Stephen Weeks sweeks@wasabi.epr.com
Sun, 11 Jul 1999 13:53:35 -0700 (PDT)

Great.  I reran a profiled self-compile and got numbers similar to
yours.  Here is the -d -s version.  It shows that C overhead is at
17.43% and that most of that, 15.38%, is for trampolining and
switching chunks.


30383 ticks total
forward (C @ 0x831aa20)                   11.89%
MLTON_chunk (magic)                        7.20%
x_43509                                    4.12%
loop_532                                   3.98%
foreach_29                                 3.43%
MLTON_endChunkSwitch (magic)               3.37%
MLTON_chunkSwitch (magic)                  3.32%
foreachPointerInHeap (C @ 0x831a568)       3.00%
MLTON_gc (magic)                           2.05%
primExpEquals_0                            2.00%
peek_8                                     1.63%
loop_831                                   1.53%
MLton_main (magic)                         1.49%
foreach_27                                 1.23%
x_1089                                     0.99%
get_70                                     0.91%
new_18                                     0.82%
look_7                                     0.76%
foreach_30                                 0.65%
equals_0                                   0.61%
lookup_1                                   0.57%
dest_5                                     0.51%
foreach_15                                 0.51%
simplifyDecs_6                             0.49%
loop_258                                   0.48%
get_18                                     0.45%
get_38                                     0.41%
action_1                                   0.41%
loop_119                                   0.41%
root_8                                     0.41%
x_530                                      0.40%
exp_6                                      0.39%
fold_37                                    0.39%
iter_17                                    0.38%
parseStep_3                                0.38%
peek_5                                     0.37%
loopBind_9                                 0.36%
simplifyDecs_0                             0.36%
fold_16                                    0.36%
peek_0                                     0.35%
sub_0                                      0.34%
loop_468                                   0.33%
loop_827                                   0.33%
loop_829                                   0.32%
fold_47                                    0.31%
randNat_0                                  0.31%
root_14                                    0.31%
lookup_3                                   0.29%
fold_18                                    0.29%
peek_12                                    0.29%
x_2680                                     0.28%
get_40                                     0.28%
con_1                                      0.27%
simplifyVarExp_0                           0.27%
continue_1                                 0.26%
loop_406                                   0.25%
foreach_23                                 0.24%
fold_62                                    0.24%
foreach_7                                  0.24%
get_69                                     0.24%
done_1                                     0.23%
reference_0                                0.23%
set_28                                     0.23%
peek_16                                    0.23%
set_6                                      0.23%
make_3                                     0.23%
convertExp_0                               0.22%
root_4                                     0.22%
x_1523                                     0.22%
loop_476                                   0.22%
x_4187                                     0.22%
lookupFixity_0                             0.22%
output_0                                   0.21%
x_2423                                     0.21%
loop_828                                   0.21%
x_908                                      0.21%
lcg_0                                      0.20%
map_14                                     0.20%
foreach_5                                  0.20%
same_0                                     0.20%
fold_22                                    0.19%
loopExp_25                                 0.19%
set_16                                     0.19%
set_29                                     0.19%
root_7                                     0.19%
statusRef_0                                0.19%
simplifyDecs_4                             0.18%
bind_1                                     0.17%
nth_7                                      0.17%
genExp_0                                   0.17%
checkVarExp_1                              0.16%
loopFunc_0                                 0.16%
gotoLabel_0                                0.16%
checkSlice_1                               0.16%
getCounter_0                               0.16%
instantiate_0                              0.16%
exists_1                                   0.15%
loop_731                                   0.15%
x_61                                       0.15%
loop_491                                   0.15%
foreach_10                                 0.15%
nonExpansive_2                             0.15%
root_9                                     0.15%
update_2                                   0.15%
doit_0                                     0.14%
loopExp_19                                 0.14%
monoExp_0                                  0.14%
update_16                                  0.14%
update_7                                   0.14%
foreach_6                                  0.13%
get_66                                     0.13%
sub_3                                      0.13%
copyVec_0                                  0.13%
loopBind_6                                 0.13%
make_4                                     0.13%
map_7                                      0.13%
toString_6                                 0.13%
coerce_1                                   0.13%
fold_54                                    0.13%
same_3                                     0.13%
set_22                                     0.13%
elaborateExp_0                             0.12%
maybeIncNumOccurrences_0                   0.12%
monoVarExp_0                               0.12%
con_2                                      0.12%
equals_13                                  0.12%
forall_0                                   0.12%
x_2666                                     0.12%
foreach_26                                 0.12%
getNew_1                                   0.12%
hashString_0                               0.12%
finishExp_0                                0.11%
peek_14                                    0.11%
nonExpansive_0                             0.11%
tabulate_1                                 0.11%
x_69828                                    0.11%
get_31                                     0.11%
newVar_0                                   0.11%
store_0                                    0.11%
valueType_0                                0.11%
hom_0                                      0.10%
get_86                                     0.10%
x_381                                      0.10%
foreach_11                                 0.10%
get_106                                    0.10%
incNumOccurrences_1                        0.10%
var_2                                      0.10%
dearrowOpt_1                               0.09%
equals_10                                  0.09%
newScope_6                                 0.09%
x_23412                                    0.09%
get_60                                     0.09%
loopDecs_2                                 0.09%
map_31                                     0.09%
newClass_0                                 0.09%
operator_7                                 0.09%
peek_11                                    0.09%
class_0                                    0.09%
intQuot (C)                                0.09%
monoVar_0                                  0.09%
operator_6                                 0.09%
sub_1                                      0.09%
sub_9                                      0.09%
unify_4                                    0.09%
var_4                                      0.09%
fold_33                                    0.08%
update_8                                   0.08%
value_14                                   0.08%
x_6414                                     0.08%
adj_2                                      0.08%
coerce_2                                   0.08%
getMask_0                                  0.08%
isUseless_6                                0.08%
newString_3                                0.08%
operator_20                                0.08%
root_3                                     0.08%
send_1                                     0.08%
tabulate_5                                 0.08%
x_26602                                    0.08%
f_10                                       0.08%
keepAll_0                                  0.08%
loop_486                                   0.08%
preprocess_0                               0.08%
set_15                                     0.08%
coerces_0                                  0.07%
loopExp_3                                  0.07%
loop_471                                   0.07%
root_13                                    0.07%
statusRef_1                                0.07%
checkSlice_0                               0.07%
fold_19                                    0.07%
fold_35                                    0.07%
foreach_8                                  0.07%
get_44                                     0.07%
loopExp_26                                 0.07%
monoType_0                                 0.07%
variant_0                                  0.07%
x_15010                                    0.07%
yes_0                                      0.07%
global_5080                                0.07%
loopExp_8                                  0.07%
make_12                                    0.07%
map_49                                     0.07%
peek_13                                    0.07%
sendName_4                                 0.07%
simplifyVar_0                              0.07%
value_8                                    0.07%
x_310                                      0.07%
foreach_34                                 0.06%
get_5                                      0.06%
hash_0                                     0.06%
send_2                                     0.06%
value_13                                   0.06%
x_1834                                     0.06%
checkSlice_2                               0.06%
contains_2                                 0.06%
detupleOpt_4                               0.06%
dynamicWind_0                              0.06%
get_182                                    0.06%
loopBind_8                                 0.06%
loop_489                                   0.06%
loop_670                                   0.06%
loops_1                                    0.06%
map_3                                      0.06%
normal_1                                   0.06%
setRoundingMode (C)                        0.06%
simplifyVar_1                              0.06%
casee_12                                   0.06%
copy_2                                     0.06%
deref_4                                    0.06%
fold_50                                    0.06%
lambdasInfo_0                              0.06%
loopVar_0                                  0.06%
loop_474                                   0.06%
loop_593                                   0.06%
memo_0                                     0.06%
simplifyExp_1                              0.06%
unify_2                                    0.06%
filter_1                                   0.05%
foreach_20                                 0.05%
get_49                                     0.05%
get_54                                     0.05%
inferExp_0                                 0.05%
loop_893                                   0.05%
newString_1                                0.05%
nonExpansive_1                             0.05%
splay_5                                    0.05%
toMtype_0                                  0.05%
tuple_79                                   0.05%
x_14609                                    0.05%
bind_2                                     0.05%
elaborateDec_0                             0.05%
fold_29                                    0.05%
foreach2_5                                 0.05%
foreach_12                                 0.05%
loopDecs_1                                 0.05%
setValue_2                                 0.05%
set_5                                      0.05%
sub_2                                      0.05%
sub_7                                      0.05%
useful_0                                   0.05%
x_518                                      0.05%
x_60158                                    0.05%
incNumOccurrences_0                        0.05%
intRem (C)                                 0.05%
loopExp_22                                 0.05%
simplifyType_0                             0.05%
stringEqual (C)                            0.05%
value_18                                   0.05%
x_51049                                    0.05%
x_5666                                     0.05%
x_63420                                    0.05%
class (C)                                  0.04%
coerce_5                                   0.04%
fold_55                                    0.04%
foldr_2                                    0.04%
fromList_4                                 0.04%
genPrimExp_0                               0.04%
get_17                                     0.04%
get_2                                      0.04%
get_57                                     0.04%
loop_146                                   0.04%
loop_404                                   0.04%
loop_632                                   0.04%
matchFlat_0                                0.04%
renameMono_0                               0.04%
root_6                                     0.04%
slot_0                                     0.04%
sub_12                                     0.04%
check_1                                    0.04%
equals_17                                  0.04%
fold_46                                    0.04%
get_20                                     0.04%
get_34                                     0.04%
get_35                                     0.04%
iter_22                                    0.04%
jump_1                                     0.04%
loopExp_1                                  0.04%
loop_662                                   0.04%
sendName_0                                 0.04%
simplifyExp_5                              0.04%
tupleCardinality_0                         0.04%
x_56708                                    0.04%
x_7699                                     0.04%
check_0                                    0.04%
elaborateSigexp_0                          0.04%
finish_18                                  0.04%
fold_15                                    0.04%
get_41                                     0.04%
get_58                                     0.04%
isUseless_2                                0.04%
loopBind_7                                 0.04%
loopExp_0                                  0.04%
loop_1155                                  0.04%
new_9                                      0.04%
replaceVar_1                               0.04%
x_10538                                    0.04%
x_38468                                    0.04%
x_4564                                     0.04%
x_51842                                    0.04%
zip_1                                      0.04%
checkApp_0                                 0.03%
detupleGen_1                               0.03%
detupleOpt_1                               0.03%
inferPat_0                                 0.03%
loopExp_24                                 0.03%
loop_127                                   0.03%
loop_634                                   0.03%
loop_92                                    0.03%
move_0                                     0.03%
parallelMove_0                             0.03%
quot_0                                     0.03%
tabulate_0                                 0.03%
value_11                                   0.03%
value_12                                   0.03%
value_6                                    0.03%
x_26583                                    0.03%
x_26650                                    0.03%
bind_13                                    0.03%
coerce_0                                   0.03%
detuple_6                                  0.03%
envType_0                                  0.03%
fold_38                                    0.03%
foreach_19                                 0.03%
get_161                                    0.03%
get_32                                     0.03%
get_67                                     0.03%
insert_8                                   0.03%
iter_20                                    0.03%
loopArgsBody_1                             0.03%
loop_618                                   0.03%
nontail_0                                  0.03%
normal_3                                   0.03%
sub_4                                      0.03%
tuple_85                                   0.03%
x_42611                                    0.03%
declare_0                                  0.03%
doit_3                                     0.03%
equals_11                                  0.03%
equals_7                                   0.03%
fold_64                                    0.03%
forceRules_1                               0.03%
get_45                                     0.03%
get_48                                     0.03%
get_6                                      0.03%
inferDecs_0                                0.03%
loopTop_0                                  0.03%
loop_178                                   0.03%
loop_231                                   0.03%
map_52                                     0.03%
peekStrids_3                               0.03%
replaceVar_0                               0.03%
set_12                                     0.03%
toString_1                                 0.03%
value_5                                    0.03%
var_3                                      0.03%
visit_1                                    0.03%
x_26848                                    0.03%
x_4566                                     0.03%
x_6259                                     0.03%
x_7005                                     0.03%
checkConExp_1                              0.02%
coerce_4                                   0.02%
expansive_0                                0.02%
finishPat_0                                0.02%
fixedPoint_0                               0.02%
fold_52                                    0.02%
fromList_8                                 0.02%
get_1                                      0.02%
get_11                                     0.02%
get_3                                      0.02%
get_52                                     0.02%
get_63                                     0.02%
jump_2                                     0.02%
lookup_0                                   0.02%
loopBind_0                                 0.02%
loopBind_2                                 0.02%
loopExp_12                                 0.02%
loopExp_23                                 0.02%
loop_171                                   0.02%
makeXconst_0                               0.02%
map_8                                      0.02%
newScope_4                                 0.02%
renameExp_0                                0.02%
root_11                                    0.02%
round (C)                                  0.02%
setSigma_0                                 0.02%
set_33                                     0.02%
set_45                                     0.02%
simplifyExp_3                              0.02%
slot_2                                     0.02%
stronglyConnectedComponents_0              0.02%
ty_2                                       0.02%
typeCardinality_0                          0.02%
update_0                                   0.02%
value_7                                    0.02%
x_27161                                    0.02%
casee_5                                    0.02%
con_52                                     0.02%
docc_0                                     0.02%
elaboratePats_0                            0.02%
extendVarRange_0                           0.02%
fold_23                                    0.02%
fold_56                                    0.02%
foreach2_2                                 0.02%
foreachP_0                                 0.02%
foreach_42                                 0.02%
fromType_2                                 0.02%
getRoundingMode (C)                        0.02%
get_39                                     0.02%
isUnit_0                                   0.02%
iter_16                                    0.02%
look_3                                     0.02%
loopBind_1                                 0.02%
loopExp_10                                 0.02%
loop_114                                   0.02%
loop_203                                   0.02%
loop_500                                   0.02%
loop_525                                   0.02%
matchesFlat_0                              0.02%
monoCon_0                                  0.02%
nonExpansiveCon_2                          0.02%
normal_0                                   0.02%
normal_6                                   0.02%
peek_4                                     0.02%
reverse_17                                 0.02%
reverse_33                                 0.02%
reverse_8                                  0.02%
root_2                                     0.02%
setValue_4                                 0.02%
setValue_5                                 0.02%
set_2                                      0.02%
set_8                                      0.02%
tuple_210                                  0.02%
update_5                                   0.02%
varOperand_0                               0.02%
x_10396                                    0.02%
x_1464                                     0.02%
x_24303                                    0.02%
x_245                                      0.02%
x_369                                      0.02%
x_66954                                    0.02%
coerceSlot_0                               0.02%
compare_0                                  0.02%
doit_5                                     0.02%
equal_1                                    0.02%
equals_3                                   0.02%
filter_0                                   0.02%
finish_16                                  0.02%
fold_21                                    0.02%
fold_48                                    0.02%
foreach2_0                                 0.02%
fromList_3                                 0.02%
fromString_6                               0.02%
fromTypes_1                                0.02%
handleVarExps_1                            0.02%
int32_0                                    0.02%
keepAll_1                                  0.02%
keepSimplifyTypes_0                        0.02%
look_9                                     0.02%
loopArgs_1                                 0.02%
loop_1062                                  0.02%
makeStores_0                               0.02%
match_2                                    0.02%
newLocal_0                                 0.02%
nonExpansiveCon_1                          0.02%
nth_2                                      0.02%
operator_1                                 0.02%
rev_0                                      0.02%
reverse_32                                 0.02%
root_0                                     0.02%
root_1                                     0.02%
set_11                                     0.02%
set_36                                     0.02%
simplifyFormals_0                          0.02%
x_23466                                    0.02%
x_24878                                    0.02%
x_4562                                     0.02%
x_559                                      0.02%
x_9307                                     0.02%
alphaRename_1                              0.01%
apply_8                                    0.01%
checkVarExps_1                             0.01%
coerceData_0                               0.01%
coerces_9                                  0.01%
convertJoin_0                              0.01%
convertVarExps_0                           0.01%
copyAndRealize_0                           0.01%
copy_1                                     0.01%
deltaHandlers_0                            0.01%
elaborateStrdec_0                          0.01%
evalExp_0                                  0.01%
fold_66                                    0.01%
forall_1                                   0.01%
forceStack_0                               0.01%
foreach_0                                  0.01%
foreach_14                                 0.01%
frees_1                                    0.01%
get_116                                    0.01%
get_21                                     0.01%
get_4                                      0.01%
get_43                                     0.01%
globals_0                                  0.01%
jump_8                                     0.01%
lookupVarRange_0                           0.01%
loopExp_20                                 0.01%
loopExp_7                                  0.01%
loop_1201                                  0.01%
loop_1228                                  0.01%
loop_197                                   0.01%
loop_227                                   0.01%
loop_230                                   0.01%
loop_480                                   0.01%
loop_616                                   0.01%
loop_648                                   0.01%
makeTop_1                                  0.01%
make_0                                     0.01%
memo_2                                     0.01%
move_1                                     0.01%
newScope_0                                 0.01%
nth_5                                      0.01%
nth_6                                      0.01%
operator_8                                 0.01%
return_4                                   0.01%
reverse_1                                  0.01%
reverse_19                                 0.01%
reverse_42                                 0.01%
reverse_43                                 0.01%
root_12                                    0.01%
sub_11                                     0.01%
sub_6                                      0.01%
substitute_0                               0.01%
toString_3                                 0.01%
tuple_192                                  0.01%
unions_0                                   0.01%
value_9                                    0.01%
values_0                                   0.01%
visit_3                                    0.01%
x_151                                      0.01%
x_16389                                    0.01%
x_21777                                    0.01%
x_23442                                    0.01%
x_23468                                    0.01%
x_26612                                    0.01%
x_357                                      0.01%
x_40357                                    0.01%
x_40362                                    0.01%
x_40939                                    0.01%
x_6429                                     0.01%
x_71269                                    0.01%
x_78                                       0.01%
x_98                                       0.01%
add_4                                      0.01%
adj_1                                      0.01%
app_1                                      0.01%
applyOne_0                                 0.01%
bind_0                                     0.01%
bind_6                                     0.01%
call_1                                     0.01%
convertLambda_0                            0.01%
dest_6                                     0.01%
detupleGen_5                               0.01%
dfs_0                                      0.01%
elaborateSpec_0                            0.01%
equals_12                                  0.01%
expression_0                               0.01%
extend_0                                   0.01%
fold_0                                     0.01%
fold_28                                    0.01%
fold_30                                    0.01%
fold_34                                    0.01%
fold_51                                    0.01%
foreach_16                                 0.01%
foreach_21                                 0.01%
fromCoreML_0                               0.01%
fromFormals_0                              0.01%
fs_0                                       0.01%
get_158                                    0.01%
get_19                                     0.01%
get_47                                     0.01%
get_55                                     0.01%
get_61                                     0.01%
get_71                                     0.01%
get_9                                      0.01%
getfix_0                                   0.01%
inferRulesUnify_0                          0.01%
insert_1                                   0.01%
instantiate_1                              0.01%
joinPoint_0                                0.01%
keepAll_3                                  0.01%
keepUseful_1                               0.01%
look_5                                     0.01%
loopArgs_0                                 0.01%
loopBind_5                                 0.01%
loopExp_27                                 0.01%
loopExp_29                                 0.01%
loop_498                                   0.01%
loop_516                                   0.01%
make_7                                     0.01%
map_15                                     0.01%
map_5                                      0.01%
map_9                                      0.01%
monoLambda_0                               0.01%
moves_0                                    0.01%
newBlock_1                                 0.01%
newFrame_0                                 0.01%
newOffset_0                                0.01%
nonExpansiveCon_0                          0.01%
nth_4                                      0.01%
partition_0                                0.01%
peek_1                                     0.01%
readArr_0                                  0.01%
recursives_0                               0.01%
redundantFormals_1                         0.01%
reverse_15                                 0.01%
reverse_40                                 0.01%
reverse_44                                 0.01%
reverse_45                                 0.01%
reverse_7                                  0.01%
setValue_0                                 0.01%
setValue_3                                 0.01%
setValue_6                                 0.01%
setVar_0                                   0.01%
set_9                                      0.01%
slotRequest_0                              0.01%
sortTypes_0                                0.01%
tail_0                                     0.01%
temp_0                                     0.01%
typesGlobals_2                             0.01%
unify_0                                    0.01%
value_17                                   0.01%
varOperand_1                               0.01%
walkExp_0                                  0.01%
wrap_0                                     0.01%
x_10157                                    0.01%
x_1530                                     0.01%
x_23464                                    0.01%
x_23470                                    0.01%
x_23499                                    0.01%
x_28853                                    0.01%
x_40313                                    0.01%
x_42100                                    0.01%
x_4582                                     0.01%
x_4668                                     0.01%
x_51001                                    0.01%
x_62036                                    0.01%
x_62046                                    0.01%
x_72145                                    0.01%
allocate_1                                 0.01%
apply_9                                    0.01%
deCon_0                                    0.01%
detupleSlots_0                             0.01%
detuple_0                                  0.01%
doit_18                                    0.01%
elaboratePat_0                             0.01%
elaborateRules_0                           0.01%
elaborateType_0                            0.01%
envTuple_0                                 0.01%
equals_4                                   0.01%
explode_0                                  0.01%
flattens_0                                 0.01%
fold_20                                    0.01%
fold_25                                    0.01%
fold_26                                    0.01%
fold_39                                    0.01%
fold_49                                    0.01%
fold_65                                    0.01%
foldr_0                                    0.01%
foreach_35                                 0.01%
foreach_39                                 0.01%
foreach_41                                 0.01%
foreach_44                                 0.01%
getExnVals_2                               0.01%
get_139                                    0.01%
get_26                                     0.01%
get_42                                     0.01%
get_65                                     0.01%
handlePrimExp_0                            0.01%
handles_0                                  0.01%
hashVars_0                                 0.01%
isFlat_0                                   0.01%
iter_23                                    0.01%
jump_6                                     0.01%
keepAll_5                                  0.01%
keepUseful_4                               0.01%
lambda_0                                   0.01%
length_4                                   0.01%
length_6                                   0.01%
loopBind_10                                0.01%
loopExp_15                                 0.01%
loopExp_28                                 0.01%
loopExp_30                                 0.01%
loopExp_5                                  0.01%
loop_1250                                  0.01%
loop_1284                                  0.01%
loop_201                                   0.01%
loop_236                                   0.01%
loop_300                                   0.01%
loop_451                                   0.01%
loop_861                                   0.01%
loops_3                                    0.01%
loops_5                                    0.01%
makeFormalsRel_0                           0.01%
make_1                                     0.01%
make_6                                     0.01%
map_36                                     0.01%
map_38                                     0.01%
map_39                                     0.01%
map_48                                     0.01%
map_50                                     0.01%
newOffset_2                                0.01%
new_2                                      0.01%
nth_8                                      0.01%
peek_10                                    0.01%
peek_6                                     0.01%
plus_0                                     0.01%
popTo_0                                    0.01%
profile_0                                  0.01%
renameDec_0                                0.01%
renameRules_0                              0.01%
reverse_24                                 0.01%
reverse_27                                 0.01%
reverse_41                                 0.01%
setTyvars_0                                0.01%
simplifyBind_0                             0.01%
simplifyVarType_0                          0.01%
splay_4                                    0.01%
splitLast_0                                0.01%
strict_2                                   0.01%
unify_1                                    0.01%
valueLambdasInfo_0                         0.01%
value_16                                   0.01%
var_1                                      0.01%
wrapper_0                                  0.01%
x_115                                      0.01%
x_1513                                     0.01%
x_23513                                    0.01%
x_39825                                    0.01%
x_40942                                    0.01%
x_42617                                    0.01%
x_4547                                     0.01%
x_4588                                     0.01%
x_5200                                     0.01%
x_5211                                     0.01%
x_55411                                    0.01%
x_55859                                    0.01%
x_57507                                    0.01%
x_6315                                     0.01%
x_71417                                    0.01%
x_83                                       0.01%
x_90                                       0.01%
addGlobals_0                               0.00%
adj_0                                      0.00%
allocate_0                                 0.00%
areGlobal_0                                0.00%
bindVar_0                                  0.00%
bind_20                                    0.00%
call_2                                     0.00%
chr_0                                      0.00%
chunkify_0                                 0.00%
close_0                                    0.00%
coerce_17                                  0.00%
conApp_0                                   0.00%
con_4                                      0.00%
con_8                                      0.00%
cons_1                                     0.00%
contains_0                                 0.00%
contains_1                                 0.00%
convert2_0                                 0.00%
cut_0                                      0.00%
dearrow_0                                  0.00%
deepMakeUseful_0                           0.00%
digitToInt_0                               0.00%
doit_2                                     0.00%
doit_20                                    0.00%
doit_21                                    0.00%
done_0                                     0.00%
elaborateClosedScheme_3                    0.00%
elaborateDatBind_0                         0.00%
elaborateSigexpConstraint_0                0.00%
ensureNonqualified_0                       0.00%
equals_2                                   0.00%
equals_5                                   0.00%
equals_6                                   0.00%
evalLambda_0                               0.00%
exists_5                                   0.00%
exists_6                                   0.00%
exists_7                                   0.00%
exp_4                                      0.00%
explicit_0                                 0.00%
fixReturns_0                               0.00%
flattenTypes_0                             0.00%
flatten_1                                  0.00%
flush_0                                    0.00%
fm_0                                       0.00%
fold2_0                                    0.00%
fold_17                                    0.00%
fold_40                                    0.00%
fold_57                                    0.00%
fold_58                                    0.00%
forall_2                                   0.00%
foreach2_4                                 0.00%
foreachPointerInStackGen (C @ 0x831a4e8)   0.00%
foreach_1                                  0.00%
foreach_2                                  0.00%
foreach_25                                 0.00%
foreach_33                                 0.00%
foreach_40                                 0.00%
foreach_9                                  0.00%
fromList_2                                 0.00%
fromString_8                               0.00%
fromType_12                                0.00%
genConstBind_0                             0.00%
get_13                                     0.00%
get_145                                    0.00%
get_15                                     0.00%
get_22                                     0.00%
get_27                                     0.00%
get_30                                     0.00%
get_64                                     0.00%
get_75                                     0.00%
iff_10                                     0.00%
incSize_0                                  0.00%
inferHandlers_0                            0.00%
insert_5                                   0.00%
insertionSort_1                            0.00%
insertionSort_2                            0.00%
insertionSort_4                            0.00%
isHard_0                                   0.00%
iter_15                                    0.00%
iter_26                                    0.00%
jumpFormals_0                              0.00%
jump_0                                     0.00%
keepAll_2                                  0.00%
keepAll_4                                  0.00%
keep_0                                     0.00%
layout_12                                  0.00%
length_7                                   0.00%
loopExp_31                                 0.00%
loopExp_4                                  0.00%
loopExp_9                                  0.00%
loop_0                                     0.00%
loop_1078                                  0.00%
loop_1145                                  0.00%
loop_1205                                  0.00%
loop_1218                                  0.00%
loop_1240                                  0.00%
loop_167                                   0.00%
loop_205                                   0.00%
loop_206                                   0.00%
loop_272                                   0.00%
loop_283                                   0.00%
loop_482                                   0.00%
loop_488                                   0.00%
loop_655                                   0.00%
loop_821                                   0.00%
loop_87                                    0.00%
loop_926                                   0.00%
loop_98                                    0.00%
loops_0                                    0.00%
loops_2                                    0.00%
makeUnknown_0                              0.00%
make_21                                    0.00%
map_18                                     0.00%
map_20                                     0.00%
map_25                                     0.00%
map_34                                     0.00%
map_4                                      0.00%
map_40                                     0.00%
map_46                                     0.00%
memo_1                                     0.00%
mul_0                                      0.00%
name_0                                     0.00%
newChunk_0                                 0.00%
newRegRequest_0                            0.00%
newRegister_0                              0.00%
new_30                                     0.00%
new_4                                      0.00%
normal_2                                   0.00%
normal_4                                   0.00%
normal_5                                   0.00%
normal_7                                   0.00%
operator_0                                 0.00%
parse_1                                    0.00%
peek_15                                    0.00%
peek_17                                    0.00%
peek_7                                     0.00%
removeTyOpt_0                              0.00%
remove_0                                   0.00%
replacePrimApps_0                          0.00%
returnTo_0                                 0.00%
reverseAppend_0                            0.00%
reverse_0                                  0.00%
reverse_11                                 0.00%
reverse_20                                 0.00%
reverse_26                                 0.00%
reverse_29                                 0.00%
reverse_30                                 0.00%
reverse_4                                  0.00%
root_5                                     0.00%
seq_1                                      0.00%
seq_2                                      0.00%
setCon_0                                   0.00%
setValue_1                                 0.00%
set_10                                     0.00%
set_17                                     0.00%
share_0                                    0.00%
simplifyOnce_0                             0.00%
simplify_0                                 0.00%
simplify_1                                 0.00%
splitCons_0                                0.00%
strict_1                                   0.00%
sub_8                                      0.00%
translatePointer (C)                       0.00%
tuple_185                                  0.00%
tuple_361                                  0.00%
unzip_1                                    0.00%
update_13                                  0.00%
value_4                                    0.00%
values_3                                   0.00%
vars_6                                     0.00%
x_127                                      0.00%
x_16547                                    0.00%
x_196                                      0.00%
x_23483                                    0.00%
x_23485                                    0.00%
x_23507                                    0.00%
x_26643                                    0.00%
x_26667                                    0.00%
x_29850                                    0.00%
x_3293                                     0.00%
x_39922                                    0.00%
x_40259                                    0.00%
x_40268                                    0.00%
x_41826                                    0.00%
x_41949                                    0.00%
x_429                                      0.00%
x_42989                                    0.00%
x_43162                                    0.00%
x_43182                                    0.00%
x_4553                                     0.00%
x_4584                                     0.00%
x_51042                                    0.00%
x_52888                                    0.00%
x_54682                                    0.00%
x_55066                                    0.00%
x_56600                                    0.00%
x_57780                                    0.00%
x_58746                                    0.00%
x_62906                                    0.00%
x_64682                                    0.00%
x_64983                                    0.00%
x_68537                                    0.00%