[MLton] cvs commit: new front end

sweeks@mlton.org sweeks@mlton.org
Tue, 11 Nov 2003 13:26:35 -0800

sweeks      03/11/11 13:26:34

  Modified:    mlton/elaborate elaborate-core.fun elaborate-env.fun
  The next phase in the new front end: using functor summaries to speed
  up checking of functor applications.
  Now, when a functor is first type checked, we keep track of the dummy
  argument structure and the dummy result structure, as well as all the
  tycons that were created while elaborating the body.  Then, if we
  later need to type check an application of the functor (as opposed to
  defunctorize an application), we pair up tycons in the dummy argument
  structure with the actual argument structure and then replace the
  dummy tycons with the actual tycons in the dummy result structure,
  yielding the actual result structure.  We also generate new tycons for
  all the tycons that we created while originally elaborating the body.
  With this improvement, type checking all of MLton has gone from 45s to
  just under 20.  That's almost livable for day-to-day use.
  All that's left is opaque matching (and lots of testing).

Revision  Changes    Path
1.47      +5 -6      mlton/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-core.fun

Index: elaborate-core.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-core.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.46
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -r1.46 -r1.47
--- elaborate-core.fun	10 Nov 2003 23:01:59 -0000	1.46
+++ elaborate-core.fun	11 Nov 2003 21:26:34 -0000	1.47
@@ -885,15 +885,14 @@
 	       (datatypes, fn {cons, tycon = name, tyvars} =>
+		   val kind = Kind.Arity (Vector.length tyvars)
 		   val tycon =
-		      Tycon.fromString
+		      Env.newTycon
 		      (concat (List.separate
 			       (rev (Ast.Tycon.toString name :: nest),
-				".")))
-		   val _ =
-		      Env.extendTycon
-		      (E, name,
-		       TypeStr.tycon (tycon, Kind.Arity (Vector.length tyvars)))
+				".")),
+		       kind)
+		   val _ = Env.extendTycon (E, name, TypeStr.tycon (tycon, kind))

1.20      +210 -9    mlton/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-env.fun

Index: elaborate-env.fun
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-env.fun,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -r1.19 -r1.20
--- elaborate-env.fun	10 Nov 2003 23:01:59 -0000	1.19
+++ elaborate-env.fun	11 Nov 2003 21:26:34 -0000	1.20
@@ -237,6 +237,13 @@
+      val map: ('a, 'b) t * ('b -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) t =
+	 fn (T a, f) =>
+	 T (Array.map (a, fn {range, values, ...} =>
+		       {isUsed = ref false,
+			range = f range,
+			values = values}))
 (* pre: arities are equal. *)
@@ -268,11 +275,18 @@
 structure Structure =
-      datatype t = T of {shapeId: ShapeId.t option,
+      datatype t = T of {plist: PropertyList.t,
+			 shapeId: ShapeId.t option,
 			 strs: (Ast.Strid.t, t) Info.t,
 			 types: (Ast.Tycon.t, TypeStr.t) Info.t,
 			 vals: (Ast.Vid.t, Vid.t * Scheme.t) Info.t}
+      local
+	 fun make f (T r) = f r
+      in
+	 val plist = make #plist
+      end
       fun layoutUsed (T {strs, types, vals, ...}) =
 	    open Layout
@@ -344,7 +358,8 @@
-      val bogus = T {shapeId = NONE,
+      val bogus = T {plist = PropertyList.new (),
+		     shapeId = NONE,
 		     strs = Info.bogus (),
 		     vals = Info.bogus (),
 		     types = Info.bogus ()}
@@ -420,7 +435,8 @@
 	    val (addType, types) = make Ast.Tycon.<=
 	    val (addVal, vals) = make Ast.Vid.<=
 	    fun finish shapeId =
-	       T {shapeId = shapeId,
+	       T {plist = PropertyList.new (),
+		  shapeId = shapeId,
 		  strs = strs (), 
 		  types = types (),
 		  vals = vals ()}
@@ -1098,13 +1114,64 @@
+val useFunctorSummary = ref false
+val newTycons: (Tycon.t * Kind.t) list ref = ref []
+val newTycon: string * Kind.t -> Tycon.t =
+   fn (s, k) =>
+   let
+      val c = Tycon.fromString s
+      val _ = List.push (newTycons, (c, k))
+   in
+      c
+   end
+val propertyFun:
+   ('a -> PropertyList.t) * ('a * 'b * ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'c)
+   -> ('a * 'b -> 'c) * {destroy: unit -> unit} =
+   fn (plist, f) =>
+   let
+      fun uncurry g (a, b) = g a b 
+      val {destroy, get: 'a -> 'b -> 'c, ...} =
+	 Property.destGet
+	 (plist,
+	  Property.initRec
+	  (fn (a, get) =>
+	   let
+	      val done = ref NONE
+	   in
+	      fn b =>
+	      case !done of
+		 NONE =>
+		    let
+		       val c = f (a, b, uncurry get)
+		       val _ = done := SOME c
+		    in
+		       c
+		    end
+	       | SOME c => c
+	   end))
+   in
+      (uncurry get, {destroy = destroy})
+   end
 fun functorClosure
    (E: t,
     argInt: Interface.t,
     makeBody: Structure.t * string list -> Decs.t * Structure.t) =
-      val _ = makeBody (dummyStructure (E, argInt), [])
+      val formal = dummyStructure (E, argInt)
+      val _ = useFunctorSummary := true
+      (* Keep track of all tycons created during the instantiation of the
+       * functor.  These will later become the generative tycons that will need
+       * to be recreated for each functor application.
+       *)
+      val _ = newTycons := []
+      val (_, res) = makeBody (formal, [])
+      val generative = !newTycons
+      val _ = newTycons := []
+      val _ = useFunctorSummary := false
       val restore = snapshot E
       fun apply (arg, nest, region) =
@@ -1112,10 +1179,143 @@
 	       Structure.cut (arg, {interface = argInt,
 				    opaque = false,
 				    region = region})
-	    val (decs', str) = restore (fn () => makeBody (actual, nest))
-	    (Decs.append (decs, decs'),
-	     str)
+	    if !useFunctorSummary
+	       then
+		  let
+		     val {destroy = destroy1,
+			  get = tyconTypeStr: Tycon.t -> TypeStr.t option,
+			  set = setTyconTypeStr, ...} =
+			Property.destGetSet (Tycon.plist,
+					     Property.initConst NONE)
+		     (* Match the actual against the formal, to set the
+		      * tycons.  Then duplicate the res, replacing tycons.
+		      * Want to generate new tycons just like the functor body
+		      * did.
+		      * Need to treat the formal as a DAG.
+		      *)
+		     val (setTycons, {destroy}) =
+			propertyFun
+			(Structure.plist,
+			 (fn (formal, actual, setTycons) =>
+			  let
+			     val Structure.T {strs = Info.T s,
+					      types = Info.T t, ...} =
+				formal
+			     val Structure.T {strs = Info.T s',
+					      types = Info.T t', ...} =
+				actual
+			     val _ =
+				Array.foreach2
+				(t, t',
+				 fn ({range = r, ...},
+				     {range = r', ...}) =>
+				 let
+				    fun doit tycon =
+				       setTyconTypeStr (tycon, SOME r')
+				 in
+				    case TypeStr.node r of
+				       TypeStr.Datatype {tycon, ...} =>
+					  doit tycon
+				     | TypeStr.Scheme _ => ()
+				     | TypeStr.Tycon tycon => doit tycon
+				 end)
+			     val _ =
+				Array.foreach2
+				(s, s', fn ({range = s, ...},
+					    {range = s', ...}) =>
+				 setTycons (s, s'))
+			  in
+			     ()
+			  end))
+		     val _ = setTycons (formal, actual)
+		     val _ = destroy ()
+		     val _ =
+			List.foreach
+			(generative, fn (c, k) =>
+			 setTyconTypeStr
+			 (c, SOME (TypeStr.tycon
+				   (newTycon (Tycon.originalName c, k),
+				    k))))
+		     fun replaceType (t: Type.t): Type.t =
+			let
+			   fun con (c, ts) =
+			      case tyconTypeStr c of
+				 NONE => Type.con (c, ts)
+			       | SOME s => TypeStr.apply (s, ts)
+			in
+			   Type.hom (t, {con = con,
+					 record = Type.record,
+					 var = Type.var})
+			end
+		     fun replaceScheme (s: Scheme.t): Scheme.t =
+			let
+			   val (tyvars, ty) = Scheme.dest s
+			in
+			   Scheme.make {canGeneralize = true,
+					ty = replaceType ty,
+					tyvars = tyvars}
+			end
+		     fun replaceCons (Cons.T v): Cons.t =
+			Cons.T
+			(Vector.map
+			 (v, fn {con, name, scheme} =>
+			  {con = con,
+			   name = name,
+			   scheme = replaceScheme scheme}))
+		     fun replaceTypeStr (s: TypeStr.t): TypeStr.t =
+			let
+			   val k = TypeStr.kind s
+			   datatype z = datatype TypeStr.node
+			in
+			   case TypeStr.node s of
+			      Datatype {cons, tycon} =>
+				 let
+				    val tycon =
+				       case tyconTypeStr tycon of
+					  NONE => tycon
+					| SOME s =>
+					     (case TypeStr.node s of
+						Datatype {tycon, ...} => tycon
+					      | Scheme _ =>
+						   Error.bug "bad datatype"
+					      | Tycon c => c)
+				 in
+				    TypeStr.data (tycon, k, replaceCons cons)
+				 end
+			    | Scheme s => TypeStr.def (replaceScheme s, k)
+			    | Tycon c =>
+				 (case tyconTypeStr c of
+				     NONE => s
+				   | SOME s' => s')
+			end
+		     val {destroy = destroy2,
+			  get = replacement: Structure.t -> Structure.t, ...} =
+			Property.destGet
+			(Structure.plist,
+			 Property.initRec
+			 (fn (Structure.T {shapeId, strs, types, vals, ... },
+			      replacement) =>
+			  Structure.T
+			  {plist = PropertyList.new (),
+			   shapeId = shapeId,
+			   strs = Info.map (strs, replacement),
+			   types = Info.map (types, replaceTypeStr),
+			   vals = Info.map (vals, fn (v, s) =>
+					    (v, replaceScheme s))}))
+		     val res = replacement res
+		     val _ = destroy1 ()
+		     val _ = destroy2 ()
+		  in
+		     (Decs.empty, res)
+		  end
+	    else
+	       let
+		  val (decs', str) = restore (fn () => makeBody (actual, nest))
+	       in
+		  (Decs.append (decs, decs'),
+		   str)
+	       end
       val apply =
 	 Trace.trace ("functorApply",
@@ -1453,7 +1653,8 @@
       val _ = currentScope := Scope.new ()
       val res = make ()
       val _ = f ()
-      val S = Structure.T {shapeId = NONE,
+      val S = Structure.T {plist = PropertyList.new (),
+			   shapeId = NONE,
 			   strs = s (),
 			   types = t (),
 			   vals = v ()}

1.11      +4 -0      mlton/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-env.sig

Index: elaborate-env.sig
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/mlton/elaborate/elaborate-env.sig,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
--- elaborate-env.sig	10 Nov 2003 23:01:59 -0000	1.10
+++ elaborate-env.sig	11 Nov 2003 21:26:34 -0000	1.11
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
       structure Decs: DECS
       sharing CoreML = Decs.CoreML
+      structure Tycon: TYCON
+      sharing Tycon = TypeEnv.Tycon
       structure Type:
 	    type t
@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@
       structure TypeStr: TYPE_STR
       sharing TypeStr.Con = CoreML.Con
+      sharing TypeStr.Kind = Tycon.Kind
       sharing TypeStr.Name = Ast.Con
       sharing TypeStr.Scheme = Scheme
       sharing TypeStr.Tycon = CoreML.Tycon
@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@
       val lookupLongvid: t * Ast.Longvid.t -> Vid.t * Scheme.t
       val lookupSigid: t * Ast.Sigid.t -> Interface.t
       val makeStructure: t * (unit -> 'a) -> 'a * Structure.t
+      val newTycon: string * Tycon.Kind.t -> Tycon.t
       (* openStructure (E, S) opens S in the environment E. *) 
       val openStructure: t * Structure.t -> unit
       val peekFix: t * Ast.Vid.t -> Ast.Fixity.t option