[MLton-commit] r6282

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Tue Dec 18 05:11:05 PST 2007

Changed ML-Yacc to output line directives so that MLton's def-use
information points to the source grammar (.grm) file instead of the
generated implementation file (.grm.sml).

In order to output the line directives, some parts of yacc.lex and
absyn.sml had to be modified extensively, although the changes are mostly
trivial in nature.

In addition to adding the line directives, changes to yacc.sml and
absyn.sml make the whitespace in the generated implementation file
different.  If you wish to compare the output to what is generated by the
original ML-Yacc from SML/NJ's distribution, e.g. after propagating
changes from SML/NJ's version, you can probably do so most conveniently by
eliminating whitespace, and the line directives, from both outputs or by
using a whitespace aware diff tool.

Otherwise I have tried to keep the diffs minimal to reduce difficulties
with propagating future changes from SML/NJ's version.


U   mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/absyn.sig
U   mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/absyn.sml
U   mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/hdr.sml
U   mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/parse.sml
U   mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/sigs.sml
U   mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.grm
U   mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.lex
U   mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.sml


Modified: mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/absyn.sig
--- mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/absyn.sig	2007-12-18 00:45:41 UTC (rev 6281)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/absyn.sig	2007-12-18 13:11:04 UTC (rev 6282)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
                     | LET of decl list * exp
                     | UNIT
                     | SEQ of exp * exp
-                    | CODE of string
+                    | CODE of {text : string, pos : Header.pos}
        and      pat = PVAR of string
                     | PAPP of string * pat
                     | PTUPLE of pat list
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
                     | AS of string * pat
        and     decl = VB of pat * exp
        and     rule = RULE of pat * exp
-       val printRule : ((string -> unit) * (string -> unit)) -> rule -> unit
+       val printRule : ((string -> unit) * (Header.pos option -> unit))
+                       -> rule -> unit

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/absyn.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/absyn.sml	2007-12-18 00:45:41 UTC (rev 6281)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/absyn.sml	2007-12-18 13:11:04 UTC (rev 6282)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 structure Absyn : ABSYN =
     datatype exp
-      = CODE of string
+      = CODE of {text : string, pos : Header.pos}
       | EAPP of exp * exp
       | EINT of int
       | ETUPLE of exp list
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
          val simplifyRule : rule -> rule = fn (RULE(p,e)) =>
             let val used : (string -> bool) =
-               let fun f(CODE s) = code_to_ids s
+               let fun f(CODE s) = code_to_ids (#text s)
                      | f(EAPP(a,b)) = f a @ f b
                      | f(ETUPLE l) = List.concat (map f l)
                      | f(EVAR s) = [s]
@@ -99,64 +99,42 @@
        in RULE(simplifyPat p,simplifyExp e)
-       fun printRule (say : string -> unit, sayln:string -> unit) r = let
+       fun printRule (S : string -> unit, sayPos) r = let
            fun flat (a, []) = rev a
              | flat (a, SEQ (e1, e2) :: el) = flat (a, e1 :: e2 :: el)
              | flat (a, e :: el) = flat (e :: a, el)
-           fun pl (lb, rb, c, f, [], a) = " " :: lb :: rb :: a
-             | pl (lb, rb, c, f, h :: t, a) =
-                 " " :: lb :: f (h, foldr (fn (x, a) => c :: f (x, a))
-                                          (rb :: a)
-                                          t)
-           fun pe (CODE c, a) = " (" :: c :: ")" :: a
-             | pe (EAPP (x, y as (EAPP _)), a) =
-                 pe (x, " (" :: pe (y, ")" :: a))
-             | pe (EAPP (x, y), a) =
-                 pe (x, pe (y, a))
-             | pe (EINT i, a) =
-                 " " :: Int.toString i :: a
-             | pe (ETUPLE l, a) = pl ("(", ")", ",", pe, l, a)
-             | pe (EVAR v, a) =
-                 " " :: v :: a
-             | pe (FN (p, b), a) =
-                 " (fn" :: pp (p, " =>" :: pe (b, ")" :: a))
-             | pe (LET ([], b), a) =
-                 pe (b, a)
-             | pe (LET (dl, b), a) =
-               let fun pr (VB (p, e), a) =
-                       " val " :: pp (p, " =" :: pe (e, "\n" :: a))
-               in " let" :: foldr pr (" in" :: pe (b, "\nend" :: a)) dl
+           fun pl (lb, rb, c, f, []) = (S" "; S lb; S rb)
+             | pl (lb, rb, c, f, h :: t) =
+               (S" "; S lb; f h; app (fn x => (S c ; f x)) t; S rb)
+           fun pe (CODE {text, pos}) =
+               (S" ("; sayPos (SOME pos); S text; sayPos NONE; S")")
+             | pe (EAPP (x, y as (EAPP _))) = (pe x; S" ("; pe y; S")")
+             | pe (EAPP (x, y)) = (pe x; pe y)
+             | pe (EINT i) = (S" "; S (Int.toString i))
+             | pe (ETUPLE l) = pl ("(", ")", ",", pe, l)
+             | pe (EVAR v) = (S" "; S v)
+             | pe (FN (p, b)) = (S" (fn"; pp p; S" =>"; pe b; S")")
+             | pe (LET ([], b)) = pe b
+             | pe (LET (dl, b)) =
+               let fun pr (VB (p, e)) = (S"\n"; S"   val "; pp p; S" ="; pe e)
+               in
+                  S" let"; app pr dl ; S"\n"; S" in"; pe b; S"\n"; S" end"
-             | pe (SEQ (e1, e2), a) =
-                 pl ("(", ")", ";", pe, flat ([], [e1, e2]), a)
-             | pe (UNIT, a) =
-                 " ()" :: a
-           and pp (PVAR v, a) =
-                 " " :: v :: a
-             | pp (PAPP (x, y as PAPP _), a) =
-                 " " :: x :: " (" :: pp (y, ")" :: a)
-             | pp (PAPP (x, y), a) =
-                 " " :: x :: pp (y, a)
-             | pp (PINT i, a) =
-                 " " :: Int.toString i :: a
-             | pp (PLIST (l, NONE), a) =
-                 pl ("[", "]", ",", pp, l, a)
-             | pp (PLIST (l, SOME t), a) =
-                 " (" :: foldr (fn (x, a) => pp (x, " ::" :: a))
-                               (pp (t, ")" :: a))
-                               l
-             | pp (PTUPLE l, a) =
-                 pl ("(", ")", ",", pp, l, a)
-             | pp (WILD, a) =
-                 " _" :: a
-             | pp (AS (v, PVAR v'), a) =
-                 " (" :: v :: " as " :: v' :: ")" :: a
-             | pp (AS (v, p), a) =
-                 " (" :: v :: " as (" :: pp (p, "))" :: a)
-           fun out "\n" = sayln ""
-             | out s = say s
+             | pe (SEQ (e1, e2)) = pl ("(", ")", ";", pe, flat ([], [e1, e2]))
+             | pe (UNIT) = S" ()"
+           and pp (PVAR v) = (S" "; S v)
+             | pp (PAPP (x, y as PAPP _)) = (S" "; S x; S" ("; pp y; S")")
+             | pp (PAPP (x, y)) = (S" "; S x; pp y)
+             | pp (PINT i) = (S" "; S (Int.toString i))
+             | pp (PLIST (l, NONE)) = (pl ("[", "]", ",", pp, l))
+             | pp (PLIST (l, SOME t)) =
+               (S" ("; app (fn x => (pp x; S" ::")) l; pp t; S")")
+             | pp (PTUPLE l) = pl ("(", ")", ",", pp, l)
+             | pp (WILD) = S" _"
+             | pp (AS (v, PVAR v')) = (S" ("; S v; S" as "; S v'; S")")
+             | pp (AS (v, p)) = (S" ("; S v; S" as ("; pp p; S"))")
            case simplifyRule r of
-               RULE (p, e) => app out (pp (p, " =>" :: pe (e, ["\n"])))
+               RULE (p, e) => (pp p; S" =>"; pe e; S"\n")

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/hdr.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/hdr.sml	2007-12-18 00:45:41 UTC (rev 6281)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/hdr.sml	2007-12-18 13:11:04 UTC (rev 6282)
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
         val DEBUG = true
-        type pos = int
-        val lineno: int ref = ref 0
+        type pos = {line : int, col : int}
+        val pos = {line = ref 1, start = ref 0}
         val text = ref (nil: string list)
         type inputSource = {name : string,
                             errStream : TextIO.outstream,
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@
         val error = fn {name,errStream, errorOccurred,...} : inputSource =>
               let val pr = pr errStream
               in fn l : pos => fn msg : string =>
-                  (pr name; pr ", line "; pr (Int.toString l); pr ": Error: ";
-                   pr msg; pr "\n"; errorOccurred := true)
+                  (pr name; pr ", line "; pr (Int.toString (#line l));
+                   pr ": Error: "; pr msg; pr "\n"; errorOccurred := true)
         val warn = fn {name,errStream, errorOccurred,...} : inputSource =>
               let val pr = pr errStream
               in fn l : pos => fn msg : string =>
-                  (pr name; pr ", line "; pr (Int.toString l); pr ": Warning: ";
-                   pr msg; pr "\n")
+                  (pr name; pr ", line "; pr (Int.toString (#line l));
+                   pr ": Warning: "; pr msg; pr "\n")
         datatype prec = LEFT | RIGHT | NONASSOC
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
         type rhsData = {rhs:symbol list,code:string, prec:symbol option} list
         datatype rule = RULE of {lhs : symbol, rhs : symbol list,
-                                 code : string, prec : symbol option}
+                                 code : {text : string, pos : pos},
+                                 prec : symbol option}
         type parseResult = string * declData * rule list
         val getResult = fn p => p

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/parse.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/parse.sml	2007-12-18 00:45:41 UTC (rev 6281)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/parse.sml	2007-12-18 13:11:04 UTC (rev 6282)
@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@
               val in_str = TextIO.openIn file
               val source = Header.newSource(file,in_str,TextIO.stdOut)
-              val error = fn (s : string,i:int,_) =>
-                              Header.error source i s
+              val error = fn (s : string,p:Header.pos,_) =>
+                              Header.error source p s
               val stream =  Parser.makeLexer (fn i => (TextIO.inputN(in_str,i)))
-              val (result,_) = (Header.lineno := 1; 
+              val (result,_) = (#line Header.pos := 1;
+                                #start Header.pos := 0;
                                 Header.text := nil;
            in (TextIO.closeIn in_str; (result,source))

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/sigs.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/sigs.sml	2007-12-18 00:45:41 UTC (rev 6281)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/sigs.sml	2007-12-18 13:11:04 UTC (rev 6282)
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 signature HEADER =
-    type pos = int
-    val lineno : pos ref
+    type pos = {line : int, col : int}
+    val pos : {line : int ref, start : int ref}
     val text : string list ref 
     type inputSource
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     datatype symbol = SYMBOL of string * pos
     val symbolName : symbol -> string
     val symbolPos : symbol -> pos
-    val symbolMake : string * int -> symbol
+    val symbolMake : string * pos -> symbol
     type ty
     val tyName : ty -> string
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
                        TOKEN_SIG_INFO of string
     datatype rule = RULE of {lhs : symbol, rhs : symbol list,
-                             code : string, prec : symbol option}
+                             code : {text : string, pos : pos},
+                             prec : symbol option}
     datatype declData = DECL of 
                         {eop : symbol list,

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.grm
--- mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.grm	2007-12-18 00:45:41 UTC (rev 6281)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.grm	2007-12-18 13:11:04 UTC (rev 6282)
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 %noshift EOF
 %right ARROW
 %left  ASTERISK
-%pos int
+%pos pos
         COMMA | DELIMITER | EOF | FOR |
-        HEADER of string | ID of string*int | IDDOT of string |
+        HEADER of string | ID of string*Header.pos | IDDOT of string |
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
         MPC_DECLS of Hdr.declData |
         QUAL_ID of string |
         RECORD_LIST of string |
-        RHS_LIST of {rhs:Hdr.symbol list,code:string,
+        RHS_LIST of {rhs:Hdr.symbol list,code:{text:string, pos:Header.pos},
                      prec:Hdr.symbol option} list |
         G_RULE of Hdr.rule list |
         G_RULE_LIST of Hdr.rule list |
@@ -193,10 +193,11 @@
         |        (nil)
-            ([{rhs=ID_LIST,code=PROG,prec=G_RULE_PREC}])
+            ([{rhs=ID_LIST,code={text=PROG,pos=PROGleft},prec=G_RULE_PREC}])
-            ({rhs=ID_LIST,code=PROG,prec=G_RULE_PREC}::RHS_LIST)
+            ({rhs=ID_LIST,code={text=PROG,pos=PROGleft},
+              prec=G_RULE_PREC}::RHS_LIST)

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.lex
--- mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.lex	2007-12-18 00:45:41 UTC (rev 6281)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.lex	2007-12-18 13:11:04 UTC (rev 6282)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 structure Tokens = Tokens
 type svalue = Tokens.svalue
-type pos = int
+type pos = Header.pos
 type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Tokens.token
 type lexresult = (svalue,pos) token
@@ -21,17 +21,19 @@
 open Tokens
 val error = Hdr.error
-val lineno = Hdr.lineno
 val text = Hdr.text
 val pcount: int ref = ref 0
 val commentLevel: int ref = ref 0
-val actionstart: int ref = ref 0
+val actionstart: pos ref = ref {line = 1, col = 0}
+fun linePos () = {line = !(#line Hdr.pos), col = 0}
+fun pos pos = {line = !(#line Hdr.pos), col = pos - !(#start Hdr.pos)}
 val eof = fn i => (if (!pcount)>0 then
                         error i (!actionstart)
                               " eof encountered in action beginning here !"
-                   else (); EOF(!lineno,!lineno))
+                   else (); EOF(linePos (), linePos ()))
 val Add = fn s => (text := s::(!text))
@@ -58,6 +60,8 @@
 fun inc (ri as ref i : int ref) = (ri := i+1)
 fun dec (ri as ref i : int ref) = (ri := i-1)
+fun incLineNum pos = (inc (#line Hdr.pos) ; #start Hdr.pos := pos)
 %header (
 functor LexMLYACC(structure Tokens : Mlyacc_TOKENS
@@ -80,37 +84,37 @@
 <CODE>"(*"      => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN COMMENT; commentLevel := 1;
                     continue() before YYBEGIN CODE);
 <INITIAL>[^%\013\n]+ => (Add yytext; continue());
-<INITIAL>"%%"    => (YYBEGIN A; HEADER (concat (rev (!text)),!lineno,!lineno));
-<INITIAL,CODE,COMMENT,F,EMPTYCOMMENT>{eol}  => (Add yytext; inc lineno; continue());
+<INITIAL>"%%"    => (YYBEGIN A; HEADER (concat (rev (!text)),pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<INITIAL,CODE,COMMENT,F,EMPTYCOMMENT>{eol}  => (Add yytext; incLineNum yypos; continue());
 <INITIAL>.       => (Add yytext; continue());
-<A>{eol}        => (inc lineno; continue ());
+<A>{eol}        => (incLineNum yypos; continue ());
 <A>{ws}+        => (continue());
-<A>of           => (OF(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>for          => (FOR(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"{"          => (LBRACE(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"}"          => (RBRACE(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>","          => (COMMA(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"*"          => (ASTERISK(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"->"         => (ARROW(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"%left"      => (PREC(Hdr.LEFT,!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"%right"     => (PREC(Hdr.RIGHT,!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"%nonassoc"  => (PREC(Hdr.NONASSOC,!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"%"[a-z_]+   => (lookup(yytext,!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>{tyvar}      => (TYVAR(yytext,!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>{qualid}     => (IDDOT(yytext,!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>[0-9]+       => (INT (yytext,!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"%%"         => (DELIMITER(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>":"          => (COLON(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"|"          => (BAR(!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>{id}         => (ID ((yytext,!lineno),!lineno,!lineno));
-<A>"("          => (pcount := 1; actionstart := (!lineno);
+<A>of           => (OF(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>for          => (FOR(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"{"          => (LBRACE(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"}"          => (RBRACE(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>","          => (COMMA(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"*"          => (ASTERISK(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"->"         => (ARROW(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"%left"      => (PREC(Hdr.LEFT,pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"%right"     => (PREC(Hdr.RIGHT,pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"%nonassoc"  => (PREC(Hdr.NONASSOC,pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"%"[a-z_]+   => (lookup(yytext,pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>{tyvar}      => (TYVAR(yytext,pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>{qualid}     => (IDDOT(yytext,pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>[0-9]+       => (INT (yytext,pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"%%"         => (DELIMITER(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>":"          => (COLON(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"|"          => (BAR(pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>{id}         => (ID ((yytext,pos yypos),pos yypos,pos yypos));
+<A>"("          => (pcount := 1; actionstart := pos yypos;
                     text := nil; YYBEGIN CODE; continue() before YYBEGIN A);
-<A>.            => (UNKNOWN(yytext,!lineno,!lineno));
+<A>.            => (UNKNOWN(yytext,pos yypos,pos yypos));
 <CODE>"("       => (inc pcount; Add yytext; continue());
 <CODE>")"       => (dec pcount;
                     if !pcount = 0 then
-                         PROG (concat (rev (!text)),!lineno,!lineno)
+                         PROG (concat (rev (!text)),!actionstart,pos yypos)
                     else (Add yytext; continue()));
 <CODE>"\""      => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN STRING; continue());
 <CODE>[^()"\n\013]+ => (Add yytext; continue());
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@
 <COMMENT>[(*)]  => (Add yytext; continue());
 <COMMENT>"*)"   => (Add yytext; dec commentLevel;
                     if !commentLevel=0
-                         then BOGUS_VALUE(!lineno,!lineno)
+                         then BOGUS_VALUE(pos yypos,pos yypos)
                          else continue()
 <COMMENT>"(*"   => (Add yytext; inc commentLevel; continue());
@@ -133,15 +137,15 @@
 <STRING>"\""    => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN CODE; continue());
 <STRING>\\      => (Add yytext; continue());
-<STRING>{eol}   => (Add yytext; error inputSource (!lineno) "unclosed string";
-                    inc lineno; YYBEGIN CODE; continue());
+<STRING>{eol}   => (Add yytext; error inputSource (pos yypos) "unclosed string";
+                    incLineNum yypos; YYBEGIN CODE; continue());
 <STRING>[^"\\\n\013]+ => (Add yytext; continue());
 <STRING>\\\"    => (Add yytext; continue());
-<STRING>\\{eol} => (Add yytext; inc lineno; YYBEGIN F; continue());
+<STRING>\\{eol} => (Add yytext; incLineNum yypos; YYBEGIN F; continue());
 <STRING>\\[\ \t] => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN F; continue());
 <F>{ws}         => (Add yytext; continue());
 <F>\\           => (Add yytext; YYBEGIN STRING; continue());
-<F>.            => (Add yytext; error inputSource (!lineno) "unclosed string";
+<F>.            => (Add yytext; error inputSource (pos yypos) "unclosed string";
                     YYBEGIN CODE; continue());

Modified: mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.sml
--- mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.sml	2007-12-18 00:45:41 UTC (rev 6281)
+++ mlton/trunk/mlyacc/src/yacc.sml	2007-12-18 13:11:04 UTC (rev 6282)
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
                       of {say : string -> unit,
                           saydot : string -> unit,
                           sayln : string -> unit,
+                          sayPos : {line : int, col : int} option -> unit,
                           pureActions: bool,
                           pos_type : string,
                           arg_type : string,
@@ -284,10 +285,10 @@
 val printAction = fn (rules,
-                          VALS {hasType,say,sayln,termvoid,ntvoid,
+                          VALS {hasType,say,sayln,sayPos,termvoid,ntvoid,
                           NAMES {actionsStruct,valueStruct,tableStruct,arg,...}) =>
-let val printAbsynRule = Absyn.printRule(say,sayln)
+let val printAbsynRule = Absyn.printRule(say,sayPos)
     val is_nonterm = fn (NONTERM i) => true | _ => false
     val numberRhs = fn r =>
         List.foldl (fn (e,(r,table)) =>
@@ -485,17 +486,17 @@
         val term =
          case term
-           of NONE => (error 1 "missing %term definition"; nil)
+           of NONE => (error {line = 1, col = 0} "missing %term definition"; nil)
             | SOME l => l
         val nonterm =
          case nonterm
-          of NONE => (error 1 "missing %nonterm definition"; nil)
+          of NONE => (error {line = 1, col = 0} "missing %nonterm definition"; nil)
            | SOME l => l
         val pos_type =
          case pos_type
-          of NONE => (error 1 "missing %pos definition"; "")
+          of NONE => (error {line = 1, col = 0} "missing %pos definition"; "")
            | SOME l => l
@@ -679,7 +680,8 @@
                 val addPrec = fn termPrec => fn term as (T i) =>
                    case precData sub i
                    of SOME _ =>
-                     error 1 ("multiple precedences specified for terminal " ^
+                     error {line = 1, col = 0}
+                           ("multiple precedences specified for terminal " ^
                             (termToString term))
                     | NONE => update(precData,i,termPrec)
                 val termPrec = fn ((LEFT,_) ,i) => i
@@ -798,17 +800,24 @@
     in  let val result = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".sml")
             val sigs = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".sig")
-            val pos = ref 0
-            val pr = fn s => TextIO.output(result,s)
-            val say = fn s => let val l = String.size s
-                                   val newPos = (!pos) + l
-                              in if newPos > lineLength 
-                                    then (pr "\n"; pos := l)
-                                    else (pos := newPos);
-                                   pr s
-                              end
+            val specPath = OS.FileSys.fullPath spec
+            val resultPath = OS.FileSys.fullPath (spec ^ ".sml")
+            val line = ref 1
+            val col = ref 0
+            fun say s =
+                (TextIO.output (result, s)
+               ; CharVector.app
+                    (fn #"\n" => (line := !line + 1 ; col := 0)
+                      | _     => col := !col + 1)
+                    s)
             val saydot = fn s => (say (s ^ "."))
-            val sayln = fn t => (pr t; pr "\n"; pos := 0)
+            val sayln = fn t => (say t; say "\n")
+            fun fmtLineDir {line, col} path =
+                String.concat ["(*#line ", Int.toString line, ".",
+                               Int.toString (col+1), " \"", path, "\"*)"]
+            val sayPos =
+             fn NONE => sayln (fmtLineDir {line = !line, col = 0} resultPath)
+              | SOME pos => say (fmtLineDir pos specPath)
             val termvoid = makeUniqueId "VOID"
             val ntvoid = makeUniqueId "ntVOID"
             val hasType = fn s => case symbolType s
@@ -818,7 +827,7 @@
                                       else (T n) :: f(n+1)
                         in f 0
-            val values = VALS {say=say,sayln=sayln,saydot=saydot,
+            val values = VALS {say=say,sayln=sayln,saydot=saydot,sayPos=sayPos,
                                termvoid=termvoid, ntvoid = ntvoid,
                                hasType=hasType, pos_type = pos_type,
                                arg_type = #2 arg_decl,
@@ -845,12 +854,14 @@
             sayln "struct";
             sayln "structure Header = ";
             sayln "struct";
+            sayPos (SOME {line = 1, col = 1});
             sayln header;
+            sayPos NONE;
             sayln "end";
             sayln "structure LrTable = Token.LrTable";
             sayln "structure Token = Token";
             sayln "local open LrTable in ";
-            entries := PrintStruct.makeStruct{table=table,print=pr,
+            entries := PrintStruct.makeStruct{table=table,print=say,
                                               name = "table",
             sayln "end";

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