[MLton] Windows ports and paths

Wesley W. Terpstra wesley@terpstra.ca
Sun, 1 May 2005 15:49:28 +0200

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On Sun, May 01, 2005 at 01:29:31PM +0200, Wesley W. Terpstra wrote:
> I've prepared a hand-made 3-way diff which  ...

This new patch makes a few changes resulting from Andreas's comments.

Instead of taking mkCanonical of the path arguement, our version just
compares the canonName form of the paths. If we make it canonical like
Andreas suggested, several regressions result, including some explicitly
listed in the standard (eg: "/a/b/" + "/a/c/" -> "../b/" not "../b").

I also special-cased concat (_, "") to behave as before.

Hopefully, that's the last of these path changes! =)

Wesley W. Terpstra

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Index: path.sml
RCS file: /cvsroot/mlton/mlton/basis-library/system/path.sml,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 path.sml
--- path.sml	1 May 2005 08:44:33 -0000	1.13
+++ path.sml	1 May 2005 13:46:23 -0000
@@ -82,6 +82,11 @@
          relative = "" orelse
           (isVolumeName root) andalso (isVolumeName relative) andalso
            Char.toUpper (root sub 0) = Char.toUpper (relative sub 0)
+      fun canonName a = 
+         if isWindows
+         then String.translate (str o Char.toLower) a
+         else a
   val parentArc  = ".."
@@ -92,25 +97,6 @@
    * The big problem with windows paths is "\foo""
    * - It's not absolute, since chdir("A:\") may switch from "C:", thus
    *   changing the meaning of "\foo".
-   * - However, it's different from (and 'more absolute' than) "foo"
-   *
-   * Somehow, we need to distinguish "\foo" and "foo" without using isAbs
-   * like is done for Unix paths. Trying to keep the leading "\" in the
-   * arc leads to a mess of interactions later, so I don't do this.
-   * It seems to make the most sense to just allow a leading "" for
-   * non-absolute paths under windows. This has implications only in
-   * the implementation of mkCanonical, concat, and isRoot.
-   * 
-   * I propose for Windows:
-   * "E:foo"  => { isAbs=false, vol="E:", arcs=["foo"]  }
-   * "E:\foo" => { isAbs=true,  vol="E:", arcs=["foo"]  }
-   * "\foo"   => { isAbs=false, vol="",   arcs=["", "foo"] }
-   * "foo"    => { isAbs=false, vol="",   arcs=["foo"]  }
-   * "/foo"   => { isAbs=true,  vol="/",  arcs=["foo"]  } (cygwin volumeHack)
-   *
-   * For UNIX:
-   * "foo"    => { isAbs=false, vol="",   arcs=["foo"]  }
-   * "/foo"   => { isAbs=true,  vol="",   arcs=["foo"]  }
   fun validVolume {isAbs, vol} = 
      if isWindows 
@@ -130,10 +116,7 @@
         val (isAbs, arcs) =
            case (String.fields isslash rest) of
                 "" :: [] => (false, [])
-              | "" :: r => 
-                 if isWindows andalso vol = "" 
-                 then (false, "" :: r)
-                 else (true, r)
+              | "" :: r => (true, r)
               | r => (false, r)
         {isAbs=isAbs, vol=vol, arcs=arcs}
@@ -158,8 +141,7 @@
   fun toString {arcs, isAbs, vol} =
      if not (validVolume {isAbs = isAbs, vol = vol})
 	then raise Path
-     else if not isWindows andalso not isAbs andalso 
-             case arcs of ("" :: _) => true | _ => false
+     else if not isAbs andalso case arcs of ("" :: _) => true | _ => false
         then raise Path
      else if List.exists (not o isArc) arcs
 	then raise InvalidArc
@@ -168,25 +150,19 @@
         (if isAbs andalso (not volumeHack orelse vol <> "/") then slash else "") ^ 
         String.concatWith slash arcs
-  (* The standard doesn't address:
-   *    concat("E:foo", "\foo") --> I say, raise Path
-   *)
   fun concat (p1, p2) =
         fun cutEmptyTail l = 
            List.rev (case List.rev l of ("" :: r) => r | l => l)
-        fun concatArcs (a1, []) = a1
+        fun concatArcs ([], []) = []
+          | concatArcs (a1, []) = cutEmptyTail a1 @ [""]
           | concatArcs (a1, a2) = cutEmptyTail a1 @ a2
-        fun illegalJoin (_ :: _, "" :: _) = true
-          | illegalJoin _ = false
         case (fromString p1, fromString p2) of
              (_, {isAbs=true, ...}) => raise Path
            | ({isAbs, vol=v1, arcs=a1}, {vol=v2, arcs=a2, ...}) =>
               if not (volumeMatch (v1, v2))
                  then raise Path
-              else if isWindows andalso illegalJoin (a1, a2)
-                 then raise Path
               else toString { isAbs=isAbs, vol=v1, arcs=concatArcs (a1, a2) }
@@ -198,7 +174,6 @@
             | "." :: r => parentArc :: r
             | ".." :: r => parentArc :: parentArc :: r
             | _ :: [] => if isAbs then [""] else [currentArc]
-            | _ :: "" :: [] => ["", ""] (* \ *)
             | "" :: r => parentArc :: r
 	    | _ :: r => r)
@@ -207,19 +182,9 @@
   fun mkCanonical p =
       let val {isAbs, vol, arcs} = fromString p
-          fun canonName a = 
-             if isWindows
-             then String.translate (str o Char.toLower) a
-             else a
-          val driveTop = case arcs of "" :: _ => true | _ => false
-          val isRoot = isAbs orelse driveTop
-          val bump = if driveTop andalso not isAbs then [""] else []
 	  fun backup l =
 	     case l of
-		[] => if isRoot then [] else [parentArc]
+		[] => if isAbs then [] else [parentArc]
 	      | first :: res =>
 		   if first = ".."
 		      then parentArc :: parentArc :: res
@@ -230,8 +195,8 @@
 		 fun h l res =
 		    case l of
 		       [] => (case res of
-				 [] => if isRoot then bump @ [""] else [currentArc]
-			       | _ => res @ bump)
+				 [] => if isAbs then [""] else [currentArc]
+			       | _ => res )
 		     | a1 :: ar =>
 			  if a1 = "" orelse a1 = "."
 			     then h ar res
@@ -246,11 +211,8 @@
   fun parentize []      = []
     | parentize (_::ar) = parentArc :: parentize ar
-  fun hackRoot {vol, arcs=""::r, ...} = {isAbs=true, vol=vol, arcs=r}
-    | hackRoot x = x
   fun mkRelative {path = p1, relativeTo = p2} =
-      case (hackRoot (fromString p1), hackRoot (fromString (mkCanonical p2))) of
+      case (fromString p1, fromString (mkCanonical p2)) of
 	  (_ ,                {isAbs=false,...}) => raise Path
 	| ({isAbs=false,...}, _                ) => p1
 	| ({vol=vol1, arcs=arcs1,...}, {vol=vol2, arcs=arcs2, ...}) =>
@@ -258,7 +220,7 @@
 		    | h a1 [] = a1
 		    | h [] a2 = parentize a2
 		    | h (a1 as (a11::a1r)) (a2 as (a21::a2r)) =
-		      if a11=a21 then h a1r a2r
+		      if canonName a11 = a21 then h a1r a2r
 		      else parentize a2 @ (if arcs1 = [""] then [] else a1)
 		  if not (volumeMatch (vol2, vol1)) then raise Path
@@ -319,7 +281,6 @@
   fun isRoot path =
      case fromString path of
 	{isAbs = true,  arcs=[""],  ...} => true
-      | {isAbs = false, arcs=["", ""], ...} => isWindows
       | _ => false
   fun fromUnixPath s = 
