[MLton-devel] weak pointers

Stephen Weeks MLton@mlton.org
Fri, 4 Apr 2003 10:40:16 -0800

Hi Alain.  A while back you mentioned that you had (a long time ago)
added support for weak pointers to MLton, I believe to version
1999-3-19.  I am planning to add support for weak pointers to our
internal version, and put them in the next release.  I sent mail to
the list a few weeks back with a description of my plans.  I'm not
sure if you saw it or not, but in any case I'd be interested to hear
your thoughts.  In particular, could you say how this approach
compares to the interface and implementation that you built.  I'd like
to make sure that the interface provides enough for your needs and
learn anything I can from your implementation.  Thanks.

Here's the description I sent.

> So, I propose to add support for weak pointers to MLton.  Here is the
> signature I propose to implement.
> signature MLTON_WEAK =
>    sig
>       type 'a t
>       val get: 'a t -> 'a option
>       val new: 'a -> 'a t
>    end
> So, new creates a weak pointer to an object and get returns SOME of
> the pointer value, unless it has become unreachable in which case get
> returns NONE.
> Here is a signature for what I need the compiler and runtime to
> provide in order to implement MLTON_WEAK.
> signature WEAK_PRIM =
>    sig
>       type 'a weak
>       val canGet: 'a weak -> bool
>       val get: 'a weak -> 'a
>       val new: 'a -> 'a weak
>    end
> So, I need a new built in unary type constructor, weak, and primitives:
> 	_prim "MLton_Weak_canGet": 'a weak -> bool;
> 	_prim "MLton_Weak_get": 'a weak -> 'a;
> 	_prim "MLton_Weak_make" : 'a -> 'a weak;
> With these, the implementation of MLTON_WEAK is simple.
> functor Weak (S: WEAK_PRIM): MLTON_WEAK =
>    struct
>       type 'a t = 'a S.weak
>       val new = S.new
>       fun get (x: 'a t): 'a option =
> 	 if S.canGet x
> 	    then SOME (S.get x)
> 	 else NONE
>    end
> Here is how I propose to implement the primitives in the runtime.
> A 'a weak is represented as a normal GC object with a header and two
> words.  The first word is either a pointer to the 'a or is zero,
> depending on whether the 'a is reachable or not.  The second word is a
> link pointer to another weak or is zero.  Although both words in the
> 'a weak are pointers, from the perspective of the object header and
> most of the GC, the weak object is treated as a pair of words.  Hence,
> for example, forwarding the weak object does not cause either of the
> pointers to be followed.
> Each generation in the gc keeps a singly-linked list of all of the
> weaks that are in that generation.  The links are through the second
> words of the weak objects themselves.
> Depending on the gc strategy, copying or mark-compact, the weak lists
> are processed differently.
> For a copying gc (major or minor), after the forward phase, walk the
> weak list, and for each weak object do the following.  If the weak
> object has not been forwarded, it is unreachable and useless, so do
> nothing.  If the weak object has been forwarded, link the forwarded
> object into the weak list of the to-generation and check the 'a
> pointer in the forwarded object.  If the 'a points to an object that
> has been forwarded, update the pointer.  If not, zero it out. 
> For our Jonkers mark-compact gc, the pass that threads pointers
> (updateForwardPointers) must treat each weak object that it sees
> specially.  If the 'a pointer points to an unmarked object, it must
> zero it out.  Otherwise, it must thread the 'a pointer just as it
> would a strong pointer.  As to the link, it must follow links,
> skipping unmarked weak objects, until it reaches the next marked weak
> object and then thread the link pointer to that next marked weak
> object.  With all this done, the next pass,
> updateBackwardPointersAndSlide, should do the right thing with all the
> weak objects.
> With all this in place:
>   MLton_Weak_canGet simply returns TRUE iff the first word of the weak
> 	object is nonzero.
>   MLton_Weak_get returns the first word of the weak object.
>   MLton_Weak_make x allocates a weak object, sets the first word to
> 	to x, and links it in to the weak list for the young generation.
> The only other issue that I can think of is what to do when the 'a in
> a 'a weak isn't a pointer.  The compiler will know this in the
> SsaToRssa pass.  It seems to me there are two choices.  We can either
> pretend that the 'a is always reachable or always unreachable.  The
> latter is slightly easier, since we can represent the 'a weak as unit
> and implement canGet as fn _ => false.  Threating the 'a as always
> reachable is pretty easy too.  Just implement 'a weak as 'a, canGet as
> fn _ => true, and get as fn x => x, again all within the SsaToRssa
> pass.  If anyone has an argument for going one way or the other, I'd
> be interested to hear it.
> Well, that's about all I can think of.  It seems like a reasonably
> efficient implementation without too much disruption of the runtime
> or the compiler.  Comments appreciated.

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