[MLton] Windows port of MLton using the Microsoft tools (e.g. without MinGW)

Daniel C. Wang danwang at CS.Princeton.EDU
Thu Jul 26 19:38:20 PDT 2007


Have you considered SFU/SUA. You can download a full gcc tool chain for 
it from Microsoft!


The catch of course is that this subsystem is only available for Server 
class versions of windows or Vista Ultimate.

Nicolas Bertolotti wrote:
>  > As for assembler, I have been using Yasm <http://www.tortall.net/
>> projects/yasm/> with the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) because that
>> outputs assembler with gas syntax and Yasm, a Windows-native program
>> that outputs MS PE-COFF format (-fwin32 or -fwin64), is capable of
>> building the entire compiler.  There is a windows binary of Yasm
>> available for download.  (Yasm also accepts NASM syntax, which I am
>> using for pure-assembler pieces of a replacement gmp-library I have
>> been working on, though slowly of late.)  It would not be too much
>> trouble to use Yasm in the Makefile; if you want I will see what I
>> can do.
> Hi,
> I didn't know Yasm so I've download it and tried to use it instead of 'gas'
> in order to build the MLton generated files for a simple "Hello world"
> program.
> In order to build using gas, I used :
> i686-pc-mingw32-as -o sources.1.obj sources.1.S
> Then, I changed my script in order to run :
> $ ./toto.pl sources.1.S
> $ yasm-0.6.1-win32.exe -p gas -w -X gnu -f coff sources.1.S -o sources.1.obj
> where toto.pl is a script which simply handles the __LINE__ directive that
> is used in the generated files.
> Unfortunately, the resulting binary crashes (similar crash than the one I
> has using MASM). Anyway, I'd prefer not adding a dependency to an additional
> external tool and rely only on Microsoft's (strange idea isn't it ?)
> The issue may be related to the cdecl & declspec stuff as mentioned by
> Matthew in a previous message so I'm going to take a look.
> Cheers
> Nicolas
>> Cheers,
>> Pete
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