[MLton-commit] r5584

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Mon Jun 4 10:46:39 PDT 2007

Turning prettier into a separate library.

A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/LICENSE
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/detail/
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/detail/prettier.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib-no-infixes.mlb
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib.mlb
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/export.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/infixes.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/prettier.sig


Copied: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/LICENSE (from rev 5582, mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/LICENSE)

Copied: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/detail/prettier.sml (from rev 5582, mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/prettier.sml)
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/prettier.sml	2007-06-04 05:35:54 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/detail/prettier.sml	2007-06-04 17:46:37 UTC (rev 5584)
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+structure Prettier :> PRETTIER = struct
+   structure C = Char and S = String and SS = Substring
+   infixr 7 <^> <+>
+   infixr 6 <$> <$$> </> <//>
+   val E = eager
+   val F = force
+   val L = lazy
+   datatype t' =
+      EMPTY
+    | LINE of bool
+    | JOIN of t Sq.t
+    | NEST of Int.t * t
+    | TEXT of String.t
+    | CHOICE of {wide : t, narrow : t}
+    | COLUMN of Int.t -> t
+    | NESTING of Int.t -> t
+   withtype t = t' Lazy.t
+   datatype elem =
+      STRING of String.t
+    | NEWLINE of Int.t
+   val lazy = L
+   val empty = E EMPTY
+   val line = E (LINE false)
+   val linebreak = E (LINE true)
+   val column = E o COLUMN
+   val nesting = E o NESTING
+   local
+      fun assertAllPrint str =
+          if S.all C.isPrint str then ()
+          else fail "unprintable characters given to Prettier.txt"
+   in
+      val txt' = E o TEXT
+      val txt = txt' o Effect.obs assertAllPrint
+      val chr = txt o str
+   end
+   val parens   as (lparen,   rparen)   = (txt' "(", txt' ")")
+   val angles   as (langle,   rangle)   = (txt' "<", txt' ">")
+   val braces   as (lbrace,   rbrace)   = (txt' "{", txt' "}")
+   val brackets as (lbracket, rbracket) = (txt' "[", txt' "]")
+   val squote    = txt' "'"
+   val dquote    = txt' "\""
+   val semi      = txt' ";"
+   val colon     = txt' ":"
+   val comma     = txt' ","
+   val space     = txt' " "
+   val dot       = txt' "."
+   val backslash = txt' "\\"
+   val equals    = txt' "="
+   val op <^> = E o JOIN
+   fun punctuate sep =
+       fn [] => []
+        | d::ds => let
+          fun lp rs d1 =
+              fn [] => List.revAppend (rs, [d1])
+               | d2::ds => lp (d1 <^> sep::rs) d2 ds
+       in
+          lp [] d ds
+       end
+   fun nest n = E o n <\ NEST
+   fun spaces n = S.tabulate (n, const #" ")
+   fun align d = column (fn k => nesting (fn i => nest (k-i) d))
+   fun hang i d = align (nest i d)
+   fun indent i d = hang i (txt (spaces i) <^> d)
+   fun width f d = column (fn l => d <^> column (fn r => f (r-l)))
+   local
+      fun mk p t f =
+          width (fn w => if p (f, w) then t f else txt (spaces (f-w)))
+   in
+      val fillBreak = mk op <  (flip nest linebreak)
+      val fill      = mk op <= (const empty)
+   end
+   local
+      fun flatten doc =
+          L (fn () =>
+                case F doc of
+                   EMPTY =>
+                   doc
+                 | JOIN (lhs, rhs) =>
+                   E (JOIN (flatten lhs, flatten rhs))
+                 | NEST (cols, doc) =>
+                   E (NEST (cols, flatten doc))
+                 | TEXT _ =>
+                   doc
+                 | LINE b =>
+                   if b then empty else space
+                 | CHOICE {wide, ...} =>
+                   wide
+                 | COLUMN f =>
+                   E (COLUMN (flatten o f))
+                 | NESTING f =>
+                   E (NESTING (flatten o f)))
+   in
+      fun choice {wide, narrow} =
+          E (CHOICE {wide = flatten wide, narrow = narrow})
+      fun group doc =
+          choice {wide = doc, narrow = doc}
+   end
+   val softline = group line
+   val softbreak = group linebreak
+   local
+      fun mk m (l, r) = l <^> m <^> r
+   in
+      val op <+>  = mk space
+      val op <$>  = mk line
+      val op </>  = mk softline
+      val op <$$> = mk linebreak
+      val op <//> = mk softbreak
+   end
+   local
+      fun mk bop xs =
+          case rev xs of
+             [] => empty
+           | x::xs =>
+             foldl bop x xs
+   in
+      val hsep    = mk op <+>
+      val vsep    = mk op <$>
+      val fillSep = mk op </>
+      val hcat    = mk op <^>
+      val vcat    = mk op <$$>
+      val fillCat = mk op <//>
+   end
+   val sep = group o vsep
+   val cat = group o vcat
+   fun enclose (l, r) d = l <^> d <^> r
+   val squotes  = enclose (Sq.mk squote)
+   val dquotes  = enclose (Sq.mk dquote)
+   val parens   = enclose parens
+   val angles   = enclose angles
+   val braces   = enclose braces
+   val brackets = enclose brackets
+   fun fold f s maxCols doc = let
+      datatype t' =
+         NIL
+       | PRINT of String.t * t
+       | LINEFEED of Int.t * t
+      withtype t = t' Lazy.t
+      fun layout s doc =
+          case F doc of
+             NIL => s
+           | PRINT (str, doc) =>
+             layout (f (STRING str, s)) doc
+           | LINEFEED (cols, doc) =>
+             layout (f (NEWLINE cols, s)) doc
+      fun fits usedCols doc =
+          NONE = maxCols orelse
+          usedCols <= valOf maxCols andalso
+          case F doc of
+             NIL => true
+           | LINEFEED _ => true
+           | PRINT (str, doc) =>
+             fits (usedCols + size str) doc
+      fun best usedCols work =
+          L (fn () =>
+                case work of
+                   [] => E NIL
+                 | (nestCols, doc)::rest =>
+                   case F doc of
+                      EMPTY =>
+                      best usedCols rest
+                    | JOIN (lhs, rhs) =>
+                      best usedCols ((nestCols, lhs)::
+                                     (nestCols, rhs)::rest)
+                    | NEST (cols, doc) =>
+                      best usedCols ((nestCols + cols, doc)::rest)
+                    | TEXT str =>
+                      E (PRINT (str, best (usedCols + size str) rest))
+                    | LINE _ =>
+                      E (LINEFEED (nestCols, best nestCols rest))
+                    | CHOICE {wide, narrow} => let
+                      val wide = best usedCols ((nestCols, wide)::rest)
+                   in
+                      if fits usedCols wide then
+                         wide
+                      else
+                         best usedCols ((nestCols, narrow)::rest)
+                   end
+                    | COLUMN f =>
+                      best usedCols ((nestCols, f usedCols)::rest)
+                    | NESTING f =>
+                      best usedCols ((nestCols, f nestCols)::rest))
+   in
+      layout s (best 0 [(0, doc)])
+   end
+   fun app e = fold (e o #1) ()
+   fun pretty n d =
+       concat o rev |< fold (fn (STRING s, ss) => s::ss
+                              | (NEWLINE n, ss) =>
+                                spaces n::"\n"::ss) [] n d
+   local
+      val join =
+          fn [] => empty
+           | (_, d)::xs =>
+             group d <^> hcat (map (group o uncurry nest o
+                                    Pair.map (id, line <\ op <^>)) xs)
+   in
+      val str =
+          join o
+          map (Pair.map (SS.size,
+                         fillSep o
+                         map (txt' o SS.string) o
+                         SS.fields C.isSpace) o
+               SS.splitl C.isSpace) o
+          SS.fields (#"\n" <\ op =) o
+          SS.dropl C.isSpace o
+          SS.full
+   end
+   fun println os n d =
+       (app (fn STRING s => TextIO.output (os, s)
+              | NEWLINE n =>
+                (TextIO.output1 (os, #"\n")
+               ; repeat (fn () => TextIO.output1 (os, #" ")) n ()))
+            n d
+      ; TextIO.output1 (os, #"\n")
+      ; TextIO.flushOut os)

Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib-no-infixes.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib-no-infixes.mlb	2007-06-04 16:57:26 UTC (rev 5583)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib-no-infixes.mlb	2007-06-04 17:46:37 UTC (rev 5584)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/basis.mlb
+   ann
+      "forceUsed"
+      "sequenceNonUnit warn"
+      "warnUnused true"
+   in
+      local
+         public/prettier.sig
+         detail/prettier.sml
+      in
+         public/export.sml
+      end
+   end

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib-no-infixes.mlb
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib.mlb	2007-06-04 16:57:26 UTC (rev 5583)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib.mlb	2007-06-04 17:46:37 UTC (rev 5584)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib.mlb
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/export.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/export.sml	2007-06-04 16:57:26 UTC (rev 5583)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/export.sml	2007-06-04 17:46:37 UTC (rev 5584)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+(** == Exported Signatures == *)
+(** == Exported Structures == *)
+structure Prettier : PRETTIER = Prettier

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/export.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Copied: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/infixes.sml (from rev 5582, mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/infixes.sml)
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/infixes.sml	2007-06-04 05:35:54 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/infixes.sml	2007-06-04 17:46:37 UTC (rev 5584)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+(** == Global operator precedence table ==
+ *
+ * We assume here the modified precedence table of the Extended Basis library.
+ *)
+(* ************************************************************************** *)
+(*       !  Prettier !                                                        *)
+(* ========================================================================== *)
+infixr 7 ! <^> <+>   !
+(* ========================================================================== *)
+infixr 6 ! <$> <$$>  !
+         ! </> <//>  !
+(* ************************************************************************** *)
+nonfix ! (* We just used ! above as a visual separator. *)

Copied: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/prettier.sig (from rev 5582, mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/prettier.sml)
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/prettier.sml	2007-06-04 05:35:54 UTC (rev 5582)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/prettier.sig	2007-06-04 17:46:37 UTC (rev 5584)
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+ * Signature for a pretty-printing library.  The design is primarily based
+ * on Philip Wadler's article ``A prettier printer''
+ *
+ *   [http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/topics/language-design.html]
+ *
+ * which is a redesign of John Hughes's pretty-printing library described
+ * in ``The Design of a Pretty-Printing Library''
+ *
+ *   [http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~rjmh/Papers/pretty.html]
+ *
+ * Some of Daan Leijen's PPrint library
+ *
+ *   [http://www.cs.uu.nl/~daan/pprint.html]
+ *
+ * has also been implemented.
+ *)
+signature PRETTIER = sig
+   type t
+   (** The abstract type of documents. *)
+   datatype elem =
+      STRING of String.t
+    | NEWLINE of Int.t
+   val fold : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> Int.t Option.t -> t -> 'a
+   (**
+    * Linearizes the given document and folds the linearized document with
+    * the given function.
+    *)
+   val app : elem Effect.t -> Int.t Option.t -> t Effect.t
+   (** {app e = fold (e o #1) ()} *)
+   val pretty : Int.t Option.t -> t -> String.t
+   (** {pretty n d = concat (rev (fold op:: [] n d))} *)
+   val println : TextIO.outstream -> Int.t Option.t -> t Effect.t
+   (**
+    * Writes the document to the specified stream with a newline and
+    * flushes the stream.
+    *)
+   (** == BASIC COMBINATORS == *)
+   val empty : t
+   (** The empty document is semantically equivalent to {txt ""}. *)
+   val chr : Char.t -> t
+   (**
+    * {chr c} contains the character {c}.  The character shouldn't be a
+    * newline.
+    *)
+   val txt : String.t -> t
+   (**
+    * {txt s} contains the string {s}.  The string shouldn't contain any
+    * newline characters.
+    *)
+   val str : String.t -> t
+   (**
+    * Converts a simple preformatted string into a document.  The idea is
+    * that newlines separate paragraphs and spaces after a newline specify
+    * indentation.  Spaces inside paragraph are replaced by softlines,
+    * paragraphs are prefixed with a line, nested by the specified
+    * indentation level, and grouped.  Everything is then concatenated
+    * together.
+    *)
+   val <^> : t BinOp.t
+   (**
+    * {l <^> r} is the concatenation of the documents {l} and {r}.
+    *
+    * Note: This is the same as the operator <> used in the original
+    * Haskell libraries.  In SML, <> is already used.
+    *)
+   val nest : Int.t -> t UnOp.t
+   (**
+    * {nest n d} renders document {d} indented by {n} more columns.
+    *
+    * Note that in order for {nest} to have any effect, you must have line
+    * breaks in {group}s in {d}.
+    *)
+   val line : t
+   (**
+    * Advances to the next line and indents, unless undone by {group} in
+    * which case {line} behaves like {txt " "}.
+    *)
+   val linebreak : t
+   (**
+    * Advances to the next line and indents, unless undone by {group} in
+    * which case {linebreak} behaves like {empty}.
+    *)
+   val group : t UnOp.t
+   (**
+    * Used to specify alternative layouts.  {group d} undoes all line
+    * breaks in document {d}.  The resulting line of text is added to the
+    * current output line if it fits.  Otherwise, the document is rendered
+    * without changes (with line breaks).
+    *)
+   val choice : {wide : t, narrow : t} -> t
+   (**
+    * Used to specify alternative documents.  The wider document is added
+    * to the current output line if it fits.  Otherwise, the narrow
+    * document is rendered.
+    *
+    * Warning: This operation allows one to create documents whose
+    * rendering may not produce optimal or easily predictable results.
+    *)
+   val lazy : t Thunk.t -> t
+   (**
+    * Creates a lazily computed document.  {lazy (fn () => doc)} is
+    * equivalent to {doc} except that the expression {doc} may not be
+    * evaluated at all.
+    *
+    * Note: This is primarily useful for specifying the narrow alternative
+    * to {choice} - unless, of course, there is a chance that the whole
+    * document will not be rendered at all.
+    *)
+   val softline : t
+   (**
+    * Behaves like a space if the resulting output fits, otherwise behaves
+    * like {line}.
+    *)
+   val softbreak : t
+   (**
+    * Behaves like {empty} if the resulting output fits, otherwise behaves
+    * like {line}.
+    *)
+   val column : (Int.t -> t) -> t
+   val nesting : (Int.t -> t) -> t
+   val indent : Int.t -> t UnOp.t
+   val hang : Int.t -> t UnOp.t
+   val align : t UnOp.t
+   val width : (Int.t -> t) -> t UnOp.t
+   val fillBreak : Int.t -> t UnOp.t
+   val fill : Int.t -> t UnOp.t
+   (** == OPERATORS == *)
+   val <+>  : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {space}. *)
+   val <$>  : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {line}. *)
+   val </>  : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {softline}. *)
+   val <$$> : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {linebreak}. *)
+   val <//> : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {softbreak}. *)
+   (** == LIST COMBINATORS == *)
+   val sep : t List.t -> t  (** {sep = group o vsep} *)
+   val cat : t List.t -> t  (** {cat = group o vcat} *)
+   val punctuate : t -> t List.t UnOp.t
+   (**
+    * {punctuate sep docs} concatenates {sep} to the right of each
+    * document in {docs} except the last one.
+    *)
+   val hsep    : t List.t -> t  (** Concatenates with {<+>}. *)
+   val vsep    : t List.t -> t  (** Concatenates with {<$>}. *)
+   val fillSep : t List.t -> t  (** Concatenates with {</>}. *)
+   val hcat    : t List.t -> t  (** Concatenates with {<^>}. *)
+   val vcat    : t List.t -> t  (** Concatenates with {<$$>}. *)
+   val fillCat : t List.t -> t  (** Concatenates with {<//>}. *)
+   val enclose : t Sq.t -> t UnOp.t
+   (** {enclose (l, r) d = l <^> d <^> r} *)
+   val squotes  : t UnOp.t  (** {squotes  = enclose (squote, squote)} *)
+   val dquotes  : t UnOp.t  (** {dquotes  = enclose (dquote, dquote)} *)
+   val parens   : t UnOp.t  (** {parens   = enclose (lparen, rparen)} *)
+   val angles   : t UnOp.t  (** {angles   = enclose (langle, rangle)} *)
+   val braces   : t UnOp.t  (** {braces   = enclose (lbrace, rbrace)} *)
+   val brackets : t UnOp.t  (** {brackets = enclose (lbracket, rbracket)} *)
+   (** == CHARACTER DOCUMENTS == *)
+   val lparen    : t  (** {txt "("} *)
+   val rparen    : t  (** {txt ")"} *)
+   val langle    : t  (** {txt "<"} *)
+   val rangle    : t  (** {txt ">"} *)
+   val lbrace    : t  (** {txt "{"} *)
+   val rbrace    : t  (** {txt "}"} *)
+   val lbracket  : t  (** {txt "["} *)
+   val rbracket  : t  (** {txt "]"} *)
+   val squote    : t  (** {txt "'"} *)
+   val dquote    : t  (** {txt "\""} *)
+   val semi      : t  (** {txt ";"} *)
+   val colon     : t  (** {txt ":"} *)
+   val comma     : t  (** {txt ","} *)
+   val space     : t  (** {txt " "} *)
+   val dot       : t  (** {txt "."} *)
+   val backslash : t  (** {txt "\\"} *)
+   val equals    : t  (** {txt "="} *)

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