kit times

Suresh Jagannathan
Tue, 21 Dec 1999 12:18:04 -0500

I'm attaching the log file and the run-benchmarks code used
to run the kit.  I'm very confused about the results.  With
polyvariance turned on, and with inline ratio set to 30, we're
still twice as slow as nj (with and without uncurrying). Let me know 
if there's  something obviously wrong in my reading of the results.

	  -- Suresh


begin kit
mlton compile time
compile ==> 
 MLton 1999-7-12 created this file on Mon Dec 20 16:46:52 1999.
 Do not edit this file.
 Flag settings: 
    aux: false
    chunk: coalesce 2000
    fixed heap: Some(67108864)
    flatten rounds: 2
    includes: [mlton.h]
    inline: NonRecursive Some(30)
    inline rounds: 1
    uncurry: true
    input file: /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit.sml
    instrument: false
    instrument Sxml: false
    keepCps: false
    match: left to right
    messages: true
    mode: compile
    polyvariance: Some({rounds = 2, small = 30, product = 300})
    print at fun entry: false
    profile: false
    safe: true
    type check: false
   parse ==> 
   ==> time = 28.830
 ast size is ~1 bytes
 size = 200191
   elaborate ==> 
   ==> time = 55.390
 core-ml size is ~1 bytes
 size = 225177
   infer ==> 
      unification ==> 
      ==> time = 27.020
      finish infer ==> 
      ==> time = 44.820
   ==> time = 74.280
 xml.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   infer simplify ==> 
    simplify made 173768 modifications
    simplify made 587 modifications
   ==> time = 38.730
 xml size is ~1 bytes
 size = 137016
 num types in program = 25967
 num types in table = 52113
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   mono ==> 
   ==> time = 40.080
 .unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   mono simplify ==> 
    simplify made 23075 modifications
    simplify made 10446 modifications
   ==> time = 25.960
  size is ~1 bytes
 size = 170954
 num types in program = 14948
 num types in table = 81157
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   implement exceptions ==> 
   ==> time = 2.230
 sxml.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   implement exceptions simplify ==> 
    simplify made 4495 modifications
    simplify made 228 modifications
   ==> time = 19.950
 sxml size is ~1 bytes
   polyvariance ==> 
    simplify made 7883 modifications
    simplify made 5328 modifications
    size = 188032
    num types in program = 12407
    num types in table = 81264
    hash table size is ~1 bytes
    simplify made 1525 modifications
    simplify made 106 modifications
    size = 186401
    num types in program = 12309
    num types in table = 81264
    hash table size is ~1 bytes
   ==> time = 78.230
 sxml.poly size is ~1 bytes
 size = 186401
 num types in program = 12309
 num types in table = 81264
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   closure convert ==> 
      flow analysis ==> 
      ==> time = 11.360
    flow size is ~1 bytes
      free variables ==> 
      ==> time = 7.540
      globalize ==> 
      ==> time = 1.190
      convert ==> 
      ==> time = 73.560
   ==> time = 95.520
 cps.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   closure convert simplify ==> 
      simplify ==> 
       num functions 11174
       num local functions 136273
       num primExps 198937
       num types in program 23728
       num types in table = 34357
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 remove unused functions ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.430
       num functions 10961
       num local functions 133755
       num primExps 196575
       num types in program 23444
       num types in table = 34357
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 set constants ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.750
	 leaf inline ==> 
	    inline ==> 
	    ==> time = 20.900
	 ==> time = 20.900
       num functions 8272
       num local functions 78932
       num primExps 176586
       num types in program 16198
       num types in table = 34357
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 constant propagation ==> 
	    inferHandlers ==> 
	    ==> time = 1.930
	    fixed point ==> 
	    ==> time = 38.210
	 ==> time = 85.790
       num functions 8272
       num local functions 76761
       num primExps 143159
       num types in program 16146
       num types in table = 34360
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 useless ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 96.460
	 ==> time = 122.430
       num functions 8272
       num local functions 71046
       num primExps 133839
       num types in program 13319
       num types in table = 34941
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 simplify types ==> 
	    fixed point ==> 
	    ==> time = 0.700
	 ==> time = 14.810
       num functions 8272
       num local functions 60884
       num primExps 119309
       num types in program 8662
       num types in table = 37677
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 poly equal ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.520
       num functions 8288
       num local functions 61210
       num primExps 119707
       num types in program 8680
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 contify ==> 
	 ==> time = 8.350
       num functions 4497
       num local functions 61455
       num primExps 116684
       num types in program 8167
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 inline ==> 
	 ==> time = 22.680
       num functions 2368
       num local functions 87070
       num primExps 198804
       num types in program 7784
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 raise to jump ==> 
	    inferHandlers ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.230
	 ==> time = 3.890
       num functions 2368
       num local functions 87070
       num primExps 198804
       num types in program 7784
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 contify ==> 
	 ==> time = 16.180
       num functions 2231
       num local functions 87020
       num primExps 198724
       num types in program 7781
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 introduce loops ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.190
	 loop invariant ==> 
	 ==> time = 13.010
       num functions 2231
       num local functions 87145
       num primExps 196856
       num types in program 7521
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 flatten ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.410
	 ==> time = 18.820
	 flatten ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 1.930
	 ==> time = 13.170
       num functions 2231
       num local functions 87145
       num primExps 126725
       num types in program 4296
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 redundant ==> 
	 ==> time = 15.650
       num functions 2231
       num local functions 87145
       num primExps 126725
       num types in program 4296
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 remove unused functions ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.290
	 remove unused globals ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.880
	 remove unused constructors ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.420
       num functions 2175
       num local functions 86673
       num primExps 124898
       num types in program 4278
       num types in table = 37680
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 save world ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.200
      ==> time = 380.170
   ==> time = 380.170
 cps size is ~1 bytes
   backend ==> 
      compute representations ==> 
      ==> time = 0.110
      inferHandlers ==> 
      ==> time = 2.210
      chunkify ==> 
      ==> time = 15.990
      allocate registers ==> 
      ==> time = 163.760
    reg size is ~1 bytes
   ==> time = 226.270
 c size is ~1 bytes
   emit C ==> 
   ==> time = 39.020
 numPeeks = 132797338
 average position in property list = 0.470
==> time = 1107.410
1066.54user 41.12system 18:44.23elapsed 98%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (962major+1749615minor)pagefaults 0swaps
nj gc stats
Standard ML of New Jersey, Version 110.0.6, October 31, 1999 [CM; autoload enabled]
- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = stdIn:44928.23-44928.108 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (_,Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44336.19-44336.79 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,trip as TR (e',Mus <pat>,phi)) = ...
stdIn:44353.11-44353.88 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44372.13-44372.76 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t2 as TR (e2,Mus <pat>,phi2)) = ...
stdIn:44371.6-44371.98 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1,Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44384.12-44384.75 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1,Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44500.11-44500.71 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t2 as TR (e2',Mus <pat>,phi2)) = ...
stdIn:44509.11-44509.72 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t2 as TR (e2',Mus <pat>,phi2)) = ...
stdIn:44508.11-44508.72 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44532.11-44532.72 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44548.11-44548.72 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44573.11-44573.72 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t2 as TR (e2',Mus <pat>,phi2)) = ...
stdIn:44572.11-44572.72 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44609.6-44609.81 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t2 as TR (e2,Mus <pat>,phi2)) = ...
stdIn:44608.6-44608.81 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1,Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44659.11-44659.74 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44672.11-44672.74 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44716.11-44716.74 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44735.11-44735.73 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44745.11-44745.73 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44765.11-44765.74 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t2 as TR (e2',Mus <pat>,phi2)) = ...
stdIn:44764.11-44764.74 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t1 as TR (e1',Mus <pat>,phi1)) = ...
stdIn:44813.28-44813.89 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,tr' as TR (_,Mus <pat>,phi)) = ...
stdIn:44839.13-44839.66 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t as TR (e',Mus <pat>,_)) = ...
stdIn:44855.13-44855.66 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t as TR (e',Mus <pat>,_)) = ...
stdIn:44240.7-44240.72 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          (B,t0 as TR (e',Mus <pat>,phi_0)) = ...
stdIn:44207.15-44207.57 Warning: binding not exhaustive
          ARROWtype (tau_x_ml,tau_1_ml) = ...
GC #43.1905.1954.2047.3414.177746:   (0 ms)
GC #44.1906.1955.2048.3415.177752:   (10 ms)
write 1,0: 102532 bytes [0x2bd30000..0x2bd49084) @ 0x1000
write 1,1: 29488 bytes [0x2bdf0008..0x2bdf7338) @ 0x1b000
write 1,2: 72 bytes [0x2be60000..0x2be60048) @ 0x23000
write 1,3: 56892 bytes [0x2beb0000..0x2bebde3c) @ 0x24000
write 2,0: 16044 bytes [0x2d180000..0x2d183eac) @ 0x32000
write 2,1: 6232 bytes [0x2d190008..0x2d191860) @ 0x36000
write 2,2: 120 bytes [0x2d1a0000..0x2d1a0078) @ 0x38000
write 2,3: 1984 bytes [0x2d1b0000..0x2d1b07c0) @ 0x39000
write 3,0: 0 bytes [0..0) @ 0x3a000
write 3,1: 0 bytes [0x2acd0008..0x2acd0008) @ 0x3a000
write 3,2: 0 bytes [0..0) @ 0x3a000
write 3,3: 0 bytes [0..0) @ 0x3a000
write 3,0: 1 big objects (4850 pages) @ 0x3a000
write 4,0: 0 bytes [0..0) @ 0x4f6810
write 4,1: 0 bytes [0x2acf0008..0x2acf0008) @ 0x4f6810
write 4,2: 0 bytes [0..0) @ 0x4f6810
write 4,3: 0 bytes [0..0) @ 0x4f6810
write 5,0: 7840 bytes [0x2ef60000..0x2ef61ea0) @ 0x4f6810
write 5,1: 1864 bytes [0x30e40008..0x30e40750) @ 0x4f8810
write 5,2: 37096 bytes [0x34330000..0x343390e8) @ 0x4f9810
write 5,3: 896 bytes [0x34bc0000..0x34bc0380) @ 0x503810
write 5,0: 43 big objects (455 pages) @ 0x504810
end gc stats
nj compile time
1466.11user 32.55system 25:07.02elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (775major+1446525minor)pagefaults 0swaps
gcc compile time
gcc -c -I/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/include -L/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/lib  -O2 -w -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -o /tmp/fileAj456O.o /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit.c
gcc -I/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/include -L/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/lib  -O2 -w -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -o /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit /tmp/fileAj456O.o -lmlton -lm -lgmp
3498.91user 39.75system 59:22.62elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (45932major+2974970minor)pagefaults 0swaps
mlton run time

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-General.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-List.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code1.c]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code4.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code7.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code10.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code13.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code16.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code19.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-String.sml.c]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code24.c]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code25.c]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code26.c]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/NoProf/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Initial.sml.log]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	GENERAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-General.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	General.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[wrote log file:	OPTION.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Option.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST.sml.log]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-List.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	List.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_PAIR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListPair.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_SORT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListSort.sml.log]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code27.c]
[wrote log file:	wordtables.sml.log]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code30.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Vector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code33.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote log file:	Array.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code36.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code39.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[wrote log file:	ByteVector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code42.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code45.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[wrote log file:	ByteArray.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING_CVT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StringCvt.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[wrote log file:	STR_BASE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StrBase.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Char.sml.log]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-String.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	String.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[wrote log file:	CHAR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	SUBSTRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Substring.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[wrote log file:	BOOL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Bool.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word8.sml.log]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[wrote log file:	WORD.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[wrote log file:	BYTE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Byte.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Int.sml.log]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[wrote log file:	INTEGER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	MATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Math.sml.log]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	REAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Real.sml.log]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code50.c]
[wrote log file:	IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	TEXT_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	TextIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	BIN_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	BinIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIME.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Time.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Path.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	FileSys.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PROCESS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Process.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code51.c]
[wrote log file:	OS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[wrote log file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	CommandLine.sml.log]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[wrote log file:	DATE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Date.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIMER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Timer.sml.log]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[wrote log file:	RANDOM.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Random.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code52.c]
[wrote log file:	SML90.sml.log]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/Prof/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]
stack size(bytes): 65,536
max semispace size(bytes): 33,554,432
GC time(ms): 12,900 (9.7%)
maxPause(ms):: 550
number of GCs: 40
bytes allocated: 1,121,212,072
bytes copied: 253,909,752
max bytes live: 10,906,880
131.92user 0.66system 2:27.70elapsed 89%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (1987major+16663minor)pagefaults 0swaps
mlton run time without uncurrying
compile ==> 
 MLton 1999-7-12 created this file on Mon Dec 20 18:57:17 1999.
 Do not edit this file.
 Flag settings: 
    aux: false
    chunk: coalesce 2000
    fixed heap: Some(67108864)
    flatten rounds: 2
    includes: [mlton.h]
    inline: NonRecursive Some(30)
    inline rounds: 1
    uncurry: false
    input file: /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit.sml
    instrument: false
    instrument Sxml: false
    keepCps: false
    match: left to right
    messages: true
    mode: compile
    polyvariance: Some({rounds = 2, small = 30, product = 300})
    print at fun entry: false
    profile: false
    safe: true
    type check: false
   parse ==> 
   ==> time = 28.700
 ast size is ~1 bytes
 size = 200191
   elaborate ==> 
   ==> time = 55.180
 core-ml size is ~1 bytes
 size = 225177
   infer ==> 
      unification ==> 
      ==> time = 29.880
      finish infer ==> 
      ==> time = 46.830
   ==> time = 80.130
 xml.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   infer simplify ==> 
    simplify made 173768 modifications
    simplify made 587 modifications
   ==> time = 34.430
 xml size is ~1 bytes
 size = 137016
 num types in program = 25967
 num types in table = 52113
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   mono ==> 
   ==> time = 35.730
 .unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   mono simplify ==> 
    simplify made 13203 modifications
    simplify made 5593 modifications
   ==> time = 21.010
  size is ~1 bytes
 size = 168169
 num types in program = 13865
 num types in table = 72833
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   implement exceptions ==> 
   ==> time = 2.180
 sxml.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   implement exceptions simplify ==> 
    simplify made 4407 modifications
    simplify made 218 modifications
   ==> time = 19.140
 sxml size is ~1 bytes
   polyvariance ==> 
    simplify made 7395 modifications
    simplify made 5093 modifications
    size = 184716
    num types in program = 11445
    num types in table = 72940
    hash table size is ~1 bytes
    simplify made 1525 modifications
    simplify made 106 modifications
    size = 183085
    num types in program = 11350
    num types in table = 72940
    hash table size is ~1 bytes
   ==> time = 74.520
 sxml.poly size is ~1 bytes
 size = 183085
 num types in program = 11350
 num types in table = 72940
 hash table size is ~1 bytes
   closure convert ==> 
      flow analysis ==> 
      ==> time = 7.820
    flow size is ~1 bytes
      free variables ==> 
      ==> time = 9.730
      globalize ==> 
      ==> time = 1.080
      convert ==> 
      ==> time = 81.810
   ==> time = 102.290
 cps.unsimplified size is ~1 bytes
   closure convert simplify ==> 
      simplify ==> 
       num functions 10844
       num local functions 137509
       num primExps 197433
       num types in program 22994
       num types in table = 32917
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 remove unused functions ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.450
       num functions 10642
       num local functions 134975
       num primExps 195097
       num types in program 22734
       num types in table = 32917
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 set constants ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.870
	 leaf inline ==> 
	    inline ==> 
	    ==> time = 21.030
	 ==> time = 21.030
       num functions 7690
       num local functions 80071
       num primExps 175541
       num types in program 15335
       num types in table = 32917
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 constant propagation ==> 
	    inferHandlers ==> 
	    ==> time = 1.990
	    fixed point ==> 
	    ==> time = 40.440
	 ==> time = 81.450
       num functions 7690
       num local functions 78550
       num primExps 142278
       num types in program 15265
       num types in table = 32920
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 useless ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 108.980
	 ==> time = 133.540
       num functions 7690
       num local functions 72829
       num primExps 133941
       num types in program 12795
       num types in table = 33442
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 simplify types ==> 
	    fixed point ==> 
	    ==> time = 0.720
	 ==> time = 16.670
       num functions 7690
       num local functions 61537
       num primExps 118283
       num types in program 8232
       num types in table = 35975
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 poly equal ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.530
       num functions 7706
       num local functions 61863
       num primExps 118681
       num types in program 8250
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 contify ==> 
	 ==> time = 7.900
       num functions 4344
       num local functions 62084
       num primExps 116988
       num types in program 8035
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 inline ==> 
	 ==> time = 22.350
       num functions 2261
       num local functions 87348
       num primExps 200667
       num types in program 7668
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 raise to jump ==> 
	    inferHandlers ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.210
	 ==> time = 4.030
       num functions 2261
       num local functions 87348
       num primExps 200667
       num types in program 7668
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 contify ==> 
	 ==> time = 10.540
       num functions 2245
       num local functions 87297
       num primExps 200639
       num types in program 7668
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 introduce loops ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.220
	 loop invariant ==> 
	 ==> time = 11.410
       num functions 2245
       num local functions 87414
       num primExps 198820
       num types in program 7404
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 flatten ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.340
	 ==> time = 19.100
	 flatten ==> 
	    analyze ==> 
	    ==> time = 2.020
	 ==> time = 16.430
       num functions 2245
       num local functions 87414
       num primExps 131130
       num types in program 4277
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 redundant ==> 
	 ==> time = 14.720
       num functions 2245
       num local functions 87414
       num primExps 131130
       num types in program 4277
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 remove unused functions ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.260
	 remove unused globals ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.840
	 remove unused constructors ==> 
	 ==> time = 1.530
       num functions 2187
       num local functions 86912
       num primExps 129271
       num types in program 4258
       num types in table = 35978
       hash table size is ~1 bytes
	 save world ==> 
	 ==> time = 0.220
      ==> time = 384.520
   ==> time = 384.520
 cps size is ~1 bytes
   backend ==> 
      compute representations ==> 
      ==> time = 0.110
      inferHandlers ==> 
      ==> time = 2.200
      chunkify ==> 
      ==> time = 16.110
      allocate registers ==> 
      ==> time = 162.250
    reg size is ~1 bytes
   ==> time = 233.610
 c size is ~1 bytes
   emit C ==> 
   ==> time = 40.500
 numPeeks = 133576496
 average position in property list = 0.470
==> time = 1114.530
gcc -c -I/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/include -L/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/lib  -O1 -w -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -o /tmp/filez8VFHE.o /tmp/fileoVy5Ib.c
gcc -I/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/include -L/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/lib  -O1 -w -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -o /fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/kit /tmp/filez8VFHE.o -lmlton -lm -lgmp

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-General.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-List.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code1.c]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code4.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code7.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code10.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code13.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code16.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code19.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-String.sml.c]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code24.c]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code25.c]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code26.c]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/NoProf/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Initial.sml.log]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	GENERAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-General.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	General.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[wrote log file:	OPTION.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Option.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST.sml.log]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-List.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	List.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_PAIR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListPair.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_SORT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListSort.sml.log]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code27.c]
[wrote log file:	wordtables.sml.log]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code30.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Vector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code33.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote log file:	Array.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code36.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code39.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[wrote log file:	ByteVector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code42.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code45.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[wrote log file:	ByteArray.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING_CVT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StringCvt.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[wrote log file:	STR_BASE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StrBase.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Char.sml.log]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-String.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	String.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[wrote log file:	CHAR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	SUBSTRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Substring.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[wrote log file:	BOOL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Bool.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word8.sml.log]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[wrote log file:	WORD.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[wrote log file:	BYTE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Byte.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Int.sml.log]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[wrote log file:	INTEGER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	MATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Math.sml.log]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	REAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Real.sml.log]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code50.c]
[wrote log file:	IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	TEXT_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	TextIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	BIN_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	BinIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIME.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Time.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Path.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	FileSys.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PROCESS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Process.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code51.c]
[wrote log file:	OS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[wrote log file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	CommandLine.sml.log]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[wrote log file:	DATE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Date.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIMER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Timer.sml.log]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[wrote log file:	RANDOM.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Random.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code52.c]
[wrote log file:	SML90.sml.log]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/Prof/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]
stack size(bytes): 32,768
max semispace size(bytes): 33,554,432
GC time(ms): 13,860 (9.8%)
maxPause(ms):: 560
number of GCs: 42
bytes allocated: 1,148,036,856
bytes copied: 272,414,768
max bytes live: 10,906,948
140.85user 0.52system 2:32.11elapsed 92%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (2148major+17015minor)pagefaults 0swaps

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-General.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-List.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code1.c]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code4.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code7.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code10.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code13.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code16.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code19.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-String.sml.c]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code24.c]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code25.c]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code26.c]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/NoProf/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Initial.sml.log]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	GENERAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-General.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	General.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[wrote log file:	OPTION.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Option.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST.sml.log]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-List.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	List.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_PAIR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListPair.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[wrote log file:	LIST_SORT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListSort.sml.log]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code27.c]
[wrote log file:	wordtables.sml.log]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code30.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Vector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code33.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[wrote log file:	Array.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code36.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code39.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[wrote log file:	ByteVector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code42.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code45.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[wrote log file:	ByteArray.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING_CVT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StringCvt.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[wrote log file:	STR_BASE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StrBase.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Char.sml.log]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-String.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	String.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[wrote log file:	CHAR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	SUBSTRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Substring.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[wrote log file:	BOOL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Bool.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word8.sml.log]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[wrote log file:	WORD.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[wrote log file:	BYTE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Byte.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Int.sml.log]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[wrote log file:	INTEGER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	MATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Math.sml.log]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	REAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Real.sml.log]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code50.c]
[wrote log file:	IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	TEXT_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	TextIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	BIN_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	BinIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIME.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Time.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Path.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	FileSys.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_PROCESS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Process.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code51.c]
[wrote log file:	OS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[wrote log file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	CommandLine.sml.log]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[wrote log file:	DATE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Date.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIMER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Timer.sml.log]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[wrote log file:	RANDOM.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Random.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code52.c]
[wrote log file:	SML90.sml.log]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/Prof/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]
nj run time
58.63user 0.86system 1:09.37elapsed 85%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (604major+25580minor)pagefaults 0swaps
nj run gc

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-General.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-List.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code1.c]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (60 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code4.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (60 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code7.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code10.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code13.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code16.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code19.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (110 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (50 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-String.sml.c]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (100 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code24.c]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (80 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (170 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (60 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (50 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code25.c]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (50 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (50 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/NoProf/basislib-code26.c]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/NoProf/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]

 ** Building basis library **

[reading source file:	Initial.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Initial.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Initial.sml.log]
[reading source file:	GENERAL.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
[wrote log file:	GENERAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	General.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-General.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	General.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OPTION.sml]
[wrote log file:	OPTION.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Option.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Option.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Option.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote log file:	LIST.sml.log]
[reading source file:	List.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (60 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-List.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	List.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_PAIR.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
[wrote log file:	LIST_PAIR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListPair.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListPair.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListPair.sml.log]
[reading source file:	LIST_SORT.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote log file:	LIST_SORT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ListSort.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-ListSort.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	ListSort.sml.log]
[reading source file:	wordtables.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code27.c]
[wrote log file:	wordtables.sml.log]
[reading source file:	VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Vector.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (280 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code30.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Vector.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Vector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ARRAY.sml]
[wrote log file:	ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Array.sml]
[compiling body of functor table (from project begin]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (60 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (50 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code33.c]
[compiling body of functor table end]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote log file:	Array.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml]
[wrote log file:	MONO_VECTOR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote log file:	MONO_ARRAY.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteVector.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code36.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector (from project begin]
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code39.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteVector end]
[wrote log file:	ByteVector.sml.log]
[reading source file:	ByteArray.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code42.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray (from project begin]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code45.c]
[compiling body of functor ByteArray end]
[wrote log file:	ByteArray.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING_CVT.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote log file:	STRING_CVT.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StringCvt.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StringCvt.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StringCvt.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STR_BASE.sml]
[wrote log file:	STR_BASE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	StrBase.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (90 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (60 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-StrBase.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	StrBase.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Char.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Char.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Char.sml.log]
[reading source file:	String.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-String.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	String.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CHAR.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote log file:	CHAR.sml.log]
[reading source file:	STRING.sml]
[wrote log file:	STRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SUBSTRING.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote log file:	SUBSTRING.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Substring.sml]
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Substring.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Substring.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BOOL.sml]
[wrote log file:	BOOL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Bool.sml]
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Bool.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Bool.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Word8.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Word8.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Word8.sml.log]
[reading source file:	WORD.sml]
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote log file:	WORD.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BYTE.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote log file:	BYTE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Byte.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Byte.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Byte.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Int.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Int.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Int.sml.log]
[reading source file:	INTEGER.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote log file:	INTEGER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	MATH.sml]
[wrote log file:	MATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Math.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Math.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Math.sml.log]
[reading source file:	REAL.sml]
[wrote log file:	REAL.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Real.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (50 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Real.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Real.sml.log]
[reading source file:	IO.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code50.c]
[wrote log file:	IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TEXT_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	TEXT_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TextIO.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-TextIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	TextIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BIN_IO.sml]
[wrote log file:	BIN_IO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	BinIO.sml]
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-BinIO.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	BinIO.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIME.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIME.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Time.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (50 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Time.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Time.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PATH.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote log file:	OS_PATH.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Path.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (440 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Path.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Path.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml]
[wrote log file:	OS_FILE_SYS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	FileSys.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-FileSys.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	FileSys.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS_PROCESS.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote log file:	OS_PROCESS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Process.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Process.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Process.sml.log]
[reading source file:	OS.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code51.c]
[wrote log file:	OS.sml.log]
[reading source file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml]
[wrote log file:	COMMAND_LINE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	CommandLine.sml]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-CommandLine.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	CommandLine.sml.log]
[reading source file:	DATE.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote log file:	DATE.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Date.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (60 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (30 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (40 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (50 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Date.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Date.sml.log]
[reading source file:	TIMER.sml]
[wrote log file:	TIMER.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Timer.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Timer.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Timer.sml.log]
[reading source file:	RANDOM.sml]
[wrote log file:	RANDOM.sml.log]
[reading source file:	Random.sml]
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (20 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-Random.sml.c]
[wrote log file:	Random.sml.log]
[reading source file:	SML90.sml]
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (0 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
GC #   (10 ms)
[wrote ANSI C code file:	/fs/vaikuntam/home/suresh/vc/local/mlton/mlton-1999-11-21/examples/DATA/basislib/PM/Prof/basislib-code52.c]
[wrote log file:	SML90.sml.log]
[wrote ANSI C code file:	PM/Prof/link_objects.c]
[wrote executable file:	run]
end gc stats
nj size
-rw-r--r--   1 suresh   CSI       5726768 Dec 20 19:21 kit.x86-linux
end kit



# ray doesn't work because mlton does not support TextIO.openString




cd $examples


for bench in kit # barnes-hut count-graphs fft knuth-bendix lexgen life logic mandelbrot matrix-multiply mlyacc nucleic ratio-regions simple tsp vliw zern 
	echo begin $bench
	/bin/rm -f $bench.c $bench $bench.x86-linux $bench-messages.x86-linux

#	if [ $doGC ]; then
#		echo mlton gc stats
#		$mlton -gc -no-type-check -C $bench.sml
#		echo end gc stats
#	fi

 	echo mlton compile time

     	time $mlton -v -inline 30 $profile -o $bench.c -no-type-check -C 	\
			-h 64m $bench.sml

	if [ $doNJ ]; then
		if [ $doNJGC ]; then
			echo nj gc stats
   val _ = SMLofNJ.Internals.GC.messages true
	cat $bench.sml | $bin/all-but-last 4
in val _ = SMLofNJ.exportFn("$bench-messages", fn _ =>
					SMLofNJ.Internals.GC.messages true;
					Main.doit() ; 
			) | sml
			echo end gc stats

   val _ = SMLofNJ.Internals.GC.messages false
			cat $bench.sml | $bin/all-but-last 4
in val _ = SMLofNJ.exportFn("$bench", fn _ => (Main.doit() ; OS.Process.success))
		) | time -o $TMP sml >& /dev/null
		echo nj compile time
		cat $TMP

	if [ $doRun ]; then

#	 echo 'flow analysis and closure convert time'
#         $mlton -DINSTRUMENT -v $flags $bench.sml

#         echo 'cps instrumentation'

#         $mlton -instrumentSxml -DINSTRUMENT $flags $bench.sml
#         echo 'sxml instrumentation'
#         $bench

#         echo 'mlton compile time'
#         time $mlton -C $flags $bench.sml

         echo 'gcc compile time'
         time $mlton $O_FLAG -v $bench.c

#         echo 'mlton size'
#         size $bench

         echo 'mlton run time'
         time $examples/$bench @MLton gc-summary --

       	 echo 'mlton run time without uncurrying'
         $mlton -v -no-uncurry $profile -o $bench -no-type-check -inline 30 -h 64m $bench.sml

         time $examples/$bench @MLton gc-summary --

# 	echo 'profile data'
# 		for switches in '' -d -ds -df
# 		do
# 			echo "mlprof with $switches"	
# 			$bin/mlprof $switches $bench.c $bench gmon.out
# 		done

	 	# run the mlton version with an extra arg to see how double 
		# alignment is affected.
#	 	echo mlton run time
# 		time $bench @MLton gc-summary -- a

	if [ $doNJ ]; then
		time -o $TMP $run @SMLload=$bench$suffix
		echo nj run time
		cat $TMP

		if [ $doNJGC ]; then
			echo nj run gc 
			$run @SMLload=$bench-messages$suffix
			echo end gc stats

		echo nj size
		ls -l $bench.x86-linux

	echo end $bench

) 2>&1) |  tee $root/logs/benchmarks/log-`date '+19%y-%m-%d-%T'`

/bin/rm -f $TMP