Team PLClub ICFP entry -- comparing the performance of OCAML and SML

Stephen Weeks
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 13:08:33 -0700 (PDT)

At the request of several SML/NJ developers, I reran the benchmarks with some
newer versions of SML/NJ: 110.25 and 110.29.  Here are the results.

			    110.9.1 110.25  110.29
              OCAML  MLton  SML/NJ  SML/NJ  SML/NJ
holes           1.8    3.5     6.4     4.7     5.0
fov             1.5    2.1     6.1     4.8     4.4
intercyl        1.6    2.4     8.9     6.5     6.0
snowgoon        2.9    4.0    13.2     8.6     8.4
dice            3.9    5.7    15.5    11.3    10.8
golf            1.5    2.5     5.8     4.3     4.2
cone-fractal    3.7    4.9    13.0     9.0     8.4
large           4.3    3.1     3.9     3.9     7.6
pipe            5.4    5.3    17.9    13.2    11.3
chess          16.0   17.8    60.4    40.4    38.6
fractal        12.2    8.7    40.6    26.9    41.1

geom-mean       3.6    4.4    12.2     9.0     9.5