[MLton-user] MLton.Finalizable.touch

Florian Weimer fw@deneb.enyo.de
Sat, 27 Aug 2005 09:49:53 +0200

* Stephen Weeks:

> True, it isn't.  Unfortunately, the code you sent was syntactically
> incorrect.  Could you please send a corrected version?  Thanks.

Oops, copied the wrong file.  Sorry.

fun test6 (str : string) =
    let open MLton.Finalizable
	val x = new str
	exception Exit
    in addFinalizer (x, fn s => print (s ^ ": finalizer\n"));
       withValue (x, fn s =>
			(print "before GC 6\n";
			 MLton.GC.collect ();
			 print "after GC 6\n";
			 raise Exit))
       handle Exit => ()

val _ = (print "before test 6\n";
	 test6 "test 6";
	 print "before GC 6a\n";
	 MLton.GC.collect ();
	 print "after GC 6a\n")

The expected output is:

before test 6
before GC 6
after GC 6
before GC 6a
test 6: finalizer
after GC 6a