[MLton-commit] r5997

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Sun Sep 2 16:29:12 PDT 2007

Revised the interfaces of Prettier and Pretty.  Some minor optimizations
in Pretty.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test/pretty.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test.mlb
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/detail/prettier.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/prettier.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/unit-test/unstable/detail/mk-unit-test.fun


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml	2007-09-02 16:13:56 UTC (rev 5996)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/pretty.sml	2007-09-02 23:29:10 UTC (rev 5997)
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
       val txt = atomic o txt
       fun surround (n, p) = atomic o group o nest n o enclose p o Pair.snd
       fun atomize (d as (a, _)) = if a then d else surround parens d
-      val punctuate = fn (_, s) => punctuate s o List.map Pair.snd
-      val fill = fn ? => nonAtomic (vsep ?)
       val group = uop group
       val nest = uop o nest
       val op <^> = fn ((al, dl), (ar, dr)) => (al andalso ar, dl <^> dr)
@@ -89,8 +87,16 @@
                         end) <^>
                        aP ((e, c), v))
-   fun sequ style toL t (e, a) =
-       surround style o fill o punctuate comma o List.map (curry t e) |< toL a
+   fun sequ style toSlice getItem aP (e, a) = let
+      fun lp (d, s) =
+          case getItem s
+           of NONE        => surround style d
+            | SOME (a, s) => lp (d <^> comma <$> aP (e, a), s)
+   in
+      case getItem (toSlice a)
+       of NONE        => atomic (Prettier.<^> (#2 style))
+        | SOME (a, s) => lp (aP (e, a), s)
+   end
    fun mk toS : 'a t = txt o toS o Pair.snd
    fun enc l r toS x = concat [l, toS x, r]
@@ -113,12 +119,11 @@
    open Pretty.This
-   fun layout t =
+   fun pretty t =
        case getT t
         of p => fn x => #2 (p ((HashMap.new {eq = HashUniv.eq,
                                              hash = HashUniv.hash}, ref ~1), x))
-   fun pretty m t = Prettier.pretty m o layout t
-   fun show t = pretty NONE t
+   fun show t = Prettier.render NONE o pretty t
    structure Layered = LayerDepCases
      (structure Outer = Arg and Result = Pretty
@@ -165,12 +170,13 @@
       fun regExn1 c aT = case C1 c aT of aP => regExn aP o Pair.snd
       fun refc aT = cyclic (Arg.refc ignore aT) o flip inj ! |< C1 ctorRef aT
-      fun array aT = cyclic (Arg.array ignore aT) |<
-                     sequ hashParens Array.toList (getT aT)
+      fun array aT =
+          cyclic (Arg.array ignore aT) |<
+          sequ hashParens ArraySlice.full ArraySlice.getItem (getT aT)
+      fun vector aT =
+          sequ hashBrackets VectorSlice.full VectorSlice.getItem (getT aT)
+      fun list aT = sequ brackets id List.getItem (getT aT)
-      fun vector aT = sequ hashBrackets Vector.toList (getT aT)
-      fun list aT = sequ brackets id (getT aT)
       fun op --> _ = const txtFn

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig	2007-09-02 16:13:56 UTC (rev 5996)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/pretty.sig	2007-09-02 23:29:10 UTC (rev 5997)
@@ -5,20 +5,22 @@
- * Signature for a generic function for pretty printing values of
+ * Signature for a generic function for pretty-printing values of
  * arbitrary SML datatypes.
+ *
+ * Features:
+ * - Handles arbitrary cyclic data structures.
+ * - Shows sharing.
+ * - Output roughly as close to SML syntax as possible.
 signature PRETTY = sig
    structure Pretty : OPEN_REP
-   val layout : ('a, 'x) Pretty.t -> 'a -> Prettier.t
+   val pretty : ('a, 'x) Pretty.t -> 'a -> Prettier.t
    (** Extracts the prettifying function. *)
-   val pretty : Int.t Option.t -> ('a, 'x) Pretty.t -> 'a -> String.t
-   (** {pretty m t} is equivalent to {Prettier.pretty m o layout t}. *)
    val show : ('a, 'x) Pretty.t -> 'a -> String.t
-   (** {show t} is equivalent to {pretty NONE t}. *)
+   (** {show t} is equivalent to {Prettier.render NONE (pretty t)}. *)
 signature PRETTY_CASES = sig

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test/pretty.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test/pretty.sml	2007-09-02 16:13:56 UTC (rev 5996)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test/pretty.sml	2007-09-02 23:29:10 UTC (rev 5997)
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
-   open Generic UnitTest
+   open Prettier Generic UnitTest
    infix |`
    fun tst n t s v =
-       testEq string (fn () => {expect = s, actual = pretty n t v})
+       testEq string (fn () => {expect = s, actual = render n (pretty t v)})
    structure Graph = MkGraph (Generic)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test.mlb	2007-09-02 16:13:56 UTC (rev 5996)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/test.mlb	2007-09-02 23:29:10 UTC (rev 5997)
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/unit-test/unstable/lib-with-default.mlb
-   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/unit-test/unstable/lib-with-default.mlb
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/lib.mlb

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/detail/prettier.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/detail/prettier.sml	2007-09-02 16:13:56 UTC (rev 5996)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/detail/prettier.sml	2007-09-02 23:29:10 UTC (rev 5997)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
    open TopLevel
    infix  4 <\
    infixr 2 |<
+   infix >>=
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
    structure C = Char and S = String and SS = Substring
@@ -31,10 +32,6 @@
     | NESTING of Int.t -> t
    withtype t = t' Lazy.t
-   datatype elem =
-      STRING of String.t
-    | NEWLINE of Int.t
    val lazy = L
    val empty = E EMPTY
@@ -46,7 +43,7 @@
       fun assertAllPrint str =
           if S.all C.isPrint str then ()
-          else fail "unprintable characters given to Prettier.txt"
+          else fail "Unprintable characters given to Prettier.txt"
       val txt' = E o TEXT
       val txt = txt' o Effect.obs assertAllPrint
@@ -70,11 +67,11 @@
    val op <^> = E o JOIN
    fun punctuate sep =
-       fn [] => []
-        | d::ds => let
+    fn []    => []
+     | d::ds => let
           fun lp rs d1 =
-              fn [] => List.revAppend (rs, [d1])
-               | d2::ds => lp (d1 <^> sep::rs) d2 ds
+           fn [] => List.revAppend (rs, [d1])
+            | d2::ds => lp (d1 <^> sep::rs) d2 ds
           lp [] d ds
@@ -100,23 +97,15 @@
       fun flatten doc =
           L (fn () =>
-                case F doc of
-                   EMPTY =>
-                   doc
-                 | JOIN (lhs, rhs) =>
-                   E (JOIN (flatten lhs, flatten rhs))
-                 | NEST (cols, doc) =>
-                   E (NEST (cols, flatten doc))
-                 | TEXT _ =>
-                   doc
-                 | LINE b =>
-                   if b then empty else space
-                 | CHOICE {wide, ...} =>
-                   wide
-                 | COLUMN f =>
-                   E (COLUMN (flatten o f))
-                 | NESTING f =>
-                   E (NESTING (flatten o f)))
+                case F doc
+                 of EMPTY              => doc
+                  | JOIN (lhs, rhs)    => E (JOIN (flatten lhs, flatten rhs))
+                  | NEST (cols, doc)   => E (NEST (cols, flatten doc))
+                  | TEXT _             => doc
+                  | LINE b             => if b then empty else space
+                  | CHOICE {wide, ...} => wide
+                  | COLUMN f           => E (COLUMN (flatten o f))
+                  | NESTING f          => E (NESTING (flatten o f)))
       fun choice {wide, narrow} =
           E (CHOICE {wide = flatten wide, narrow = narrow})
@@ -139,10 +128,9 @@
       fun mk bop xs =
-          case rev xs of
-             [] => empty
-           | x::xs =>
-             foldl bop x xs
+          case rev xs
+           of []    => empty
+            | x::xs => foldl bop x xs
       val hsep    = mk op <+>
       val vsep    = mk op <$>
@@ -163,70 +151,65 @@
    val braces   = enclose braces
    val brackets = enclose brackets
-   fun fold f s maxCols doc = let
+   fun renderer maxCols w doc = let
+      open IOSMonad
       datatype t' =
        | PRINT of String.t * t
        | LINEFEED of Int.t * t
       withtype t = t' Lazy.t
-      fun layout s doc =
-          case F doc of
-             NIL => s
-           | PRINT (str, doc) =>
-             layout (f (STRING str, s)) doc
-           | LINEFEED (cols, doc) =>
-             layout (f (NEWLINE cols, s)) doc
+      fun layout doc =
+          case F doc
+           of NIL                  => return ()
+            | PRINT (str, doc)     => w str >>= (fn () => layout doc)
+            | LINEFEED (cols, doc) => w "\n" >>= (fn () =>
+                                      w (spaces cols) >>= (fn () =>
+                                      layout doc))
       fun fits usedCols doc =
           NONE = maxCols orelse
           usedCols <= valOf maxCols andalso
-          case F doc of
-             NIL => true
-           | LINEFEED _ => true
-           | PRINT (str, doc) =>
-             fits (usedCols + size str) doc
+          case F doc
+           of NIL              => true
+            | LINEFEED _       => true
+            | PRINT (str, doc) => fits (usedCols + size str) doc
       fun best usedCols work =
           L (fn () =>
-                case work of
-                   [] => E NIL
-                 | (nestCols, doc)::rest =>
-                   case F doc of
-                      EMPTY =>
-                      best usedCols rest
-                    | JOIN (lhs, rhs) =>
-                      best usedCols ((nestCols, lhs)::
-                                     (nestCols, rhs)::rest)
-                    | NEST (cols, doc) =>
-                      best usedCols ((nestCols + cols, doc)::rest)
-                    | TEXT str =>
-                      E (PRINT (str, best (usedCols + size str) rest))
-                    | LINE _ =>
-                      E (LINEFEED (nestCols, best nestCols rest))
-                    | CHOICE {wide, narrow} => let
-                      val wide = best usedCols ((nestCols, wide)::rest)
-                   in
-                      if fits usedCols wide then
-                         wide
-                      else
-                         best usedCols ((nestCols, narrow)::rest)
-                   end
-                    | COLUMN f =>
-                      best usedCols ((nestCols, f usedCols)::rest)
-                    | NESTING f =>
-                      best usedCols ((nestCols, f nestCols)::rest))
+                case work
+                 of [] => E NIL
+                  | (nestCols, doc)::rest =>
+                    case F doc
+                     of EMPTY =>
+                        best usedCols rest
+                      | JOIN (lhs, rhs) =>
+                        best usedCols ((nestCols, lhs)::(nestCols, rhs)::rest)
+                      | NEST (cols, doc) =>
+                        best usedCols ((nestCols + cols, doc)::rest)
+                      | TEXT str =>
+                        E (PRINT (str, best (usedCols + size str) rest))
+                      | LINE _ =>
+                        E (LINEFEED (nestCols, best nestCols rest))
+                      | CHOICE {wide, narrow} => let
+                           val wide = best usedCols ((nestCols, wide)::rest)
+                        in
+                           if fits usedCols wide
+                           then wide
+                           else best usedCols ((nestCols, narrow)::rest)
+                        end
+                      | COLUMN f =>
+                        best usedCols ((nestCols, f usedCols)::rest)
+                      | NESTING f =>
+                        best usedCols ((nestCols, f nestCols)::rest))
-      layout s (best 0 [(0, doc)])
+      layout (best 0 [(0, doc)])
-   fun app e = fold (e o #1) ()
+   fun render maxCols doc =
+       concat o rev o #2 |< renderer maxCols (IOSMonad.fromWriter op ::) doc []
-   fun pretty n d =
-       concat o rev |< fold (fn (STRING s, ss) => s::ss
-                              | (NEWLINE n, ss) =>
-                                spaces n::"\n"::ss) [] n d
       val join =
           fn [] => empty
@@ -246,12 +229,7 @@
-   fun println os n d =
-       (app (fn STRING s => TextIO.output (os, s)
-              | NEWLINE n =>
-                (TextIO.output1 (os, #"\n")
-               ; repeat (fn () => TextIO.output1 (os, #" ")) n ()))
-            n d
-      ; TextIO.output1 (os, #"\n")
-      ; TextIO.flushOut os)
+   fun println c d =
+       (ignore (renderer c (IOSMonad.fromPutter TextIO.output) d TextIO.stdOut)
+      ; print "\n")

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/prettier.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/prettier.sig	2007-09-02 16:13:56 UTC (rev 5996)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/prettier/unstable/public/prettier.sig	2007-09-02 23:29:10 UTC (rev 5997)
@@ -25,30 +25,18 @@
    type t
    (** The abstract type of documents. *)
-   datatype elem =
-      STRING of String.t
-    | NEWLINE of Int.t
+   val renderer : Int.t Option.t -> (String.t -> (Unit.t, 's) IOSMonad.t)
+                                 -> (t        -> (Unit.t, 's) IOSMonad.t)
+   (** Function for linearizing a document directly to a given stream. *)
-   val fold : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> Int.t Option.t -> t -> 'a
-   (**
-    * Linearizes the given document and folds the linearized document with
-    * the given function.
-    *)
+   val render : Int.t Option.t -> t -> String.t
+   (** Renders the document as a string. *)
-   val app : elem Effect.t -> Int.t Option.t -> t Effect.t
-   (** {app e = fold (e o #1) ()} *)
+   val println : Int.t Option.t -> t Effect.t
+   (** Writes the document to stdOut with a newline and flushes stdOut. *)
-   val pretty : Int.t Option.t -> t -> String.t
-   (** {pretty n d = concat (rev (fold op:: [] n d))} *)
+   (** == Basic Combinators == *)
-   val println : TextIO.outstream -> Int.t Option.t -> t Effect.t
-   (**
-    * Writes the document to the specified stream with a newline and
-    * flushes the stream.
-    *)
-   (** == BASIC COMBINATORS == *)
    val empty : t
    (** The empty document is semantically equivalent to {txt ""}. *)
@@ -143,7 +131,7 @@
     * like {line}.
+   (** == Alignment Combinators == *)
    val column : (Int.t -> t) -> t
    val nesting : (Int.t -> t) -> t
@@ -157,7 +145,7 @@
    val fillBreak : Int.t -> t UnOp.t
    val fill : Int.t -> t UnOp.t
-   (** == OPERATORS == *)
+   (** == Operators == *)
    val <+>  : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {space}. *)
    val <$>  : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {line}. *)
@@ -165,7 +153,7 @@
    val <$$> : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {linebreak}. *)
    val <//> : t BinOp.t  (** Concatenates with a {softbreak}. *)
-   (** == LIST COMBINATORS == *)
+   (** == List Combinators == *)
    val sep : t List.t -> t  (** {sep = group o vsep} *)
    val cat : t List.t -> t  (** {cat = group o vcat} *)
@@ -183,7 +171,7 @@
    val vcat    : t List.t -> t  (** Concatenates with {<$$>}. *)
    val fillCat : t List.t -> t  (** Concatenates with {<//>}. *)
+   (** == Bracketing Combinators == *)
    val enclose : t Sq.t -> t UnOp.t
    (** {enclose (l, r) d = l <^> d <^> r} *)
@@ -195,7 +183,7 @@
    val braces   : t UnOp.t  (** {braces   = enclose (lbrace, rbrace)} *)
    val brackets : t UnOp.t  (** {brackets = enclose (lbracket, rbracket)} *)
-   (** == CHARACTER DOCUMENTS == *)
+   (** == Character Documents == *)
    val lparen    : t  (** {txt "("} *)
    val rparen    : t  (** {txt ")"} *)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/unit-test/unstable/detail/mk-unit-test.fun
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/unit-test/unstable/detail/mk-unit-test.fun	2007-09-02 16:13:56 UTC (rev 5996)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/unit-test/unstable/detail/mk-unit-test.fun	2007-09-02 23:29:10 UTC (rev 5997)
@@ -27,26 +27,26 @@
       val bool = bool
       val eq = eq
       val exn = exn
-      val layout = layout
+      val pretty = pretty
       open Prettier
       val indent = nest 2 o sep
-      fun named t n v = str n <^> nest 2 (line <^> layout t v)
+      fun named t n v = str n <^> nest 2 (line <^> pretty t v)
       val comma = comma
       val dot = dot
       val group = group
       val op <^> = op <^>
-      val pretty = pretty
+      val render = render
          open Maybe
          val I = I.fromString
          val cols = Monad.sum [S"-w"@`I, L"--width"@`I, E"COLUMNS"@`I, `70]
-         val println = println TextIO.stdOut (get cols)
+         val println = println (get cols)
       val punctuate = punctuate
@@ -264,5 +264,5 @@
    fun trivial b = classify (if b then SOME "trivial" else NONE)
    fun collect t v p =
-       G.Monad.map (fn (r, ts, msg) => (r, pretty NONE (layout t v)::ts, msg)) p
+       G.Monad.map (fn (r, ts, msg) => (r, render NONE (pretty t v)::ts, msg)) p

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