MLton 20011006

Norman Ramsey
Tue, 09 Oct 2001 18:09:07 -0400

 > Hi Norman.  I wanted to let you know that the new release of MLton fixes all of
 > the bugs that you found, and includes the #line stuff as well as
 > MLton.Exn.history, which is like SMLofNJ.exnHistory.  The only outstanding item
 > on our bug/feature list for you is to implement IntInf.log2.  Hopefully that'll
 > make the next release.

Thanks!  Unfortunately, I can't yet report success.  I tried it, with
these results:

  : nr@labrador 13779 ; r mlton
  mlton -v NW/mltonsrc.sml
  MLton starting
     Compile SML starting
        pre codegen starting
           gcc -DNODEBUG -DMLton_safe=TRUE -DExn_keepHistory=FALSE \
               -DMLton_detectOverflow=TRUE -I/usr/local/lib/mlton/include -o \
               /tmp/fileCpA3gp /tmp/filecLUp8b.c -L/usr/local/lib/mlton/lib \
               -lmlton -lm -lgmp
           /tmp/fileCpA3gp /tmp/filegrqbm5
        pre codegen raised in 48.33 + 17.01 (26% GC)
     Compile SML raised in 48.33 + 17.01 (26% GC)
  MLton raised in 48.33 + 17.01 (26% GC)
  mlton: coerce
  : nr@labrador 13784 ;

Again, I'm not sure if this is a bug or something I did wrong.
The offending source is at
