
Stephen Weeks
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:32:26 -0800

> I finished updating the profiling information in the docs.
> I think the MLton.Profile structure is nice, but we can probably do
> better.  Here's an ambitious signature:
> Here's the vision: data is really an int array.

I don't think it's a good idea to move the profile counter array into
SML space.  If you do, then profiling really affects program behavior
because we have to gc the array.  I'd rather go for a signature like
the following, where all of the functions are implemented as FFI

signature MLTON_PROFILE =
      val profile: bool

      structure Data:
	    type t

	    val equals: t * t -> bool
	    val free: t -> unit
	    val malloc: unit -> t
	    val reset: t -> unit
	    val write: t * string -> unit
      val current: unit -> Data.t
      val setCurrent: Data.t -> unit

Actually, equals and current could be implemented at SML level if the
basis library put a wrapper around the raw profile array and were
responsible for the initialization and writing at exit of the
"mlmon.out" main profile array.  I have no problems with that.