bashing away

Matthew Fluet
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 19:40:06 -0700 (PDT)

> I am bashing away at the master program now, but it seems to work perfectly.
> Any ideas on things to try?  I tried the brain exiting and the brain not
> exiting.  I tried various new files appearing, longer and shorter.  All
> seems ok.

I'm just finishing up debugging the TokenizeMeaning functor.  Here's the

     val tokenizeMeaning: (File.t * (Meaning.Decchar.t -> unit)) -> unit

A Meaning.Decchar.t is a word.  Using that apply function, you can write
each decorated character to disk, or compare it to something read from

Anyways, Steve and I were thinking of pushing some of the verification to
the master program.  Essentially, I would provide a program

tokenizeMeaning -write f f'
tokenizeMeaning -check f m

In the first case, I would read a SML/NG file and write the meaning to f'.
In the second case, I would read a SML/NG file and and compare it to the
meaning in file m.

Anyways, the master program could use these to write the initial input's
meaning to disk and then use the check to verify any proposed solution to
the original meaning.