[MLton] Experimental 64-bit binary package (& SVN sources)

Daniel C. Wang danwang at CS.Princeton.EDU
Thu Mar 1 19:48:31 PST 2007

Matthew Fluet wrote:
{stuff deleted}
>    Word64.  Unfortunately, we don't have a *bitcast* from Real32 to
>    Word32; naively emitting
>      Real32 r = ...;
>      Word32 w = (Word32)r;
>    results in coercion that attempts to preserve the numeric meaning
>    of r, rather than the bits of r.  Simply more evidence that we need
>    real/word bitcast primitives.

Need them in the MLton IR or the C-code? This I think does the "right" 
thing in ANSIC.
typedef  union {
             Word32 asWord32;
             Reald32 asReal32;
             /* ... */
               } univ_t;
inline Real32bitstoWord32bits(Word32 w) {
univ_t v;
 v.asWord32 = w;
return  v.asReal32;
using GC expresion statements. i think this is might work also
#define BITCAST(T1,T2,e)  ({ univ_t v; v.as##T1 = e;v.as#T2})

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