cps & contification

Matthew Fluet fluet@CS.Cornell.EDU
Thu, 25 Jan 2001 11:21:38 -0500 (EST)

> Matthew, could you please send out the latest summary of the entire analysis so
> that Henry could read through that instead of reading through all of our
> mistakes?  Thanks.

Here is is.  There are a bunch of "tricky" examples down at the very end.
Also, I've been working on a proof that
If B is a safe analysis and B(f) = h in Fun, then A(f) in {Uncalled} U Fun.
The idea is the following: if B(f) = h and A'(f) <> Uncalled, then h must
dominate f in G.  But it keeps slipping away.

Abstractly, a program consists of a main function and a set of tail and nontail
calls.  A tail call consists of a caller and a callee.  A nontail call consists
of a caller, callee, and jump.

        j in    Jump
        f in    Fun
                TailCall = Fun x Fun
                NonTailCall = Fun x Fun x Jump
        p in    Program = Fun x P(TailCall) x P (NonTailCall)

An analysis is a map from functions to the continuation that they return to.

                RCont = {Uncalled, Unknown} U Jump U Fun
        A in    Analysis = Fun -> RCont

Here is the intended meaning of A.

        A(f)            meaning
        --------        --------------------------------------------------
        Uncalled        f is never called during evaluation of the program
        j in Jump       f always returns to continuation j
        g in Fun        f always returns to function g
        Unknown         f returns to many places

An analysis A is safe for program p = (fm, T, N) if 
        *   A(fm) = Unknown
        **  For all nontail calls (f, g, j) in N,
                A(f) = Uncalled 
                or A(g) in {j, Unknown}
        *** For all tail calls (f, g) in T,
                A(f) = Uncalled
                or A(g) in {f, A(f), Unknown}

Claim: Let A be safe.
       If there exists a path of calls from fm to f, 
        then A(f) <> Uncalled.
Suppose there exists a path of calls from fm to f.
Proceed by induction on the length of the path.
n = 0: Then f = fm.
       A(f) = Unknown (because A is safe). 
       Hence A(f) <> Uncalled.
n > 0: Then there exists g 
        such that there exists a path of n-1 calls from fm to g
        and (g, f) in T or (g, f, j) in N.
       By induction hypothesis, A(g) <> Uncalled.
       Suppose (g, f) in T.
        A(f) in {g, A(g), Unknown} because A is safe.
        Hence A(f) <> Uncalled.
       Suppose (g, f, j) in N.
        A(f) in {j, Unknown} because A is safe.
        Hence A(f) <> Uncalled.

Turn RCont into a lattice with the following order
        Uncalled <= x
        x <= x
        x <= Unknown
where x is an arbitrary element of Fun U Jump.

Extend <= pointwise to make A into a lattice.

Define the function C: Analysis -> Analysis by
    C(A)(g) =
	 if g = fm
           then Unknown
         else lub ({j | (f, g, j) in N and A(f) <> Uncalled}
                   U {A(f) | (f, g) in T})

Claim: C is monotone and continuous.
Proof: Clear.

Claim: If A = C(A) then A is safe.
*  A(fm) = C(A)(fm) 
          = if fm = fm     
              then Unknown
            else ...
          = Unknown.
** Let (F, G, J) be an arbitrary element of N
   Suppose A(F) = Uncalled.
    Then done.
   Suppose A(F) <> Uncalled.
    Then A(G) = C(A)(G)
              = if G = fm
                  then Unknown
                else lub ({j | (f, g, j) in N and A(f) <> Uncalled}
                          U {A(f) | (f, g) in T})
              = if G = fm
                  then Unknown
                else J \/ lub ({j | (f, g, j) in N and A(f) <> Uncalled}
                               U {A(f) | (f, g) in T})
              in {J, Unknown} 
              subset {J, Unknown}.
*** Let (F, G) be an arbitrary element of T
    Suppose A(F) = Uncalled.  
     Then done.
    Suppose A(F) <> Uncalled.
     Then A(G) = C(A)(G)
               = if G = fm
                   then Unknown
                 else lub ({j | (f, g, j) in N and A(f) <> Uncalled}
                           U {A(f) | (f, g) in T})
               = if G = fm
                   then Unknown
                 else A(F) \/ lub ({j | (f, g, j) in N and A(f) <> Uncalled}
                                   U {A(f) | (f, g) in T})
               in {A(F), Unknown}
               subset {F, A(F), Unknown}.

Corollary: If A = C(A) then A satisfies:
           ***' for all tail calls (f, g) in T,
                    A(f) = Uncalled
                    or A(g) in {A(f), Unknown}.
Proof: By examination of case *** of previous proof.

Let A' = lfp(C).

Fact: A' is safe.

Claim: A'(f) = Uncalled iff 
       there does not exist a path of calls from fm to f.
==> (prove contrapositive: If there exists a path of calls from fm to f,
                            then A'(f) <> Uncalled.)
By previous claim (because A' is safe).
Let P = {g | there exists a path of calls from fm to g}.
Define B(g) = Unknown   if g in P
            = Uncalled  otherwise
Suppose g in P.
 Then C(B)(g) = if g = fm
                  then Unknown
                else lub ({j | (h, g, j) in N and B(h) <> Uncalled}
                          U {B(h) | (h, g) in T})
              <= Unknown
              = B(g).
Suppose g notin P.
 Then C(B)(g) = if g = fm
                  then Unknown
                else lub ({j | (h, g, j) in N and B(h) <> Uncalled}
                          U {B(h) | (h, g) in T})
              = Uncalled
              = B(g).
Hence, C(B) <= B.
Therefore, A' = lfp(C) <= B (by the Fixed-Point Theorem).
Suppose there does not exist a path of calls from fm to f.
Then A'(f) <= B(f) = Uncalled.
Hence, A'(f) = Uncalled.

Claim: A'(f) in {Uncalled, Unknown} U Jump.
Suppose A'(f) = Uncalled.
 Then done.
Suppose A'(f) <> Uncalled.
 Then there exists a path of calls from fm to f (by previous claim).
 Proceed by induction on the length of the path.
 n = 0: Then f = fm.
        A'(f) = Unknown (by *).
        Hence A'(f) in {Unknown} U Jump.
 n > 0: Then there exists g 
         such that there exists a path of n-1 calls from fm to g
         and (g, f) in T or (g, f, j) in N.
        By induction hypothesis, A'(g) in {Unknown} U Jump.
        Suppose (g, f) in T.
         A'(f) in {A'(g), Unknown} (by ***').
         Hence A(f) in {Unknown} U Jump.
        Suppose (g, f, j) in N.
         A'(f) in {j, Unknown} (by **).
         Hence A(f) in {Unknown} U Jump.
 Hence, A'(f) in {Unknown} U Jump.

Fact: A' is essentially the "continuation based contification"
analysis.  Note that the previous claim ensures that A'(f) in
{Uncalled, Unknown} U Jump, so the analysis only determines that a
function has a single continuation, as opposed to a single return.

Claim: Let B be a safe analysis.
       If B(f) = Uncalled, then A'(f) = Uncalled.
       If B(f) = j in Jump, then A'(f) <= j.
       If B(f) = h in Fun, then A'(f) in {Uncalled, Unknown}
Let B be a safe analysis.
Define B'(f) = Uncalled  if B(f) = Uncalled
             = j         if B(f) = j in Jump
             = Unknown   otherwise.
Suppose B'(f) = Uncalled.
 Then B(f) = Uncalled.
 Further, forall (g, f, j) in N. B(g) = Uncalled
      and forall (g, f) in T. B(g) = Uncalled, because B is safe.
 Hence, forall (g, f, j) in N. B'(g) = Uncalled
    and forall (g, f) in T. B'(g) = Uncalled.
 Then C(B')(f) = if f = fm
                   then Unknown
                 else lub ({j | (h, g, j) in N and B(h) <> Uncalled}
                           U {B(h) | (h, g) in T})
               = Uncalled
               = B'(f).
Suppose B'(f) = j in Jump.
 Then B(f) = j.
 Further, forall (g, f, j') in N. B(g) = Uncalled or j = j'
      and forall (g, f) in T. B(g) = Uncalled or B(g) = j, because B is safe.
 Hence, forall (g, f, j') in N. B'(g) = Uncalled or j = j'
    and forall (g, f) in T. B'(g) = Uncalled or B'(g) = j'.
 Then C(B')(f) = if f = fm
                   then Unknown
                 else lub ({j | (h, g, j) in N and B(h) <> Uncalled}
                           U {B(h) | (h, g) in T})
               <= Uncalled
               = B'(f).
Suppose B'(f) = Unknown.
 Then C(B')(f) <= Unknown = B'(f).
Hence, C(B') <= B'.
Therefore, A' = lfp(C) <= B (by the Fixed-Point Theorem).
Suppose B(f) = Uncalled.
 Then A'(f) <= B'(f) = Uncalled.
 Hence, A'(f) = Uncalled.
Suppose B(f) = j in Jump.
 Then A'(f) <= B'(f) = j.
 Hence, A'(f) <= j.
Suppose B(f) = h in Fun.
 Then A'(f) in {Uncalled, Unknown} U Jump (by previous claim).
 Suppose A'(f) = j in Jump.
  Then there exists (g, f, j) in N such that A'(g) <> Uncalled.
  Hence, there exists a path of calls from fm to g.
  Then B(g) <> Uncalled (by previous claim).
  Hence, B(f) in {j, Unknown} (because B is safe).
  But B(f) = h in Fun. ==><==
 Hence, A'(f) in {Uncalled, Unknown}.

Now define a directed graph G = (Node, Edge) where 
        Node = Fun U {Root}
        Edge = {(Root, fm)}
               U {(Root, f) | A'(f) <> Unknown}
               U {(f, g) | (f, g) in T and A'(f) <> Uncalled
                                       and A'(g) = Unknown}
               U {(Root, g) | (f, g, j) in N and A'(f) <> Uncalled
	                                     and A'(g) = Unknown}

Claim: For all f in Fun, there is a path from Root to f in G.
If A'(f) = <> Unknown, then (Root, f) in Edge (by second clause).
If A'(f) = Unknown,
 then there is a path of calls from fm to f 
  (because A' = lfp(C) and A'(f) <> Uncalled).
 If the last call on this path is a nontail call (g, f, j),
  then (Root, f) in Edge (by fourth clause).
 Otherwise, consider the longest suffix of this path that consists
 of all tail calls: (f0, f1) (f1, f2) ... (fn-1, f)
 If forall i, A'(fi) = Unknown,
  then there is a path from f0 to f in G (by third clause).
  If f0 = fm,
   then (Root, f0) in Edge (by first clause)
   and there is a path from Root to f in G.
  If f0 <> fm,
   then there exists (g, f0, j) in N
   and (Root, f0) in Edge (by fourth clause)
   and there is a path from Root to f in G.
 If exists k, A'(fk) <> Unknown and forall i > k, A'(fi) = Unknown
  then there is a path from fk+1 to f in G (by third clause)
  and (Root, fk) in Edge (by second clause)
  and there is a path from Root to f in G.

Let D be the dominator tree of G rooted at Root.
For f in Fun, let parent(f) be the parent of f in D.

Define an analysis, A, based on A' and D as follows:
    A(f) = 
         if A'(f) <> Unknown
           then A'(f)
          else if parent(f) = Root
                 then Unknown
               else the ancestor g of f in D such that parent(g) = Root

Claim: A is safe.
* A(fm) = if A'(fm) <> Unknown
            then A'(fm)
          else if parent(fm) = Root
                 then Unknown
               else the ancestor g of f in D such that parent(g) =  Root
        = if parent(fm) = Root
            then Unknown
            else the ancestor g of f in D such that parent(g) = Root
        = Unknown
** Let (f, g, j) be an arbitrary element of N
   if A'(g) = Unknown
     then if A'(f) = Uncalled
            then A(f) = Uncalled
            else A(g) = Unknown because (Root, g) in Edge (by fourth clause)
              hence A(g) in {j, Unknown}
     else A(g) = A'(g)
       if A'(f) = Uncalled
         then A(f) = Uncalled 
         else A'(g) = j (because A' is safe)
           hence A(g) = A'(g)
           hence A(g) in {j, Unknown}
*** Let (f, g) be an arbitrary element of T
    if A'(g) = Unknown
      then if A'(f) = Uncalled
             then A(f) = Uncalled
             else (f, g) in Edge (by third clause)
               if parent(g) = Root
                 then A(g) = Unknown 
                   hence A(g) in {f, A(f), Unknown}
                 else A(g) = h, the ancestor of g in D with parent(h) = Root.
                   if h = f
                     then A(g) = h = f
                       hence A(g) in {f, A(f), Unknown}
                     else A'(f) = Unknown (because h dominates f)
                       hence A(f) = h
                       hence A(g) = h = A(f)
                       hence A(g) in {f, A(f), Unknown}
      else A'(g) <> Unknown
        hence A'(g) in {A'(f)} (by corollary)
        hence A(g) = A'(g) = A'(f) = A(f)
        hence A(g) in {f, A(f), Unknown}

Alternatively, define an analysis, A, based on A' and D as follows:
    A(f) = 
         if parent(f) = Root
           then A'(f)
           else the ancestor g of f in D such that parent(g) = Root

Claim: A is safe.
* A(fm) = if parent(fm) = Root
            then A'(fm)
            else the ancestor g of f in D such that parent(g) =  Root
        = A'(fm)
        (because (Root, fm) in Edge (by first clause))
        = Unknown
        (because A' is safe)
** Let (F, G, J) be an arbitrary element of N
   Suppose A(F) = Uncalled.  
    Then done.
   Suppose A(F) <> Uncalled.
    Suppose A'(G) = Unknown.
     Then A(g) = Unknown because (Root, g) in Edge (by fourth clause).
     Hence A(g) in {J, Unknown}.
    Suppose A'(G) <> Unknown.
     Then A(G) = A'(G) because (Root, g) in Edge (by second clause).
     Then A'(G) = J because A' is safe.
     Hence A(G) in {J, Unknown}
*** Let (F, G) be an arbitrary element of T
    Suppose A(F) = Uncalled.
     Then done.
    Suppose A(F) <> Uncalled.
     Suppose A'(G) = Unknown.
      Then (F, G) in Edge (by third clause).
      Suppose parent(G) = Root.
       Then A(G) = A'(G) = Unknown.
       Hence A(G) in {F, A(F), Unknown}.
      Suppose parent(G) <> Root.
       Then A(G) = H, the ancestor of G in D with parent(H) = Root.
       Suppose H = F.
        Then A(G) = H = F.
        Hence A(G) in {F, A(F), Unknown}.
       Suppose H <> F.
        Then A'(F) = Unknown because H dominates F.
        Then A(F) = H.
        Then A(G) = H = A(F).
        Hence A(G) in {F, A(F), Unknown}.
     Suppose A'(G) <> Unknown.
      Then A(G) = A'(G) because (Root, G) in Edge (by second clause).
      Then A'(G) in {A'(F)} (by corollary).
      Then A'(F) = A'(G) <> Unknown.
      Then A(F) = A'(F) because (Root, F) in Edge (by second clause).
      Then A(G) = A(F).
      Hence A(G) in {F, A(F), Unknown}.

Claim: Let B be a safe analysis.
       If B(f) = Uncalled, then A(f) = Uncalled.
       If B(f) = j in Jump, then A(f) <= j.
Let B be a safe analysis.
Suppose B(f) = Uncalled.
 Then A'(f) = Uncalled (by previous claim).
 Then A(f) = A'(f) because (Root, f) in Edge (by second clause).
 Hence A(f) = Uncalled.
Suppose B(f) = j in Jump.
 Then A'(f) <= j (by previous claim).
 Then A(f) = A'(f) because (Root, f) in Edge (by second clause).
 Hence A(f) <= j.

Claim: Let B be a safe analysis.
       If B(f) = h in Fun, then A(f) in {Uncalled} U Fun.
Let B be a safe analysis.
Suppose A'(f) = Uncalled.
 Then A(f) = A'(f) because (Root, f) in Edge (by second clause).
 Hence A(f) = Uncalled.
Suppose A'(f) <> Uncalled.

Todo:  a (definition of and a) proof of minimality.
I was thinking about trying to prove that the analysis A is the least
safe analysis under the RCont ordering extended pointwise to analyses.
But this won't work, because of nesting of functions:

fun h () = ...
fun g () = ... h () ...
fun f () = ... g () ...
fun fm () = ... L1 (f ()) ... L2 (f ()) ...

Then A(fm) = Unknown
     A(f) = Unknown
     A(g) = f
     A(h) = f

But, B(fm) = Unknown
     B(f) = Unknown
     B(g) = f
     B(h) = g
is also a safe analysis, but is incomparable to A.

It seems like for tail calls (f, g) in T, we want to favor A(g) = A(f)
over A(g) = f.

On the other hand, does it make more sense to really contify h in g?
This would result in deeper lexical nesting, which may make other
values available and avoid repeated computation.  Does this correspond
to the following definition of B:
    B(f) = 
         if parent(f) = Root
           then A'(f)
           else parent(f)
Intuitively, this seems like a safe analysis, but it violates the
current definition of safety:

fun fm () = ... f () ...
fun f () = ... g () ... i () ...
fun g () = ... h () ...
fun h () = ... i () ...
fun i () = ...

Then A(fm) = Unknown
     A(f) = fm
     A(g) = fm
     A(h) = fm
     A(i) = fm

And  B(fm) = Unknown
     B(f) = fm
     B(g) = f
     B(h) = g
     B(i) = f
We have (h, i) in T, 
 but B(h) <> Uncalled and B(i) notin {h, B(h), Unknown}.

We would need something like
 *** For all tail calls (f, g) in T
     A(f) = Uncalled
     or A(g) in {f, A(f), A(A(f)), ..., Unknown}

Are these orthogonal issues?  The current definition of the analysis
"works" in the sense that we always get useful and correct
information; i.e., if A(f) = g in Fun, then every call to f always
returns to g.  Then there are the other two issues: 1) can mutual
recursion be acheived by nesting? and 2) is deeper lexical nesting
desired?  As Steve pointed out, the second of these issues could
probably be dealt with by a separate simplification pass (possibly
yielding benefits for other passes which don't produce the best local
code).  The first issue is for the most part independent of the
analysis -- the analysis answers "what would we like to do?" and the
mutual recursion deals with the question "what can we actually do
given the constraints of the IL?"  But, logic (the benchmark) seems to
say that sometimes all of these issues do come together.


fun f () = let ... in loop () end
fun loop () = let ... in loop () end
fun g () = ... K1 (f ()) ... K2 (f ()) ...

 {(g, f, K1), (g, f, K2)}, 
 {(f, loop), (loop, loop)})

A'(f) = Unknown
A'(loop) = Unknown
A'(g) = Unknown

Edge = 
{(f, loop), (loop, loop)}
U {}
U {(Root, f)}
U {(Root, g)}

A(f) = Unknown
A(loop) = f
A(g) = Unknown


fun f () = ... g () ... g () ...
fun g () = ... f () ...
fun h () = ... K (f ()) ...

 {(h, f, K)},
 {(f, g), (g, f)})

A'(f) = K
A'(g) = K
A'(h) = Unknown

Edge =
U {(Root, f), (Root, g)}
U {}
U {(Root, h)}

A(f) = K
A(g) = K
A(h) = Unknown


(Note: this is essentially the concat_1 example that is always missed
by the present call-based and continuation-based analyses.)

fun f () = ... g () ... g () ...
fun g () = ... f () ....
fun h () = ... K1 (f ()) ... K2 (f ()) ...

 {(h, K1, f), (h, K2, f)},
 {(f, g), (g, f)})

A'(f) = Unknown
A'(g) = Unknown
A'(h) = Unknown

Edge =
{(f, g), (g, f)} 
U {}
U {(Root, f)} 
U {(Root, h)}

A(f) = Unknown
A(g) = f
A(h) = Unknown


fun f () = ... h () ... g () ...
fun g () = ... h () ... f () ...
fun h () = ...
fun i () = ... K (f ()) ...

 {(i, f, K)},
 {(f, h), (f, g), (g, h), (g, f)})

A'(f) = K
A'(g) = K
A'(h) = K
A'(i) = Unknown

Edge =
U {(Root, f), (Root, g), (Root, h)} 
U {}
U {(Root, i)}

A(f) = K
A(g) = K
A(h) = K
A(i) = Unknown


fun h () = ... K (i ()) ... L (f ()) ...
fun f () = ... g () ...
fun g () = ...
fun i () = ... f () ...

 {(h, i, K), (h, f, L)},
 {(f, g), (i, f)})

A'(h) = Unknown
A'(f) = Unknown
A'(g) = Unknown
A'(i) = K

Edge =
{(f, g), (i, f)} 
U {(Root, i)}
U {(Root, f)}
U {(Root, h)}

A(h) = Unknown
A(f) = Unknown
A(g) = f
A(i) = K


fun u () = ... K (g ()) ...
fun g () = ...
fun f () = ... g() ...
fun fm () = ... L1 (f ()) ... L2 (f ()) ...

 {(u, g, K), (fm, f, L1), (fm, f, L2)},
 {(f, g)})

A'(fm) = Unknown
A'(f) = Unknown
A'(g) = Unknown
A'(u) = Uncalled

Edge =
{(Root, fm)}
U {(Root, u)}
U {(f,g)}
U {(Root, f)}

A(fm) = Unknown
A(f) = Unknown
A(g) = f
A(u) = Uncalled


fun u () = ... g () ...
fun g () = ...
fun f () = ... g () ...
fun fm () = ... L1 (f ()) ... L2 (f ()) ...

 {(fm, f, L1), (fm, f, L2)},
 {(u, g), (f, g)})

A'(fm) = Unknown
A'(f) = Unknown
A'(g) = Unknown
A'(u) = Uncalled

Edge =
{(Root, fm)}
U {(Root, u)}
U {(f, g)}
U {(Root, f)}

A(fm) = Unknown
A(f) = Unknown
A(g) = f
A(u) = Uncalled


fun fm () = ... h () ...
fun h () = ... f () ... g () ...
fun f () = ... g () ...
fun g () = ... f () ...

 {(fm, h), (h, f), (h, g), (f, g), (g, f)})

A'(fm) = Unknown
A'(h) = Unknown
A'(f) = Unknown
A'(g) = Unknown

Edge =
{(Root, fm),
U {}
U {(fm, h), (h, f), (h, g), (f, g), (g, f)}
U {}

A(fm) = Unknown
A(h) = fm
A(f) = fm
A(g) = fm

But no way of nesting h, f, and g to mimic mutual recursion.