For your viewing pleasure :)

Stephen Weeks
Fri, 5 Nov 1999 10:49:38 -0800 (PST)

> BTW: Regarding the WinMain function... I have posted to the
> SDL list to ask how it should look. In MLKit they actually
> had the main function in the C-runtime (which it links with of course),
> so in MLKit I just included SDL_mangle.h which has an ugly (but cool! :)
> main macro to take care of these things...

Wouldn't the same work for MLton (i.e. mlton -iSDL_mangle.h)?  I'm
no expert on C macro preprocessing, but I think if MLTON_main expands
into main and then SDL_mangle.h defines main to expand to something
else, it should all work out.