release of MLton version 20010806

Stephen Weeks
Sun, 7 Oct 2001 16:46:34 -0700

We are pleased to announce the release of MLton version 20011006.
Version 20011006 is mostly a bug-fix release over 20010806.  Notable
changes include:

   + Added MLton.Exn.history, which is similar to SMLofNJ.exnHistory.
   + Support for #line directives of the form (*#line line.col "file"*).
   + Performance improvements in native codegenerator.
   + Bug fixes in front-end, optimizer, register allocator,
     Real.{maxFinite, minPos, toManExp}, and in heap save and restore.

For more information, go to the MLton home page.

Send comments, questions, and bug reports to