[MLton-commit] r6265

Matthew Fluet fluet at mlton.org
Fri Dec 14 09:57:57 PST 2007

Better type-checking of representation types in big-endian targets

U   mlton/trunk/mlton/backend/rep-type.fun
U   mlton/trunk/mlton/control/bits.sml


Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/backend/rep-type.fun
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/backend/rep-type.fun	2007-12-14 17:48:44 UTC (rev 6264)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/backend/rep-type.fun	2007-12-14 17:57:57 UTC (rev 6265)
@@ -392,8 +392,15 @@
                   andalso Bits.isByteAligned b
           | Normal {ty, ...} =>
-               not (Type.isUnit ty) 
-               andalso Bits.isWord32Aligned (Type.width ty)
+               let
+                  val b = Bits.+ (Type.width ty,
+                                  Type.width (Type.objptrHeader ()))
+               in
+                  not (Type.isUnit ty) 
+                  andalso (case !Control.align of
+                              Control.Align4 => Bits.isWord32Aligned b
+                            | Control.Align8 => Bits.isWord64Aligned b)
+               end
           | Stack => true
           | Weak t => Type.isObjptr t
           | WeakGone => true
@@ -629,41 +636,115 @@
                                  Prim.toString prim])
-fun checkOffset {base, offset, result} =
+fun checkOffset {base, isVector, offset, result} =
+   Exn.withEscape (fn escape =>
       fun getTys ty =
          case node ty of
             Seq tys => Vector.toList tys
           | _ => [ty]
-      fun loop (offset, tys) =
-         case tys of
-            [] => false
-          | ty::tys =>
-               if Bits.equals (offset, Bits.zero)
-                  then let
-                          fun loop (resTys, eltTys) =
-                             case (resTys, eltTys) of
-                                ([], _) => true
-                              | (_, []) => false
-                              | (resTy::resTys, eltTy::eltTys) => 
-                                   (case (node resTy, resTys, node eltTy) of
-                                       (Bits, [], Bits) => 
-                                          Bits.<= (width resTy, width eltTy)
-                                     | _ => (equals (resTy, eltTy))
-                                            andalso (loop (resTys, eltTys)))
-                       in
-                          loop (getTys result, ty::tys)
-                       end
-               else if Bits.>= (offset, width ty)
-                  then loop (Bits.- (offset, width ty), tys)
-               else (case node ty of
-                        Bits => loop (Bits.zero, (bits (Bits.- (width ty, offset))) :: tys)
-                      | _ => false)
+      fun dropTys (tys, bits) =
+         let
+            fun loop (tys, bits) =
+               if Bits.equals (bits, Bits.zero)
+                  then tys
+               else (case tys of
+                        [] => escape false
+                      | ty::tys => 
+                           let
+                              val b = width ty
+                           in
+                              if Bits.>= (bits, b)
+                                 then loop (tys, Bits.- (bits, b))
+                              else (case node ty of
+                                       Bits => (Type.bits (Bits.- (b, bits))) :: tys
+                                     | _ => escape false)
+                           end)
+         in
+            if Bits.< (bits, Bits.zero)
+               then escape false
+            else loop (tys, bits)
+         end
+      val dropTys =
+         Trace.trace2 
+         ("RepType.checkOffset.dropTys",
+          List.layout Type.layout, Bits.layout,
+          List.layout Type.layout)
+         dropTys
+      fun takeTys (tys, bits) =
+         let
+            fun loop (tys, bits, acc) =
+               if Bits.equals (bits, Bits.zero)
+                  then acc
+               else (case tys of
+                        [] => escape false
+                      | ty::tys =>
+                           let
+                              val b = width ty
+                           in
+                              if Bits.>= (bits, b)
+                                 then loop (tys, Bits.- (bits, b), ty :: acc)
+                              else (case node ty of
+                                       Bits => (Type.bits bits) :: acc
+                                     | _ => escape false)
+                           end)
+         in
+            if Bits.< (bits, Bits.zero)
+               then escape false
+            else List.rev (loop (tys, bits, []))
+         end
+      fun extractTys (tys, dropBits, takeBits) =
+         takeTys (dropTys (tys, dropBits), takeBits)
+      fun equalsTys (tys1, tys2) =
+         case (tys1, tys2) of
+            ([], []) => true
+          | (ty1::tys1, ty2::tys2) =>
+               equals (ty1, ty2)
+               andalso equalsTys (tys1, tys2)
+          | _ => false
+      val alignBits =
+         case !Control.align of
+            Control.Align4 => Bits.inWord32
+          | Control.Align8 => Bits.inWord64
+      val baseBits = width base
+      val baseTys = getTys base
+      val offsetBytes = offset
+      val offsetBits = Bytes.toBits offsetBytes
+      val resultBits = width result
+      val resultTys = getTys result
+      val adjOffsetBits =
+         if Control.Target.bigEndian () 
+            andalso Bits.< (resultBits, Bits.inWord32)
+            andalso Bits.> (baseBits, resultBits)
+            then let
+                    val paddedComponentBits = 
+                       if isVector
+                          then Bits.min (baseBits, Bits.inWord32)
+                       else Bits.inWord32
+                    val paddedComponentOffsetBits =
+                       Bits.alignDown (offsetBits, {alignment = paddedComponentBits})
+                 in
+                    Bits.+ (paddedComponentOffsetBits,
+                            Bits.- (paddedComponentBits,
+                                    Bits.- (Bits.+ (resultBits, offsetBits),
+                                            paddedComponentOffsetBits)))
+                 end
+         else offsetBits
-      if Control.Target.bigEndian ()
-         then true
-      else loop (Bytes.toBits offset, getTys base)
-   end
+      List.exists 
+      ([Bits.inWord8, Bits.inWord16, Bits.inWord32, Bits.inWord64], fn primBits =>
+       Bits.equals (resultBits, primBits) 
+       andalso Bits.isAligned (offsetBits, {alignment = Bits.min (primBits, alignBits)}))
+      andalso
+      equalsTys (resultTys, extractTys (baseTys, adjOffsetBits, resultBits))
+   end)
 fun offsetIsOk {base, offset, tyconTy, result} = 
    case node base of
@@ -680,6 +761,7 @@
               andalso (case tyconTy (Vector.sub (opts, 0)) of
                           ObjectType.Normal {ty, ...} => 
                              checkOffset {base = ty,
+                                          isVector = false,
                                           offset = offset,
                                           result = result}
                         | _ => false)
@@ -717,6 +799,7 @@
                                  NONE => scale = Scale.One
                                | SOME s => scale = s)
                              andalso (checkOffset {base = elt,
+                                                   isVector = true,
                                                    offset = offset,
                                                    result = result})
                    | _ => false)

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlton/control/bits.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlton/control/bits.sml	2007-12-14 17:48:44 UTC (rev 6264)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlton/control/bits.sml	2007-12-14 17:57:57 UTC (rev 6265)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
                val > : t * t -> bool
                val >= : t * t -> bool
                (* val align: t * {alignment: t} -> t *)
+               val alignDown: t * {alignment: t} -> t
                (* val alignWord32: t -> t *)
                (* val alignWord64: t -> t *)
                val compare: t * t -> Relation.t
@@ -32,14 +33,20 @@
                val fromInt: int -> t
                val fromIntInf: IntInf.t -> t
                val inByte: t
+               val inWord8: t
+               val inWord16: t
                val inWord32: t
                val inWord64: t
-               (* val isAligned: t * {alignment: t} -> bool *)
+               val isAligned: t * {alignment: t} -> bool
                val isByteAligned: t -> bool
+               (* val isWord8Aligned: t -> bool *)
+               (* val isWord16Aligned: t -> bool *)
                val isWord32Aligned: t -> bool
-               (* val isWord64Aligned: t -> bool *)
+               val isWord64Aligned: t -> bool
                val isZero: t -> bool
                val layout: t -> Layout.t
+               val max: t * t -> t
+               val min: t * t -> t
                val one: t
                val toBytes: t -> bytes
                val toInt: t -> int
@@ -61,6 +68,9 @@
                val > : t * t -> bool
                val >= : t * t -> bool
                val align: t * {alignment: t} -> t
+               (* val alignDown: t * {alignment: t} -> t *)
+               (* val alignWord8: t -> t *)
+               (* val alignWord16: t -> t *)
                val alignWord32: t -> t
                val alignWord64: t -> t
                val compare: t * t -> Relation.t
@@ -68,6 +78,8 @@
                val fromInt: int -> t
                val fromIntInf: IntInf.t -> t
                val fromWord: word -> t
+               (* val inWord8: t *)
+               (* val inWord16: t *)
                val inWord32: t
                val inWord64: t
                (* val isAligned: t * {alignment: t} -> bool *)
@@ -76,6 +88,7 @@
                val isZero: t -> bool
                val layout: t -> Layout.t
                val max: t * t -> t
+               val min: t * t -> t
                val one: t
                val toBits: t -> Bits.t
                val toInt: t -> int
@@ -100,19 +113,28 @@
                b - rem (b, a)
+         fun alignDown (b, {alignment = a}) =
+            let
+            in
+               b - rem (b, a)
+            end
          structure Bits =
                open IntInf
                val inByte: bits = 8
+               val inWord8: bits = 8
+               val inWord16: bits = 16
                val inWord32: bits = 32
                val inWord64: bits = 64
                fun isAligned (b, {alignment = a}) = 0 = rem (b, a)
                fun isByteAligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inByte})
+               (* fun isWord8Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord8}) *)
+               (* fun isWord16Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord16}) *)
                fun isWord32Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord32})
-               (* fun isWord64Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord64}) *)
+               fun isWord64Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord64})
                fun toBytes b =
                   if isByteAligned b
@@ -121,7 +143,8 @@
                val toWord = Word.fromIntInf
-               (* val align = align *)
+               (* val align = align *) 
+               val alignDown = alignDown
                (* fun alignWord32 b = align (b, {alignment = inWord32}) *)
                (* fun alignWord64 b = align (b, {alignment = inWord64}) *)
@@ -130,12 +153,16 @@
                open IntInf
+               (* val inWord8: bytes = 1 *)
+               (* val inWord16: bytes = 2 *)
                val inWord32: bytes = 4
                val inWord64: bytes = 8
                val fromWord = Word.toIntInf
                fun isAligned (b, {alignment = a}) = 0 = rem (b, a)
+               (* fun isWord8Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord8}) *)
+               (* fun isWord16Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord16}) *)
                fun isWord32Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord32})
                (* fun isWord64Aligned b = isAligned (b, {alignment = inWord64}) *)
@@ -144,7 +171,9 @@
                val toWord = Word.fromIntInf
                val align = align
+               (* val alignDown = alignDown *)
+               (* fun alignWord8 b = align (b, {alignment = inWord8}) *)
+               (* fun alignWord16 b = align (b, {alignment = inWord16}) *)
                fun alignWord32 b = align (b, {alignment = inWord32})
                fun alignWord64 b = align (b, {alignment = inWord64}) 

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