[MLton-devel] common argument optimization

Matthew Fluet MLton@mlton.org
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 15:52:36 -0500 (EST)

If anyone is interested, here are a few more results.  Bottom line:
putting commonArg after flatten can be a little better; commonArg using
dominators is better than commonArg using "exactly one syntactic actual"
(i.e., the analogy of the contification call analysis).

I built MLton with the SSA optimization pipeline like:

    ("loopInvariant", LoopInvariant.loopInvariant),
    ("localRef", LocalRef.eliminate),
    ("commonArg1", CommonArg.eliminate),
    ("flatten", Flatten.flatten),
    ("localFlatten3", LocalFlatten.flatten),
    ("commonArg2", CommonArg.eliminate),
    ("commonSubexp", CommonSubexp.eliminate),
    ("commonBlock", CommonBlock.eliminate),

The benchmarks with the (improved) dominator analysis look like the
following.  Note that the hamlet benchmark has no slowdown in compile time
(in fact, simplifications opened up by commonArg resulted in a faster
(backend and codegen presumably) compile time).  In most cases, using
commonArg1 or commonArg2 result in identical code, but occassionally
(notably hamlet, knuth-bendix, and raytrace), using commonArg2 is better
than commonArg1.

The benchmarks with an improved argument analysis are further below.  In
the majority of cases, they aren't significantly worse than with the
dominator anlaysis, although count-graphs is notably slower with argument.
Also, looking at the program sizes shows that often argument is just as
good as dominator.

** Dominator **

MLton0 -- mlton -drop-pass commonArg1 -drop-pass commonArg2
MLton1 -- mlton -drop-pass commonArg1
MLton2 -- mlton -drop-pass commonArg2
compile time
benchmark         MLton0 MLton1 MLton2
barnes-hut          2.03   2.11   2.05
boyer               3.92   3.98   4.02
checksum            0.62   0.65   0.61
count-graphs        1.41   1.37   1.40
DLXSimulator        3.29   3.19   3.18
fft                 1.09   1.06   1.07
fib                 0.61   0.63   0.62
hamlet             46.47  45.41  45.47
imp-for             0.65   0.65   0.66
knuth-bendix        1.97   1.98   2.00
lexgen              4.48   4.46   4.43
life                1.24   1.27   1.20
logic               2.47   2.45   2.41
mandelbrot          0.66   0.64   0.67
matrix-multiply     0.70   0.71   0.68
md5                 1.05   1.08   1.07
merge               0.63   0.69   0.63
mlyacc             19.70  19.87  19.45
model-elimination  19.44  19.41  19.14
mpuz                0.82   0.80   0.78
nucleic            78.89  79.02  79.15
peek                0.93   0.90   0.86
psdes-random        0.64   0.66   0.66
ratio-regions       1.98   1.94   1.99
ray                 3.16   3.02   3.04
raytrace            9.17   7.65   7.52
simple              5.30   5.34   5.40
smith-normal-form   6.17   6.15   6.15
tailfib             0.64   0.61   0.60
tak                 0.68   0.59   0.62
tensor              2.51   2.44   2.45
tsp                 1.28   1.30   1.31
tyan                3.15   3.17   3.22
vector-concat       0.70   0.73   0.68
vector-rev          0.66   0.64   0.64
vliw               11.69  11.39  11.47
wc-input1           1.25   1.29   1.34
wc-scanStream       1.27   1.32   1.30
zebra               3.21   3.30   3.23
zern                0.99   0.95   0.95
run time
benchmark         MLton0 MLton1 MLton2
barnes-hut         49.17  48.09  48.06
boyer              55.79  55.85  55.84
checksum           47.34  47.28  47.28
count-graphs       43.10  40.10  40.12
DLXSimulator       91.84  93.81  93.50
fft                34.67  34.87  34.58
fib                49.51  49.51  49.50
hamlet             53.50  51.45  51.87
imp-for            51.62  51.62  51.62
knuth-bendix       39.88  38.34  39.87
lexgen             41.16  41.05  41.10
life               55.01  52.42  52.42
logic              60.04  59.88  60.01
mandelbrot         54.77  54.77  54.77
matrix-multiply    31.15  31.14  31.18
md5               143.25 143.16 143.22
merge              84.47  83.60  83.44
mlyacc             39.12  39.30  39.31
model-elimination  72.26  72.64  72.67
mpuz               38.94  38.94  38.94
nucleic            41.61  41.51  41.67
peek               39.83  39.84  39.83
psdes-random       24.12  24.12  24.12
ratio-regions      36.98  37.05  36.73
ray                28.93  28.84  28.94
raytrace           42.73  40.73  41.16
simple             51.98  51.93  52.02
smith-normal-form  51.99  52.03  52.09
tailfib            46.29  46.29  46.30
tak                89.04  89.04  89.03
tensor             32.06  32.06  32.06
tsp                66.98  66.91  66.91
tyan               58.66  58.87  58.69
vector-concat      92.52  92.74  94.17
vector-rev        110.98 110.89 110.56
vliw               46.43  46.09  46.17
wc-input1         100.69 100.57 100.59
wc-scanStream      92.21  92.21  92.22
zebra              48.35  48.34  48.35
zern               41.92  41.65  41.68
run time ratio
benchmark         MLton1 MLton2
barnes-hut          0.98   0.98
boyer               1.00   1.00
checksum            1.00   1.00
count-graphs        0.93   0.93
DLXSimulator        1.02   1.02
fft                 1.01   1.00
fib                 1.00   1.00
hamlet              0.96   0.97
imp-for             1.00   1.00
knuth-bendix        0.96   1.00
lexgen              1.00   1.00
life                0.95   0.95
logic               1.00   1.00
mandelbrot          1.00   1.00
matrix-multiply     1.00   1.00
md5                 1.00   1.00
merge               0.99   0.99
mlyacc              1.00   1.01
model-elimination   1.01   1.01
mpuz                1.00   1.00
nucleic             1.00   1.00
peek                1.00   1.00
psdes-random        1.00   1.00
ratio-regions       1.00   0.99
ray                 1.00   1.00
raytrace            0.95   0.96
simple              1.00   1.00
smith-normal-form   1.00   1.00
tailfib             1.00   1.00
tak                 1.00   1.00
tensor              1.00   1.00
tsp                 1.00   1.00
tyan                1.00   1.00
vector-concat       1.00   1.02
vector-rev          1.00   1.00
vliw                0.99   0.99
wc-input1           1.00   1.00
wc-scanStream       1.00   1.00
zebra               1.00   1.00
zern                0.99   0.99
benchmark            MLton0    MLton1    MLton2
barnes-hut          116,588   116,492   116,492
boyer               137,555   137,595   137,571
checksum             51,187    51,187    51,187
count-graphs         69,475    68,891    68,891
DLXSimulator        108,068   105,876   105,876
fft                  59,711    58,567    58,567
fib                  51,187    51,187    51,187
hamlet            1,234,900 1,173,740 1,174,572
imp-for              51,179    51,179    51,179
knuth-bendix         92,508    92,380    92,412
lexgen              164,785   161,921   161,953
life                 71,187    71,083    71,043
logic               110,411   110,411   110,411
mandelbrot           51,299    51,299    51,299
matrix-multiply      51,755    51,755    51,755
md5                  60,300    60,300    60,300
merge                52,507    52,507    52,507
mlyacc              481,105   472,833   472,897
model-elimination   607,972   600,572   600,716
mpuz                 56,227    56,195    56,195
nucleic             198,003   198,003   198,035
peek                 58,748    58,612    58,612
psdes-random         51,891    51,891    51,891
ratio-regions        69,587    69,587    69,587
ray                 114,724   111,780   111,460
raytrace            279,201   213,153   213,313
simple              193,551   193,599   193,599
smith-normal-form   192,592   191,472   191,480
tailfib              50,987    50,987    50,987
tak                  51,395    51,395    51,395
tensor              114,895   114,735   114,735
tsp                  65,220    65,156    65,156
tyan                111,764   111,556   111,588
vector-concat        52,355    52,355    52,355
vector-rev           51,563    51,563    51,563
vliw                324,813   313,517   313,725
wc-input1            71,809    71,681    71,649
wc-scanStream        72,457    72,313    72,313
zebra               123,836   123,836   123,836
zern                 56,982    56,918    56,918

** Argument **

MLton0 -- mlton -drop-pass commonArg1 -drop-pass commonArg2
MLton1 -- mlton -drop-pass commonArg1
MLton2 -- mlton -drop-pass commonArg2
compile time
benchmark         MLton0 MLton1 MLton2
barnes-hut          2.10   2.04   2.12
boyer               3.97   3.88   4.01
checksum            0.63   0.63   0.61
count-graphs        1.42   1.40   1.38
DLXSimulator        3.34   3.12   3.15
fft                 1.08   1.09   1.08
fib                 0.61   0.64   0.60
hamlet             46.26  45.99  45.87
imp-for             0.62   0.62   0.68
knuth-bendix        1.99   1.95   2.00
lexgen              4.47   4.48   4.49
life                1.27   1.30   1.29
logic               2.47   2.46   2.41
mandelbrot          0.62   0.67   0.67
matrix-multiply     0.67   0.68   0.71
md5                 1.08   1.09   1.06
merge               0.66   0.64   0.67
mlyacc             19.45  19.89  19.45
model-elimination  19.45  19.48  19.79
mpuz                0.83   0.78   0.81
nucleic            79.18  78.76  78.83
peek                0.91   0.89   0.91
psdes-random        0.64   0.65   0.70
ratio-regions       2.01   1.98   1.94
ray                 3.13   3.11   3.13
raytrace            9.23   8.68   8.85
simple              5.39   5.46   5.34
smith-normal-form   6.06   6.06   6.13
tailfib             0.67   0.62   0.63
tak                 0.64   0.59   0.63
tensor              2.42   2.44   2.44
tsp                 1.30   1.31   1.28
tyan                3.13   3.15   3.13
vector-concat       0.69   0.69   0.71
vector-rev          0.64   0.66   0.69
vliw               11.67  11.45  11.48
wc-input1           1.30   1.27   1.23
wc-scanStream       1.35   1.30   1.30
zebra               3.21   3.24   3.30
zern                0.97   0.99   0.97
run time
benchmark         MLton0 MLton1 MLton2
barnes-hut         49.09  48.19  48.10
boyer              55.66  55.91  55.80
checksum           47.28  47.34  47.28
count-graphs       43.13  42.52  42.85
DLXSimulator       91.90  93.83  93.40
fft                36.02  36.12  36.62
fib                49.50  49.50  49.50
hamlet             53.48  53.77  53.60
imp-for            51.62  51.62  51.62
knuth-bendix       39.88  39.84  39.86
lexgen             41.17  41.05  41.04
life               55.00  52.52  52.51
logic              59.98  60.13  60.11
mandelbrot         54.77  54.77  54.77
matrix-multiply    31.58  31.38  31.50
md5               143.17 143.14 143.18
merge              84.58  84.04  83.61
mlyacc             39.02  39.48  38.36
model-elimination  72.39  72.75  72.49
mpuz               38.94  38.94  38.94
nucleic            41.59  41.62  41.50
peek               39.83  39.84  39.83
psdes-random       24.12  24.12  24.12
ratio-regions      36.94  36.51  36.81
ray                28.90  28.91  29.02
raytrace           42.77  42.04  42.64
simple             52.07  51.94  51.95
smith-normal-form  52.00  51.84  52.12
tailfib            46.28  46.28  46.29
tak                89.03  89.04  89.04
tensor             32.06  32.06  32.06
tsp                66.86  67.13  66.89
tyan               58.60  58.80  58.74
vector-concat      92.68  93.63  92.44
vector-rev        110.17 110.82 110.44
vliw               46.17  46.20  46.22
wc-input1         100.43 100.64 100.53
wc-scanStream      91.83  91.61  91.63
zebra              48.34  48.49  48.34
zern               41.66  41.91  41.74
run time ratio
benchmark         MLton1 MLton2
barnes-hut          0.98   0.98
boyer               1.00   1.00
checksum            1.00   1.00
count-graphs        0.99   0.99
DLXSimulator        1.02   1.02
fft                 1.00   1.02
fib                 1.00   1.00
hamlet              1.01   1.00
imp-for             1.00   1.00
knuth-bendix        1.00   1.00
lexgen              1.00   1.00
life                0.95   0.95
logic               1.00   1.00
mandelbrot          1.00   1.00
matrix-multiply     0.99   1.00
md5                 1.00   1.00
merge               0.99   0.99
mlyacc              1.01   0.98
model-elimination   1.00   1.00
mpuz                1.00   1.00
nucleic             1.00   1.00
peek                1.00   1.00
psdes-random        1.00   1.00
ratio-regions       0.99   1.00
ray                 1.00   1.00
raytrace            0.98   1.00
simple              1.00   1.00
smith-normal-form   1.00   1.00
tailfib             1.00   1.00
tak                 1.00   1.00
tensor              1.00   1.00
tsp                 1.00   1.00
tyan                1.00   1.00
vector-concat       1.01   1.00
vector-rev          1.01   1.00
vliw                1.00   1.00
wc-input1           1.00   1.00
wc-scanStream       1.00   1.00
zebra               1.00   1.00
zern                1.01   1.00
benchmark            MLton0    MLton1    MLton2
barnes-hut          116,588   116,492   116,492
boyer               137,555   137,595   137,571
checksum             51,187    51,187    51,187
count-graphs         69,475    69,011    69,011
DLXSimulator        108,068   105,876   105,876
fft                  59,711    58,567    58,567
fib                  51,187    51,187    51,187
hamlet            1,234,900 1,208,156 1,208,684
imp-for              51,179    51,179    51,179
knuth-bendix         92,508    92,412    92,412
lexgen              164,785   162,129   162,129
life                 71,187    71,083    71,043
logic               110,411   110,411   110,411
mandelbrot           51,299    51,299    51,299
matrix-multiply      51,755    51,755    51,755
md5                  60,300    60,300    60,300
merge                52,507    52,507    52,507
mlyacc              481,105   472,945   472,161
model-elimination   607,972   602,076   602,156
mpuz                 56,227    56,195    56,195
nucleic             198,003   198,003   198,035
peek                 58,748    58,612    58,612
psdes-random         51,891    51,891    51,891
ratio-regions        69,587    69,587    69,587
ray                 114,724   111,828   111,604
raytrace            279,201   269,457   269,601
simple              193,551   193,599   193,599
smith-normal-form   192,592   191,472   191,480
tailfib              50,987    50,987    50,987
tak                  51,395    51,395    51,395
tensor              114,895   114,735   114,735
tsp                  65,220    65,156    65,156
tyan                111,764   111,556   111,588
vector-concat        52,355    52,355    52,355
vector-rev           51,563    51,563    51,563
vliw                324,813   313,853   314,077
wc-input1            71,809    71,681    71,649
wc-scanStream        72,457    72,313    72,313
zebra               123,836   123,836   123,836
zern                 56,982    56,918    56,918

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