latest RPM

Stephen Weeks
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 11:08:52 -0800 (PST)

> > I am confident (I even put an assert in), but I don't want to get rid of void
> > for now, since there is a place in backend where I would have to create an
> > Operand.t option instead of an Operand.t, and I don't wanna pay that cost.
> In or in the c-codegen?

> What I was suggesting was during the
> translation from Machine.Operand.t to MachineOuput.Operand.t we could
> eliminate the Void variant.  The runs completely on the
> machine IL defined in machine.{sig,fun}, but the two codegens run on
> machine-output.{sig,fun}.  The translation occurs in main.sml at
>       val mprogram = Machine.Program.toMachineOutput machine

I looked at that, but unfortunately right now Machine.Operand.t is the same as
MachineOutput.operand.t (look at  We could do it by duplicating
the code and paying some copying cost at translation.  I wish we had refinement

> As I think about it, we could also set up that translation to do clear any
> property lists that you think are still lying around.  It's going to walk
> over the whole program anyways.

I'm pretty sure I've got 'em all now.