[MLton-user] Real32.realRound is broken

John Reppy jhreppy at mac.com
Wed Apr 23 20:44:12 PDT 2008

The Real32.realRound function in mlton does not work.  Here is a  
simple test

	fun snap f = 0.001 * Real32.realRound(f * 1000.0);
	fun g x = print(concat["x = ", Real32.toString x, ", snap(x) = ",  
Real32.toString(snap x), "\n"]);
	g 45.0000038147;

The Real64 version of this program produces the correct output

	x = 45.0000038147, snap(x) = 45

but the Real32 version produces

	x = 45.0000038147, snap(x) = 45.0000038147

This is using MLton 20070826 on Mac OS X 10.5.2/Intel.

	- John

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