MLTon c-code for Windows...?

Stephen Weeks
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 10:13:48 -0700 (PDT)

> Will the C-code generated with MLTon be compilable
> to Windows? 

No.  We haven't tried.

> Or are there any plans for doing
> this?


Having said that, with the exception of the posix library calls (see
include/mlton-posix.h in the sources), the C code generated by MLton
is pretty vanilla, and there are really only a few patterns that
MLton's backend uses, so if there is a problem, it should be feasible
to tweak the backend.

There is some gcc specific stuff used by MLton's library (in
particular, some inline assembler).

It might be possible to get something up and running fairly quickly
using Cygnus tools, but we haven't tried anything yet.

All in all, I would guess it would take more than a couple of days,
but less than a month, for someone to port it.  I don't have the time
right now to do it myself, but would be happy to help if someone
wanted to do it.