[MLton-commit] r6314

Vesa Karvonen vesak at mlton.org
Thu Jan 10 08:57:08 PST 2008

Implemented minimal versions of Read.refc and Read.array.  They provide no
support for indicating cycles or sharing.  Also added minimal support for
user defined state to the mini Parsec implementation, but it isn't
currently used for anything (MLton seems to be smart enough to completely
eliminate the overhead).


U   mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml


Modified: mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml
--- mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml	2008-01-10 06:51:49 UTC (rev 6313)
+++ mltonlib/trunk/com/ssh/generic/unstable/detail/value/read.sml	2008-01-10 16:57:07 UTC (rev 6314)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 signature MK_PARSEC_DOM = sig
    structure Sequence : SEQUENCE
+   structure State : T
 signature PARSEC = sig
@@ -24,15 +25,23 @@
    type 'a t = 'a etaexp
-   val parse : 'a t -> Sequence.t -> (Sequence.Pos.t, 'a * Sequence.t) Sum.t
-   val fromScan :
-       ((Sequence.Elem.t, Sequence.t) Reader.t -> ('a, Sequence.t) Reader.t) -> 'a t
+   val parse : 'a t -> Sequence.t * State.t
+               -> (Sequence.Pos.t, 'a * (Sequence.t * State.t)) Sum.t
+   val getState : State.t t
+   val setState : State.t -> Unit.t t
+   val fromScan : ((Sequence.Elem.t, Sequence.t) Reader.t
+                   -> ('a, Sequence.t) Reader.t) -> 'a t
    val fromReader : ('a, Sequence.t) Reader.t -> 'a t
    val guess : 'a t UnOp.t
    val elem : Sequence.Elem.t t
    val drop : Sequence.Elem.t UnPr.t -> Unit.t t
    val sat : Sequence.Elem.t UnPr.t -> Sequence.Elem.t t
    val take : Sequence.Elem.t UnPr.t -> Sequence.Elem.t List.t t
    val peek : 'a t UnOp.t
    val ^* : 'a t -> 'a List.t t
@@ -40,7 +49,8 @@
 functor MkParsec (Arg : MK_PARSEC_DOM) :> PARSEC
    where type Sequence.t      = Arg.Sequence.t
    where type Sequence.Elem.t = Arg.Sequence.Elem.t
-   where type Sequence.Pos.t  = Arg.Sequence.Pos.t =
+   where type Sequence.Pos.t  = Arg.Sequence.Pos.t
+   where type State.t         = Arg.State.t =
    (* <-- SML/NJ workaround *)
    open TopLevel
@@ -58,7 +68,7 @@
    (* SML/NJ workaround --> *)
    open Arg
-   type 'a etaexp_dom = Sequence.t
+   type 'a etaexp_dom = Sequence.t * State.t
    type msg = Sequence.Pos.t
    datatype 'a reply =
       OK   of 'a * 'a etaexp_dom * msg
@@ -70,9 +80,12 @@
    type 'a etaexp = 'a etaexp_dom -> 'a etaexp_cod
    type 'a t = 'a etaexp
-   val get = Sequence.get
-   val pos = Sequence.pos
+   fun get (s, t) = Option.map (fn (e, s) => (e, (s, t))) (Sequence.get s)
+   fun pos (s, _) = Sequence.pos s
+   fun getState (s, t) = EMPTY (OK (t, (s, t), Sequence.pos s))
+   fun setState t (s, _) = EMPTY (OK ((), (s, t), Sequence.pos s))
    fun parse p s =
        case case p s
              of EMPTY r  => r
@@ -81,10 +94,10 @@
         of FAIL p       => INL p
          | OK (x, s, _) => INR (x, s)
-   fun fromReader reader s =
+   fun fromReader reader (s, t) =
        case reader s
-        of SOME (x, s) => EATEN (OK (x, s, pos s))
-         | NONE        => EMPTY (FAIL (pos s))
+        of SOME (x, s) => EATEN (OK (x, (s, t), Sequence.pos s))
+         | NONE        => EMPTY (FAIL (Sequence.pos s))
    fun fromScan scan = fromReader (scan Sequence.get)
@@ -218,7 +231,8 @@
              case r s
               of NONE        => NONE
                | SOME (c, s) => SOME (c, (r, s))
-      end)
+      end
+      structure State = Unit)
    open Parsec
    fun L l = fromReader let
@@ -257,6 +271,7 @@
    val shortId = alphaId <|> symbolicId
    val longId = map op :: (shortId >>* ^* (L"." >> shortId))
+   fun I s = shortId >>= (fn i => if i = s then return () else zero)
    val numLabel =
        map (implode o op ::)
@@ -320,7 +335,8 @@
             of (to, from) =>
                Sum.map (from, id)
                        (parse (spaces >> pA)
-                              (Reader.mapState (from, to) rC, to s))
+                              ((Reader.mapState (from, to) rC, to s),
+                               ()))
    fun read t =
        (fn INR (x, _) => x
@@ -379,9 +395,7 @@
                     | SOME (i, (_, p)) =>
                       if isSome (Array.sub (a, i))
                       then zero
-                      else spaces >> symbolicId >>= (fn "=" => return ()
-                                                      | _   => zero) >>>
-                           p >>= (fn x =>
+                      else spaces >> I"=" >>> p >>= (fn x =>
                            (Array.update (a, i, SOME x)
                           ; if n <= 1
                             then lp a 0
@@ -413,8 +427,8 @@
       fun list t = mkSequ "[" "]" ListOps.ops t
       fun vector t = mkSequ "#[" "]" VectorOps.ops t
-      fun array _ = failing "Read.array not yet implemented"
-      fun refc _ = failing "Read.refc not yet implemented"
+      fun array t = mkSequ "#(" ")" ArrayOps.ops t
+      fun refc t = wrap (I"ref" >>> map ref t)
       val fixedInt  = mkInt FixedIntOps.ops
       val largeInt  = mkInt LargeIntOps.ops

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