new release

Stephen Weeks
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 17:18:02 -0700

> I still have work stuff to do today so I would say no-CVS unless you can wait
> till tomorrow night. 

Let's not wait.

> If you send me the the RPMs and tell me the easy way
> to make the Red Hat 6.* ones (or do I have to do the old-compiler/new-basis
> trick again) I will make those.  

The trick this time is to first change line 6 of lib/mlton/basic/exn.sml from

val history = (* fn _ => [] *) MLton.Exn.history


val history = fn _ => [] (* MLton.Exn.history *)

so that you can compile the new mlton with an old one.  Then, you can change the
line back and compile the new mlton with the new one.  Hopefully that's enough.
Since there are new primitives, the old-compiler/new-basis trick doesn't work.

> Tell me when you check in the stuff for the
> web page, although I need to make the RPMs first.

I have checked in the web pages.  I am now running "make-rpms -home".  I will
tell you when mlton-home.tgz is ready.