p))))
       val bool = prim (fn true => 0wx096DB16D | false => 0wx01B56B6D)
       val real =
           let open CastReal in viaWord (#1 isoBits) op mod Bits.isoWord end
-      val word = const
+      val word = prim id
       val fixedInt = viaWord id op mod (Iso.swap Word.isoFixedInt)
       val largeInt = viaWord id op mod (Iso.swap Word.isoLargeInt)

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