forwarded message from Henry Cejtin

Stephen Weeks
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 12:33:47 -0700

Message-ID: <>
From: Henry Cejtin <>
To: Steve Weeks <>
Subject: Re: fluet
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 12:11:39 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

As to generating machine code instead of assembler, it might be not too
bad if
you use the GNU bfd library (which, in theory, lets you generate .o
without too many problems).  Alternatively, there is that NJ toolkit.
Still, for getting something going fast and not getting bogged down, it
be worth while just generating assembler first with a clean interface to
part.  In theory it would be trivial, and could be later replaced by a
version that went directly to the .o file.  Probably worth looking at
to see what that interface should look like.
What did you guys (Suresh) use as registers for the linear-scan
Surely not the actual hardware registers I would think (there are so few
they are pretty much all for local code generation I would think).