[MLton-commit] r6999

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Sun Dec 14 04:58:33 PST 2008

Added a number of combinators and some ad hoc tests.


U   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/detail/mk-parsec.fun
U   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/public/parsec.sig
A   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/
A   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/app/
A   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/app/generic.mlb
A   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/parsec.sml
A   mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test.mlb


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/detail/mk-parsec.fun
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/detail/mk-parsec.fun	2008-12-09 18:07:41 UTC (rev 6998)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/detail/mk-parsec.fun	2008-12-14 12:58:31 UTC (rev 6999)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
    infixr 4 </ />
    infix  2 >| andAlso
    infixr 2 |<
-   infix  1 orElse >>=
+   infix  1 orElse >>= ->> >>-
    infix  0 & <|>
    infixr 0 -->
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
          | EMPTY (OK (x, s, m)) => replyNone m (x2yM x s)
          | TASTE th             =>
            TASTE (fn () => case th ()
-                            of FAIL e       => FAIL e
+                            of FAIL m       => FAIL m
                              | OK (x, s, m) => bindSome m (x2yM x s))
    fun zero s = EMPTY (FAIL (pos s))
@@ -89,6 +89,24 @@
         of EMPTY (FAIL m) => replyNone m (q s)
          | other          => other
+   structure Monad = MkMonadP
+     (type 'a monad = 'a t
+      val return = return
+      val op >>= = op >>=
+      val zero = zero
+      val op <|> = op <|>)
+   open Monad
+   fun map x2y xM s =
+       case xM s
+        of EMPTY (FAIL m)       => EMPTY (FAIL m)
+         | EMPTY (OK (x, s, m)) => EMPTY (OK (x2y x, s, m))
+         | TASTE th             =>
+           TASTE (fn () => case th ()
+                            of FAIL m       => FAIL m
+                             | OK (x, s, m) => OK (x2y x, s, m))
    fun guess p s =
        case p s
         of EMPTY r  => EMPTY r
@@ -142,27 +160,58 @@
                                     of OK (x, _, m) => taste (OK (x, s, m))
                                      | FAIL m       => taste (FAIL m)
-   fun many p = many1 p <|> return []
-   and many1 p = p >>= (fn x => many p >>= (fn xs => return (x::xs)))
+   fun foldMany f s p = let
+      fun lp s = p >>= (fn x => lp (f (x, s))) <|> (fn ? => return s ?)
+   in
+      lp s
+   end
-   fun between b a p = b >>= (fn _ => p >>= (fn r => a >>= (fn _ => return r)))
+   fun manyRev p = foldMany op :: [] p
+   fun many p = map rev (manyRev p)
-   fun option alt p = p <|> return alt
+   fun oneMany p q = p >>= (fn x => map (fn xs => x::xs) (many q))
-   fun sepBy1 p s =
-       p >>= (fn x => many (s >>= (fn _ => p)) >>= (fn xs => return (x::xs)))
-   fun sepBy p s = sepBy1 p s <|> return []
+   fun many1 p = oneMany p p
-   fun skip p = p >>= return o ignore
+   fun p >>- s = p >>= (fn x => map (const x) s)
+   fun s ->> p = s >>= const p
+   fun between b a p = b ->> p >>- a
+   fun foldCount f s p n = let
+      fun lp s n =
+          if 0 < n
+          then p >>= (fn x => lp (f (x, s)) (n-1))
+          else return s
+   in
+      if n < 0 then raise Domain else lp s n
+   end
+   fun count p = map rev o foldCount op :: [] p
+   fun skip p = map General.ignore p
+   fun skipCount p = foldCount General.ignore () p
    fun skipMany p = skipMany1 p <|> return ()
    and skipMany1 p = p >>= (fn _ => skipMany p)
-   structure Monad = MkMonadP
-     (type 'a monad = 'a t
-      val return = return
-      val op >>= = op >>=
-      val zero = zero
-      val op <|> = op <|>)
+   fun option alt p = p <|> return alt
+   fun opt p = option NONE (map SOME p)
+   fun optional p = skip p <|> return ()
-   open Monad
+   fun endBy p = many o p <\ op >>-
+   fun endBy1 p = many1 o p <\ op >>-
+   fun sepBy1 p s = oneMany p (s ->> p)
+   fun sepBy p s = sepBy1 p s <|> return []
+   fun sepEndBy p s = let
+      fun done xs ? = return (rev xs) ?
+      fun pee xs = p >>= (fn x => ess (x::xs)) <|> done xs
+      and ess xs = s >>= (fn _ => pee xs) <|> done xs
+   in
+      pee []
+   end
+   fun sepEndBy1 p s =
+       p >>= (fn x => s >>= (fn _ => map (fn xs => x::xs) (sepEndBy p s)))

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/public/parsec.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/public/parsec.sig	2008-12-09 18:07:41 UTC (rev 6998)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/public/parsec.sig	2008-12-14 12:58:31 UTC (rev 6999)
@@ -34,19 +34,34 @@
    val sat : Sequence.Elem.t UnPr.t -> Sequence.Elem.t t
    val take : Sequence.Elem.t UnPr.t -> Sequence.Elem.t List.t t
-   val peek : 'a t UnOp.t
+   val ->> : 'a t * 'b t -> 'b t
+   val >>- : 'a t * 'b t -> 'a t
+   val between : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t UnOp.t
+   val count : 'a t -> Int.t -> 'a List.t t
+   val endBy : 'a t -> 'end t -> 'a List.t t
+   val endBy1 : 'a t -> 'end t -> 'a List.t t
    val many : 'a t -> 'a List.t t
+   val manyRev : 'a t -> 'a List.t t
    val many1 : 'a t -> 'a List.t t
+   val opt : 'a t -> 'a Option.t t
    val option : 'a -> 'a t UnOp.t
+   val optional : 'a t -> Unit.t t
-   val between : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t UnOp.t
+   val peek : 'a t UnOp.t
-   val sepBy : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'a List.t t
-   val sepBy1 : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'a List.t t
+   val sepBy : 'a t -> 'sep t -> 'a List.t t
+   val sepBy1 : 'a t -> 'sep t -> 'a List.t t
+   val sepEndBy : 'a t -> 'sep t -> 'a List.t t
+   val sepEndBy1 : 'a t -> 'sep t -> 'a List.t t
    val skip : 'a t -> Unit.t t
+   val skipCount : 'a t -> Int.t -> Unit.t t
    val skipMany : 'a t -> Unit.t t
    val skipMany1 : 'a t -> Unit.t t

Added: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/app/generic.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/app/generic.mlb	2008-12-09 18:07:41 UTC (rev 6998)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/app/generic.mlb	2008-12-14 12:58:31 UTC (rev 6999)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2008 Vesa Karvonen
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/extended-basis/unstable/basis.mlb
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/random/unstable/lib.mlb
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/lib.mlb
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/generic.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/type-info.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/type-hash.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/hash.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/pretty.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/eq.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/arbitrary.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/size.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/ord.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/shrink.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/close-pretty-with-extra.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/reg-basis-exns.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/types.sml
+   $(MLTON_LIB)/com/ssh/generic/unstable/with/types-$(SML_COMPILER).sml

Added: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/parsec.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/parsec.sml	2008-12-09 18:07:41 UTC (rev 6998)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/parsec.sml	2008-12-14 12:58:31 UTC (rev 6999)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2008 Vesa Karvonen
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+structure Parsec =
+   MkParsec (structure Sequence = StringSequence
+             structure State = Unit)
+val () = let
+   open UnitTest Parsec
+   infix |>>
+   fun p |>> f = map f p
+   fun parse p s =
+       Parsec.parse p (StringSequence.full s, ())
+   datatype 'a test =
+      SUCCESS of String.t * 'a * String.t
+    | FAILURE of String.t * Int.t
+   fun remaining s =
+       Substring.extract (StringSequence.vector s, StringSequence.pos s, NONE)
+    >| Substring.string
+   fun chk p t cs =
+       test (fn () =>
+       List.app
+        (fn SUCCESS (s, v, r) =>
+            (case parse p s
+              of INL p => fails ["Parse failed at ", Int.toString p]
+               | INR (v', (r', ())) =>
+                 (thatEq t {actual = v', expect = v}
+                ; thatEq String.t {actual = remaining r', expect = r}))
+          | FAILURE (s, c) =>
+            (case parse p s
+              of INL p => thatEq Int.t {actual = p, expect = c}
+               | INR (v, (r, ())) =>
+                 fails ["Parse succeed with ", Generic.show t v,
+                        " at pos ", Int.toString (StringSequence.pos r),
+                        " and remaining input ",
+                        Generic.show String.t (remaining r)]))
+        cs)
+   fun S s v r = SUCCESS (s, v, r)
+   fun F s p = FAILURE (s, p)
+   val d = sat Char.isDigit
+   val l = sat Char.isLower
+   val u = sat Char.isUpper
+   unitTests
+    (title "Parsec")
+    (chk (l <|> u) Char.t [F "0" 0, S "ab" #"a" "b", S "Ba" #"B" "a"])
+    (chk (l >>* u) (Sq.t Char.t) [F "Ul" 0, S "lU-" (#"l", #"U") "-"])
+    (chk (between l u d) Char.t [S "b9X-" #"9" "-", F "bX" 1])
+    (chk (count l 3 |>> implode) String.t [S "abcdE" "abc" "dE", F "abC" 2])
+    (chk (endBy l u |>> implode) String.t
+         [S "-" "" "-", S "aXbY-" "ab" "-", F "aXbYc-" 5])
+    (chk (endBy1 l u |>> implode) String.t
+         [F "-" 0, F "o-" 1, S "aXbY-" "ab" "-", F "aXbYc-" 5])
+    (chk (many (l >>* u |>> op ^ o Sq.map str) |>> concat) String.t
+         [S "-" "" "-", S "aBcD-" "aBcD" "-", F "abC" 1])
+    (chk (manyRev (l >>* u |>> op ^ o Sq.map str) |>> concat) String.t
+         [S "-" "" "-", S "aBcD-" "cDaB" "-", F "abC" 1])
+    (chk (many1 (l >>* u |>> op ^ o Sq.map str) |>> concat) String.t
+         [F "-" 0, S "aBcD-" "aBcD" "-", F "abC" 1])
+    (chk (opt (count l 2 |>> implode)) (Option.t String.t)
+         [S "xy-" (SOME "xy") "-", S "-" NONE "-", F "bA" 1])
+    (chk (l >>* peek u) (Sq.t Char.t) [S "lU-" (#"l", #"U") "U-", F "ab" 1])
+    (chk (sepBy l u |>> implode) String.t
+         [S "-" "" "-", S "aXb-" "ab" "-", F "aXbY" 4])
+    (chk (sepBy1 l u |>> implode) String.t
+         [F "-" 0, S "aXb-" "ab" "-", F "aXbY" 4])
+    $

Property changes on: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test/parsec.sml
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test.mlb
--- mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test.mlb	2008-12-09 18:07:41 UTC (rev 6998)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/org/mlton/vesak/parsec/unstable/test.mlb	2008-12-14 12:58:31 UTC (rev 6999)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2008 Vesa Karvonen
+ *
+ * This code is released under the MLton license, a BSD-style license.
+ * See the LICENSE file or http://mlton.org/License for details.
+ *)
+   "nonexhaustiveExnMatch ignore"
+   "sequenceNonUnit warn"
+   "warnUnused true"
+   test/parsec.sml

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