signals in MLton

Stephen Weeks
Tue, 10 Aug 1999 00:10:28 -0700 (PDT)

> Since  I  don't tend to use call/cc (not part of Sml, you know) I don't think
> it bothers me too much, but no call/cc in signal handlers seems a  bit  ugly.
> Mind  you,  I  agree  that  what  the  continuation should be during a signal
> handler is slightly strange.  Wait, shouldn't it just  be  the  rest  of  the
> signal  handler followed by what ever got `interrupted'.  Is this hard to do?

There are three possibilities for the semantics of callcc in a signal
   1. error
   2. get the stack up to the beginning of the handler
   3. get the entire stack

As there is no necessary connection between the running code and the
handler, I think the correct non-error choice is (2), not (3).  If I
do the other stuff for multiple stacks in the heap mentioned in the
previous message, then I will have the signal handler run on its own
stack, and (3) will be the default behavior of callcc.  Although it's
still a bit weird about where the continuation grabbed in signal
handler returns to.  I suspect I will just choose exit (or, in a
multithreaded system, thread termination).

> Is the flow analysis really flow-insensitive?   Pretty  amusing.   Wait,  I'm
> confused here.
> Ah,  you  basically  transformed  the  program to have 2 entry points, one of
> which simply goes indirect through a ref cell.  Amusing.

Yes, although the two entry points only comes up in the Cps IL -- the
flow analysis really did not change at all (the closure converter did
change, though).

> I agree: dump sigset and just use lists of signals.

OK.  There is a minor performance hit, in that the sigset will be
recomputed for each call to block or unblock, but probably