new release

Stephen Weeks
Thu, 11 Jan 2001 10:15:12 -0800 (PST)

> Could you send me a couple of the test files you were looking at?  I'll
> see what phases are really being slowed down and see if there is anything
> to be done there.

I used the following program to generate test cases.  The compile times on the
test cases were much worse than linear in the list length.


val n = valOf (Int.fromString (hd (CommandLine.arguments ())))
fun loop i =
   if i = n
      then ()
   else (print (concat [",\n\t ", Int.toString i])
	 ; loop (i + 1))
val _ =
   print "val l = [0"
val _ =
   loop 1
val _ =
   print "]\nval _ = (fn x => print (concat [Int.toString x, \"\\n\"])) l\n"