
Matthew Fluet fluet@CS.Cornell.EDU
Mon, 5 Nov 2001 19:14:41 -0500 (EST)

> > > I checked in the necessary fixes to the backend.
> > 
> > I still see an overflow exception during compilation of array.sml.  Also,
> > a lot of the thread/signals regression tests have compile errors with
> > unknown/missing labels.  Any outstanding fixes to be checked in, or are
> > these "legitimate" bugs?
> I have no outstanding fixes.  I successfully compiled array, word, and
> world5 using a G0 mlton before sending that mail.  I will investigate.

Compiled how?  My baseline right now is:

mlton -drop-pass removeUnused1CPS -drop-pass leafInlineCPS -drop-pass
raiseToJump1CPS -drop-pass contify1CPS -drop-pass localFlatten1CPS
-drop-pass uselessCPS -drop-pass removeUnused2CPS -drop-pass
unusedArgs1CPS -drop-pass simplifyTypesCPS -drop-pass polyEqualCPS
-drop-pass contify2CPS -drop-pass inlineCPS -drop-pass localFlatten2CPS
-drop-pass removeUnused3CPS -drop-pass raiseToJump2CPS -drop-pass
contify3CPS -drop-pass unusedArgs2CPS -drop-pass introduceLoopsCPS
-drop-pass loopInvariantCPS -drop-pass flattenCPS -drop-pass
localFlatten3CPS -drop-pass commonSubexpCPS -drop-pass commonBlockCPS
-drop-pass redundantTestsCPS -drop-pass redundantCPS -drop-pass
unusedArgs3CPS -drop-pass removeUnused4CPS

(i.e., CPS does constant propagation and nothing else.)