[MLton-commit] r5458

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Wed Mar 21 07:59:17 PST 2007

A glob pattern (*, ?, and literal) matcher.  The fairly simple matching
algorithm uses backtracking and has worst case time complexity of O(n*m).
Worst case occurs, for example, with a pattern of the form "*a...ab"
(length n) and a string of the form "a...a" (length m).  This should be
good enough for typical uses.


A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/glob.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/lib.mlb


Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/glob.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/glob.sml	2007-03-21 07:30:18 UTC (rev 5457)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/glob.sml	2007-03-21 15:59:16 UTC (rev 5458)
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2007 SSH Communications Security, Helsinki, Finland
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+structure Glob :> sig
+   type t
+   structure Infix : sig
+      val eps : t
+      val C : Char.t -> t
+      val S : String.t -> t
+      val `* : t
+      val `? : t
+      val ^` : t BinOp.t
+   end
+   structure Format : sig
+      type t = {esc : Char.t Option.t,
+                one : Char.t,
+                any : Char.t,
+                isDelim : Char.t UnPr.t}
+      val def : t
+   end
+   val scan : Format.t -> (Char.t, 's) Reader.t -> (t, 's) Reader.t
+   val fromString : String.t -> t Option.t
+   val toString : t -> String.t
+   val matchStream : t -> (Char.t, 's) Reader.t -> 's UnPr.t
+   val matchString : t -> String.t UnPr.t
+end = struct
+   datatype e = WILD of Int.t * Bool.t | LIT of Char.t List.t
+   type t = e List.t * e
+   structure Infix = struct
+      val eps = ([], WILD (0, false))
+      fun C c = ([], LIT [c])
+      fun Cs [] = eps | Cs cs = ([], LIT cs)
+      fun S s = Cs (explode s)
+      val `* = ([], WILD (0, true))
+      val `? = ([], WILD (1, false))
+      fun wild (sl, ml) (sr, mr) = WILD (sl + sr, ml orelse mr)
+      fun lit ll lr = LIT (ll @ lr)
+      val op ^` =
+       fn ((ls, WILD wl), ([],      WILD wr)) => (ls, wild wl wr)
+        | ((ls,  LIT ll), ([],       LIT lr)) => (ls, lit ll lr)
+        | ((ls, WILD wl), (WILD wr::rs, rms)) => (ls @ wild wl wr :: rs, rms)
+        | ((ls,  LIT ll), (LIT lr ::rs, rms)) => (ls @ lit ll lr :: rs, rms)
+        | ((ls,     lms), (rs,          rms)) => (ls @ lms :: rs, rms)
+   end
+   structure Format = struct
+      type t = {esc : Char.t Option.t, one : Char.t, any : Char.t,
+                isDelim : Char.t UnPr.t}
+      val def = {esc = SOME #"\\", one = #"?", any = #"*",
+                 isDelim = const false} : t
+   end
+   fun scan {esc, one, any, isDelim} get = let
+      open Infix
+      fun finish t cs s = SOME (t ^` Cs (rev cs), s)
+      fun nonEsc t cs s =
+          case get s of
+             NONE => finish t cs s
+           | SOME (c, s) =>
+             if      isDelim c    then finish t cs s
+             else if one = c      then nonEsc (t ^` Cs (rev cs) ^` `?) [] s
+             else if any = c      then nonEsc (t ^` Cs (rev cs) ^` `*) [] s
+             else if esc = SOME c then gotEsc t cs s
+             else                      nonEsc t (c::cs) s
+      and gotEsc t cs s =
+          case get s of
+             NONE => NONE
+           | SOME (c, s) => nonEsc t (c::cs) s
+   in
+      nonEsc eps []
+   end
+   val fromString = StringCvt.scanString (scan Format.def)
+   fun toString (es, e) = let
+      fun to rs =
+       fn LIT cs =>
+          List.revAppend
+             (List.concatMap
+                 (fn #"?" => [#"\\", #"?"]
+                   | #"*" => [#"\\", #"*"]
+                   | #"\\" => [#"\\", #"\\"]
+                   | c => [c])
+                 cs,
+              rs)
+        | WILD (n, m) =>
+          List.tabulate (n, const #"?") @ (if m then #"*"::rs else rs)
+   in
+      implode (rev (to (foldl (fn (e, rs) => to rs e) [] es) e))
+   end
+   fun matchStream (es, e) = let
+      val es = es @ [e]
+   in
+      fn get => let
+            fun next s k =
+                case get s of
+                   NONE => false
+                 | SOME ? => k ?
+            fun lp s =
+             fn [] => isNone (get s)
+              | WILD (n, m)::es => let
+                   fun more s = lp s es orelse next s (fn (_, s) => more s)
+                   fun skip s = fn 0 => if m then more s else lp s es
+                                 | n => next s (fn (_, s) => skip s (n-1))
+                in
+                   skip s n
+                end
+              | LIT l::es => let
+                   fun match s =
+                    fn [] => lp s es
+                     | c::cs => next s (fn (c', s) => c = c' andalso match s cs)
+                in
+                   match s l
+                end
+         in
+            flip lp es
+         end
+   end
+   fun matchString t = matchStream t Substring.getc o Substring.full

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/glob.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/lib.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/lib.mlb	2007-03-21 07:30:18 UTC (rev 5457)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/misc-util/unstable/lib.mlb	2007-03-21 15:59:16 UTC (rev 5458)
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
+   glob.sml

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