[MLton-commit] r6382

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Tue Feb 5 01:35:16 PST 2008

Changed to show the free variables in the term.  Also added comments.


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/example/canonize.sml


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/example/canonize.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/example/canonize.sml	2008-02-05 06:59:11 UTC (rev 6381)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/example/canonize.sml	2008-02-05 09:35:15 UTC (rev 6382)
@@ -7,18 +7,35 @@
 open Generic
- * This is a simple example of using the Reduce and Transform generics.
- * The program reads a term given as an argument and prints the canonized
- * version of the term.  Canonization renames bindings so that alpha
- * equivalent terms have the same representation.
+ * This is a simple example of using the {Reduce} and {Transform}
+ * generics.  The program reads a term given as an argument and shows the
+ * canonized version of the term.  Canonization renames bindings so that
+ * alpha equivalent terms have the same representation.
+(* The {Lambda} module defines the representation of the terms of our toy
+ * language.  Identifiers are just strings.  Crucial to the use of the
+ * {Reduce} and {Transform} generics is that the terms of the language are
+ * defined as a fixed point of a functor, {f}.  This allows the {Reduce}
+ * and {Transform} generics to operate on all the subterms of a given
+ * term.
+ *
+ * The commented ellipsis in the definition of the term functor suggests
+ * that one could add further variants to the term.  Doing so means that
+ * the functor type representation would also need to be changed.
+ * However, unless new binding or variable reference forms are added,
+ * other definitions would not need to be changed. *)
 structure Lambda = struct
-   structure Id = struct
+   (* Identifier representation: *)
+   structure Id : sig
+      type t
+      val t : t Rep.t
+   end = struct
       open String
       val t = string
+   (* Term functor: *)
    datatype 't f =
       FUN  of Id.t * 't
     | APP  of 't Sq.t
@@ -27,9 +44,7 @@
     | PLUS of 't Sq.t
    (* ... *)
-   datatype t = IN of t f
-   fun out (IN ?) = ?
+   (* Type representation for the term functor: *)
    fun f t =
        iso (data (C1'"FUN" (tuple2 (Id.t, t))
                +` C1'"APP" (sq t)
@@ -46,55 +61,72 @@
                INR ? => REF ?  | INL ? => case ? of
                INR ? => APP ?  |
                INL ? => FUN ?)
+   (* Note that the term isomorphism is written in a pattern whose
+    * complexity is a linear in the number of variants in the term. *)
+   (* A fixed point of the term functor: *)
+   datatype t = IN of t f
+   fun out (IN ?) = ?
+   (* Type representation constructor for use with the {Reduce} and
+    * {Transform} generics. *)
    fun t' t = iso (data (C1'"IN" (f t))) (out, IN)
+   (* Type representation for the fixed point: *)
    val t = Tie.fix Y t'
+open Lambda
+(* The {Set} structure implements a naive set for our example: *)
 structure Set = struct
+   val t = list
    val empty = []
+   val isEmpty = null
    fun singleton x = [x]
    fun union (xs, ys) = List.nubByEq op = (xs @ ys)
    fun difference (xs, ys) = List.filter (not o List.contains ys) xs
+(* {free term} returns a set of the free variables in the given term. *)
-   open Set Lambda
-   val refs = fn REF id => singleton id | _ => empty
+   open Set
+   val refs = fn REF id      => singleton id | _ => empty
    val decs = fn FUN (id, _) => singleton id | _ => empty
    fun free term =
           (union (refs (out term),
-                  makeReduce empty union free t t' term),
+                  makeReduce empty union free Lambda.t Lambda.t' term),
            decs (out term))
-   open Set Lambda
+(* {renameFree it to term} renames free variables named {it} to {to} in
+ * the given {term}. *)
+fun renameFree it to term = let
+   fun recurse term =
+       makeTransform (renameFree it to) t t' term
-   fun renameFree it to term = let
-      fun recurse term =
-          makeTransform (renameFree it to) t t' term
-   in
-      case out term
-       of FUN (v, _) => if v = it then term else recurse term
-        | REF v      => if v = it then IN (REF to) else term
-        | _          => recurse term
-   end
+   case out term
+    of FUN (v, _) => if v = it then term else recurse term
+     | REF v      => if v = it then IN (REF to) else term
+     | _          => recurse term
+(* {countFuns term} returns the number of {FUN} variants in the given
+ * {term}. *)
-   open Set Lambda
    val countHere = fn IN (FUN _) => 1 | _ => 0
    fun countFuns term =
        countHere term + makeReduce 0 op + countFuns t t' term
+(* {canonize term} gives canonic names to all bound variables in the
+ * given term.  Here the canonic name of a variable is the number of {FUN}
+ * subterms contained within the body of the {FUN} term that introduces
+ * the variable. *)
-   open Set Lambda
    fun canonizeHere term =
        case out term
         of FUN (v, t) => let
@@ -109,27 +141,45 @@
        canonizeHere (makeTransform canonize t t' term)
-val exampleTerm = let
-   open Lambda
-   IN (APP (IN (FUN ("x",
-                     IN (APP (IN (REF "x"), IN (REF "x"))))),
-            IN (FUN ("x",
-                     IN (FUN ("x",
-                              IN (APP (IN (REF "x"),
-                                       IN (APP (IN (REF "x"),
-                                                IN (REF "x")))))))))))
+val exampleTerm =
+    IN (APP (IN (FUN ("x",
+                      IN (APP (IN (REF "x"), IN (REF "x"))))),
+             IN (FUN ("x",
+                      IN (FUN ("x",
+                               IN (APP (IN (REF "x"),
+                                        IN (APP (IN (REF "x"),
+                                                 IN (REF "x")))))))))))
-val () = let
+(* {say header term} prints out the {header} and the given {term} along
+ * with a list of the free variables, if any, within the given {term}. *)
+fun say header term = let
    open Prettier
+   fun labelled label data = nest 3 (group (txt label <$> data))
    val noConNest = let open Fmt in default & conNest := NONE end
-   fun say header term =
-       println (SOME 74)
-               (nest 3 (group (txt header <$>
-                               squotes (nest 1 (fmt Lambda.t noConNest term)))))
+   val msg = labelled header (squotes (nest 1 (fmt Lambda.t noConNest term)))
+   val freeVars = free term
+   val msg = if Set.isEmpty freeVars
+             then msg
+             else msg <$>
+                  labelled "where the free variables are:"
+                           (pretty (Set.t Id.t) freeVars)
-   case CommandLine.arguments ()
-    of [t] => say "And here is the canonized term:" (canonize (read Lambda.t t))
-     | _   => say "Give me a term, for example:" exampleTerm
+   println (SOME 74) msg
+(* The main program just reads a given term and shows the canonized
+ * version or shows an example term.
+ *)
+val () =
+    case CommandLine.arguments ()
+     of [e] => say "And here is the canonized term:" (canonize (read t e))
+      | _   => say "Give me a term, for example:" exampleTerm
+(* Instead of using the {Transform} generic, one could also use the more
+ * flexible (and somewhat experimental) {Fmap} generic.  (This example was
+ * initially implemented before the {Fmap} generic.)  Rewriting this
+ * example using {Fmap} might be a fun exercise.
+ *
+ * Another unrelated exercise would be to design a concrete syntax for
+ * the language and write a parser and pretty-printer for the concrete
+ * syntax. *)

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