[MLton-devel] Re: MLton debian package

Stephen Weeks MLton@mlton.org
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 22:45:09 -0700

> Tried that yesterday.  It all seems to work, but when it's done and I
> use it to compile hello.sml and run the executable, it doesn't print
> anything.  so now I'm in some kind of debugging limbo.

Did you do two rounds of compilation?  You need to do that to reach
fixed point.  The first round, compiling with an external mlton, uses
mlton-stubs.cm.  The second round, compiling with the just built mlton
in the build dir, uses mlton.cm.  (Although just one round shouldn't
cause the error you are seeing.)

Other than that, maybe you could send an strace of running the hello

Also, you could compile hello.sml "-keep ssa -keep g" and we could

Another simple file to try compiling is

	Primitive.Stdio.print "Hello World\n";

This will use the underlying libc stdio and will depend much less on
the compiler working.  If that fails, then there is almost certainly
something wrong with the runtime system.

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