[MLton-commit] r7239

Wesley Terpstra wesley at mlton.org
Thu Oct 8 11:35:46 PDT 2009

Port the definition emission.


U   mlton/branches/llvm/mlton/codegen/llvm-codegen/llvm-codegen.fun
U   mlton/branches/llvm/mlton/codegen/llvm-codegen/sources.mlb


Modified: mlton/branches/llvm/mlton/codegen/llvm-codegen/llvm-codegen.fun
--- mlton/branches/llvm/mlton/codegen/llvm-codegen/llvm-codegen.fun	2009-10-08 18:35:23 UTC (rev 7238)
+++ mlton/branches/llvm/mlton/codegen/llvm-codegen/llvm-codegen.fun	2009-10-08 18:35:45 UTC (rev 7239)
@@ -5,9 +5,383 @@
+open S
+   open Rssa
+   structure Block = Block
+   structure CFunction = CFunction
+   structure Func = Func
+   structure Function = Function
+   structure CType = CType
+   structure Kind = Kind
+   structure Label = Label
+   structure Operand = Operand
+   structure ObjectType = ObjectType
+   structure ObjptrTycon = ObjptrTycon
+   structure Prim = Prim
+   structure Program = Program
+   structure RealX = RealX
+   structure Runtime = Runtime
+   structure Scale = Scale
+   structure Statement = Statement
+   structure Switch = Switch
+   structure Transfer = Transfer
+   structure Type = Type
+   structure WordSize = WordSize
+   structure WordX = WordX
+structure RealSize = Prim.RealSize
+fun implementsPrim p =
+   let
+      datatype z = datatype Prim.Name.t
+   in
+      case Prim.name p of
+         CPointer_add => true
+       | CPointer_diff => true
+       | CPointer_equal => true
+       | CPointer_fromWord => true
+       | CPointer_lt => true
+       | CPointer_sub => true
+       | CPointer_toWord => true
+       | FFI_Symbol _ => true
+       | Real_Math_acos _ => true
+       | Real_Math_asin _ => true
+       | Real_Math_atan _ => true
+       | Real_Math_atan2 _ => true
+       | Real_Math_cos _ => true
+       | Real_Math_exp _ => true
+       | Real_Math_ln _ => true
+       | Real_Math_log10 _ => true
+       | Real_Math_sin _ => true
+       | Real_Math_sqrt _ => true
+       | Real_Math_tan _ => true
+       | Real_abs _ => true
+       | Real_add _ => true
+       | Real_castToWord _ => true
+       | Real_div _ => true
+       | Real_equal _ => true
+       | Real_ldexp _ => false
+       | Real_le _ => true
+       | Real_lt _ => true
+       | Real_mul _ => true
+       | Real_muladd _ => false
+       | Real_mulsub _ => false
+       | Real_neg _ => true
+       | Real_qequal _ => false
+       | Real_rndToReal _ => true
+       | Real_rndToWord _ => true
+       | Real_round _ => true
+       | Real_sub _ => true
+       | Word_add _ => true
+       | Word_addCheck _ => true
+       | Word_andb _ => true
+       | Word_castToReal _ => true
+       | Word_equal _ => true
+       | Word_extdToWord _ => true
+       | Word_lshift _ => true
+       | Word_lt _ => true
+       | Word_mul _ => true
+       | Word_mulCheck _ => true
+       | Word_neg _ => true
+       | Word_negCheck _ => true
+       | Word_notb _ => true
+       | Word_orb _ => true
+       | Word_quot _ => true
+       | Word_rem _ => true
+       | Word_rndToReal _ => true
+       | Word_rol _ => true
+       | Word_ror _ => true
+       | Word_rshift _ => true
+       | Word_sub _ => true
+       | Word_subCheck _ => true
+       | Word_xorb _ => true
+       | _ => false
+   end
+structure RealX =
-      open S
+      open RealX
+      fun fmtLLVM (r: t): string =
+         let
+            (* LLVM uses 64-bit hexadecimal for floats and doubles *)
+            val r = 
+               case Real64.fromString (toString r) of
+                  SOME r => r
+                | NONE => Error.bug "LLVMCodegen.RealX.fmtLLVM: bad real"
+            val bytes = Array.tabulate (8, fn _ => 0w0)
+            val () = Pervasive.PackReal64Little.update (bytes, 0, r)
+            val w = Pervasive.PackWord64Little.subArr (bytes, 0)
+         in
+            "0x" ^ Pervasive.Word64.toString w
+         end
+   end
+structure CType =
+   struct
+      datatype t = datatype CType.t
-      fun implementsPrim _ = true
-      fun output _ = ()
+      val fmtLLVM = fn
+         CPointer => "i8*"
+       | Int8  => "i8"
+       | Int16  => "i16"
+       | Int32 => "i32"
+       | Int64 => "i64"
+       | Objptr => "%obj"
+       | Real32 => "float"
+       | Real64 => "double"
+       | Word8  => "i8"
+       | Word16 => "i16"
+       | Word32 => "i32"
+       | Word64 => "i64"
+      open CType
+structure Type =
+   struct
+      fun fmtLLVM ty = 
+         if Type.isObjptr ty then 
+            case Type.deObjptr ty of
+               NONE => "%obj"
+             | SOME oty => 
+                  concat [ "%opt_", Int.toString (ObjptrTycon.index oty), "*"]
+         else
+            CType.fmtLLVM (Type.toCType ty)
+      open Type
+   end
+fun declareType print (i, ty) =
+   let
+      datatype z = datatype ObjectType.t
+      val cpointer = Type.fmtLLVM (Type.cpointer ())
+      val layout =
+         case ty of
+            Array {elt, ... } => [ "[0 x ", Type.fmtLLVM elt, "] ; array"]
+          | Stack => ["opaque ; stack"]
+          | Weak NONE => ["{ ", cpointer, " } ; weak "]
+          | Weak (SOME ty) => [ "{ ", cpointer, ", ", Type.fmtLLVM ty, " } ; weak"]
+          | Normal {ty, ... } =>
+               case Type.deSeq ty of
+                  NONE => ["{ ", Type.fmtLLVM ty, " } ; simple"]
+                | SOME v =>
+                    "{ " ::
+                    List.separate (Vector.toListMap (v, Type.fmtLLVM), ", ") @
+                    [" } ; sequence"]
+      val layout = 
+         "%opt_" :: Int.toString i :: " = type " :: layout
+      val () = print (concat layout)
+   in
+      print "\n"
+   end
+fun declareFFI print f =
+   let
+      val { blocks, ... } = Function.dest f
+      val seen = String.memoize (fn _ => ref false)
+      fun doit (name: string, declare: unit -> string): unit =
+         let
+            val r = seen name
+         in
+            if !r
+               then ()
+            else (r := true; print (declare ()))
+         end
+   in
+      Vector.foreach
+      (blocks, fn Block.T {statements, transfer, ...} =>
+       let
+          datatype z = datatype CFunction.SymbolScope.t
+          fun windows s = 
+             case !Control.Target.os of
+                Control.Target.Cygwin => s
+              | Control.Target.MinGW => s
+              | _ => ""
+          val _ =
+             Vector.foreach
+             (statements, fn s =>
+              case s of
+                 Statement.PrimApp {prim, ...} =>
+                    (case Prim.name prim of
+                        Prim.Name.FFI_Symbol {name, cty, symbolScope} =>
+                           doit
+                           (name, fn () =>
+                            concat ["@", name,
+                                    " = external ",
+                                    case symbolScope of
+                                       External => windows "dllimport"
+                                     | Private => "hidden"
+                                     | Public => "protected",
+                                    " global ",
+                                    case cty of
+                                       SOME x => CType.fmtLLVM x
+                                     | NONE => "opaque",
+                                    "\n"])
+                      | _ => ())
+               | _ => ())
+          val _ =
+             case transfer of
+                Transfer.CCall {func, ...} =>
+                   let
+                      datatype z = datatype CFunction.Target.t
+                      val CFunction.T {target, prototype=(args, ret), 
+                                       symbolScope, ... } = func
+                      val args = Vector.map (args, CType.fmtLLVM)
+                      val args = Vector.toList args
+                      val args = concat (List.separate (args, ","))
+                      val symbolScope =
+                         case symbolScope of
+                            External => windows "dllimport"
+                          | Private => "hidden"
+                          | Public => "protected"
+                      val ret =
+                         case ret of
+                            SOME x => CType.fmtLLVM x
+                          | NONE => "void"
+                   in
+                      case target of
+                         Direct name =>
+                            doit (name, fn () =>
+                                  concat [
+                                     "declare ",
+                                     symbolScope,
+                                     " ccc ",
+                                     ret,
+                                     " @",
+                                     name,
+                                     "(",
+                                     args,
+                                     ")\n"])
+                       | Indirect => ()
+                   end
+              | _ => ()
+       in
+          ()
+       end)
+   end
+fun declareCalls print f =
+   let
+      val { blocks, ... } = Function.dest f
+      val seen = String.memoize (fn _ => ref false)
+      fun doit (name: string, declare: unit -> string): unit =
+         let
+            val r = seen name
+         in
+            if !r
+               then ()
+            else (r := true; print (declare ()))
+         end
+   in
+      Vector.foreach
+      (blocks, 
+       fn Block.T { transfer=Transfer.Call { func, args, ... }, ...} =>
+       doit (Func.toString func, fn () =>
+       let
+          val cpointer = Type.fmtLLVM (Type.cpointer ())
+          val args = Vector.toList (Vector.map (args, Type.fmtLLVM o Operand.ty))
+          val args = concat (List.separate (args, ","))
+          val layout =
+             ["declare hidden fastcc ", cpointer, " @", Func.toString func,
+              "(", cpointer, ", ", args, ")\n" ]
+       in
+          concat layout
+       end)
+       | _ => ())
+   end
+fun output {program, outputLL} = 
+   let
+      val Program.T { objectTypes, functions, main, ... } = program
+      val { done, print, file=_ } = outputLL ()
+      fun arithHelpers cTys helpers =
+         let
+            fun decl h cTy =
+               let
+                  val ty = CType.fmtLLVM cTy
+                  val layout =
+                     ["declare {", ty, ", i1} @llvm.", h, ".with.overflow.", 
+                      ty, "(", ty, ", ", ty, ")\n"]
+               in
+                  print (concat layout)
+               end
+         in
+            List.foreach (helpers, fn h => List.foreach (cTys, decl h))
+         end
+      fun floatHelpers tys helpers =
+         let
+            fun decl h ty =
+               let
+                  val bits = Bits.toString (Type.width ty)
+                  val ty = Type.fmtLLVM ty
+                  val layout =
+                     ["declare ", ty, " @llvm.", h, ".f", bits, "(",
+                      ty, ")\n"]
+               in
+                  print (concat layout)
+               end
+         in
+            List.foreach (helpers, fn h => List.foreach (tys, decl h))
+         end
+      val () = 
+         arithHelpers
+         [CType.Int8, CType.Int16, CType.Int32, CType.Int64]
+         ["sadd", "uadd", "ssub", "usub", "smul", "umul"]
+      val () = print "\n"
+      val () = 
+         floatHelpers 
+         [Type.real RealSize.R32, Type.real RealSize.R64 ]
+         ["sin", "cos", "sqrt", "pow"]
+      val () = print "\n"
+      val () = print "@gcState = external hidden global i8\n"
+      val () = print "\n"
+      val () = print "%obj = type i8*\n"
+      val () = Vector.foreachi (objectTypes, declareType print)
+      val () = print "\n"
+      val () = List.foreach (functions, declareFFI print)
+      val () = declareFFI print main
+      val () = print "\n"
+      val () = List.foreach (functions, declareCalls print)
+      val () = declareCalls print main
+   in
+      done ()
+   end

Modified: mlton/branches/llvm/mlton/codegen/llvm-codegen/sources.mlb
--- mlton/branches/llvm/mlton/codegen/llvm-codegen/sources.mlb	2009-10-08 18:35:23 UTC (rev 7238)
+++ mlton/branches/llvm/mlton/codegen/llvm-codegen/sources.mlb	2009-10-08 18:35:45 UTC (rev 7239)
@@ -12,8 +12,16 @@
-   llvm-codegen.sig
-   llvm-codegen.fun
+   ann
+      "warnUnused true"
+      "forceUsed"
+      "nonexhaustiveMatch warn"
+      "redundantMatch warn"
+      "sequenceNonUnit warn"
+   in
+      llvm-codegen.sig
+      llvm-codegen.fun
+   end
    signature LLVM_CODEGEN
    functor LLVMCodegen

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