cps & contification

Stephen Weeks MLton@sourcelight.com
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 15:38:52 -0800 (PST)

Something strange is happening with the self compile and the new contifier.  It
happens even when I run with contify strategy Both.  Using a stable G1 from Jan
18, I compile a G2 where the only difference is the new contify pass.  This
works fine.  I then attempt to compile a G3 using this G2 (which should be
equivalent, since I'm running with strategy Both).  Indeed, the CPS program
produced has exactly the same number of syntax tree nodes, so I assume it's the
same.  However, the size (in bytes) of the syntax tree has blown up from 57M to
138M.  Here are two explanations I can think of, neither of which seem very

* The new contify is producing a lot of data that is getting stored somewhere and
  is not getting cleared by the Program.clear.
* There is a bug in MLton's globalization that is causing something huge to get

Here are the logs of the two self compiles.

Any ideas?


Compiling mlton (takes a while)
time mlton -vv -no-polyvariance mlton.cm
MLton internal (built Thu Jan 18 12:30:37 2001 on starlinux.epr.com)
  created this file on Wed Jan 24 14:41:55 2001.
Do not edit this file.
Flag settings: 
   aux: false
   chunk: chunk per function
   contify strategy: Both
   debug: false
   defines: [NODEBUG,MLton_safe=TRUE,MLton_detectOverflow=TRUE]
   detect overflow: true
   fixed heap: None
   indentation: 3
   includes: [mlton.h]
   inline: NonRecursive {product = 320,small = 60}
   input file: mlton.cm
   instrument: false
   instrument Sxml: false
   keep Cps: false
   match: left to right
   native: true
   native commented: 0
   native copy prop: true
   future: 64
   native ieee fp: false
   native live transfer: true
   native move hoist: true
   native optimize: 1
   native split: Some (100000)
   polyvariance: None
   print at fun entry: false
   profile: false
   safe: true
   show types: false
   static: false
   use basis library: true
   verbose: true
   very verbose: true
Compile SML starting
   parse and elaborate starting
   parse and elaborate finished in 12.010
   core-ml size is 11,453,644 bytes
   numPeeks = 14
   average position in property list = 0.0
   numPeeks = 302439
   average position in bucket = 0.732
   lex and parse totals 9.330
   elaborate totals 2.590
   dead starting
   dead finished in 0.090
   basis size is 804,848 bytes
   numPeeks = 76015
   average position in property list = 0.0
   numPeeks = 302439
   average position in bucket = 0.732
   size = 194879
   gcc -DNODEBUG -DMLton_safe=TRUE -DMLton_detectOverflow=TRUE \
       -I/home/sweeks/mlton/include -o /tmp/filee7ztmo /tmp/filejSFCch.c \
       -L/home/sweeks/mlton/lib -lmlton -lm -lgmp
   /tmp/filee7ztmo /tmp/fileFsTzCK
   infer starting
      unification starting
      unification finished in 3.230
      finish infer starting
      finish infer finished in 20.110
   infer finished in 24.180
   xml.unsimplified size is 38,271,076 bytes
   numPeeks = 1127079
   average position in property list = 0.000
   numPeeks = 447250
   average position in bucket = 0.895
   infer simplify starting
   infer simplify finished in 3.250
   xml size is 21,401,104 bytes
   numPeeks = 3407553
   average position in property list = 0.100
   numPeeks = 447250
   average position in bucket = 0.895
   size = 125689
   num types in program = 22587
   num distinct types = 38045
   hash table size is 0 bytes
   mono starting
   mono finished in 6.870
   mono.unsimplified size is 50,123,220 bytes
   numPeeks = 8489624
   average position in property list = 0.040
   numPeeks = 1275253
   average position in bucket = 1.656
   mono simplify starting
   mono simplify finished in 6.190
   mono size is 39,598,348 bytes
   numPeeks = 11984307
   average position in property list = 0.079
   numPeeks = 1275253
   average position in bucket = 1.656
   size = 214693
   num types in program = 15075
   num distinct types = 72349
   hash table size is 0 bytes
   implement exceptions starting
   implement exceptions finished in 0.350
   sxml.unsimplified size is 40,078,980 bytes
   numPeeks = 12316790
   average position in property list = 0.077
   numPeeks = 1277009
   average position in bucket = 1.655
   implement exceptions simplify starting
   implement exceptions simplify finished in 3.630
   sxml size is 37,786,928 bytes
   numPeeks = 15001347
   average position in property list = 0.088
   numPeeks = 1277009
   average position in bucket = 1.655
   polyvariance starting
   polyvariance finished in 0.0
   sxml.poly size is 37,786,928 bytes
   numPeeks = 15001347
   average position in property list = 0.088
   numPeeks = 1277009
   average position in bucket = 1.655
   size = 201336
   num types in program = 14654
   num distinct types = 72653
   hash table size is 0 bytes
   closure convert starting
      original size is 37,786,928 bytes
      after flow analysis size is 69,220,792 bytes
      free variables starting
      free variables finished in 3.360
      after lambda free size is 69,996,412 bytes
      globalize starting
      globalize finished in 0.380
      after globalize size is 69,652,908 bytes
      convert starting
      convert finished in 32.050
   closure convert finished in 48.370
   cps.unsimplified size is 73,768,264 bytes
   numPeeks = 21298830
   average position in property list = 0.986
   numPeeks = 1348725
   average position in bucket = 1.608
   closure convert simplify starting
      num functions 14187
      num local functions 157694
      num primExps 176503
      removeUnused starting
      removeUnused finished in 1.320
      num functions 12324
      num local functions 92813
      num primExps 157969
      leaf-inline starting
	 inline starting
	 inline finished in 4.310
      leaf-inline finished in 4.310
      num functions 9175
      num local functions 64631
      num primExps 155648
      raise-to-jump starting
	 inferHandlers starting
	 inferHandlers finished in 3.570
      raise-to-jump finished in 8.790
      num functions 9175
      num local functions 64199
      num primExps 155625
      contify starting
      contify finished in 3.480
      num functions 3985
      num local functions 59773
      num primExps 145591
      constantPropagation starting
	 inferHandlers starting
	 inferHandlers finished in 0.150
	 fixed point starting
	 fixed point finished in 3.980
      constantPropagation finished in 7.910
      num functions 3985
      num local functions 55854
      num primExps 104812
      useless starting
	 analyze starting
	 analyze finished in 5.080
      useless finished in 13.940
      num functions 3985
      num local functions 55263
      num primExps 95199
      removeUnused starting
      removeUnused finished in 0.660
      num functions 3920
      num local functions 53919
      num primExps 93016
      simplifyTypes starting
	 fixed point starting
	 fixed point finished in 0.080
      simplifyTypes finished in 3.740
      num functions 3920
      num local functions 44611
      num primExps 89509
      poly-equal starting
      poly-equal finished in 0.180
      num functions 3932
      num local functions 45266
      num primExps 90045
      contify starting
      contify finished in 2.590
      num functions 3745
      num local functions 45229
      num primExps 89935
      num functions 3745
      num local functions 45229
      num primExps 89935
      inline starting
      inline finished in 7.030
      num functions 1013
      num local functions 69848
      num primExps 143347
      removeUnused starting
      removeUnused finished in 0.930
      num functions 1012
      num local functions 67391
      num primExps 141911
      raise-to-jump starting
	 inferHandlers starting
	 inferHandlers finished in 0.180
      raise-to-jump finished in 3.920
      num functions 1012
      num local functions 67336
      num primExps 141894
      contify starting
      contify finished in 3.530
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 67333
      num primExps 141888
      introduce-loops starting
      introduce-loops finished in 0.050
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 67358
      num primExps 141888
      loop-invariant starting
      loop-invariant finished in 3.450
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 64435
      num primExps 133583
      flatten starting
	 analyze starting
	 analyze finished in 0.160
      flatten finished in 7.390
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 64506
      num primExps 93667
      redundant starting
      redundant finished in 0.750
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 64506
      num primExps 93667
      removeUnused starting
      removeUnused finished in 3.200
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 64201
      num primExps 91969
   closure convert simplify finished in 93.370
   cps size is 56,717,884 bytes
   numPeeks = 55738811
   average position in property list = 0.459
   numPeeks = 1643417
   average position in bucket = 2.095
   backend starting
      compute representations starting
      compute representations finished in 0.030
      inferHandlers starting
      inferHandlers finished in 0.150
      chunkify starting
      chunkify finished in 2.240
      allocate registers starting
      allocate registers finished in 9.310
   backend finished in 13.250
    size is 69,125,404 bytes
   numPeeks = 65052849
   average position in property list = 0.481
   numPeeks = 1644427
   average position in bucket = 2.094
   x86 code gen starting
      outputC starting
      outputC finished in 0.400
      outputAssembly starting
	 translateChunk totals 7.290
	 simplify totals 95.900
	    verifyLiveInfo totals 14.870
	    computeJumpInfo totals 1.380
	    elimGoto totals 5.030
	       elimIff: 8 / 8
	       elimSwitch: 20 / 20
	       elimSimpleGoto totals 2.250
	       elimComplexGoto totals 0.720
	    verifyJumpInfo totals 0.0
	    peepholeBlock_pre totals 3.230
	       commuteBinALMD: 535 / 6248
	       elimAddSub1: 2320 / 2320
	       elimMDPow2: 283 / 345
	    toLivenessBlock totals 13.700
	    moveHoist totals 23.670
	    peepholeLivenessBlock totals 6.100
	       elimALCopy: 17640 / 24436
	       elimFltACopy: 23 / 24
	       elimDeadDsts: 141 / 144
	       elimSelfMove: 972 / 972
	       elimFltSelfMove: 0 / 0
	       commuteBinALMD: 991 / 55189
	       commuteFltBinA: 17 / 55
	       conditionalJump: 3544 / 3544
	    copyPropagate totals 12.380
	    peepholeLivenessBlock_minor totals 4.860
	       elimDeadDsts_minor: 0 / 3
	       elimSelfMove_minor: 1 / 1
	       elimFltSelfMove_minor: 0 / 0
	    verifyLivenessBlock totals 0.0
	    toBlock totals 2.200
	    peepholeBlock_post totals 4.480
	       elimBinALMDDouble: 17 / 51294
	       elimFltBinADouble: 0 / 16
	       elimCMPTST: 0 / 0
	    generateTransfers totals 6.430
	       computeLiveTransferInfo totals 3.610
	 allocateRegisters totals 268.400
	    toLiveness totals 128.990
	    toNoLiveness totals 0.0
	    Assembly.allocateRegisters totals 138.380
	       Instruction.allocateRegisters totals 103.150
		  pre totals 14.560
		  post totals 40.140
		  allocateOperand totals 28.900
		  allocateFltOperand totals 0.0
		  allocateFltStackOperands totals 0.0
	       Directive.allocateRegisters totals 25.640
	 validate totals 0.0
      outputAssembly finished in 385.730
   x86 code gen finished in 432.560
   numPeeks = 73813583
   average position in property list = 0.699
   numPeeks = 1724001
   average position in bucket = 2.049
Compile SML finished in 665.620
Compile C starting
   gcc -S -DNODEBUG -DMLton_safe=TRUE -DMLton_detectOverflow=TRUE \
       -I/home/sweeks/mlton/include -o /tmp/fileDUMh1n.s /tmp/filemW3wph.c
Compile C finished in 4.890
Assemble starting
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filewSXZ6P.o /tmp/fileDUMh1n.s
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileM6mMRn.o /tmp/fileGhBQMo.10.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileUA00Pb.o /tmp/fileV0PjCH.9.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileWbwVqz.o /tmp/file4hFHGy.8.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filernqVGM.o /tmp/fileLzOe4p.7.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filebYnaQT.o /tmp/filejJlzYz.6.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileEf7eg4.o /tmp/filehVjJIn.5.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filejCqd3y.o /tmp/fileePTLeR.4.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileUFXADV.o /tmp/file0YQJqK.3.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filehdGPg3.o /tmp/file6ZNskD.2.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileeTE75E.o /tmp/fileG1shFg.1.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileRZitvr.o /tmp/filehHd1oj.0.S
Assemble finished in 27.510
Link starting
   gcc -o mlton /tmp/filewSXZ6P.o /tmp/fileRZitvr.o /tmp/fileeTE75E.o \
       /tmp/filehdGPg3.o /tmp/fileUFXADV.o /tmp/filejCqd3y.o \
       /tmp/fileEf7eg4.o /tmp/filebYnaQT.o /tmp/filernqVGM.o \
       /tmp/fileWbwVqz.o /tmp/fileUA00Pb.o /tmp/fileM6mMRn.o \
       -L/home/sweeks/mlton/lib -lmlton -lm -lgmp
Link finished in 0.890
max semispace size(bytes): 224,886,784
max stack size(bytes): 4,087,808
GC time(ms): 314,590 (47.3%)
maxPause(ms): 4,920
number of GCs: 175
bytes allocated: 27,409,968,024
bytes copied: 9,812,321,748
max bytes live: 151,693,688
size mlton
689.20user 10.03system 11:42.34elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (25023major+419194minor)pagefaults 897swaps
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
3877479	 644360	  28248	4550087	 456dc7	mlton


Compiling mlton (takes a while)
time mlton -vv -no-polyvariance mlton.cm
MLton internal (built Wed Jan 24 14:53:38 2001 on starlinux.epr.com)
  created this file on Wed Jan 24 14:55:28 2001.
Do not edit this file.
Flag settings: 
   aux: false
   chunk: chunk per function
   contify strategy: Both
   debug: false
   defines: [NODEBUG,MLton_safe=TRUE,MLton_detectOverflow=TRUE]
   detect overflow: true
   fixed heap: None
   indentation: 3
   includes: [mlton.h]
   inline: NonRecursive {product = 320,small = 60}
   input file: mlton.cm
   instrument: false
   instrument Sxml: false
   keep Cps: false
   match: left to right
   native: true
   native commented: 0
   native copy prop: true
   future: 64
   native ieee fp: false
   native live transfer: true
   native move hoist: true
   native optimize: 1
   native split: Some (100000)
   polyvariance: None
   print at fun entry: false
   profile: false
   safe: true
   show types: false
   static: false
   use basis library: true
   verbose: true
   very verbose: true
Compile SML starting
   parse and elaborate starting
   parse and elaborate finished in 8.350
   core-ml size is 11,453,644 bytes
   numPeeks = 14
   average position in property list = 0.0
   numPeeks = 302439
   average position in bucket = 0.732
   lex and parse totals 6.780
   elaborate totals 1.500
   dead starting
   dead finished in 0.090
   basis size is 804,848 bytes
   numPeeks = 76015
   average position in property list = 0.0
   numPeeks = 302439
   average position in bucket = 0.732
   size = 194879
   gcc -DNODEBUG -DMLton_safe=TRUE -DMLton_detectOverflow=TRUE \
       -I/home/sweeks/mlton/include -o /tmp/fileqkNYLb /tmp/fileWo0V3F.c \
       -L/home/sweeks/mlton/lib -lmlton -lm -lgmp
   /tmp/fileqkNYLb /tmp/filewxZCyV
   infer starting
      unification starting
      unification finished in 3.210
      finish infer starting
      finish infer finished in 19.970
   infer finished in 24.030
   xml.unsimplified size is 38,271,076 bytes
   numPeeks = 1127079
   average position in property list = 0.000
   numPeeks = 447250
   average position in bucket = 0.880
   infer simplify starting
   infer simplify finished in 3.230
   xml size is 21,401,104 bytes
   numPeeks = 3407553
   average position in property list = 0.100
   numPeeks = 447250
   average position in bucket = 0.880
   size = 125689
   num types in program = 22587
   num distinct types = 38045
   hash table size is 0 bytes
   mono starting
   mono finished in 6.870
   mono.unsimplified size is 50,123,348 bytes
   numPeeks = 8489624
   average position in property list = 0.040
   numPeeks = 1275253
   average position in bucket = 1.709
   mono simplify starting
   mono simplify finished in 6.190
   mono size is 39,598,556 bytes
   numPeeks = 11984307
   average position in property list = 0.079
   numPeeks = 1275253
   average position in bucket = 1.709
   size = 214693
   num types in program = 15075
   num distinct types = 72349
   hash table size is 0 bytes
   implement exceptions starting
   implement exceptions finished in 0.350
   sxml.unsimplified size is 40,079,188 bytes
   numPeeks = 12316790
   average position in property list = 0.077
   numPeeks = 1277009
   average position in bucket = 1.708
   implement exceptions simplify starting
   implement exceptions simplify finished in 3.630
   sxml size is 37,787,104 bytes
   numPeeks = 15001347
   average position in property list = 0.088
   numPeeks = 1277009
   average position in bucket = 1.708
   polyvariance starting
   polyvariance finished in 0.0
   sxml.poly size is 37,787,104 bytes
   numPeeks = 15001347
   average position in property list = 0.088
   numPeeks = 1277009
   average position in bucket = 1.708
   size = 201336
   num types in program = 14654
   num distinct types = 72653
   hash table size is 0 bytes
   closure convert starting
      original size is 37,787,104 bytes
      after flow analysis size is 69,221,352 bytes
      free variables starting
      free variables finished in 3.360
      after lambda free size is 69,996,972 bytes
      globalize starting
      globalize finished in 0.380
      after globalize size is 69,653,468 bytes
      convert starting
      convert finished in 31.990
   closure convert finished in 48.300
   cps.unsimplified size is 73,768,504 bytes
   numPeeks = 21298830
   average position in property list = 0.986
   numPeeks = 1348725
   average position in bucket = 1.657
   closure convert simplify starting
      num functions 14187
      num local functions 157694
      num primExps 176503
      removeUnused starting
      removeUnused finished in 1.330
      num functions 12324
      num local functions 92813
      num primExps 157969
      leaf-inline starting
	 inline starting
	 inline finished in 4.300
      leaf-inline finished in 4.300
      num functions 9175
      num local functions 64631
      num primExps 155648
      raise-to-jump starting
	 inferHandlers starting
	 inferHandlers finished in 3.580
      raise-to-jump finished in 8.810
      num functions 9175
      num local functions 64199
      num primExps 155625
      contify starting
      contify finished in 3.850
      num functions 3985
      num local functions 59773
      num primExps 145591
      constantPropagation starting
	 inferHandlers starting
	 inferHandlers finished in 0.150
	 fixed point starting
	 fixed point finished in 0.950
      constantPropagation finished in 8.290
      num functions 3985
      num local functions 55854
      num primExps 104812
      useless starting
	 analyze starting
	 analyze finished in 10.010
      useless finished in 20.440
      num functions 3985
      num local functions 55263
      num primExps 95199
      removeUnused starting
      removeUnused finished in 0.670
      num functions 3920
      num local functions 53919
      num primExps 93016
      simplifyTypes starting
	 fixed point starting
	 fixed point finished in 0.090
      simplifyTypes finished in 4.610
      num functions 3920
      num local functions 44611
      num primExps 89509
      poly-equal starting
      poly-equal finished in 0.190
      num functions 3932
      num local functions 45266
      num primExps 90045
      contify starting
      contify finished in 4.260
      num functions 3745
      num local functions 45229
      num primExps 89935
      inline starting
      inline finished in 9.720
      num functions 1013
      num local functions 69848
      num primExps 143347
      removeUnused starting
      removeUnused finished in 5.830
      num functions 1012
      num local functions 67391
      num primExps 141911
      raise-to-jump starting
	 inferHandlers starting
	 inferHandlers finished in 0.180
      raise-to-jump finished in 10.450
      num functions 1012
      num local functions 67336
      num primExps 141894
      contify starting
      contify finished in 10.360
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 67333
      num primExps 141888
      introduce-loops starting
      introduce-loops finished in 0.040
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 67358
      num primExps 141888
      loop-invariant starting
      loop-invariant finished in 10.500
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 64435
      num primExps 133583
      flatten starting
	 analyze starting
	 analyze finished in 0.150
      flatten finished in 12.280
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 64506
      num primExps 93667
      redundant starting
      redundant finished in 5.990
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 64506
      num primExps 93667
      removeUnused starting
      removeUnused finished in 5.920
      num functions 1010
      num local functions 64201
      num primExps 91969
   closure convert simplify finished in 155.460
   cps size is 138,392,184 bytes
   numPeeks = 56744697
   average position in property list = 0.451
   numPeeks = 1643417
   average position in bucket = 2.161
   backend starting
      compute representations starting
      compute representations finished in 0.030
      inferHandlers starting
      inferHandlers finished in 5.100
      chunkify starting
      chunkify finished in 0.050
      allocate registers starting
      allocate registers finished in 32.780
   backend finished in 52.090
    size is 163,564,768 bytes
   numPeeks = 66058735
   average position in property list = 0.474
   numPeeks = 1644427
   average position in bucket = 2.160
   x86 code gen starting
      outputC starting
      outputC finished in 5.990
      outputAssembly starting
	 translateChunk totals 36.690
	 simplify totals 374.880
	    verifyLiveInfo totals 107.010
	    computeJumpInfo totals 6.230
	    elimGoto totals 28.630
	       elimIff: 8 / 8
	       elimSwitchTest: 0 / 0
	       elimSwitchCases: 20 / 20
	       elimSimpleGoto totals 6.000
	       elimComplexGoto totals 5.770
	    verifyJumpInfo totals 0.0
	    peepholeBlock_pre totals 6.700
	       commuteBinALMD: 535 / 6248
	       elimAddSub1: 2320 / 2320
	       elimMDPow2: 283 / 345
	    toLivenessBlock totals 67.990
	    moveHoist totals 64.860
	    peepholeLivenessBlock totals 17.670
	       elimALCopy: 17640 / 24436
	       elimFltACopy: 23 / 24
	       elimDeadDsts: 141 / 144
	       elimSelfMove: 972 / 972
	       elimFltSelfMove: 0 / 0
	       commuteBinALMD: 991 / 55189
	       commuteFltBinA: 17 / 55
	       conditionalJump: 3544 / 3544
	    copyPropagate totals 19.140
	    peepholeLivenessBlock_minor totals 16.650
	       elimDeadDsts_minor: 0 / 3
	       elimSelfMove_minor: 1 / 1
	       elimFltSelfMove_minor: 0 / 0
	    verifyLivenessBlock totals 0.0
	    toBlock totals 0.540
	    peepholeBlock_post totals 11.420
	       elimBinALMDDouble: 17 / 51294
	       elimFltBinADouble: 0 / 16
	       elimCMPTST: 0 / 0
	    generateTransfers totals 35.440
	       computeLiveTransferInfo totals 11.990
	 allocateRegisters totals 1045.570
	    toLiveness totals 605.260
	    toNoLiveness totals 0.0
	    Assembly.allocateRegisters totals 439.560
	       Instruction.allocateRegisters totals 339.140
		  pre totals 61.300
		  post totals 143.430
		  allocateOperand totals 87.910
		  allocateFltOperand totals 0.0
		  allocateFltStackOperands totals 0.0
	       Directive.allocateRegisters totals 76.570
	 validate totals 0.0
      outputAssembly finished in 1508.930
   x86 code gen finished in 1561.500
   numPeeks = 74819469
   average position in property list = 0.690
   numPeeks = 1724001
   average position in bucket = 2.111
Compile SML finished in 1901.130
Compile C starting
   gcc -S -DNODEBUG -DMLton_safe=TRUE -DMLton_detectOverflow=TRUE \
       -I/home/sweeks/mlton/include -o /tmp/filekz6I4P.s /tmp/file9jNeuY.c
Compile C finished in 4.820
Assemble starting
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileubgF22.o /tmp/filekz6I4P.s
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileVs6u4g.o /tmp/fileruUXLp.10.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filewBlDVK.o /tmp/fileOUVSbL.9.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filebKIqog.o /tmp/fileC9X4db.8.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filefZHnjl.o /tmp/fileVZbMdO.7.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileZCkODm.o /tmp/fileYM5Y7y.6.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filecTEvzX.o /tmp/fileyPdgrG.5.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileyJW5Z9.o /tmp/filejvG2dH.4.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileiXLqLe.o /tmp/fileaEuK9D.3.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileEn3JWe.o /tmp/fileD9Rx8h.2.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/filejr7A6f.o /tmp/fileYv05x6.1.S
   gcc -c -o /tmp/fileLb68bI.o /tmp/fileQBy2QZ.0.S
Assemble finished in 27.520
Link starting
   gcc -o mlton /tmp/fileubgF22.o /tmp/fileLb68bI.o /tmp/filejr7A6f.o \
       /tmp/fileEn3JWe.o /tmp/fileiXLqLe.o /tmp/fileyJW5Z9.o \
       /tmp/filecTEvzX.o /tmp/fileZCkODm.o /tmp/filefZHnjl.o \
       /tmp/filebKIqog.o /tmp/filewBlDVK.o /tmp/fileVs6u4g.o \
       -L/home/sweeks/mlton/lib -lmlton -lm -lgmp
size mlton
Link finished in 0.760
max semispace size(bytes): 224,886,784
max stack size(bytes): 4,083,712
GC time(ms): 1,545,580 (81.3%)
maxPause(ms): 6,550
number of GCs: 336
bytes allocated: 27,510,513,720
bytes copied: 45,861,735,108
max bytes live: 188,677,280
1923.97user 10.60system 32:17.27elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (22993major+418286minor)pagefaults 0swaps
   text	   data	    bss	    dec	    hex	filename
3877495	 644360	  28244	4550099	 456dd3	mlton