
Stephen Weeks
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 23:10:37 -0800 (PST)

> However, there were four bugs in the compiler that I had to work around,
> which was quicker and easier for me than to report the bugs to you and
> wait for them to be fixed. The first three were easy, but the last one
> with a message like
> Bug: value primApply type error
> was difficult to work around. The cause turned out to be a function
> converting a sorted vector to a splay tree with the bug only manifesting
> itself when each element in the vector had a very complex data type.

Your hint was more than enough to find this bug.  Yes, the problem
comes up whenever you do a vector subscript of a vector where the
element type contains an ->.  Here's a simple program that tickles
the bug.

open Vector
val v = tabulate(13, fn i => fn j => i + j)
val _ = print(Int.toString(sub(v, 5) 1))

The fix is a one line change to
src/closure-convert/  I've included the corrected
version below -- just replace the file and remake.


(* Copyright (C) 1997-1999 NEC Research Institute.
 * Please see the file LICENSE for license information.

open S
open Sxml

structure Dset = DisjointSet

structure Lambda =
      datatype t = Lambda of {lambda: Sxml.Lambda.t,
			      hash: word}
      fun newHash() = Word.fromInt(Int.random())

      fun new lambda = Lambda{lambda = lambda,
			      hash = newHash()}

      fun hash(Lambda{hash, ...}) = hash
      fun dest(Lambda{lambda, ...}) = lambda

      fun equals(Lambda r, Lambda r') =
	 #hash r = #hash r'
	 andalso Sxml.Lambda.equals(#lambda r, #lambda r')

      fun layout(Lambda{lambda, ...}) =
	 let open Layout
	 in seq[str "lambda ", Sxml.Var.layout(Sxml.Lambda.arg lambda)]

structure Lambdas = HashSet(structure Element = Lambda
			    val cacheSize = 5
			    val bits = 13)

structure LambdaNode
  : sig
	type t
	val new: unit -> t
	val lambda: Sxml.Lambda.t -> t
	val addHandler: t * (Lambda.t -> unit) -> unit
	val toSet: t -> Lambdas.t
	val unify: t * t -> unit
	val coerce: {from: t, to: t} -> unit
	val layout: t -> Layout.t
     end =
      datatype t = LambdaNode of {me: Lambda.t HashSetRep.t ref,
				  handlers: (Lambda.t -> unit) list ref,
				  coercedTo: t list ref} Dset.t

      fun toSet(LambdaNode d) = !(#me(Dset.value d))

      val layout = Lambdas.layout o toSet
(*      fun layout(LambdaNode d) =
	 let val {id, me, ...} = Dset.value d
	    open Layout
	 in record[("id", Id.layout id),
		   ("me", Lambdas.layout(!me))]

      fun newSet s = LambdaNode(Dset.singleton{me = ref s,
(*				      id =, *)
				      handlers = ref [],
				      coercedTo = ref []})

      fun new() = newSet Lambdas.empty

      fun lambda l = newSet(Lambdas.singleton( l))

      fun handles(h: Lambda.t -> unit, s: Lambdas.t): unit =
	 Lambdas.foreach(s, fn l => h l)
      fun handless(hs: (Lambda.t -> unit) list, s: Lambdas.t): unit =
	 List.foreach(hs, fn h => handles(h, s))

      fun addHandler(LambdaNode d, h: Lambda.t -> unit) =
	 let val {me, handlers, ...} = Dset.value d
	 in ListRef.push(handlers, h)
	    ; handles(h, !me)

      fun send(LambdaNode d, s): unit =
	 let val {me, coercedTo, handlers, ...} = Dset.value d
	    val diff = Lambdas.-(s, !me)
	 in if Lambdas.isEmpty diff
	       then ()
	    else (me := Lambdas.+(diff, !me)
		  ; List.foreach(!coercedTo, fn to => send(to, diff))
		  ; handless(!handlers, diff))

(*       val send =
 * 	 Trace.trace2("LambdaNode.send", layout, Lambdas.layout, Unit.layout) send

      fun equals(LambdaNode d, LambdaNode d') = Dset.equals(d, d')

      fun coerce(arg as {from = from as LambdaNode d, to: t}): unit =
	 if equals(from, to)
	    then ()
	 else let val {me, coercedTo, ...} = Dset.value d
		 if List.exists(!coercedTo, fn ls => equals(ls, to))
		    then ()
		 else (ListRef.push(coercedTo, to)
		       ; send(to, !me))

      fun update(c, h, diff) =
	 if Lambdas.isEmpty diff
	    then ()
	 else (List.foreach(c, fn to => send(to, diff))
	       ; handless(h, diff))

      fun unify(s as LambdaNode d, s' as LambdaNode d'): unit =
	 if Dset.equals(d, d')
	    then ()
	       val {me = ref m, coercedTo = ref c, handlers = ref h, ...} =
		  Dset.value d
	       val {me = ref m', coercedTo = ref c', handlers = ref h', ...} =
		  Dset.value d'
	       val diff = Lambdas.-(m, m')
	       val diff' = Lambdas.-(m', m)
	    in Dset.union(d, d')
	       ; (Dset.setValue
		  (d, {me = ref(if Lambdas.isEmpty diff
				   then m'
				else Lambdas.+(m', diff)),
		       coercedTo = ref(List.append
				       (List.removeAll(c', fn n' =>
						       List.exists(c, fn n =>
								   equals(n, n'))),
		       handlers = ref(List.append(h, h'))}))
	       ; update(c, h, diff')
	       ; update(c', h', diff)

(*       val unify =
 * 	 Trace.trace2("LambdaNode.unify", layout, layout, Unit.layout) unify

datatype tree =
   Type of Type.t
 | Unify of UnaryTycon.t * t
 | Tuple of t list
 | Lambdas of LambdaNode.t
withtype t = {tree: tree,
	      plist: PropertyList.t} Dset.t

fun new(tree: tree) = Dset.singleton{tree = tree,
				     plist =}
val tree: t -> tree = #tree o Dset.value
val plist: t -> PropertyList.t = #plist o Dset.value
fun layout v =
   let open Layout
   in case tree v of
      Type t => seq[str "Type ", Type.layout t]
    | Unify(t, v) => paren(seq[UnaryTycon.layout t, str " ", layout v])
    | Tuple vs => tuple(, layout))
    | Lambdas l => LambdaNode.layout l
fun isType v =
   case tree v of
      Type _ => true
    | _ => false

fun isEmpty v =
   case tree v of
      Lambdas n => Lambdas.isEmpty(LambdaNode.toSet n)
    | Tuple vs => List.exists(vs, isEmpty)
    | Unify(UnaryTycon.Ref, v) => isEmpty v
    | _ => false

(* used in closure converter *)
fun equals(v, v') =
   Dset.equals(v, v')
   (case (tree v,      tree v') of
       (Type t,        Type t')   =>
	  if Type.equals(t, t')
	     then true
	  else Error.bug "Value.equals called on different types"
     | (Unify(t, v), Unify(t', v'))     =>
	  UnaryTycon.equals(t, t') andalso equals(v, v')
     | (Tuple vs,  Tuple vs')  => List.forall2(vs, vs', equals)
     | (Lambdas n, Lambdas n') => Lambdas.equals(LambdaNode.toSet n,
						 LambdaNode.toSet n')
     | _ => Error.bug "Value.equals called on different kinds of values")

fun addHandler(v, h) =
   case tree v of
      Lambdas n => LambdaNode.addHandler(n, h)
    | _ => Error.bug "can't addHandler to non lambda"

   val {hom, destroy} =
      {con = fn (t, tycon, vs) =>
       if Tycon.equals(tycon, Tycon.arrow)
	  then {isFirstOrder = false,
		make = fn () => new(Lambdas(}
	  if List.forall(vs, #isFirstOrder)
	     then {isFirstOrder = true,
		   make = let val v = new(Type t)
			  in fn () => v
	     {isFirstOrder = false,
	      make = let fun mutable mt = let val make = #make(hd vs)
					  in fn () => new(Unify(mt, make()))
		     in if Tycon.equals(tycon, Tycon.reff)
			   then mutable UnaryTycon.Ref
		        else if Tycon.equals(tycon, Tycon.array)
				then mutable UnaryTycon.Array
			else if Tycon.equals(tycon, Tycon.vector)
				then mutable UnaryTycon.Vector
			else if Tycon.equals(tycon, Tycon.tuple)
				then (fn () =>
				      new(Tuple(, fn {make, ...} =>
			     else Error.bug "fromType saw non-arrow type"
   val destroy = destroy
   val typeIsFirstOrder = #isFirstOrder o hom
   fun fromType t = #make (hom t) ()

(* val fromType = Trace.trace("Value.fromType", Type.layout, layout) fromType *)

val tuple = new o Tuple

fun select(v, i) =
   case tree v of
      Type t => fromType(List.nth(Type.detuple t, i))
    | Tuple vs => List.nth(vs, i)
    | _ => Error.bug " expected tuple"

fun deref v =
   case tree v of
      Type t => fromType(Type.deref t)
    | Unify(_, v) => v
    | _ => Error.bug "Value.deref"

fun dearray v =
   case tree v of
      Type t => fromType(Type.dearray t)
    | Unify(_, v) => v
    | _ => Error.bug "Value.dearray"

val lambda = new o Lambdas o LambdaNode.lambda

(* val traceUnify = Trace.trace2("Value.unify", layout, layout, Unit.layout) *)

fun unify(v, v') =
   if Dset.equals(v, v')
      then ()
   else let val t = tree v
	    val t' = tree v'
	in Dset.union(v, v')
	   ; (case (t,             t') of
		 (Type t,        Type t')        => if Type.equals(t, t')
						       then ()
						    else Error.bug "unify"
	       | (Unify(_, v), Unify(_, v')) => unify(v, v')
	       | (Tuple vs,      Tuple vs')      => List.foreach2(vs, vs', unify)
	       | (Lambdas l,     Lambdas l')     => LambdaNode.unify(l, l')
	       | _                               => Error.bug "impossible unify")

(*val unify = Trace.trace2("Value.unify", layout, layout, Unit.layout) unify *)

fun coerce{from: t, to: t}: unit =
   if Dset.equals(from, to)
      then ()
   else (case (tree from, tree to) of
	    (Type t,    Type t')    => if Type.equals(t, t')
					  then ()
				       else Error.bug "coerce"
	  | (Unify _, Unify _) =>
	       (* Can't do a coercion for vectors, since that would imply
		* walking over the entire vector and coercing each element
	       unify(from, to)
	  | (Tuple vs,  Tuple vs')  => List.foreach2(vs, vs', fn (v, v') =>
						     coerce{from = v, to = v'})
	  | (Lambdas l, Lambdas l') => LambdaNode.coerce{from = l, to = l'}
	  | _ => Error.bug "impossible coerce")

(* val coerce = Trace.trace("Value.coerce",
 * 			 fn {from, to} =>
 * 			 let open Layout
 * 			 in record[("from", layout from),
 * 				   ("to" , layout to)]
 * 			 end, Unit.layout) coerce

structure Dest =
      datatype dest =
	 Type of Type.t
       | Ref of t
       | Array of t
       | Vector of t
       | Tuple of t list
       | Lambdas of Lambdas.t

fun dest v =
   case tree v of
      Type t => Dest.Type t
    | Unify(mt, v) => (case mt of
			  UnaryTycon.Ref => Dest.Ref v
			| UnaryTycon.Array => Dest.Array v
			| UnaryTycon.Vector => Dest.Vector v)
    | Tuple vs => Dest.Tuple vs
    | Lambdas l => Dest.Lambdas(LambdaNode.toSet l)

open Dest

(*                     primApply                     *)
structure Name = Prim.Name

fun primApply{prim: Prim.t, args: t list, resultTy: Type.t}: t =
      fun result() = fromType resultTy
      fun typeError() =
	  (fn () =>
	   let open Layout
	   in align[seq[str "prim: ", Prim.layout prim],
		    seq[str "args: ", tuple(, layout))]]
	  ; Error.bug "Value.primApply: type error")
      fun oneArg f =
	 case args of
	    [n] => n
	  | _ => Error.bug "wrong number of args for primitive"
      fun twoArgs() =
	 case args of
	    [n1, n2] => (n1, n2)
	  | _ => Error.bug "wrong number of args for primitive"
      fun threeArgs() =
	 case args of
	    [n1, n2, n3] => (n1, n2, n3)
	  | _ => Error.bug "wrong number of args for primitive"
      case prim of
	 Name.VectorFromArray =>
	    let val r = result()
	    in (case (dest(oneArg()), dest r) of
		   (Type _, Type _) => ()
		 | (Array x, Vector y) =>
		      (* can't do a coercion here because that would imply
		       * walking over each element of the array and coercing it
		      unify(x, y)
		 | _ => typeError())
	       ; r
       | Name.ArrayUpdate =>
	    let val (a, _, x) = threeArgs()
	    in (case dest a of
		   Array x' => coerce{from = x, to = x'} (* unify(x, x') *)
		 | Type _ => ()
		 | _ => typeError())
	       ; result()
       | Name.ArraySub =>
	    (case dest(#1(twoArgs())) of
		Array x => x
	      | Type _ => result()
	      | _ => typeError())
       | Name.VectorSub =>
	    (case dest(#1(twoArgs())) of
		Vector x => x
	      | Type _ => result()
	      | _ => typeError())
       | Name.Assign =>
	    let val (r, x) = twoArgs()
	    in (case dest r of
		   Ref x' => coerce{from = x, to = x'} (* unify(x, x') *)
		 | Type _ => ()
		 | _ => typeError())
	       ; result()
       | Name.Ref =>
	    let val r = result()
	    in (case dest r of
		  Ref x => coerce{from = oneArg(), to = x} (* unify(oneArg(), x) *)
		| Type _ => ()
		| _ => typeError())
	       ; r
       | Name.Deref => (case dest(oneArg()) of
			   Ref v => v
			 | Type _ => result()
			 | _ => typeError())
       | _ => result()
