checkin fails to type check

Stephen Weeks
Sat, 16 Feb 2002 21:33:11 -0800

> Eliminated sharing constraint between x86.MemLocSet and x86Liveness.LiveSet.
> Internally, they are still the same, but could be changed without any
> serious effects.

With this checkin, I get the following type errors.  I checked in
changes to undo that checkin because of the errors.

codegen/x86-codegen/ Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
  operator domain: (?.S.t * bool) list * ?.S.t
                   * ((?.S.t * bool) * ?.S.t -> ?.S.t)
  operand:         (?.S.t * bool) list * ?.S.t
                   * ((?.S.t * bool) * ?.S.t -> ?.S.t)
  in expression:
      (liveFltRegsTransfer,live,(fn (<pat>,<pat>) => LiveSet.remove <exp>))
codegen/x86-codegen/ Error: operator and operand don't agree [tycon mismatch]
  operator domain: {effect:gef
                           -> {label:?.S.t, transfer:Transfer.t}
                              -> Assembly.t AppendList.t,
                         -> {label:?.S.t, live:?.S.t}
                            -> Assembly.t AppendList.t,
                             -> {falling:bool, label:?.S.t, unique:bool}
                                -> Assembly.t AppendList.t}
  operand:         {effect:gef
                           -> {label:?.S.t, transfer:Transfer.t}
                              -> Assembly.t AppendList.t,
                         -> {label:?.S.t, live:?.S.t}