ML Kit 4.1.0 and MLton copyrighted files

Stephen Weeks
Sun, 7 Apr 2002 22:20:36 -0700

> I will do what you ask and I should say that I did plan to create some
> kind of copyright overview of the different source code pieces in the
> ML Kit. I'll also add the copyright lines to each of the files, as you
> asked for, although personally, I hate to have these lines
> around---notice that the ML Kit files do not contain such lines.

Thanks.  I hate them too.  Personally, I think a copyright overview
notice is sufficient.  But, those lines were there (at the request of
the NEC lawyer from when I was at NEC), and so they must stay, I am

> Sorry Stephen, I hope you didn't get the impression that I'm trying to
> steel your code ;)

No problem.  Actually, more important to me than the copyright is the
attribution, since it tells someone where to find the original version
of the code, so they can check for changes or bug fixes if they want.