[MLton-commit] r6375

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Mon Feb 4 07:00:05 PST 2008

Enhanced read to also parse tuples written using the record syntax.

Replaced the use of a list of functions with an incrementally built
function in the type representations of products in the read generic.
This seems to dramatically improve the generated code with MLton.  The
reasons for this seem straightforward.  Many crucial optimizations
(inlining, contification, ...) do not work across a list of functions.

Made some other minor performance tweaks in the Read generic.

Also made the Record and Tuple types in the GENERICS signature concrete
and mapped them to String and Int, respectively.  This is used in the Read
generic for a minor performance benefit.  While this is somewhat of an
ugly hack, note that outside of defining a generic function, the types
cannot be used for anything.  What matters is that they are different


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/framework/generics.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/extra/generic-extra.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/framework/generics.sig
U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/read.sig


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/framework/generics.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/framework/generics.sml	2008-02-04 14:43:26 UTC (rev 6374)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/framework/generics.sml	2008-02-04 15:00:03 UTC (rev 6375)
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
    structure Con = Label
-   structure Record = Unit
-   structure Tuple = Unit
+   structure Record = String
+   structure Tuple = Int
       (* The idea here is to compute the hash of at most some fixed number

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml	2008-02-04 14:43:26 UTC (rev 6374)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml	2008-02-04 15:00:03 UTC (rev 6375)
@@ -36,10 +36,8 @@
       structure State = Unit)
    open Parsec
-   fun E c = fromReader (fn s => case Sequence.get s
-                                  of NONE         => NONE
-                                   | SOME (c', s) =>
-                                     if c' = c then SOME ((), s) else NONE)
+   val E = sat o eq
    fun L l = fromReader let
       fun lp i s =
           if i = size l
@@ -69,27 +67,25 @@
    datatype radix = datatype StringCvt.radix
-   val alphaId =
-       map (implode o op ::)
-           (sat Char.isAlpha >>*
-            take (fn c => Char.isAlpha c
-                          orelse Char.isDigit c
-                          orelse #"'" = c orelse #"_" = c))
-   val symbolicId =
-       take (Char.contains "!#$%&*+-/:<=>?@\\^`|~") >>=
-            (fn [] => zero | cs => return (implode cs))
+   fun id first rest =
+       sat first >>= (fn c => take rest >>= (fn cs => return (implode (c::cs))))
+   val alphaId = id Char.isAlpha
+                    (fn c => Char.isAlpha c
+                             orelse Char.isDigit c
+                             orelse #"'" = c orelse #"_" = c)
+   val isSymbolic = Char.contains "!#$%&*+-/:<=>?@\\^`|~"
+   val symbolicId = id isSymbolic isSymbolic
    val shortId = alphaId <|> symbolicId
    val longId = map op :: (shortId >>* ^* (E#"." >> shortId))
    fun I s = shortId >>= (fn i => if i = s then return () else zero)
-   val numLabel =
-       map (implode o op ::)
-           (sat (Char.inRange (#"1", #"9")) >>* take Char.isDigit)
+   val numLabel = id (Char.inRange (#"1", #"9")) Char.isDigit
    val label = numLabel <|> shortId
    fun mkSequ pre suf (Ops.S {fromList, ...}) p = let
-      fun fin xs () = return (fromList (rev xs))
+      fun fin xs _ = return (fromList (rev xs))
       fun aft xs = ignored >> (E#"," >>> bef xs <|> suf >>= fin xs)
       and bef xs = p >>= (fn x => aft (x::xs))
@@ -113,18 +109,6 @@
                               peek (L"~0b" <|> L"0b") >> p BIN <|>
                                                          p DEC)
-   datatype 'a p =
-      INP of (String.t * Univ.t t) List.t *
-             (Univ.t Option.t ArraySlice.t -> 'a * Univ.t Option.t ArraySlice.t)
-   fun F l t =
-       case Univ.Iso.new ()
-        of (to, from) =>
-           INP ([(l, map to t)],
-                fn ars => case ArraySlice.getItem ars
-                           of SOME (SOME u, ars) => (from u, ars)
-                            | _                  => fail "impossible")
    fun C c p s = if s = Generics.Con.toString c then SOME p else NONE
    structure ReadRep = LayerRep
@@ -132,7 +116,9 @@
       structure Rep = struct
          type  'a      t = 'a t
          type  'a      s = String.t -> 'a t Option.t
-         type ('a, 'k) p = 'a p
+         type ('a, 'k) p =
+              Int.t -> {fromLabel : 'k -> (Int.t * Univ.t t) Option.t,
+                        fromArray : Univ.t Option.t Array.t -> 'a}
    open ReadRep.This
@@ -175,64 +161,115 @@
-   structure Open = LayerCases
-     (fun iso bP (_, b2a) = map b2a bP
-      fun isoProduct (INP (lps, fromSlice)) (_, b2a) =
-          INP (lps, Pair.map (b2a, id) o fromSlice)
-      fun isoSum bS (_, b2a) = Option.map (map b2a) o bS
+   structure Open = LayerDepCases
+     (fun iso bT (_, b2a) = map b2a (getT bT)
+      fun isoProduct bP (_, b2a) =
+          (fn {fromLabel, fromArray} =>
+              {fromLabel = fromLabel,
+               fromArray = b2a o fromArray}) o getP bP
+      fun isoSum bS (_, b2a) = Option.map (map b2a) o getS bS
-      fun op *` (INP (ls, la), INP (rs, ra)) =
-          INP (ls @ rs,
-               fn ars =>
-                  case la ars
-                   of (l, ars) =>
-                      case ra ars
-                       of (r, ars) => (l & r, ars))
-      fun T t = F "" t
-      fun R l = F (Generics.Label.toString l)
-      fun tuple (INP (lps, fromSlice)) = let
-         val ps = List.map #2 lps
-         val n = length ps
-         fun lp a i =
-          fn []    => E#")" >> return (#1 (fromSlice (ArraySlice.full a)))
-           | p::ps => p >>= (fn x =>
-                      (Array.update (a, i, SOME x)
-                     ; (if null ps
+      fun op *` (aP, bP) = let
+         val aN = Arg.numElems aP
+         val aP = getP aP
+         val bP = getP bP
+      in
+         fn i => let
+               val {fromLabel = aL, fromArray = aA} = aP i
+               val {fromLabel = bL, fromArray = bA} = bP (i+aN)
+            in
+               {fromLabel = fn l => case aL l of NONE => bL l | other => other,
+                fromArray = fn a => aA a & bA a}
+            end
+      end
+      fun T t = let
+         val (to, from) = Univ.Iso.new ()
+         val p = map to (getT t)
+      in
+         fn i =>
+            {fromLabel = fn l => if l = i then SOME (i, p) else NONE,
+             fromArray = fn a => from (valOf (Array.sub (a, i)))}
+      end
+      fun R l t = let
+         val (to, from) = Univ.Iso.new ()
+         val p = map to (getT t)
+         val l = Generics.Label.toString l
+      in
+         fn i =>
+            {fromLabel = fn l' => if l' = l then SOME (i, p) else NONE,
+             fromArray = fn a => from (valOf (Array.sub (a, i)))}
+      end
+      fun tuple aP = let
+         val {fromLabel, fromArray} = getP aP 0
+         val n = Arg.numElems aP
+         fun pl a i =
+             if i = n
+             then E#")" >> return (fromArray a)
+             else case fromLabel i
+                   of NONE        => fail "impossible"
+                    | SOME (j, p) =>
+                      p >>= (fn x =>
+                      (Array.update (a, j, SOME x)
+                     ; (if i+1 = n
                         then ignored
-                        else ignored >> E#"," >> ignored) >> lp a (i+1) ps))
+                        else ignored >> E#"," >> ignored) >> pl a (i+1)))
+         fun rl a i =
+             if i = n
+             then E#"}" >> return (fromArray a)
+             else numLabel >>= (fn l =>
+                  case fromLabel (valOf (Int.fromString l) - 1)
+                   of NONE        => zero
+                    | SOME (j, p) =>
+                      if isSome (Array.sub (a, j))
+                      then zero
+                      else ignored >> I"=" >>> p >>= (fn x =>
+                           (Array.update (a, j, SOME x)
+                          ; (if i+1 = n
+                             then ignored
+                             else ignored >> E#"," >> ignored) >> rl a (i+1))))
-         E#"(" >>> parens (fn ? => lp (Array.array (n, NONE)) 0 ps ?)
+         parens (E#"(" >>> (fn ? => pl (Array.array (n, NONE)) 0 ?) <|>
+                 E#"{" >>> (fn ? => rl (Array.array (n, NONE)) 0 ?))
-      fun record (INP (lps, fromSlice)) = let
-         val n = length lps
-         fun lp a =
-          fn 0 => E#"}" >> return (#1 (fromSlice (ArraySlice.full a)))
-           | n => label >>= (fn l =>
-                  case List.findi (l <\ op = o #1 o #2) lps
-                   of NONE             => zero
-                    | SOME (i, (_, p)) =>
-                      if isSome (Array.sub (a, i))
+      fun record aP = let
+         val {fromLabel, fromArray} = getP aP 0
+         val n = Arg.numElems aP
+         fun lp a i =
+             if i = n
+             then E#"}" >> return (fromArray a)
+             else label >>= (fn l =>
+                  case fromLabel l
+                   of NONE        => zero
+                    | SOME (j, p) =>
+                      if isSome (Array.sub (a, j))
                       then zero
                       else ignored >> I"=" >>> p >>= (fn x =>
-                           (Array.update (a, i, SOME x)
-                          ; if n <= 1
-                            then ignored >> lp a 0
-                            else ignored >> E#"," >>> lp a (n-1))))
+                           (Array.update (a, j, SOME x)
+                          ; (if i+1 = n
+                             then ignored
+                             else ignored >> E#"," >> ignored) >> lp a (i+1))))
-         parens (E#"{" >>> (fn ? => lp (Array.array (n, NONE)) n ?))
+         parens (E#"{" >>> (fn ? => lp (Array.array (n, NONE)) 0 ?))
-      fun op +` (l, r) s =
-          case l s
-           of SOME l => SOME (map INL l)
-            | NONE   => Option.map (map INR) (r s)
-      val unit = E#"(" >>> parens (E#")")
+      fun op +` (lS, rS) = let
+         val l = getS lS
+         val r = getS rS
+      in
+         fn s =>
+            case l s
+             of SOME l => SOME (map INL l)
+              | NONE   => Option.map (map INR) (r s)
+      end
+      val unit = E#"(" >>> parens (E#")" >> return ())
       fun C0 c = C c (return ())
-      fun C1 c t = C c (ignored >> t)
-      fun data t =
-          parens (parens longId >>= (fn s => case t (String.concatWith "." s)
-                                              of NONE   => zero
-                                               | SOME p => p))
+      fun C1 c t = C c (ignored >> getT t)
+      fun data tS =
+          case getS tS
+           of t => parens (parens longId >>= (fn s =>
+                           case t (String.concatWith "." s)
+                            of NONE   => zero
+                             | SOME p => p))
       val Y = Tie.function
@@ -242,11 +279,11 @@
       fun regExn0 _ _ = ()
       fun regExn1 _ _ _ = ()
-      fun list t = mkSequ (E#"[") (E#"]") ListOps.ops t
-      fun vector t = mkSequ (L"#[") (E#"]") VectorOps.ops t
+      fun list t = mkSequ (E#"[") (E#"]") ListOps.ops (getT t)
+      fun vector t = mkSequ (L"#[") (E#"]") VectorOps.ops (getT t)
-      fun array t = mkSequ (L"#(") (E#")") ArrayOps.ops t
-      fun refc t = parens (I"ref" >>> map ref t)
+      fun array t = mkSequ (L"#(") (E#")") ArrayOps.ops (getT t)
+      fun refc t = parens (I"ref" >>> map ref (getT t))
       val fixedInt  = mkInt FixedIntOps.ops
       val largeInt  = mkInt LargeIntOps.ops
@@ -267,8 +304,8 @@
             lp [] n
          fun chars cs =
-             E#"\\" >>= (fn () => escape cs)
-         <|> E#"\"" >>= (fn () => return (implode (rev cs)))
+             E#"\\" >>= (fn _ => escape cs)
+         <|> E#"\"" >>= (fn _ => return (implode (rev cs)))
          <|> sat Char.isPrint >>= (fn c => chars (c::cs))
          and escape cs =
              E#"^" >> sat Char.isPrint >>= (fn c => scan [#"^", c] cs)
@@ -276,7 +313,7 @@
          <|> E#"u" >> satN Char.isHexDigit 4 >>= (fn ds => scan (#"u" :: ds) cs)
          <|> E#"U" >> satN Char.isHexDigit 8 >>= (fn ds => scan (#"U" :: ds) cs)
          <|> sat Char.isGraph >>= (fn c => scan [c] cs)
-         <|> sat Char.isSpace >> drop Char.isSpace >> E#"\\" >>= (fn () =>
+         <|> sat Char.isSpace >> drop Char.isSpace >> E#"\\" >>= (fn _ =>
              chars cs)
          and scan c cs =
              case Char.scan List.getItem (#"\\" :: c)

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/extra/generic-extra.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/extra/generic-extra.sig	2008-02-04 14:43:26 UTC (rev 6374)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/extra/generic-extra.sig	2008-02-04 15:00:03 UTC (rev 6375)
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
    include GENERICS
       where type Label.t = Generics.Label.t
       where type Con.t = Generics.Con.t
-      where type Record.t = Generics.Record.t
-      where type Tuple.t = Generics.Tuple.t
    include GENERIC
    (** == Shorthands for Types with Labels or Constructors ==

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/framework/generics.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/framework/generics.sig	2008-02-04 14:43:26 UTC (rev 6374)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/framework/generics.sig	2008-02-04 15:00:03 UTC (rev 6375)
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
       val hash : t -> Word32.t
-   structure Record : T
-   structure Tuple : T
+   structure Record : T where type t = String.t
+   structure Tuple : T where type t = Int.t
    val L : String.t -> Label.t
    val C : String.t -> Con.t

Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/read.sig
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/read.sig	2008-02-04 14:43:26 UTC (rev 6374)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/public/value/read.sig	2008-02-04 15:00:03 UTC (rev 6375)
@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@
    sharing Open.Rep = ReadRep
-signature WITH_READ_DOM = CASES

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