[MLton-user] Feature request: MLton.Finalizable

John Reppy jhreppy at mac.com
Mon Jun 2 07:29:16 PDT 2008

I'm using finalization as a backstop for explicit management
of resources (e.g., textures and shaders).  I typically use the type

	Int32.int option ref MLton.Finalizable.t

to represent these resources and set the ref to NONE when it
has been explicitly deallocated.  I could streamline this
process with the addition of the following two operations to
the Finalizable structure:

       (* remove all finalization functions from the object *)
	val cancelFinalizers : 'a t -> unit

       (* change the state of the finalized object *)
	val update ('a t * 'a) -> unit

The implementation is straightforward:

	fun cancelFinalizers (T{finalizers, ...}) = finalizers := []

	fun update (T{value, ...}, x) = value := x

Any chance of getting these added to MLton?

	- John

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