[MLton] Question on Investigating Segfaults in Compiler

Brent Fulgham bfulg@pacbell.net
Thu, 8 Jul 2004 18:20:38 -0700 (PDT)

> 3. Run the regression tests with the cross-compiler.
>  To cross-compile
>    all the tests, do
> 	bin/regression -cross i386-mingw
>   This will create all the executables.  Then, copy
> bin/regression and
>   the regression directory to the target machine,
> and do
> 	bin/regression -run-only
>   This should run all the tests. 

I'm running into trouble here already.  For some
reason, gcState is not being built into the runtime
properly (here I'm using gcc directly, rather than
running bin/regression because I was trying to
determine where I was having problems).

bfulgham@BFULGHAM ~/mlton/regression
$ gcc -o 1.exe 1.0.o 1.1.o -L. -lmlton -lgmp -lgdtoa
1.0.o(.text+0x2):1.0.S: undefined reference to
1.0.o(.text+0x11):1.0.S: undefined reference to
1.0.o(.text+0x1d):1.0.S: undefined reference to
1.0.o(.text+0x2d):1.0.S: undefined reference to
1.0.o(.text+0xaf):1.0.S: undefined reference to
1.0.o(.text+0xb5):1.0.S: undefined reference to

[ ... ]

The libmlton.a is the version built under Mingwin,
which was used to run "print-constants".  Obviously,
the Cygwin build does create a defined gcState entry,
but the Mingwin build does not:

bfulgham@bfulgham ~/mlton.cygwin/build/lib/Mingwin
$ nm libmlton.a  | grep gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState

bfulgham@bfulgham ~/mlton.cygwin/build/lib/Mingwin
$ nm ~/mlton.cygwin/build/lib/self/libmlton.a | grep
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
         U _gcState
00000320 C _gcState

I've grepped around a bit, but don't see where gcState
(for example) is actually allocated.  If you can point
me in the right direction, I'll be able to figure out
what's not being built.

