[MLton-commit] r6583

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Tue Apr 8 15:52:10 PDT 2008

An example of using iterator functions translated from a Haskell example.


A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.mlb
A   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.sml


Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.mlb	2008-04-08 20:20:15 UTC (rev 6582)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.mlb	2008-04-08 22:52:09 UTC (rev 6583)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2008 Vesa Karvonen
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+   ann
+      "warnUnused true"
+      "sequenceNonUnit warn"
+   in
+      countdown.sml
+   end

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.mlb
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.sml	2008-04-08 20:20:15 UTC (rev 6582)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.sml	2008-04-08 22:52:09 UTC (rev 6583)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2008 Vesa Karvonen
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+ * This is a translation of the ``Countdown'' example from Chapter 11 of
+ * the book:
+ *
+ *   Programming in Haskell
+ *   by Graham Hutton
+ *   Cambridge University Press
+ *   ISBN 0-521-69269-5
+ *   http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~gmh/book.html
+ *
+ * See the WWW site for the original Haskell code.
+ *
+ * The original Haskell code uses lazy lists.  This translation uses
+ * iterators rather than lists.  The translation is rather mechanical
+ * and the programs are structurally very similar.
+ *
+ * Unsurprisingly using iterators gives excellent performance.  On a
+ * Pentium M laptop, compiled with MLton, the solvers using iterators run
+ * more than 3 times faster than GHC (6.6.1) compiled solvers using lazy
+ * lists.  Note that it is more than likely that the same technique, using
+ * iterators rather than lazy lists, could be used to speed up the Haskell
+ * version.
+ *)
+(*** Expressions ***)
+datatype b = ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV
+fun valid ADD _ _ = true
+  | valid SUB x y = x > y
+  | valid MUL _ _ = true
+  | valid DIV x y = x mod y = 0
+fun apply ADD x y = x + y
+  | apply SUB x y = x - y
+  | apply MUL x y = x * y
+  | apply DIV x y = x div y
+datatype x = VAL of int | APP of b * x * x
+fun eval (VAL n)         e = if n > 0 then e n else ()
+  | eval (APP (b, l, r)) e = eval l (fn l =>
+                             eval r (fn r =>
+                             if valid b l r then e (apply b l r) else ()))
+(*** Combinatorial functions ***)
+fun subs []      e = e [] : unit
+  | subs (x::xs) e = subs xs (fn ys => (e ys ; e (x::ys)))
+fun interleave x []      e = e [x] : unit
+  | interleave x (y::ys) e =
+    (e (x::y::ys) ; interleave x ys (fn ys => e (y::ys)))
+fun perms []      e = e [] : unit
+  | perms (x::xs) e = perms xs (fn p => interleave x p e)
+fun choices xs e = subs xs (fn s => perms s e)
+(*** Brute force solution ***)
+fun split []      _ = ()
+  | split [_]     _ = ()
+  | split (x::xs) e = (split xs (fn (ls, rs) => e (x::ls, rs)) ; e ([x], xs))
+fun bops e = (e ADD ; e SUB ; e MUL ; e DIV) : unit
+fun combine l r e = bops (fn b => e (APP (b, l, r)))
+fun exprs []  _ = ()
+  | exprs [n] e = e (VAL n)
+  | exprs ns  e =
+    split ns (fn (l, r) => exprs l (fn x => exprs r (fn y => combine x y e)))
+fun solutions ns n e = choices ns (fn ns' =>
+                       exprs ns' (fn x =>
+                       eval x (fn n' =>
+                       if n' = n then e x else ())))
+(*** Combining generation and evaluation ***)
+fun combine' (l, x) (r, y) e =
+    bops (fn b => if valid b x y then e (APP (b, l, r), apply b x y) else ())
+fun results []  _ = ()
+  | results [n] e = if n > 0 then e (VAL n, n) else ()
+  | results ns  e = split ns (fn (l, r) =>
+                    results l (fn x =>
+                    results r (fn y =>
+                    combine' x y e)))
+fun solutions' ns n e =
+    choices ns (fn ns' => results ns' (fn (x, m) => if m = n then e x else ()))
+(*** Exploiting numeric properties ***)
+fun valid' ADD x y = x <= y
+  | valid' SUB x y = x > y
+  | valid' MUL x y = x <= y andalso 1 < x
+  | valid' DIV x y = y <> 1 andalso x mod y = 0
+fun combine'' (l, x) (r, y) e =
+    bops (fn b => if valid' b x y then e (APP (b, l, r), apply b x y) else ())
+fun results' []  _ = ()
+  | results' [n] e = if n > 0 then e (VAL n, n) else ()
+  | results' ns  e = split ns (fn (l, r) =>
+                     results' l (fn x =>
+                     results' r (fn y =>
+                     combine'' x y e)))
+fun solutions'' ns n e =
+    choices ns (fn ns' => results' ns' (fn (x, m) => if m = n then e x else ()))
+(*** Main Program ***)
+val bToString = fn ADD => "+" | SUB => "-" | MUL => "*" | DIV => "/"
+fun xToString (VAL i)         = Int.toString i
+  | xToString (APP (b, l, r)) =
+    concat ["(", xToString l, " ", bToString b, " ", xToString r, ")"]
+fun s2i s =
+    case Int.fromString s
+     of NONE   => fails ["Not a number: ", s]
+      | SOME i => if i <= 0 then fails ["Not a positive number: ", s] else i
+fun main solver =
+ fn s::n::ns => solver (List.map s2i (n::ns)) (s2i s) (println o xToString)
+  | _        => fail "Not enough arguments"
+val () =
+    (case CommandLine.arguments ()
+      of "-brute"    :: args => main solutions   args
+       | "-combined" :: args => main solutions'  args
+       | "-exploit"  :: args => main solutions'' args
+       |                args => main solutions'' args)
+    handle e =>
+           (println (Exn.message e)
+          ; printlns ["Usage: ", OS.Path.file (CommandLine.name ()),
+                      " [-brute | -combined | -exploit] solution number ..."])

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/example/iter/countdown.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

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