mlprof bug

Stephen Weeks
Fri, 22 Sep 2000 18:25:58 -0700 (PDT)

> Your mlprof is not correct.  It prints out counts for the symbol
> 	gcc2_compiled
> (when you turn on -s) which is an error, and was specifically avoided in the
> Python code.  Look at the coment infront of addCFunctions() if you still have
> the old code.  The CFR regular expression if labelStatic is true was
> selected exactly to avoid matching on symbols like this.  I.e., symbols ending
> in period are rejected.  The idea was that this should survive more versions
> of gcc.

Can you send me the line that was matched?  My regexp looks like the Python one
as far as I can tell.  Maybe there is a bug in my regexp library.