[MLton-commit] r6218

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Wed Nov 28 05:04:46 PST 2007

Added getDriverName and listModes.

U   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/detail/sdl.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/example/bounce/bounce.mlb
U   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/example/bounce/bounce.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/public/sdl.sig


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/detail/sdl.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/detail/sdl.sml	2007-11-27 22:10:14 UTC (rev 6217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/detail/sdl.sml	2007-11-28 13:04:46 UTC (rev 6218)
@@ -8,12 +8,16 @@
    structure Word32Flags = MkWordFlags (Word32)
    fun withNew size = With.around (fn () => C.new' size) C.discard'
+   fun withAlloc alloc = With.around alloc C.free'
+   fun withBuf length = withAlloc (fn () => C.alloc' C.S.uchar length)
    val one = With.one
    fun raiseError () = raise Fail (ZString.toML' (F_SDL_GetError.f' ()))
    fun checkInt code = if 0 = code then () else raiseError ()
    fun checkPtr ptr = if C.Ptr.isNull' ptr then raiseError () else ptr
+   val minus1ptr : C.voidptr = C.U.i2p (C.Cvt.c_ulong (~ 0w1))
    structure Init = struct
       open Word32Flags
       val ` = Word32.fromLargeInt
@@ -78,6 +82,31 @@
       fun setMode props {bpp} {w, h} =
           checkPtr (F_SDL_SetVideoMode.f' (w, h, bpp, props))
       val getSurface = checkPtr o F_SDL_GetVideoSurface.f'
+      val maxDriverNameSz = 256 (* XXX is this large enough? *)
+      fun getDriverName () =
+         one (withBuf (Word.fromInt maxDriverNameSz))
+             (fn buf =>
+                 if C.Ptr.isNull' (F_SDL_VideoDriverName.f'
+                                      (buf, maxDriverNameSz))
+                 then fail "Cannot get driver name.  Is SDL video initialized?"
+                 else ZString.toML' buf)
+      fun listModes props =
+          case F_SDL_ListModes.f' (C.Ptr.null', props)
+           of modes =>
+              if C.Ptr.isNull' modes then SOME []
+              else if minus1ptr = C.Ptr.inject' modes then NONE
+              else recur (modes, []) (fn lp =>
+                      fn (modes, ms) =>
+                         if C.Ptr.isNull' (C.Get.ptr' (C.Ptr.|*! modes))
+                         then SOME ms
+                         else let
+                               val r = C.Ptr.|*! (C.Get.ptr' (C.Ptr.|*! modes))
+                               fun `f = Word16.toInt (C.Get.ushort' (f r))
+                            in
+                               lp (C.Ptr.|+! C.S.ptr (modes, 1),
+                                   {w = `S_SDL_Rect.f_w',
+                                    h = `S_SDL_Rect.f_h'}::ms)
+                            end)
    fun fillRect surface color =

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/example/bounce/bounce.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/example/bounce/bounce.mlb	2007-11-27 22:10:14 UTC (rev 6217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/example/bounce/bounce.mlb	2007-11-28 13:04:46 UTC (rev 6218)
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
       "sequenceNonUnit warn"
+      "warnUnused true"

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/example/bounce/bounce.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/example/bounce/bounce.sml	2007-11-27 22:10:14 UTC (rev 6217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/example/bounce/bounce.sml	2007-11-28 13:04:46 UTC (rev 6218)
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 structure Opt = struct
    val w = ref 640
    val h = ref 480
+   val fs = ref false
    val bpp = ref 16
    val size = ref 4
    val num = ref 100
@@ -26,9 +27,13 @@
-fun main () = let
+fun demo () = let
    val surface =
-       Video.setMode Prop.HWSURFACE {bpp = !Opt.bpp} {w = !Opt.w, h = !Opt.h}
+       Video.setMode
+          let open Prop in
+             flags ([HWSURFACE] @ (if !Opt.fs then [FULLSCREEN] else [])) end
+          {bpp = !Opt.bpp}
+          {w = !Opt.w, h = !Opt.h}
    val black = Color.fromRGB surface {r=0w0, g=0w0, b=0w0}
    val white = Color.fromRGB surface {r=0w255, g=0w255, b=0w255}
@@ -88,6 +93,17 @@
    lp ()
+fun main () =
+    (printlns ["Driver name: ", Video.getDriverName ()]
+   ; print "Available full screen modes: "
+   ; case Video.listModes let open Prop in flags [HWSURFACE, FULLSCREEN] end
+      of NONE    => println "Any resolution is OK?"
+       | SOME [] => println "None"
+       | SOME rs =>
+         println o String.concatWith ", " |< map
+            (fn {w, h} => concat [Int.toString w, "x", Int.toString h]) rs
+   ; demo ())
 val () =
     recur (CommandLine.arguments ()) (fn lp =>
        fn []                 => (init Init.VIDEO ; after (main, quit))
@@ -97,4 +113,5 @@
         | "-size" :: v :: xs => (Opt.size := valOf (Int.fromString v) ; lp xs)
         | "-num"  :: v :: xs => (Opt.num  := valOf (Int.fromString v) ; lp xs)
         | "-fps"  :: v :: xs => (Opt.fps  := valOf (Int.fromString v) ; lp xs)
+        | "-fs"        :: xs => (Opt.fs   := true                     ; lp xs)
         | x :: _             => (printlns ["Invalid option: ", x]))

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/public/sdl.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/public/sdl.sig	2007-11-27 22:10:14 UTC (rev 6217)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/sdl/unstable/public/sdl.sig	2007-11-28 13:04:46 UTC (rev 6218)
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
    structure Video : sig
       val setMode : Prop.flags -> {bpp : Int.t} -> wh -> {video : yes} Surface.t
       val getSurface : {video : yes} Surface.t Thunk.t
+      val getDriverName : String.t Thunk.t
+      val listModes : Prop.flags -> wh List.t Option.t
    val fillRect : 'any Surface.t -> Color.t -> xywh Option.t Effect.t

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